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Showing posts with label Nov 2016 Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nov 2016 Election. Show all posts

Feb 22, 2022

That Time a GOP Gaggle Spent July 4th in Moscow

February 22, 2022

Republicans, Moscow, Neptune, & Furry Foxes Yapping

by Jude Cowell

Image: 'Journey to Neptune'; pencil on paper; by Jude Cowell

Mystical Neptune is the planet closely associated with Russia (its 'totem planet' as Uranus is America's 'totem planet'), and perhaps you remember how a group of Republican Congressmen Skulked over to Moscow for the 4th of July, 2018, but they weren't in Russia to complain about Putin aiding Tr*mp in the November 2016 Election, oh no. They were there to say, no criticism for You, comrades. What else they divulged, I don't know. Intel? A financial pay-off? Uncertain. Perhaps a scandal will reveal some secrets left over from the July 2018 Jupiter-Neptune square on or around April 12, 2022 when a new cycle of the frothy pair begins (see the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction link, below).

Now with Midterms 2022 arriving later this year on the very same day as a revealing Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, I freely admit to my culpability in 'renaming' the Republican Party with labels such as The Conspiracy Party, and worse. Well, to tell you the truth, it's been super easy to do because of their sorry behavior toward America, their disrespect for democracy and the US Constitution, their disdain for the American people, their neglect of the common good, their slavish adherence to figurehead Tr*mp - plus the fact that the political party of 1854 has now experienced its first-ever Neptune Return which has actually been a drawn-out five-fer of returns due to slow-moving planet Neptune's retrogradation periods. Follow the link to view the fifth of five returns which occurred on December 29, 2018 for it bookends the party's entire Return period begun in 2017, and includes the July 4th 2018 visit of the Republicans to Moscow (Senators Shelby, Johnson, Kennedy, Daines, Hoeven, Moran, and Thune, plus, Representative Kay Granger of Texas).

Cycle of Neptune = 164 Years: 1854 + 164 = 2018

Of course, the exact dates of the party's Neptune Return/s depend upon which founding data is used to calculate the party's horoscope. For this, I've used the March 20, 1854 chart set for Ripon, Wisconsin with Neptune @14Pis01, a degree that evokes the symbol of "A Lady In Fox Fur," an appropriate word picture for the Murdoch-supported GOP, imho, with "foxy" being another word for cunning and seductive.

Talking Points: 'The Neptune Party' Parrots Putin

So of course, urge-to-merge Neptune, positively representing the Divine Source and humanity's higher inspiration faculty, negatively tends to be associated in this old world with deception, the Big Lie, fraud, corruption, rottenness, malicious schemes, loss, conspiracies, gaslighting, scandals, unreality, fakery, propaganda, photography/film, camera ops and special effects, spiritualism, poisons, toxins, all liquids, gas, oil, fumes, heists and thefts, speculation, inflation, bubbles, disguises, illusions and delusions, instability, dissolution, disappointment, and undermining activities of subversion such as sabotage and treason. Of course, contagious infections are Neptunian as well - as transit Neptune floating through its own sign of Pisces has tragically demonstrated.

And even now, with Putin's threat against Ukraine in the news and on the authoritarian's to-do list, Republicans and their talking heads in the far-right media are propagandizing that Putin can "smell" President Biden's "weakness," two more words inspired by Neptunian energies attempting to create instability and mistrust in society, in order to promote the GOP's ultimate goal of 'taking back' the House and Senate in November 2022, by all means necessary. A 'talking points' link between Putin and the GOP isn't difficult to imagine.

Now astrologically, you'll notice in the December 29, 2018 Horoscope linked, above, that the Sagittarian ASC is ruled by expansive boundary-breaker Jupiter, with 2018 Jupiter squaring Neptune - the Republican Party's Neptune. Astro-Notes concerning this transit are penned in the center of the chart and intended for the curious to read, if need be. Victimized by illusions is a pretty good description of the Jupiter-square-Neptune transit and of its results upon the party and its voters who believe - or pretend to believe - whatever conspiracy they like, no matter how outrageous. They imagine that there's a 'higher purpose' to all the deception and corruption they engage with and pass along, as if 'the ends justify the means'. But I say, this is fallacious.

So if you suspect that the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in secretive Pisces will be signficant for the Republican Party in its current Neptunian condition (and thus for America) as the new planetary cycle of the gaseous duo begins, then I'm glad to say we're on the same page, dear reader.

A Related Post: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion which will be egged on by April's Jupiter-Neptune combination of expansive, misguided energies.

Sep 30, 2019

2020 Electoral College votes on December 14, 2020

Election Day: November 3, 2020 but the Real Deal Is Sealed on December 14th

As it now stands, the 2020 Electors will vote for a new president and vice president or will re-elect the incumbents on December 14, 2020. And as synchronicity would have it, a Total Solar Eclipse perfects @23Sag08 on that very day at 11:16:26 am est so the horoscope below is set for that date, hour, and the Capitol Building Washington DC in lieu of an accurate time and location for the Electoral College vote; please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbled notes:

As you see from the title on the above image, this chart shows the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021 which falls within the 4 South Saros Series; however, it is not the PE of Election 2020 (that would be the 4 North in June 2020). Themes of 4 South are on the difficult side: 'strong emotional feelings concerning money and/or relationships; sense of fatedness in relationships or of being caught up in events beyond personal control; a sudden desire to end relationships; emotions may be blocked or checked causing a great deal of frustration; there may be anger or lust, and for best results, rash action should be avoided until issues settle down' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). The last 4 South eclipse occurred in 2002 @11Sag54; the initial eclipse in this series manifested on March 19, 1624 @29Pisces; therefore, for more depth of information the Sagittarian energies of the December 2020 eclipse can be viewed or filtered through a Pisces (Jupiter/Neptune) lens--double Jupiter which suggests the possibility of staged or feigned performances (Munkasey). Personally I tend to call such performances 'politics'.

Now voting planet Mercury @20Sag05 conjuncts South Node (see edit, below) and accompanies the eclipse in 10th house of Goals, Career, and Public Standing, and the Moon-Sun-Mercury trio ropes in Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction, as noted. And as you know, a Moon-SN conjunction suggests a person with bad timing who has trouble doing things in the right way, and who tends to alienate others. It reveals a karmic condition due to the past mishandling of wealth, position, and popularity. Trump's opposing Sun-North-Node conjunction helps to uplift the depressive qualities of his 'estranged from mama' Moon-SN but who really knows how often his nibs sobs when he's all alone.

Actually, the planets form a BOWL shape with the 9th house Venus in Scorpio leading the tilt and denoting 'advocacy of a cause' or the 'furtherance of a mission' (Jones). If Venus leading the other planets could signify a lady candidate in Big Business Scorpio, perhaps Senator Elizabeth Warren is suggested.

As for the Electoral College, I can't say how they'll be persuaded to vote but I can say that there's an awful lot of Trump planets linked to this horoscope, some of which are penned around the chart. There's no space to pen on his speculative, overblown Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio (5--18 Libra) but it snugs around the 8th cu$p of Corporatism and Debt. Plus, you see the 1st house Neptune @18Pis13 rising yet intercepted which is apex of two midpoint pictures penned on the chart and highlighted in green. Now interceptions are somewhat controversial and some astrologers don't use them at all (using a different house system sometimes removes them all together). But I think of them as indicating karmic conditions and/or something hidden which must be dealt with and in this case, it relates to victim-savior issues (Virgo-Pisces axis) with karmic Neptune strong in its own sign of Pisces and apex planet of multiple T-squares which place much pressure on the nebulous planet of fraud, deception, dissolution, disappointment, loss, glamour, and/or spirituality. Neptune also represents propaganda, the masses and mass media as well and a 1st house Neptune supports the eclipse theme of 'caught up in events beyond personal control' as noted, above. Of course, water, gas, oil, or other liquids or toxins may be involved with large events (exs: storms or floods).

Politically speaking even a very large Blue Wave may be represented by an active Neptune which could hopefully make it more difficult for the Electoral College to vote against the popular candidate as they did in 2016. Of course, much depends on how well Republican cheating tactics work this time around and many things can happen between now (September 30, 2019) and December 14, 2020, even impeachment but I'm not counting my chickens on that score, partially because too many rats would have to scurry into the spotlight if the Trump yacht sank.

Now another negative factor in the horoscope is that social and religious fanaticism is suggested by a midpoint picture conjunct the 12th cusp of Politics and Karma: Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter, ruler of the eclipse bwo Sagittarius. And when a solar eclipse is in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius it's important for best results that energies be focused, not scattered, a search for truth is engaged upon, and motivations are aboveboard. Karmic progress cannot be made if misplaced idealism and/or erroneous beliefs are the guides under the influence of a Sagittarian eclipse (Lineman). These are often the very sorts of things that 'wild card' eclipses tend to uncover whenever society sorely needs a change of direction.

Then as you see, ascending in the chart is Trump's natal Descendant @29AQ (Partnerships) and he's in the midst of a Nodal Return when new alliances tend to form and fortunate contacts may be made. At Midheaven ('MC'; @12Sag22) is what many astrologers use for America's natal Ascendant, and with North Node in 4th house (US natal 7th house), we may expect an emphasis on the Homeland, Domestic Scene, Family Members as Partners, and/or Roots. Real Estate and/or the Mining Industry may also be in focus and opposite, there's potential for someone prominent (10th house) to lose (SN) their social position or career (MC).

And yes, there are several other cosmic links to Trump's natal planets but I have no wish to spotlight all of them because it's making me feel fussy just looking at the chart. Yet mention must be made that the 4 South eclipse perfects quite near Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction so that secrets from his past may be illuminated as eclipses will do (tiresomely, I know, since there have been so many revelations already) via leaks, reporting, investigations, lawsuits, or, as it turns out, whistleblowing.

And of course this is a South Node eclipse so energies tend to drain from conditions and events possibly suggesting the exhaustion we all feel after years of resisting Trump-style destruction and his Geminian duplicity and constant tweeting.

Oct 20, 2019 edit: I neglected to add that Mercury conjunct South Node suggests persons or people who are mentally alone and cannot gain support for their ideas or plans, one who speaks out at the wrong time or in the wrong place, is not listened to, has ideas ahead or behind the times, may have ideas or plans stolen or plagiarized, and/or is able to escape the "pitfalls of popular opinion" (Sakaoian and Acker); positively Mercury-SN may denote an independent person with original ideas.

Yet there's one thing we know for certain for those with ears to hear: that truth will always have its own ring!

Looking ahead here are the Inauguration 2021 Midpoint Pictures. Glancing back to 2016, the Electors voted on December 19th for con artist Donald Trump. Didn't they know he's a gangster? And here's a nostalgic post concerning the cosmic conditions on that December day in 2016 when we were all much younger and sooo naive.

Mar 19, 2018

Bannon's Psychological Warfare: Cambridge Analytica

Monday March 19, 2018: Anyone who wonders at the astounding "win" of Donald Trump in the November 2016 Presidential Election must also wonder, how many ways Trump and his minions used to cheat their way into the White House. That's my personal opinion which you, dear reader, may or may not share but that's okay because this is America where citizens have the right to their own opinions and where dissent is considered patriotic especially if it's based on concern for the common good.

So is it time for yours truly once again to abandon my Facebook account? Well, it's tempting for several reasons but also because alarm bells should have loudly sounded for Facebook staff when data miner Cambridge Analytica spirited away the personal information of 60 million or more FB users for the purposes of skewing the 2016 election (and who knows what else). Trump and company are the sort of people who will do anything to 'win' and we all know how important 'winning' is to Mr. Trump who simply cannot stomach 'losers'. We also know how important his image is to him so apparently looking as if you won an election qualifies him to boast and beat his chest over what appears to be the truth even when it's false. Yes, it's lies and illusions as Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square just keeps on giving!

A peek at Trump's current progressed aspects reveals a Moon-Pluto conjunction (12Leo+) in SP 10th house and his fear of secrets being uncovered is one thing real about him these days as evidenced by his panicked tweets. Well, it's understandable for Moon-Pluto denotes panic and paranoia--and a potential for illegitimate children which may be one secret he desperately wants to keep hidden (if one or more children exist).

As for Steve Bannon, his steering of Cambridge Analytica reveals one of the primary factors in his relationship with Donald Trump and Bannon;s touted role in the 'election' of Trump. Of interest in this saga is The Guardian's ongoing feature The Cambridge Analytica Files. From March 18, 2018, here's a notable entry: 'I made Steve Bannon's psychological warfare tool': meet the data war whistleblower, Christopher Wylie.

Then on December 15, 2017, the Wall Street Journal informed us that Mueller Sought Emails of Trump Campaign Data Firm...Cambridge Analytica. Excellent.

Yes, some people will do anything to 'win', even if they have to use underhanded tricks. So if you haven't, please check out a previous post concerning Steve Bannon's natal Jupiter, a post in which we discover Bannon's total lack of conscience thanks to an unaspected Saturn.

Jun 14, 2016

Wall Street Has Already Bought the 2016 Election - video

Yeah. You know it's true. Washington is bought and paid for. So where is the money coming from?

You'll find more reports and interviews at The Ring of Fire Radio and follow TROF tweets @RingOfFireRadio

Apr 12, 2016

Apr 12, 2016: Ed Schultz News and Commentary w/ Jonathan Alter (Election 2016) - video

Now this is interesting: Ed and author-journalist Jonathan Alter discuss the state of Campaign 2016 such as it is:

And it looks as if the GOP will have to manage without a 2016 candidate and "white knight" Paul Ryan because apparently, the rules are the rules!

Oct 28, 2015

The 'Freedom Caucus' is the 'Koch Caucus'! - video (plus, Venus)

Here Thom Hartmann explains what the Koch brothers have against continuing the Import-Export Bank and speaks to the genesis of the Tea Party which has morphed into the "Freedom Cause" in Congress:

Tonight "Freedom Caucus" values will be promoted during another Republican Debate (CNBC 8:00 pm edt) in the form of Koch-funded candidates like Senator Marco Rubio who, in spite of the two exceptions to the rule, could just be the 'someone different' that the Venus Cycle predicts for the election of November 8, 2016, plus, he satisfies the implied Hidalgo flavor (a social climber) noted in the election horoscope.