Monday March 19, 2018: Anyone who wonders at the astounding "win" of Donald Trump in the November 2016 Presidential Election must also wonder, how many ways Trump and his minions used to cheat their way into the White House. That's my personal opinion which you, dear reader, may or may not share but that's okay because this is America where citizens have the right to their own opinions and where dissent is considered patriotic especially if it's based on concern for the common good.
So is it time for yours truly once again to abandon my Facebook account? Well, it's tempting for several reasons but also because alarm bells should have loudly sounded for Facebook staff when data miner Cambridge Analytica spirited away the personal information of 60 million or more FB users for the purposes of skewing the 2016 election (and who knows what else). Trump and company are the sort of people who will do anything to 'win' and we all know how important 'winning' is to Mr. Trump who simply cannot stomach 'losers'. We also know how important his image is to him so apparently looking as if you won an election qualifies him to boast and beat his chest over what appears to be the truth even when it's false. Yes, it's lies and illusions as Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square just keeps on giving!
A peek at Trump's current progressed aspects reveals a Moon-Pluto conjunction (12Leo+) in SP 10th house and his fear of secrets being uncovered is one thing real about him these days as evidenced by his panicked tweets. Well, it's understandable for Moon-Pluto denotes panic and paranoia--and a potential for illegitimate children which may be one secret he desperately wants to keep hidden (if one or more children exist).
As for Steve Bannon, his steering of Cambridge Analytica reveals one of the primary factors in his relationship with Donald Trump and Bannon;s touted role in the 'election' of Trump. Of interest in this saga is The Guardian's ongoing feature The Cambridge Analytica Files. From March 18, 2018, here's a notable entry: 'I made Steve Bannon's psychological warfare tool': meet the data war whistleblower, Christopher Wylie.
Then on December 15, 2017, the Wall Street Journal informed us that Mueller Sought Emails of Trump Campaign Data Firm...Cambridge Analytica. Excellent.
Yes, some people will do anything to 'win', even if they have to use underhanded tricks. So if you haven't, please check out a previous post concerning Steve Bannon's natal Jupiter, a post in which we discover Bannon's total lack of conscience thanks to an unaspected Saturn.
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