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Showing posts with label monarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monarchy. Show all posts

Jul 9, 2024

American Imperialism Horoscope, circa 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

On Monday July 1, 2024, the US Supreme Court gifted convicted felon Trump with absolute immunity for criminal acts. The time stamp I have for the announcement of SCOTUS' anti-democracy, unAmerican decision is 10:28 am edt so that's the timing used to set up a DC Horoscope that I'm sorrowfully labeling, American Imperialism:

Messenger Mercury: Star of the Show

With Virgo rising, decision planet Mercury, The Messenger, is chart-ruler and applies twice: first Mercury trines stationary Neptune which turned Rx 20H 12M later @29Pis55:55. This trine aspect shows that logic has little if any part in the Court's decision, and facts are of no consideration, only "inspiration" applies. Plus, fraudster Neptune at a critical 29th degree - so near the Aries Point - conjuncts Scheat, star of extreme misfortune.

Next, speedy Mercury opposes Pluto @1AQ22 Rx, leading a BOWL shape of planets which identifies Pluto as leader of, or advocate for, a cause or a mission. My guess is that Pluto's ongoing languish upon the "An Old Adobe Mission" degree (1AQ) sneakily whispers a tale of a proselytizing plan by the Catholic Church via corrupt US Supreme Court "Justices." Thing is, most folks know that morality cannot be enforced externally, it must be an internal process. To do otherwise is to invite a version of the Spanish Inquisition into American society, and the torture and murd*r that comes with such sadistic behavior.

In fact, the GOP Project 2025 agenda intended to purge the US government and country could be seen as a second Spanish Inquisition (1478--1834) which itself was a purge that "consolidated power in the monarchy of the unified Spanish Kingdom." Well, perhaps you remember that in May 2024, Trump said the quiet part out loud when the phrase "unified Reich" appeared in his promo material. Oops! The phrase was soon deleted.

So considering that Aquarius links to independence, freedom, and quirkiness, I suspect that the Court's brazen gift of absolute immunity is intended to satisfy a dictator-wanne-be's dream of protection from accountability, and thereby to further the long-planned global fascist movement of lawlessness - a fulfilling of Herr Adolf's dream.

All this can be partially symbolized in the American Imperialism Horoscope with its Aquarian Saturn-Uranus old order vs new order implications.

Then as noted, chart-ruler Mercury @28Can22 applies to opposition to powerful, wealthy Pluto (and US 1776 Pluto as well), so the intensity of the Court's wrong-headed, overreaching decision with its oppressive implications are made clear. Manipulation of information and the promotion of misleading ideas and theories via Mercury-Pluto are also denoted in the Horoscope of American Imperialism, and the GOP's dystopian agenda is boosted by the utilization of US Mercury-Pluto opposition of 1776 across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis. It's an aspect of total awareness, folks. And total investigation of the "unified reich"'s enemies.

But there's more.

Because Pluto, sometimes known as The Pope in mundane horoscopes, continues his audience-by-transit with fixed star Altair the Eagle, 'he' reminds us that the Church of Rome is, in effect, the Roman Empire in religious robes - now in black robes of the "Supreme" Court. Therefore, following are links to three previous posts with topics which may, on a subversive level, apply to the current Romanesque coup of the US Supreme Court, intended to sabotage the US Justice System of our country and to collapse America into Monarchy. Why, Evil King John must be dancing in his sepulchre with giddy anticipation!

So on a kingly level, if on no other, We the People really are - and will be - fighting a second American Revolution, this time against authoritarian monarchists wearing black robes, off-the-chain politicians, and riled-up seditionists in red caps:

Is Washington DC the 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes.

Roman Empire: Birthday of a New Order.

A Thom Hartmann segment from 2019: How Empires End (with Richard Wolffe.)

In addition, you may wish to check out a previous JCAstro post on the Astrology of King John and the Magna Carta.

Apr 18, 2020

Trump says US Presidential Authority is "Total"!

Pure Bosh!

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps it was only intended to be a distraction from criticism, but on Monday April 13, 2020 at 6:58 pm edt, Donald Trump asserted that, "The authority of the President of the United States is total." My suspicion is that this is a flag he ran up the American flagpole to see who would salute. But naturally, people in their right minds know that Trump's attempt to project power and persuasion with a statement drenched by his desire for monarchical rule of America is totally false. Monarchy is, of course, exactly what our ancestors sacrificed, fought, and died for in order to reject such a form of government in this, the 'New World'. This compels me once again to my conjecture that Trump has no Revolutionary War ancestors. And it shows. Well, perhaps he can claim one of the defeated Hessians!

And so as you might expect, my streak of Saturnian Astrology just had to peek at a horoscope set for the time and date in Washington DC.

In the horoscope we find US natal Saturn exalted in Libra and rising on the Ascendant along with Trump's natal 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of planets. Since our Trump nightmare began, I've been wondering when his grand dreams-speculating-inflationary-hypocritical-scandal-prone pair of Jupiter-Neptune would make itself even more prominent in our lives.

Consider the following in light of his offensive assertion of absolute power (which corrupts absolutely):

Jupiter-Neptune = ASC: 'living in a world lighted by personal imagination and an emotionally rationalized agenda; speculation'. With US natal Saturn: 'lack of confidence; experiencing the consequences issuing from false hopes; plans which come to nothing; disappointment; losses'.

Plus, with expansive Jupiter and powerful Pluto aligned (with two more exact conjunctions to go for this duo of Plutocracy) we might wish to consider their potentials as apex planets within a midpoint picture that formed on April 13:

Moon-Mars = Jupiter: 'temporary expansion of aggression toward the common people; fanaticism; one-sidedness'. With Pluto: intensified defiance during periods of uncertainty; powerful opinionation and a demanding nature.' (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey).

Meanwhile, transit Jupiter and Pluto in late Capricorn - a pair implying such things as: 'criminal elements; extreme depletion of resources; destruction of legal documents' - are now taking their bow atop Inauguration 2017's Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point. So let's look at one more midpoint picture that will retain a measure of ongoing influence:

Jupiter-Pluto = MC: ambition; hardworking attainment of a power position.

Now the last lunation prior to his statement, its Syzygy Moon, was the Full Moon of April 7,2020, the second 'Super moon' of 2020 (three more to go). The revealing rays of this particular Moon @18lib46 spotlighted Trump's natal Jupiter (17lib27) which was Stationary at his birth and began moving in direct motion a mere 3 hours 11 minutes after he hatched. And as you know, astrological Jupiter, planet of abundance and increase--and often sporting a massive Zeus complex--can act as a definite boundary-and-law breaker who rushes in with little if any concern for the consequences of his ill-considered disregard for law, necessary limits, and common sense.

Well, a lot more information lurks within Trump's 'Total Authority' horoscope so perhaps you, dear reader, will set one up and see what you can see - and Share your on-topic insights if you will!

Dec 2, 2019

Do Republicans Want To Be Ruled By a King? - Thom Hartmann

December 2, 2019: With the House Judiciary Committee's phase two of the Impeachment Inquiry of Donald Trump looming over the country beginning Wednesday December 4th at 10:00 am est (rising Saturn-Pluto = Ascendant @20Capricorn: being placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation--Ebertin), here's a belated Thom Hartmann segment from Thom's program posted November 14th which asks a very good question, Do Republicans Want To Be Ruled By a King?

Dec 8, 2012

Horoscope and Hidden Dynamic of the American Revolution

The Horoscope and Hidden Dynamic of the American Revolution

by Jude Cowell

With its change in political authority in mind, for ages I've meant to publish to Stars Over Washington the natal horoscope of the American Revolution (aka, "the shot heard round the world") when a group of patriots at Lexington, Massachusetts stood up to His Majesty's occupying soldiers who represented the British Crown, and our Fight for Independence from monarchy and oppression officially began.

Having fought British monarchists back once again (on November 6, 2012 in the shape of Mitt Romney, royal plutocrat!) and with the 112th Congress barely breathing and their maufactured 'fiscal cliff' negotiations at an alleged standstill, it seems bloggily fitting that today is the day.

Shown here is the horoscope of the American Revolution, aka, the Battle of Lexington; Hour of Venus (23Tau52 in 1st house), chart-ruler Mars (ASC 21Ari49) squares Jupiter, Venus, and Uranus, a planetary trio which falls across the 2nd cusp of Earning Ability and Values.

As you see, 10th H Pluto @26Cap41, planet of power, manipulation, and control, is in the same degree (26) as battling Mars (the shooter) with Mars @26Leo13. Their inconjunct (150 degr) is nearly partile (exact) and applying (0A27.) A persecuting Mars-Pluto inconjunction (or, quincunx) describes a courageous challenger (Mars) who's grown weary of being someone else's 'workhorse' and Mars' bad temper results in explosive conditions which are made more burdensome by financial stress.

Plus, the square between testy, had-enough Mars and rebellious Uranus adds fuel to the flames of revolution and denotes fear of material loss, rash actions, and anxiety.

One obvious time link to our own era is shown by the position of Uranus @00Gem32 in a money house (2nd) because the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem21 'hit' this Uranus of the Revolution while conjoining the current position of Fixed Star Alcyone (key phrase: something to cry about.)

So when I watch radical politicians of the duplicitously-named "Tea Party" and others behind the scenes tying our Congress in knots to prevent the business of the people being accomplished and to undermine our nation, it gives me something to cry about every day...for my country, and for You and your loved ones, Dear Reader. And as with the American Revolution of 1775, the entire world's future hinges upon what happens here.

Yes, there are many members of certain organizations who act--or fail to act--as they do now because they believe that they want the total downfall of America. But I suspect the promised rewards for their treason will be few and far between for the majority of them--and they won't like her replacement nearly as much as they imagine they will.

Now if you're curious about the hidden (occult) dynamic of the American Revolution, I include the following information from Nicholas Hagger's book, The Secret History of the West:

"The early dynamic of the American Revolution can be stated as follows:

Heretical occult vision: Scottish Jacobite Templarism (via Gosnold)

Heretical occult interpreter: (Sir Francis) Bacon

Occult revolutionary originator: (Adam) Weishaupt (founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, May 1, 1776--see link below)

Thoughtful intellectual interpreter: (Benjamin) Franklin

Semi-political intellectual interpreter: (Thomas) Jefferson"

Related Reading: The American Revolutionary War; Francis Bacon, Uranus-Neptune, and Pluto; Illuminati Horoscope (has link to Pentagon's chart); and A Few Illuminating Quotes on Plutocracy in America.

Jan 23, 2011

The Protocols of Zion & the Stone of Destiny

Not for the shy and retiring, and to be avoided by all shrinking violets, here's a modern English translation of the much balley-hooed, often discredited only to rise in popularity again, the Protocols of Zion. Or Sion. Or Knights of Malta. Or Queen Elizabeth II and her kin supposedly descended from King David whose son Solomon, though wise in his heyday, resorted to practicing occultism and witchcraft toward the end of his life.

Then the stonemasons working on Solomon's Temple got into the narrative, secrets abound about the Stone of Destiny which QE2 was supposed to be coronated upon except that she wasn't because the Stone in Westminster Abbey was - is - a fake.

And therein raced the Scots purloining away the Stone of Destiny to a safe place guessed it...Scotland, where it nestles still and with the fake stone doing duty in London. That, they say, is why the British monarchy insisted that QE2's coronation in 1953 not include any close-ups where the fake could be clearly seen.

Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth II reigns illegitimately while grandson Prince William waits in the wings for his star turn at the helm of as maggot-infested a gaggle of inbreds as you'd ever care to meet in a dark alley or otherwise.

For further reading on the topic, try the Lia Fail, aka, the Coronation Stone. And one time-link sort of oddity: when I looked at a horoscope for Dec 25, 1950 (yet a version of the tale mentions "night" and "Christmas Eve 1950" - perhaps a little after midnight making it Christmas Day?), the same midpoint picture turned up then as we have now:

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto.

Different signs in 1950, of course, but similar 'brutality' and 'violence' vibes with 'the desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort' and the potential for 'rebellion against one's lot in life' in play. (Ebertin.)

May 29, 2007

Today in 1660: King Charles II restored

FACT OF THE DAY from The Scotsman:

King Charles II is restored to the English throne today in 1660. He had previously been crowned King of Scotland on 1 January 1651 and had attempted to reunite the kingdoms by attacking Cromwellian forces in England. This led to a resounding defeat at the Battle of Worcester where, according to legend, he hid in the 'Royal Oak' until the coast was clear. Upon restoration, Charles acknowledged his thanks to his Scottish soldiers by making The Royal Scots the first regular regiment of the modern British Army.

To read more about Scotland's past visit while pondering Great Britain's current separation anxieties as history repeats.

Looking at the natal chart of Charles II (June 8, 1630 NS) we see that his resoration to the throne occurred at his Saturn Return, age 30.

After his father, Charles I's beheading (Jan 30, 1649), Charles II spent nine years in exile and when the English people had had their craw full of Cromwell's "protectorate" (he died in 1658) they invited Charlie back to the throne.

(Apparently the political tradition of naming things the opposite of what they are or do is as olde as yon hills...the olde 'lipsticke on a pig' ploy.)

Charles II's rule is considered the most licentious of the British monarchy yet he presided over major events as well: two wars with the Dutch, the Plague, the Great Fire of London, and the passage of the Habeas Corpus Act, among others. A busy yet naughty boy who produced no legitimate heirs.

Charles died of Bright's disease in 1685, age 54, a hedonist monarch whose n Sun's symbol in Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac applies quite well:

"9Gem": "An enthroned queen holding in one hand the Earth's gold surmounted by the cross; in the other, her scepter"...fond of riddles and chess, and a ruler born.