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Showing posts with label 2008 Bilderberg meeting Chantilly VA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2008 Bilderberg meeting Chantilly VA. Show all posts

May 24, 2016

A Discordant Message from Chief Nativist Donald Trump

In American Politics, Nativism is a pro-Anglo-Saxon, anti-immigration ideology in which the wages of 'less well paid natives' are believed to be lowered by immigrants who take jobs of our citizens by willingly working for much less pay. Jettison the inherent bigotry and resultant hatred of 'new comers' and such a point of view seems logical, right? It is, after all, a large part of what Globalism is all about.

Where I can't seem to find a shred of logic is in the nativism of 2016 candidate Donald Trump who bounces merrily along on a Republican bigotry ticket of nativism while espousing such rhetoric as American "wages are too high"! If you tout how immigrants lower the wages of American workers, why promise to lower working class wages if elected? Whaa-a-a?

Is Mr. Trump's unconscious,unfiltered Mercury-Neptune square once again blurting indiscreetly? Or did he simply mean that wages are already "too high" for a minimum wage increase so it's status quo (or lower) for wages during a Trump administration?

Either way, the bully candidate's nativism ploy is championed by power elites to persuade voters to vote Republican on November 8, 2016 - and that's millions of US voters who usually sit out elections for several reasons, not the least of which is the long-growing feeling (knowledge, actually) that our votes 'don't count' (assuming that at some earlier point in US history they did). US presidents are selected by elite committee, I've complained here for over a decade, and elsewhere online. And we can call them super delegates, the electoral college, what-evs...that lesser of two evils feeling never leaves us.

Did you notice when 2008 candidate Hillary Clinton was directed to be patient and stand down in favor of Barack Obama when the two candidates secretly attended the Chantilly, Virginia meeting in June 2008 of the Bilderberg Club? Is that why Bilderberg member VP Joe Biden has stated that Hillary will be elected in 2016--to fulfill a promise that 2016 is her turn to be president? If so, will this symbolize the reversal of America's Great Seal to the obverse side with the 'pyramid of power'?

Will women voters be the deciding factor in November 2016 as many political pundits are predicting?

For more on the Bilderberg Group, here's a link to The Guardian's 2001 interview with an original Bilderberger, Lord Healey.

Related: Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed (it's a feminine thing).

May 31, 2012

Bilderberg meeting Chantilly VA May 31 - June 3 2012

The following video is about one month old but it relates to the policy-setting Bilderberg meeting of May 31 - June 3, 2012 being held this year in Chantilly, Virginia. We discussed previously how during Campaign 2008 Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton 'disappeared' from the campaign trail and were confirmed to be attendees of the meeting in June 2008, also in Chantilly, VA.

This was the meeting at which Hillary Clinton was given the news that it would be Barack Obama moving into the White House (though she'd waited so long to occupy the Oval Office in her own right.) I imagine one reason for his selection was Mr. Obama's natural talent for swaying the masses with his rhetoric, don't you? Must be his natal Mercury in dramatic Leo! Plus, the conjunction between easily deceived Neptune in the US natal horoscope (if you use our national Sibly chart, July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA--Neptune 22Vir25), planet of the masses, and President Obama's natal Mars at the same degree, our 'rock star' connection, still manages to keep many Americans from seeing his actions and motivations clearly through obfuscating Neptune's veil.

And it pains me to say it because I love America, the America my ancestors fought and sacrificed for, but whether January 21, 2013 brings a presidential oath by neocon puppet Mitt Romney or a second term for President Obama--both funded by basically the same entities, sceptors, and crowns--we get a continuance of the globalist agenda now beggaring our coffers to establish world domination through war. We the People must now stand up for ourselves and for our country and so I must agree with Alex Jones that one way to do this is to: Occupy Bilderberg!

So please don't even think of staying home from the polls on November 6, 2012 because it gives these arrogant jokers the idea that we're apathetic and don't care what happens to our country--or to our children. Their children will be just fine, thanks.

Now here's a previous post concerning the oh-so-secret Bilderberg Group and how people the world over are awakening to their madness.

May 27, 2009

Saturn/Uranus opposition Sept 2009 and the NWO

Recently I glommed onto Melody Scott Zindell's writings on New World Order subjects at Astrology of Conspiracy and thought you might want to check out her 2009 and the New World Order post which contains a list of 2009/10 transits such as the 3rd and last exact opposition between Saturn and Uranus on Sept 10 - 17, 2009, on the 24Vir/Pisc axis.

If you allow a 2 degree orb, Saturn's position is near US natal Neptune 22Vir54, the 'grim reality' transit, yet also when dreams and ideals (Nep) may be made real (Saturn.) But higher forces such as the power elite know the Astrology of it as well so let's not crow about it just yet. Read on....

In her previous post, Melody discusses Henry Kissinger's recent statement on CNBC's Squawk on the Street about Barack Obama's suitability for continuing the promotion of the NWO agenda (as I have groused about here and elsewhere)'s an excerpt:

"His (Obama's) task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a new world order can be created. It's a great opportunity, it isn't just a crisis." - Henry Kissinger

Yes, crises manufactured in order to create opportunity by and for elite geezers like you!

And yes, I know the I Ching has given that advice for centuries: 'see crisis as opportunity.'

Still I wonder if 'his task' was imparted to then-candidate Obama when he slipped away from his campaign plane (with reporters already on board - Robert Gibbs attempted to cover for Obama's whereabouts and singular behavior) to attend June 2008's Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly, Virginia?

He got their okay-for-prez nod then, if not before. And a few NWO/*NAU 'marching orders' too, this populist imagines.

Well, here's something of an astrological description of the sort of crisis as opportunity time period that Kissinger is so happily crowing about these days. He simply can't wait to throttle the globe.


*NAU = North American Union being planned by Bilderbergers as was the EU. They got their way then, they're getting it now if you look at the weakening of the US dollar which must be crashed to smithereens to make the NAU seem more palatable to the masses.