, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Sep 6, 2010

Newt Gingrich then and now: (im) peaches and tea

Newt Gingrich last won political office so long ago the chads have whiskers.

And though he's up to something GOP-ish with the big corporation Koch Brothers funded Tea Party movement, this article comparing him in his political heyday (think 'impeach Clinton') to his current machinations leaves me sputteringly speechless. Almost.

As I like to remind people whenever necessary: Mr. Gingrich is not from Georgia. I am from Georgia. He is not. And yes, there be many home-grown jackasses from Georgia and I may very well be one of them.

But Gingrich is from elsewhere.

So if you must, here's Newt back in 2009 accusing President Obama of 'coddling terrorists' while visions of Joseph McCarthy danced in his head.

You know, if it weren't so tragic for the entire world, I'd say, Crazy Washington! You impeached the duly elected president the American people liked while ignoring our calls to impeach the usurper, the One Who Should Have Been Impeached along with his side-winding sidekick who speaks out of the side of his mouth.


Harriett Broughton said...

Need help - not following you here.

Is your comment directed at Washington or Newt?

Know what I'd like to see? An analysis of Charlie Rangle's natal chart. He's not in the Astro Database but that would be an interesting chart to compare to Newt's, wouldn't you say? I'll bet they'd be more alike than different when it all boiled down!

Jude Cowell said...

Toward Gingrich and the GOP most probably. Washington always.

Posted on Boehner's chart yesterday and will peek at Rangel's data asap...thanks for commenting! jc