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Jul 9, 2024

American Imperialism Horoscope, circa 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

On Monday July 1, 2024, the US Supreme Court gifted convicted felon Trump with absolute immunity for criminal acts. The time stamp I have for the announcement of SCOTUS' anti-democracy, unAmerican decision is 10:28 am edt so that's the timing used to set up a DC Horoscope that I'm sorrowfully labeling, American Imperialism:

Messenger Mercury: Star of the Show

With Virgo rising, decision planet Mercury, The Messenger, is chart-ruler and applies twice: first Mercury trines stationary Neptune which turned Rx 20H 12M later @29Pis55:55. This trine aspect shows that logic has little if any part in the Court's decision, and facts are of no consideration, only "inspiration" applies. Plus, fraudster Neptune at a critical 29th degree - so near the Aries Point - conjuncts Scheat, star of extreme misfortune.

Next, speedy Mercury opposes Pluto @1AQ22 Rx, leading a BOWL shape of planets which identifies Pluto as leader of, or advocate for, a cause or a mission. My guess is that Pluto's ongoing languish upon the "An Old Adobe Mission" degree (1AQ) sneakily whispers a tale of a proselytizing plan by the Catholic Church via corrupt US Supreme Court "Justices." Thing is, most folks know that morality cannot be enforced externally, it must be an internal process. To do otherwise is to invite a version of the Spanish Inquisition into American society, and the torture and murd*r that comes with such sadistic behavior.

In fact, the GOP Project 2025 agenda intended to purge the US government and country could be seen as a second Spanish Inquisition (1478--1834) which itself was a purge that "consolidated power in the monarchy of the unified Spanish Kingdom." Well, perhaps you remember that in May 2024, Trump said the quiet part out loud when the phrase "unified Reich" appeared in his promo material. Oops! The phrase was soon deleted.

So considering that Aquarius links to independence, freedom, and quirkiness, I suspect that the Court's brazen gift of absolute immunity is intended to satisfy a dictator-wanne-be's dream of protection from accountability, and thereby to further the long-planned global fascist movement of lawlessness - a fulfilling of Herr Adolf's dream.

All this can be partially symbolized in the American Imperialism Horoscope with its Aquarian Saturn-Uranus old order vs new order implications.

Then as noted, chart-ruler Mercury @28Can22 applies to opposition to powerful, wealthy Pluto (and US 1776 Pluto as well), so the intensity of the Court's wrong-headed, overreaching decision with its oppressive implications are made clear. Manipulation of information and the promotion of misleading ideas and theories via Mercury-Pluto are also denoted in the Horoscope of American Imperialism, and the GOP's dystopian agenda is boosted by the utilization of US Mercury-Pluto opposition of 1776 across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis. It's an aspect of total awareness, folks. And total investigation of the "unified reich"'s enemies.

But there's more.

Because Pluto, sometimes known as The Pope in mundane horoscopes, continues his audience-by-transit with fixed star Altair the Eagle, 'he' reminds us that the Church of Rome is, in effect, the Roman Empire in religious robes - now in black robes of the "Supreme" Court. Therefore, following are links to three previous posts with topics which may, on a subversive level, apply to the current Romanesque coup of the US Supreme Court, intended to sabotage the US Justice System of our country and to collapse America into Monarchy. Why, Evil King John must be dancing in his sepulchre with giddy anticipation!

So on a kingly level, if on no other, We the People really are - and will be - fighting a second American Revolution, this time against authoritarian monarchists wearing black robes, off-the-chain politicians, and riled-up seditionists in red caps:

Is Washington DC the 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes.

Roman Empire: Birthday of a New Order.

A Thom Hartmann segment from 2019: How Empires End (with Richard Wolffe.)

In addition, you may wish to check out a previous JCAstro post on the Astrology of King John and the Magna Carta.

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