August 2017: Lunar and Solar Eclipse Alerts for the White House?
In January 2013 I posted here the natal horoscope of The Confederacy with its Sun @15Aquarius. The Confederacy Sun will be eclipsed on August 7, 2017 by a Lunar Eclipse @15AQ and given the infiltration of the White House by Klansmen (or by KKK supporters and sympaticos, Mr. Bannon in particular who just loves to employ the power of dark forces), it seems significant that such a solar relic from America's Civil War past will, in August 2017, be in focus via what can be called the cosmic blink of a Lunar Eclipse--then another blink from the accompanying Total Solar Eclipse as its shadow races across the country from Oregon to South Carolina where the Civil War's first shot was fired.
See Civil War April 12, 1861: Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands.
Now as you know, both lunar and solar eclipses may be described as "wild cards of the Universe" because of their disruptive Uranian qualities such as the ability to upset apple carts and dislodge secrets and other inconvenient information that some would prefer kept hidden. And since a Lunar Eclipse involves the Moon with its correlation to the unconscious and the past (including one's previous actions, behavior, and scandals), we may expect more glaring leaks and uncovered secrets in and around August 2017 and afterward. These may apply in particular to the shrouded-in-secrets White House and its current denizens who are already under much pressure. Besides, that's where the Klan lurks behind every door.
And as various Confederate monuments are being removed in the US it occurs to me to wonder why the most offensive of all (imho)--the statue of Confederate Brigadier General, Freemason, and Klansman Albert Pike--remains on guard in Judiciary Square near the US Capitol Building where Congress meets 'to do the people's business'.
UPDATE July 1, 2020: Good news for fussy me! On June 19, 2020 the (creepy, offensive) statue of musty old Albert Pike was toppled! Follow the link to view a bi-wheel of the toppling horoscope with Pike's natals surrounding it.
So while Googling for information on Pike's memorial statue, I ran across something of a defense of Albert Pike and the long held assumption of his being a Luciferian due in part to his famous quote concerning Lucifer. Check it out, if you're interested, for the blog puts Pike's words into context and I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to form your own conclusion concerning this 'Knight of the Golden Circle'.
Plus, you're familiar with the reputed and infamous letter the 'exalted' Freemason Pike sent to Mazzini (founder of Sicily's Mafia) dated August 15, 1871. Here's an excerpt which actually describes much of the social changes and unrest currently in progress and instigated by the radicals haunting the White House halls and their enablers, public and private:
"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery, and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light...of Lucifer, brought finally into public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
Whether the letter was written by a luciferian Pike or not, its cunning is worthy of Lucifer-Satan's way of thinking--to seduce and take as many souls down with him as he goes as he possibly can. The letter goes on to promote the Masonic plan for World War III which turns up in 2017 as a frequent topic of concern and anxiety. Genuine or not, whoever penned the 1871 letter was, at the least, a master of run-on sentences.
So as Thomas Jefferson famously admitted, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever." And so should we all. But somehow the ones perpetrating the Utopian plan of global horror and persuasion upon the world seem unconcerned as if their actions are above natural law. Wonder how shocked they'll be when it turns out that that is exactly what they are not and that they will be held accountable for their actions on Earth and how they oppressed and harmed the innocent...because karma's law of reaping what's been sown applies to every single one of us on Planet Earth...with no exemptions for politicians or bankers.
And this August 2017, either karmic retribution or progress will arrive in America in two forms: a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius (August 7) which will tell us something about our reactions to Solar Eclipse events and conditions, and on August 21 the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo at a critical 29th degree ('The Great American Eclipse') conjunct the natal Ascendant of plotter Donald Trump, a denizen of the White House and a man who listens to self-described Satanist Mr. Bannon with his radical agenda to destroy the US government and rebuild the world in the image of Lucifer.
The August Leo Eclipse: a Potential Ruh-Roh for America
As always, eclipses may trigger disastrous weather and other natural events (ex: Mount St. Helen's is rumbling again, and storms, flooding, and fires are potentials) but there's more to consider because eclipses in Leo spotlight the need to exercise genuine leadership in whatever karmic situations and conditions manifest. Plus, a Leonine 'cosmic blink' suggests a paternal karmic link with an offspring (also denizens of the White House) and cautions against self-centered egocentricity, vainglory, ostentation, pomposity, pride, and other negative traits of the sign Leo--and there's a huge ruh-roh right there in the form of you-know-who.
How unfortunate for America and the world that her current 'leader' can't seem to avoid displaying his negative Leo traits in such constant abundance with his 29Leo Ascendant and Mars rising in Leo conjunct royal star Regulus. And in spite of the star's traditional or else caution, it's tragically predictable with Mr. Trump that revenge and retaliation will be taken which guarantees that at some point, all that's been gained shall be taken away.
Related posts: How to View the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, and here are a few astro-notes concerning White Nationalist Steve Bannon whose Uranus-South-Node conjunction (1953) identifies him as high strung, often irrational, and very upset with changing social and technological trends and conditions.
Check with to locate Lucifer in a horoscope for a specific date; asteroid Lucifer is #1930 which links it to planet Pluto, discovered in 1930, and in Astrology, god of the underworld, a saboteur, assassin, gold hoarder, 'the invisible man of power', and agent of transformation via destruction and regeneration.
For more eclipse info see Your Prenatal Eclipse by Rose Lineman.
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