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Showing posts with label Cambridge Analytica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cambridge Analytica. Show all posts

Mar 25, 2018

Trump and Mercer and the 2018 Summer Eclipses

March 25, 2018: With communicator Mercury now retrograde, a review of videos on the topic of svengali-esque Trump-funder and social recluse Robert 'Bob' Mercer (Renaissance Technologies) and/or daughter Rebekah is actually quite easy to accomplish these days especially since the Cambridge Analytica scandal surfaced into mainstream awareness (and Mercer's funding of it, Breitbart News, Bannon, Conway, Cruz, Trump, etc.)

In one such video posted to YouTube on October 24, 2017, Seth Myers, in one of his The Check In segments, discusses Mercer and his far-right government-hating agenda, and more. Billionaire Mercer's aim is to reduce the US government to the size of a pinhead and he wants "it all to fall down" which perked up my ears since Robert Mercer's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series repeats on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 as The Tower Solar Eclipse for its themes of 'collapse of an existing structure or lifestyle' and the 'rebuilding that begins once the dust settles' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

What we can't know ahead of time is whether 'the tower that collapses' refers to the Washington establishment, Trump--his towers and administration, a Wall Street casino crash (where Mercer has worked as a hedge fund manager), the Mercer-Bannon-Trump campaign to destroy our nation, or all such possibilities during the season of influence of the 2 New North eclipse. It seems that all these potential scenarios have been set up by one group of actors or another but which one or ones will be triggered into reality by external events in the form of planetary transits and progressions? Will outcomes be determined by which event occurs first and either swoops the others along or perhaps makes any one of the possibilities moot?

Summer 2018: Eclipse Time Links May Be Activated

My previous thoughts before today have been that The Tower Solar Eclipse relates closely to financial events, in part because of certain US economic conditions brewing in recent years (exs: 2017's massive GOP tax cuts for the wealthy, and Trump's ill-considered trade wars), plus, because of two eclipse-related conditions--that Donald Trump's PE (2 Old North) repeats on July 13, 2018 @20Can41 (chart w details will soon be posted here--stay tuned) and the initial manifestation of Robert Mercer's PE (2 New North) which first manifested on June 17, 1928 @26Gemini during the run-up period prior to the Crash of 1929 (aka, 'Black Tuesday'--a noon horoscope is shown with destructive if wealthy Pluto @20Cancer where Trump's July 13, 2018 Solar Eclipse @20Can41 will 'hit' and thus will be made stronger as it activates the difficult fixed star Castor, one of the dark-light Gemini Twins with potentials for: sudden fame or loss, murder, crippling of limbs, and/or mental illness (A. Louis). Of course, Castor and his twin, Pollux, are also creative stars particularly in the form of writing so journalistic input such as publishing about the potentials just listed will surely be a factor.

Now it's true that both Summer 2018 Solar Eclipses are partial and so are not as strongly influential upon events or people as they could be. However, between them a Total Lunar Eclipse occurs and perhaps that is where most of the secrets lie--and will be revealed. Below is the DC horoscope of the Lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018 @4AQ44 (near US natal SN) with my usual messy notes penned on. The chart is packed full of details with potentials for: strong emotions (furious outbursts), challenges to authority (Trump, Mueller, Putin, or other?), rash actions, even violent measures which, if taken, will result in severe karmic consequences. As you see marked in blue is Mercury Rx, unaspected, and ruler of 7th and 10th houses. Mercury unaspected suggests someone Mercurial who's isolated and/or hyperactive (Mercurial Trump the tweeter? Don jr in hiding?) and it looks as if retaliation is upcoming (trade wars?) via asteroid Tisiphone conjunct North Node.

As you see, it's an Hour of changeable Mercury Rx with chart-ruler Jupiter in Scorpio making only one Ptolemaic applying aspect, a trine to Neptune Rx in its own sign of shady Pisces. This applying aspect denotes that tricky conditions will continue or worsen, illusions and delusions will continue to abound, disguises are worn or attempted, and/or someone benefits from a run of 'dumb luck'. What I didn't add on the chart is the typical Jupiter-Neptune speculation which implicates the stock market and the usual tendencies toward over-promises, grand gestures, bubbles, and/or get-rich-quick and other schemes. Caution is advised! This eclipse affects the 2/8 money axis which can also tag sexual, corporate, or other antics now ripe for spotlights and the revelations uncovered by the 2018 Summer Eclipses.

Now attractive Venus at Midheaven suggests that critical perspectives and more modest values may be desired yet with US natal Neptune (22Vir25) at Lunar Eclipse Midheaven, the deluded/deluding conditions mentioned above may be already in play and too ingrained for much improvement from valuable Venus (possible currency wars too?). Of course, the exalted position in the chart of Venus in Mercury-ruled Virgo, sign of the virgin, may also be pointing directly toward Trump's ongoing scandals with the ladies--or perhaps another public figure's sexy behavior or finances will become public fodder for the media (MC). Either way, legalities will ensue with Venus in 9th house and more indictments or trials may occur. We should also note that 22Virgo+ is the degree of golfer Donald Trump's natal 2nd cusp, a money house--and he does love to spend (waste) large amounts of taxpayer money on vacation get-aways.

Then cosmically speaking, there's the 'natal echo' in the chart via one of Trump's natal midpoint pictures repeated here by transit--marked in orange, upper right, and posited in 2nd house is Mars-Saturn = Pluto: rage, fury, destruction, bodily harm--and what there was no space to write--brutality, all potentials compliments of Reinhold Ebertin

The last chart factor I want to mention in the Lunar Eclipse chart is a dynamic T-Square between the challenge-prone Sun-Mars opposition and quirky Uranus in money sign Taurus (in 5th house of Speculation) which forms a midpoint picture of potentials for: premature action, rash behavior, over-taxing of strength, sudden events, new conditions, and/or military call-up as in times of war--or in times when an Oval Office occupant needs more 'soldiers' in the war he wages on whomever or whatever gets in his way. And synchronistically enough, the July 27, 2018 Lunar Eclipse @4AQ44 falls within Mr. Trump's natal 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service.

Mar 21, 2018

Beyond Cambridge Analytica! How Your Private Information is Weaponized

From the March 20, 2018 Thom Hartmann call-in program:


And with another GOP government shutdown looming this Friday night, remember the shutdown of 2011 which caused a first-ever credit rating downgrade of the US government? Here's the fussy post I published then which included the crisis-turning point-special task YOD pattern in Secondary Progressions of the Republican Party with the YOD pointing toward the GOP's SP Ascendant at the degree of Bankruptcy--and their 'special task' is ongoing (with aid from Democratic enablers, financiers, corporatists, and gullible Trump voters) for if a shutdown occurs now it will be the third since Trump crept into the White House.

So under Donald Trump, the collapsing of America continues which is one reason I fret over the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @19Leo with its theme of towers collapsing and subsequent rebuilding after the dust settles (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady). And this is the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterm Elections!

Mar 19, 2018

Bannon's Psychological Warfare: Cambridge Analytica

Monday March 19, 2018: Anyone who wonders at the astounding "win" of Donald Trump in the November 2016 Presidential Election must also wonder, how many ways Trump and his minions used to cheat their way into the White House. That's my personal opinion which you, dear reader, may or may not share but that's okay because this is America where citizens have the right to their own opinions and where dissent is considered patriotic especially if it's based on concern for the common good.

So is it time for yours truly once again to abandon my Facebook account? Well, it's tempting for several reasons but also because alarm bells should have loudly sounded for Facebook staff when data miner Cambridge Analytica spirited away the personal information of 60 million or more FB users for the purposes of skewing the 2016 election (and who knows what else). Trump and company are the sort of people who will do anything to 'win' and we all know how important 'winning' is to Mr. Trump who simply cannot stomach 'losers'. We also know how important his image is to him so apparently looking as if you won an election qualifies him to boast and beat his chest over what appears to be the truth even when it's false. Yes, it's lies and illusions as Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square just keeps on giving!

A peek at Trump's current progressed aspects reveals a Moon-Pluto conjunction (12Leo+) in SP 10th house and his fear of secrets being uncovered is one thing real about him these days as evidenced by his panicked tweets. Well, it's understandable for Moon-Pluto denotes panic and paranoia--and a potential for illegitimate children which may be one secret he desperately wants to keep hidden (if one or more children exist).

As for Steve Bannon, his steering of Cambridge Analytica reveals one of the primary factors in his relationship with Donald Trump and Bannon;s touted role in the 'election' of Trump. Of interest in this saga is The Guardian's ongoing feature The Cambridge Analytica Files. From March 18, 2018, here's a notable entry: 'I made Steve Bannon's psychological warfare tool': meet the data war whistleblower, Christopher Wylie.

Then on December 15, 2017, the Wall Street Journal informed us that Mueller Sought Emails of Trump Campaign Data Firm...Cambridge Analytica. Excellent.

Yes, some people will do anything to 'win', even if they have to use underhanded tricks. So if you haven't, please check out a previous post concerning Steve Bannon's natal Jupiter, a post in which we discover Bannon's total lack of conscience thanks to an unaspected Saturn.