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Showing posts with label America's Great Seal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America's Great Seal. Show all posts

Apr 9, 2024

Is History on Russia's Side?

From Khrushchev's Lips to Trump's Wide Girth

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When speaking about capitalist states in a speech at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956, Russian de facto leader Nikita Khrushchev famously said, "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you." Since then, the correct translation of his words has been in doubt in various quarters, as noted on the phrase's Wikpedia page.

Later, on August 24, 1963 in a speech he delivered in Yugoslavia, Khrushchev confided, "I once said, 'We will bury you', and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you." This refers to the Marxist saying, The proletariat is the undertaker of capitalism (a quote from The Communist Manifesto).

Q: Are the January 6, 2021 insurrectionists being described here? We know their sedition campaign to collapse The Establishment, what they call the deep (Neptune) state (Saturn) is ongoing with more to come, so what do you think?

Now I'm pretty certain that if you're reading Stars Over Washington at this moment you know that the Saturn-Neptune duo can represent multiple concepts such as Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Marxism, and other -isms in political realms along with social safety net programs, ill and poor people, suffering, renunciation, and ascetism. I would add, a strugggle between idealism and materialism, secret government, and the pair's midpoint as the illness axis. (Notably, Trump was born with Saturn-Neptune = Ascendant: oppressive family circumstances.)

To Saturn-Neptune's Probable Manifestations, Reinhold Ebertin adds,

"+ Methodical execution of plans, slow attainment of success through intense activity and great painstaking effort.

- Painful or tormenting emotional inhibitions, undermining circumstances leading to a state of illness, neuroses or diseases with causes difficult to ascertain." (The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin #ad)

And so for your consideration, here's a bi-wheel of America July 4, 1776 5:09 m LMT Philadelphia (inner) surrounded by the next Great Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune on February 20, 2026 conjunct the Aries Point/IC with potentials for illness, wrong thinking, hysteria, and perhaps social safety net program issues which relate, of course, to the old grump about America as a socialist nation taking care of her needy citizens:

Now it's true that not all astrologers use a late afternoon July 4, 1776 Horoscope for America (which at the least symbolizes the date of the Declaration of Independence though not its first vote), but I've found the chart useful through the years with its Cardinal World Points of Global Events conjunct the MC-IC Angles of Why? and How?. So the chart I use in the bi-wheel, above, is set for Philadelphia at 5:09 pm LMT which places the highly significant Aries Point on the Foundation Point (IC).

Penned on the chart is the IC's Sabian Symbol: "A Woman Has Arisen From the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her." Naturally, e pluribus unum and America's Great Seal are suggested - at the Founding of our nation.

Plus, the inner horoscope also shows America's 1776 Saturn and Neptune straddling the Goal, Aspiration, Public Status Point ('MC'; @00Lib47) in the 9th and 10th houses, so the 2026 Conjunction symbolically opposes 1776 Saturn and Neptune, something of a Full Moon phase of culmination, full awareness, and/or fulfillment, if we wish to consider it as such.

And yes, astrologically it's all on the messy side, inexact to be exact, but as "they" always say, the proof will be in the pudding - once or before the next Great Conjunction of Saturn-Neptune rolls around.

For more financial and political details, here's an informative video, Marxism vs Communism, a Thom Hartmann interview with economist Richard Wolff from May 2019.

Feb 8, 2024

Modern Humanity's Feb 2024 Mars Return

by Jude Cowell

Today a post to show this evening's Mars Return to the Modern Humanity Horoscope which is based on the third of three Great Neptune-Pluto Conjunctions @7Gem41/42. The Neptune-Pluto Cycle is of such duration, 492/3 years, that their Conjunction is *it* for you and me, dear reader.

To view the Horoscope of Modern Humanity symbolized by the Total Solar Eclipse we rode in on (the 2 Old North of April 26, 1892 @7Tau05 recently visited by transit Jupiter: issues of morality and ethics), check out E. Alan Meece's book, Horoscope For the New Millennium (#ad) if you haven't. Note that on Facebook he's known as Eric Meece.

Mars exalted in Saturn-ruled Capricorn indicates potentials for 'a sense of reality, sober deliberations, efficient use and direction of energy, the will to succeed, independence, and working zeal, but also for 'over-estimation of self, defiance, egoism, and obstinacy' (R. Ebertin).

Transit Pluto conjunct Mars suggests a period of increased stamina and determination for some folks, but can also denote intense competition, aggression, anger, secrecy, use of force and persuasion, and/or acts of revenge. This is a highly karmic transit and also points toward weapons of war and war itself.

And so a new cycle of activity begins this evening via Modern Humanity's Mars and its Sabian Symbol for 27 Capricorn: "A Mountain Pilgrimage," quite the esoteric hint if we consider the mountain/pyramid images on the dollar bill and on America's Great Seal. For details concerning "27Capricorn" (conjunct US 1776 Pluto where transit Pluto has recently stomped) see The American Revolution's Mountain Pilgrimage.

Now here's a bi-wheel with tonight's Mars Return, a two-year cycle, surrounding the 1892 Neptune-Pluto Horoscope:

A related post: The New Millennium in Year 2024 which shows the January 1, 2001 chart and its Secondary Progressed New Moon of May 4, 2024 @4AQ36.

In closing, there's an important consideration which suggests a cosmic time link between today's events and actors, and the Robber Baron generation of the 1890s:

Neptune Conjunct Pluto 3 times: 1. August 2, 1891 @8Gem38; 2. November 5 1891 @8Gem19; 3. April 30, 1892 @7Gem42 (the above horoscope) with the Neptune-Pluto duo representing Underworld Crime Syndicates, often known as organized crime and mobsterism. My suspicion is that their 1891/92 conjunctions in early Gemini landing upon US 1776 Uranus spotlights today's crop of zealots, rebels, secessionists, and anarchists of the Maga persuasion - scofflaws who break laws with abandon and resent any attempts to hold them accountable.

Dec 31, 2022

118th Congress: Jupiter and Algol Rise

by Jude Cowell

When the Republican Party formed in 1854, did the founders consider themselves a death cult in the making? Probably not, yet that's how far-right insurrection-leaning members and QAnon coup enthusiasts can be described these days especially after Tr*mp's attempted overthrow of the US government on January 6, 2021. Of course, the party's close financial-and-ideological relationship to the NRA resonates well with the Republicans' violence and drastic measures they take and advocate (the NRA, a 'death axis' Mars-Saturn affair - in Capricorn, no less).

So below you'll find a link to the 118th Congress' Horoscope/s of the new session gaveling in on January 3, 2023 with Republicans (mis)leading the House of Representatives. Well, members of death cults do not represent this particular American, in the House or anywhere else, how about you?

Now previously appearing on SO'W is the horoscope of the first public January 6th Select Committee Hearing where we find 1Ari26 conjunct IC, or the Foundation or Basis of the 8:00 pm edt Public Hearing (remember the hearing was held in "prime time"). Planet of politics, finance, and religion, Jupiter, was then @5Ari04 (4th house) with veiling, mystical Neptune @25Pis21 in 3rd house and conjunct the Pluto-North-Node midpoint (attaining power through force). A cosmic link to this 2021 Hearing horoscope and the Jupiter-Neptune pair of grand schemes, speculation, inflation, and fraud turn up in the 118th Congress Horoscope when we set it for January 3, 2023 at 11:27 am est.

Why 11:27 am on January 3rd?

For the symbolism of expansive Jupiter rising at that moment over Capitol Hill along with the malevolent, enraged, and violent fixed star Algol, asteroid Nemesis (the unbeatable foe), and the Anti-Vertex (similar to an Ascendant, a What? point) - all at 1Aries+ this degree points toward the first public J6 hearing as the Basis of House Republicans' mad efforts to fight back against their own cupability - even though their sabotaging activities on January 6th were plain for all to see on TV. As you know, back in the day, 'fascism' and 'Nazism' were death cults as was the "America First" movement, and as is the regeneration of that movement now under figurehead Tr*mp whose star seems to be fading - or under the next cult leader the Republicans nominate for the 2024 campaign. And astrologically, it looks as if Florida's Ron DeSantis might carry off the golden goose for the GOP.

So if you have a chance, dear reader, set up a horoscope of this lamentable cosmic circumstance of increased (Jupiter) malevolent (Algol) enemies (Nemesis) as a symbolic Horoscope of the 118th Congress with revenge on the Republican House's menu and two years of a far-right (far-reich) political circus the American populace must struggle through while "the people's business" will be all but ignored, and has been made, it seems, a thing of the past if "own the libs" Republicans have their way. These barbaric totalitarians and saboteurs really are aiming directly at Election 2024, you know.

Now here's a previous post showing two versions of 118th Congress Horoscopes, one set for 9:00 am est, the other for 12 noon with contentious Mars as chart and session ruler.

Then there's one more curious cosmic synchronicity for those who prefer a 5:09/10 pm horoscope for America's founding (July 4, 1776): the January 3, 2023 pile-up of Jupiter-Algol-Nemesis-Anti-Vertex (rising or not) lands upon the IC/Foundation of the 1776 chart set for 5:09/10 pm LMT with IC @00Ari53 (conjunct the Aries Point of World Events), for when rounded up to "1Aries" the word picture provides a descriptive Sabian Symbol suitable for the basis of our nation's founding: "A Woman Has Arisen Out of the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her" (one from the many!).

And that, of course, refers to America's Great Seal with its esoteric symbols, mysterious reverse side - and the pyramid of power with the all-seeing eye. If America's ultimate destiny is of interest to anyone, that is.

Related Posts include: The Story of America's Great Seal. Plus, maybe we can agree that the Republican Party's recent five-fer Neptune Return really undermined their connection to reality and truth, didn't it? Purposefully, I think, by which I mean they've used it to their advantage via spreading misinformation, paranoia, rumors, and promoting mass delusion and wacky conspiracy theories. The party's behavior now makes me wonder what exactly they were up to in 1854 with fraudster Neptune in shady, secretive Pisces, besides the lead-up to the Civil War. Perhaps for the curious reader, a Timeline of the era's events would provide clues about some of the stuff the party's founders were involved with 164 years ago.

If you wish, check out Astrology King's info concerning Algol in late Taurus.

May 28, 2022

The American Revolution's Mountain Pilgrimage

by Jude Cowell

Just a quick post today, a quick view really, of the American Revolution's Pluto Return/s now in progress. Since we have eye witness accounts of the First Shot ("heard 'round the world") on April 19, 1775 5:00 am LMT Lexington, Massachusetts, this means we have a reliable sign and degree for the Revolution's very visible 10th house Pluto @26Cap41:33. As far as I know, there's no debate on this timing as there are with America's founding horoscopes.

And when we symbolically progress the American Revolution Horoscope to modern times, we find that a Secondary Progressed ('SP') New Moon perfects @00Cap41 on July 8, 2022 although not all astrologers agree with this method of looking ahead at how things evolve based on an entity's or event's radix chart. Personally I have no qualms with it and use the method as often as I like. So here's a view of April 1775's 'First Shot' Horoscope that started it all with the Revolution's SP New Moon notated. To me the timing of the July 2022 SP New Moon symbolically resonates with current insurrection events that its promoters like to call an 'American Revolution' (or 'Civil War2') and of course all New Moon phases are periods when plans are being seeded for new beginnings.

Below is a dual image of the 4th and 5th Pluto Returns with the first three exact Returns having already occurred on: April 5, 2021, May 19, 2021, and January 23, 2022:

Rounding up powerful Pluto's degree to "27 Capricorn" we have: "A Mountain Pilgrimage" which vibes with America's earliest founding days and the floating capstone and Eye of Horus atop the 13-step pyramid of power which we see in various forms such as America's Great Seal:

"27Capricorn" = "PERSEVERANCE; positive expression: a total reconcilation of mind and heart in an unquestioned devotion to some worth-while task at hand; negative expression" (shadow side; unconscious - jc): "satisfaction in superficial allegiances and a parade of false values" (M. E. Jones). Well, as an ancestral 'Child of the Revolution', I much prefer the positive expression, and I consider writing Stars Over Washington these 17 years to be a worth-while task.

Now pyramids are, of course, symbolic of the mountain archetype, a Capricorn mountain goat affair with Saturn-ruled Capricorn, the sign of government, law, and business. As you know, America reached the pinnacle of these realms and has instituted surveillance techniques extraordinaire but her global dominance now wanes - which marks a 'good' time for anarchists and zealots, both foreign and domestic, to forcefully take control of our nation, now erroneously under the bizarre sway of minority rule.

Unless We The People band together and stop the anarchists at the ballot boxes of 2022 and 2024. Let's persevere on behalf of American Democracy! For as Thom Hartmann always says, Democracy is not a spectator sport - get active!

Feb 27, 2022

A Lost Atlantis: Archetype of America

The Lost City of Atlantis; public domain image

Is America Lost? Or Only Preparing to Rise?

by Jude Cowell

Everyone knows the story of the Myth of the Island of Atlantis, its abuse, misuse, and overuse of power, sinking disastrously into the ocean, and at some glorious future point rising like a mythological phoenix from the ashes. So what do you think? Was the phoenix archetype played out on and after the attacks of 9/11? Did 'The Tower' Eclipse of 2018 add to the cosmic picture of a smoldering America, struggling to rise, with her rebuilding now hindered by adversarial authoritarians following a peculiar agenda?

Well, I must say that if 500 years is the measure of a mythological phoenix crashing, burning, and rising, then America at 256 years old in 2022 is only a little over halfway there!

Now astronomically, Atlantis #1198 was first discovered at the Heidelberg Observatory by astronomer Karl Reinmuth on September 7, 1931 with minor planet Atlantis Rx @27Pis52 and parallel science-oriented Uranus, planet of futurism and technology, then in Aries, and aka, the 'Sky God' in olden days. A parallel compares to a strong conjunction, as you know.

Plus, we've discussed Atlantis before on SO'W way back in 2017, the first year that Tr*mp was refusing to understand or honor the limits of his presidential power, breaking rules, traditions, and laws at every turn. Unrepentent, he got worse, as you know, and now refuses to keep his gob shut although a deposition or two may come along for him soon. If so, he'll probably clam up and hide behind the 5th Amendment. Someone should show him the mash-up videos of his multitude of criticisms of folks who plead the 5th Amendment - they're "mobsters," he said. Well, yes. So he will reveal himself to be, if he "pleads the 5th".

So! If Atlantis, Archetype of America is a topic that interests you, a previous post might do so as well for it contains links to the natal chart of Sir Francis Bacon, author of the book, The New Atlantis, and one of the prime puppeteers behind the funding and setting up of the 'New World' here in America, the controversial mystery of Queen Elizabeth I possibly being Sir Bacon's Mummy (crazy!), and other related goodies:

A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny.

Now let's close with the rounded-up degree and Sabian Symbol of Atlantis's discovery degree, plus, the Symbol for its Zodiacal position as I type, both from Marc Edmund Jones:

Atlantis Discovery September 7, 1939: "28Pisces": "A Fertile Garden Under a Full Moon": Keyword - ULTIMACY; positive expression: high reward in worldly goods and exceptional integrity in using them; negative expression: irritating pride of possession."

Atlantis Today February 27, 2022: "18Sagittarius": "Tiny Children in Sunbonnets" - Keyword: INNOCENCE; positive expression: a continual and complete protection of self through its exploration of its own potentials and exploitation of its oppotunities; negative expression: witless retreat to a wholly infantile self-assertiveness."

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones #ad

Dec 21, 2021

Horoscope: Washington DC's Progressed Full Moon

by Jude Cowell

December 21, 2021

A Holiday Message for SO'W Readers and Patreon Supporters: Since Christmas week is here, this may be my final post until after December 25th celebrations so I wish to send a Merry Christmas! a Happy New Year! and a very large Thank You All! for your generous patronage that helps defray the costs of SO'W, your loyal readership of SO'W, and your insightful comments and observations all through the year! On to 2022, Jude

If you've never taken a look at the Horoscope of Washington DC (May 3, 1802; Sun 12Taurus, Moon Taurus or Gemini) why not check it out? In this post, I'm using Secondary Progressions ('SP') to find the position and date of the current/upcoming Progressed Full Moon/s (the city's next Lunar Phase) of DC (my former city of residence) and have used two timings for the 1802 chart to do the progressing: 12:00 am LMT (ASC 19Cap43) and 12:00 pm LMT (ASC 20Leo37) since no exact hour of DC's founding is known - although 'noon' may be closest to an actual occurring event on that day, if tradition counts. The founding date of May 3, 1802 is the earliest incorporation date that the District became a city although you may prefer other timings, including the version with Aries Point rising. Your choice!

2021/2022: Secondary Progressions of Washington, the District of Columbia

If an SP Full Moon of person or entity represents as far as can be safely extended into the world, then details concerning DC's SP Full Moon should be informative. These are:

Washington DC May 3, 1802 12:00 am LMT: SP Full Moon @16Gem35 June 8, 2022.

Washington DC May 3, 1802 12:00 pm LMT: SP Full Moon @16Gem35 December 8, 2021.

So as you know, Secondary Progressions use the day-for-a-year method and with these two charts, the Zodiacal position of the progressed ('evolved') Full Moon is the same - 16Gem35 - only the dates differ. Obviously, the 12:00 pm dated Full Moon has already passed on December 8th, in fact, but the 12:00 am date arrives in the midst of a Midterm Elections year so the political campaigns and primaries are sure to grab most of the air in any room and naturally, news rooms will be perking on full boil, commerce and ad sales in full swing. Tons of junk mail and emails are on the way, folks!

Plus, it remains to be seen, but it looks now as if President Biden's Build Back Better legislation will be taken up in early 2022 (if not before). If so, the city's SP Full Moon of June 8, 2022 may be the more operative horoscope. Transit note: a Full Moon perfects on or about June 12, 2022 @23Sag25 which spotlights the city's SP Chiron (23Sag04) and echoes back to the problematic 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, the day of the Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden; themes include 'frustrated emotions over money and/or relationships', 'relationship events beyond personal control', a 'sense of fatedness' to events, and a caution to 'avoid rash action until issues settle down' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Yet as we saw on January 6, 2021, some folks are not heeding any caution at all because many of them were, and are, under a Moon-Neptune influence.

As For Secondary Progressions

Now you know that fixed stars are never used with progressions (stars' positions are 'fixed', progressions are symbolic) so let's skip to considerations of the rounded-up Sabian Symbols ('word pictures') for both degrees of the SP Sun and SP Moon, then add a few notes concerning the Fire-Air, 'Mercury-Jupiter' Sun Sagittarius-Moon Gemini combination of conscious and unconscious energies (solar = leaders; lunar = the people). As you see, the charts' SP midpoint pictures ('pix') are listed and highlighted in blue with one midpoint picture rising along with SP Saturn in the upper right chart progressed to June 8, 2022.

Plus, the lower left chart (SP to December 8, 2021) has notes squished upon it but the upper right image (SP to June 8, 2022) has been left relatively unruffled by my messy scribblings. Additionally, one thing you'll notice right away is that, except for the obvious differences such as house cusps, most of the factors listed are the same in both charts unless otherwise notated. Meanwhile, quick mention should be made of the Moon-Venus inconjunct which suggests potentials for vanity, superficiality, and a need to be reassured by popularity polls. The aspect also denotes an attraction to fickle partners which invites betrayal! However, betrayal can flow in both directions. (A. Epstein).

So what we seek here is an updated (from 1802!) cosmic picture of an 'evolved' capital city of Washington DC (representative of America) but what's missing in this post are the planetary transits for the date and hour of each chart. Hopefully you may be interested enough in this topic to view the transits for yourself and add them to the SP charts:

SP Full Moon "17Gemini": "The Head of Health Dissolved Into the Head of Mentality" = Keyword DEVELOPMENT; positive expression: the effective orientation of selfhood in an overall vision; negative (unconscious/shadow) expression: a defeat of accomplishment by a senseless clinging to the illusions of youth.

SP Full Moon Sun "17Sag": "An Easter Sunrise Service" = Keyword REBIRTH; positive expression: an unusual realization of immortal resources and an ability to employ them wisely; negative expression: overconcern with superficial form and ceremony (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones #ad).

SP Sun Sagittarius-Moon Gemini is a 'live-wire' Fire-Air blend full of zeal and ideas and is ruled by the Mercury-Jupiter duo of planetary energies. A motto could be 'knowledge vs wisdom' with connections easily seen between apparently unrelated things. Logic is preferred over emotions and a wide range of interests are followed. Mischievously wicked, this blend suggests intellectual curiosity, communication skill, and an inventive, self-absorbed demeanor. Restless, adventurous, and sociable, the Sun Sag-Moon Gemini archetype appreciates irony and is excellent at playing devil's advocate, preferring to live by its wits which means that the city's deeper potentials are unfulfilled at this point, not for a while anyway. But once the city's SP Moon reaches 00Cancer00 about 14 months after each Full Moon date and a steamy, sterilizing, more optimistic Fire-Water blend evolves, we'll see.

So! As things stand, the most basic archetype for the current condition of Washington DC is 'eternal youth' which resonates closely with the above negative expressions of the current SP Full Moon and Sun combo via youthful illusions that defeat accomplishments, superficial concerns, and empty ceremonies which are primarily staged to gaslight and distract the American public from the unsavory actions of a corrupt political class, their pocket-lining enablers, and the global and domestic criminal networks infesting Washington DC and calling a mobster tune.

To close: enlightening may be the 'Image for Integration' supplied by the Harveys in their book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign, to describe in a few words the city's SP Sun Sag-Moon Gemini blend:

"Robin Hood, as a young boy, plays truant from school to go to this archery lesson, but ends up teaching card tricks to his master."

So much meaning is embedded within this Image! My closing thoughts are that 'archery' reminds me of America's traditional symbol of the Eagle with 13 arrows in its talons (representing the original 13 Colonies, if memory serves) along with the association of the Robin Hood mythology of robbing the rich to give to the poor - and a REBIRTH on this level, if accomplished, would bring some measure of balance to our perilously unequal society and this is precisely what I believe the Biden-Democratic agenda intends to do if Republican regressives would stand down, stop idolizing the past, and join in with America's future endeavors and much needed improvements awaiting implementation.

America's Great Seal; US Government National Archives and Records Administration, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Related: Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed.

Jul 28, 2021

July 28, 2021 tr North Node conjunct US 1776 Uranus

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday July 28, 2021: Just a quick post on how the transiting North Node of the Moon (future direction), at 1:03 pm edt today @8Gem59, conjuncts America's Uranus (July 4, 1776 @8Gem55) which to me seems highly descriptive of current political events and conditions. Even the Sabian Symbol for the rounded-up degree of "9 Gemini" is significant: "A Quiver Full of Arrows" - "Keyword: PREPARATION; positive expression: unlimited personal capacity for rising to the issus of the moment on any level of experience; negative (unconscious/shadow side - jc) expression: "querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones #ad).

As you know, the Capitol Building's security forces were 'not prepared' on January 6th, obviously, and there are multiple reasons for this unpreparedness, reasons which had better be brought out by the House Select Committee hearings so they can be dealt with and corrected. For one thing, this temporary Nodal influence will retain its effect through August 2021 - therefore, time for making societal and political progress via this particular cosmic gift is a-wastin'!

Meanwhile, I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to decide who's who described by the degree's pos/neg expressions. And we can always consult an image of America's Great Seal if we wish to view the American Eagle with 13 arrows grasped in its claws (the original 13 Colonies?):

Note: Now according to Robert Hieronimus, PhD, in his book Founding Fathers, Secret Societies (p. 141) #ad, a pentagram is formed on the emblem by the crest of the Eagle's head, its wings, the olive branches, and the arrows. Of course, our 5-pointed 'death star' Pentagon is suggested since FDR annointed it in 1942. And as you know, the Pentagon's role in January 6th events has come under some measure of scrutiny and there may - should - be more such inquiry as 2021 speeds into 2022.

For more info concerning America's Great Seal you may wish to check out Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed. Plus, here's a relic of a SO'W post from 2009 displaying the Horoscope of the Pentagon April 29, 1942 with a significant 2010 Solar Eclipse chart surrounding it.

So my fervent hope is that the transiting North Node may activate America's 1776 Saturn-Uranus trine which could influence our current situation with its progressive vibes as it acts as a bridge between generations to blend historical perspective with our present predicament.

Then, here's the radical or reformist politics Uranus-NN pairing in Hegelian Dialectic form as found in Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad) and its suggested potentials or expressions:

"Thesis: The changes which accompany new efforts to alter the direction of events; alliances which follow revolution or unexpected changes in leadership; help from others who assist with modernization activities.

Antithesis: Treaties for modernizing facilities which benefit another more; revolution for the effecting of popular changes; a society which does not appreciate modernizing; business changes which evolve with society."

So! In closing I should mention the only other Ptolmaic aspect made by Uranus in Gemini in our July 4, 1776 chart/s and national psyche: Uranus sextile North Node, the 'finger on the public pulse' talent that, if it can be utilized in 2021, suggests intuition and innovation that can take advantage of sudden changes in public opinion (which are in process of changing now!) so that positive social reforms may be made. (Sakoian-Acker).

Jan 2, 2021

Jupiter-Saturn, Altair the Eagle, and a Mission

Fare Well Old Order, Hello Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius

by Jude Cowell

Is the American capstone about to be crane-lifted into place with our nation ruling the roost - or, going belly up? America as we've known her now passes quickly since the SARS-Covid pandemic swept so much of our lives and lifestyles away. Actually, the January 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto made certain of that. Then as you know, the recent Great Conjunction of Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) times the beginning of new social, political, economic, and religious orders in the futuristic sign of Aquarius. At 00AQ29, new forms and inventions in Technology, Science, and Space are obviously involved, plus, the conjunction hit US Inaugural Sun, as we've discussed in previous posts, so I won't bore with it now. (For previous posts on such topics, type 'Jupiter-Saturn' in the SO'W sidebar Search field and a list of related posts should pop up.)

Meanwhile, the 'new world order' emblem of 1776 decorates America's currency and the Great Seal, so the conjunction's degree rounded up to "1AQ' = "An Old Adobe Mission," (DURABILITY; Jones) so it's also the Sabian Symbol for US Inaugural Sun (POTUS; Oath of Office) on January 20th - and conjuncts the position of the bold fixed star Altair, the eagle:

As for political considerations, perhaps a few factors in relation to the Jupiter-Saturn duo in the realms of Politics and Business would be of interest bwo the Hegelian Dialectic (create the problem then 'solve' it the way you intended to all along):

'Thesis: The serious side of justice and the law; processes concerning checks and balances; changes in the governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; an expansion within the rocks in the ground.

Antithesis: Too many restrictions on the operation of justice; a judicial system at its breaking point; pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems.'

You'll note the inclusion of a geology reference with Saturn ruling stones and rocks, techtonic plates, soil, and the Earth herself, and astrological Jupiter's expansion function increasing whatever he touches with his 'slippery slope' self.

Still, as I always remind myself, the yin-yang tension between Jupiter and Saturn make them the 'flywheel of the Universe' which keeps all the planets orbiting in their courses!

For a look back at the 'old order' here's a previous post to consider: America's 1776 Aries Ingress (horoscope shown).

Apr 4, 2020

The YOD in America's Solar Return 2020 Horoscope

Is America's Great Seal Reversed?

by Jude Cowell

April 3, 2020: After writing Stars Over Washington for nearly 15 years, it turns out that I'm quite an expert at assuming that any reader who bravely ventures herein possesses a measure of astrological knowledge. And once upon a time I tended to assure those who didn't 'speak astrologese' not to fret for my posts were written in English so they had only to ignore the astrology parts.

Now I see that such a work-around probably didn't work for many readers. In fact, a reader recently tasked me with providing a key for those who don't understand all the terms and abbreviations. She may think I've forgotten but no! It's only that events have been overly time consuming, as for us all. So this I hope to write and publish here before much longer in a post all its own.

But tonight I want to mention a factor of concern - or at least it's a factor that may help explain in general terms using Astrology some of our current conditions including health matters and our enforced circumstances of 'isolation and 'social distancing'. And this is where a basic knowledge of astrological terms and principles would come in handy - if only so that this post could be on the briefer, less cumbersome side rather than blossoming into e-book form. Oh well, let's give it a go and see where we land, shall we?

US Solar Return 2020 and a YOD of crisis

Special task, crossroads, turning point, karmic opportunity--all describe potentials that may be shown by a YOD pattern when it turns up in a horoscope. But another connotation of a YOD (which visually favors a squished triangle, aka, a Finger of God) is that it can symbolize a health indicator suggesting crisis conditions which must be handled with care when the time comes. (As you know, timing is everything! And our SR 2020 chart is 'good for' one year until America's next Solar Return in 2021.)

And so a YOD (of sorts) has turned up in America's Solar Return 2020 Horoscope, our 'birthday' chart. Please note that 'SR' stands for 'Solar Return' calculated for the moment the Sun returns to its natal degree, minute, and seconds (if known) when a person or entity is born or founded--in this case, America (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT is the chart I use, Philadelphia, Pa) with 12Sag08 Rising, Cardinal World Point 00Libr47 at Midheaven, and Moon @27AQ09 (We The People) in SR 3rd house. And if you're familiar with the US natal horoscope, you know that it contains a Thor's Hammer pattern (or, Fist of God) with a Sun-Saturn square at its base pointing toward We The People's Moon. This pattern shows that our country has had health issues (Sun-Saturn) from the start, particularly for women (Moon) aggravated or blocked by men (Sun square Saturn), plus, a midpoint picture is formed of Sun-Saturn = Moon denoting 'emotional depression due to organic troubles; fear' (which leaders use against us to direct our behavior en masse - as they do now--we're "at war" once again), and/or 'bereavement' (Ebertin). This, we've got.

So the Ascendant rising in our SR 2020 Horoscope (@27Scorpio, a health sign with regenerative power) is part of the YOD pattern and thus this is not a traditional YOD pattern for there should be planets in all three points. Plus, the apex of the 'YOD' is the North Node of the Moon at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Gemini. Why, this is not a YOD at all, exclaims astrologers! Okay, but what I'm actually trying to get at is the midpoint picture formed by the trio of Saturn-ASC-North-Node. For as a pair in the biological sphere, Saturn-ASCendant indicates potentials for certain health conditions (exs: 'skin troubles; middle ear inflammation; defective connective tissues or organs; myopia'), but also 'suffering caused by the environment; disadvantages through others; segregation or separation from others; feeling hindered or depressed; suffering from limiting or poor conditions; hindered or inhibited development; a wrong outlook on life' - or some combination which we're feeling already. Add the directional North Node and we have:

Saturn-ASC = North Node: 'secluding oneself from others; being placed in unpleasant family circumstances' (Ebertin).

'Unpleasant circumstances' is seconded by Noel Tyl.

Now let's close this dreary post (intended to inform not worsen!) with Michael Munkasey's evaluation of the difficult Saturn-ASC duo in Hegelian Dialectic form and note that you'll find the Trump 'administration' of purposefully inept kleptocrats and his dreary mishandling of our current health crisis somewhere within the following potentials--if not within them all:

Thesis: Difficulty for others to understand internal leadership or direction; policy or authority dictated or restricted by external demands; inflexibility or an inability to adapt to necessary change.

Antithesis: A replacement or a lowering in status of advisers or leaders; curtailment of programs for the disadvantaged; a disregard for checks and balances within an enterprise; repression as a function of policy.

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but I think Mr. Munkasey has described our tragic health calamity all too well based on astrological principles and translated into English.

A closely related post: Independence Day 2020 and a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse which will 'eclipse' our national Sun (13Can19), the leaders/s of the US government such as they have devolved.

Here's America's SR 2020 Horoscope:

Mar 18, 2018

America's 1776 Aries Ingress Horoscope

March 18, 2018: here is a view of the Aries Ingress (Spring Equinox) horoscope of March 19, 1776 (Sun to Aries Point) which shows a New Moon @1Aries ("A Woman Has Risen from the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her"), and marks the beginning of a new cycle of activity and, as we know, heralds the founding of a new nation in 1776--order out of chaos. As you see, the midpoint of the revolutionary pair, Uranus and Pluto conjoins the Sun-Moon midpoint. Uranus-Pluto denotes the "collapse of the old order, construction of the new" and "revolution" (Ebertin).

The Sun Aries-Moon Aries combo? Mavericks and crusaders! Saturn exalted in Libra and rising? Difficulties at the beginning but ideals will be put into a proper form with laws for guidance.

Of course, 'a woman rising from the ocean' hints at a newly invented America and her founding motto, E pluribus unum, 'out of the many, one' and the 'seal' refers to America's Great Seal with its Illuminati symbols as accepted by the era's enlightened thinkers determined on the betterment of society (Sun sextile Uranus). These were our nation's Founding Fathers whose contrary ideals inspired them to become advocates for the common man (Sun sextile Pluto). To me the fact that Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were not yet discovered in 1776 is of little if any consequence since a Neptune-Pluto trine was above their heads and denotes those who can respond to the invisible realms and forces whether they are aware of it or not!

So when looking at transits to America's natal horoscope (of which there are many versions set for various hours on July 4, 1776), this cosmically timed Aries Ingress 1776 chart is an alternative and may be a chart to keep in mind.

Here's Part One of The Story of America's Great Seal.

Dec 16, 2017

A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny

Facing Year 2018, America as Bacon's Utopian Dream of a 'New Atlantis' Careens On

by Jude Cowell

First, here is a C-rated natal horoscope for (Sir) Francis Bacon if you're curious. And here's an informative web page that displays and compares Bacon's natal chart with that of his mother, Queen Elizabeth I. Yes, she was apparently his mother so Bacon was a 'Tudor'.

Now Francis Tudor Bacon's birth name was Aron Verulam, Viscount of St. Albans, in case you were wondering. The little prince was born in London, England on January 22, 1561 (OS)/February 1, 1562 (NS) at 7:42 am LMT (original source unknown, hence its C-rating though legendary astrologer William Lilly may have something to do with it).

Now, as we face year 2018, why bring up Sir Francis and his royal lineage here on Stars Over Washington? Not because the Mars rising with royal Regulus (the 'kingmaker' star) fellow named Trump now playing the role of president is a 'monarch' in his own mind (he is), but because I've always included posts here concerning America as the New Atlantis and have added other of the more esoteric topics and mysteries which include what some call The Secret Destiny of America. And that 'secret destiny' is very much linked to Sir Francis Bacon his cousin Bartholemew Gosnold, and others of their ilk who did what they could during their life times to bring Utopian ideals into reality upon this particular continent. That they had plenty of financial, political, religious, astrological, and occult help through the ensuing centuries implementing The Great Plan seems plain to me, but if not so to you, then yours truly has done a lousy job disseminating such intriguing information these 12+ years (and mixed in with my continual 'common good' dissent against rubbish government officials in breach of the public trust; turns out, it's a huge job).

Actually, this post is inspired by my re-reading of Final Warning: A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera who has investigated the mystery of the Bruton Parish Vault where Nathaniel Bacon, nephew of Sir Francis, is said to have secreted an unabridged version of Francis Bacon's New Atlantis (America as Utopia)--perhaps along with several other documents, artifacts, maps, and more. Noted author and researcher Graham Hancock has quite a bit to say about this mystery as well and you may wish to see his The Treasure of Destiny page which tells of Marie Hall's famous search for the Vault--she, the wife of esteemed astrologer and author Manley Palmer Hall.

Now for years I've been interested in the Bruton Parish Church and its Vault mystery. President Thomas Jefferson is thought to have been the last person to see its contents in 1803! (Then was it reburied elsewhere? perhaps under the Washington DC Ellipse during the Civil War?) So when my genealogical research pointed toward Jamestown's earliest days and then on to Colonial Williamsburg, I was intrigued to discover that Colonel John Page (1628--1692) had donated the land on which Bruton Parish Church was built (plus, he donated a generous offering to fund it) for there is a Page in my 'family woodpile', you might say.

So were John and/or other Page family members 'in on' the secreting of the historical treasure? Will America's 'Secret Destiny' ever be revealed by its contents or by other means? What did Williamsburg renovator John D. Rockefeller know and when did he know it? And is our national destiny encoded on the reverse side of America's Great Seal (image shown) where, "The mystery and vagueness of these 'disembodied' symbols conceal their meaning?" (Founding Fathers, Secret Societies, Robert Hieronimus, PhD.)

The pyramid shaped grave monument in the Bruton Churchyard is that of Colonel John's son David Bray and wife Elizabeth Page Bray and is said by some to hide a passageway to the hidden Vault. No, they are not in my direct ancestral line for David died young and the couple had no issue, as they say. But if one wanted a mystery to ponder which included elements of history, archaeology, early America, genealogy, secret societies, and esotericism, the Bruton Parish Vault could be a good place to start, don't you think?

Yet for those who prefer modern times, a visit to the Church or the website of the Bruton Parish Episcopal Church may be more to their liking.

Related Posts include:

The History of the Freemasons and the Skull and Bones (video) posted in May 2016 on Friday the 13th; A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington DC; Is This the Most Important Date in US History?, a video (Astrology added) in which an event in 1588 is discussed and subsequently 'bolstered increased interest in the colonization of the North American continent' along the lines and blueprint of Sir Francis Bacon's Platonic Utopian dream. And here, facing year 2018, we remain plopped and wondering.

Yet is it curious that the February 10, 2017 Lunar Eclipse @22Leo shone upon a certain planetary conjunction in the 1588 event chart? Follow the link to view the horoscopes of the February 2017 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with both charts set for Washington DC. Or, perhaps you'd rather look ahead toward the Eclipses and a Few Other Cosmic Events of 2018.

Jul 28, 2016

July 28, 2016: "A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her"

As former senator Hillary Clinton delivers her history-making presidential nomination acceptance speech tonight at the DNC, yours truly will be wondering about many historical things such as the obverse (unconscious; feminine) side of America's Great Seal with its Eye of Horus (son of Isis!) and the 13-step pyramid of power. Another wonderment is the hidden meaning of our nation's long list of male presidents (covert side) which, unless there's a Republican coup of the Venusian Oval Office or a landslide for Trump (and there could be either or both), will soon flip over to a female Commander-in-Chief.

Political Pundits: Why Has It Taken the US So Long to Elect a Woman President?

The political class ask this with eyes wide as if they weren't in on the game! For it seems to me that this change was meant to be and its timing no accident. My assertion is that the 'breaking of the glass ceiling' imagery used in the DNC video to signify a woman breaking through to the top tier of power brings to fruition more symbolism than the American people are allowed to glimpse or understand--it's the nature of mysticism with secret motives to hide information in plain sight.

Actually, such esoteric topics as the Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus have turned up previously on Stars Over Washington.

For the curious, here is a 14-minute presentation on The Story of The Great Seal of the United States (part 1 of 2) which includes its history, the selection of mystical symbols on its covert and obverse sides, and how VP Henry Wallace (a 32nd-degree Freemason and occultist) brought the seal's obverse Illuminati-inspired symbols to the attention of President Franklin Roosevelt (also a 32nd-degree) who, with little if any public explanation, had the symbols placed on the back of the dollar bill, as the legend goes:

"A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her" is the Sabian Symbol for 1 Aries with 'the ocean' a well known symbol of the unconscious in dreams, and more universally of the Collective Unconscious in the Mundane Astrology lens through which I tend to view Politics here on SO'W. Obviously the symbol's 'seal' represents America's Great Seal, and the 'woman' is, as it turns out, Hillary Clinton who seeded the New Millennium at midnight on New Year's Eve with husband and President Bill Clinton as the calendar of a new century turned over and our national phallic symbol and Egyptian obelisk, the Washington Monument, was decked out in celebratory lights. Our then-First-Lady has waited through 8 years of the Obama presidency to reach this point in 2016--the year which was always part of the game plan, imho.

For it's possible that the significance of switching to a lady president is at the very Foundation of America via our natal horoscope if we use July 4, 1776 at 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA (where the DNC 2016 happens to be located) for this moment places a Cardinal World Point of 00Aries+ on the IC, the Basis of the nation's founding. Round up the degree to 1 Aries and we get the above pregnant-with-meaning symbol. Of course, a horoscope's IC Point also reveals hints about the Draining and the Ending of an endeavor but that's a fret for a distant day. jc

May 24, 2016

A Discordant Message from Chief Nativist Donald Trump

In American Politics, Nativism is a pro-Anglo-Saxon, anti-immigration ideology in which the wages of 'less well paid natives' are believed to be lowered by immigrants who take jobs of our citizens by willingly working for much less pay. Jettison the inherent bigotry and resultant hatred of 'new comers' and such a point of view seems logical, right? It is, after all, a large part of what Globalism is all about.

Where I can't seem to find a shred of logic is in the nativism of 2016 candidate Donald Trump who bounces merrily along on a Republican bigotry ticket of nativism while espousing such rhetoric as American "wages are too high"! If you tout how immigrants lower the wages of American workers, why promise to lower working class wages if elected? Whaa-a-a?

Is Mr. Trump's unconscious,unfiltered Mercury-Neptune square once again blurting indiscreetly? Or did he simply mean that wages are already "too high" for a minimum wage increase so it's status quo (or lower) for wages during a Trump administration?

Either way, the bully candidate's nativism ploy is championed by power elites to persuade voters to vote Republican on November 8, 2016 - and that's millions of US voters who usually sit out elections for several reasons, not the least of which is the long-growing feeling (knowledge, actually) that our votes 'don't count' (assuming that at some earlier point in US history they did). US presidents are selected by elite committee, I've complained here for over a decade, and elsewhere online. And we can call them super delegates, the electoral college, what-evs...that lesser of two evils feeling never leaves us.

Did you notice when 2008 candidate Hillary Clinton was directed to be patient and stand down in favor of Barack Obama when the two candidates secretly attended the Chantilly, Virginia meeting in June 2008 of the Bilderberg Club? Is that why Bilderberg member VP Joe Biden has stated that Hillary will be elected in 2016--to fulfill a promise that 2016 is her turn to be president? If so, will this symbolize the reversal of America's Great Seal to the obverse side with the 'pyramid of power'?

Will women voters be the deciding factor in November 2016 as many political pundits are predicting?

For more on the Bilderberg Group, here's a link to The Guardian's 2001 interview with an original Bilderberger, Lord Healey.

Related: Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed (it's a feminine thing).

May 13, 2016

Friday May 13, 2016: History of Freemasons and The Skull And Bones - video

UPDATE May 31, 2022: The originally embedded video has been removed from this post as, 'no longer available' so with a few mild edits, my original post begins here:

The Jacques de Molay of the Knights Templar legend relates to the founding of America, including Francis Bacon's New Atlantis vision, America's Great Seal symbols, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum', Freemason George Washington's ceremonial roles with silver trowel and apron, our scam-filled 'Manifest Destiny', the money lenders' 'Federal Reserve' central bank of 1913 (creating money out of thin air and loaning it to enslave governments), Freemason FDR's placing the freaky Eye-of-Horus pyramid of power on our currency, the 'New World Order' political agenda of World Government which implicates the EU and various 'free' trade deals, our empiric take-overs of sovereign countries in order to plunder treasures, depopulate, and to institute their enslavement to the International Banking Cartel (all relating to a centuries' long dream of setting up a 'King of Jerusalem')...well, the list goes, doesn't it?

Now We the People are mired within the Campaign 2016 season with our typical lesser-of-two-evils choice ahead on November 8th--as if We the People actually elect presidents!

Running as a Democrat, Senator Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who comes across to me as genuine while complaining against income inequality and the oppression of the elite banker class which officially took control of the US government in 1913, as noted. And though I have yet to hear the Senator mention such terms as 'Templar Knights' or 'Illuminati', we can simply gaze at New York Harbor for a view of the Illuminati symbol of the Eternal Flame held by the Venusian goddess statue sent us by french Freemasons to know who rules this nation. Or, we can check out America's Great Seal which is basically same as the seal of Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati founded May 1, 1776.

No, candidate Bernie Sanders cannot "do it alone" and restructure the government of this nation, even with transformative, destructuring Pluto in governmental Capricorn approaching its natal position in our nation's 1776 horoscope (27Cap33). And if by a miracle he is elected to the presidency, a monumental task awaits if he attempts to best the Banking Cartel on behalf of the American people. Yet decades of divide-and-conquer tactics by the power elite have guaranteed them primacy over us since we would need to Speak as One Voice along with Bernie in order to make any real difference in our national plight.

Yet between social wedge issues like transgender bathroom use, abortion, and racial inequality, what are our chances of banding together en masse against the shadowy figures who are our true oppressors?


From 2015: It's Friday the 13th and Superstition Lingers which includes info on the number '13' and a link to the horoscope of 2013's Illuminati Solar Eclipse, so named due to NWO Uranus-Neptune content; Horoscope: the Founding of the Federal City (DC) 1791; and US Eclipse August 1776: Thor's Hammer, Isis' Key, and a Bucket.

Also recommended is a recent post which includes this:

H.G. Wells described FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

That was quite a Geminian mask FDR was hiding behind in his day, wasn't it?

Jan 20, 2016

Who’s Behind The SCOTUS Attacks On Unions? - Ring of Fire Radio

Again SCOTUS is in the political news--Farron Cousins reports as the war against America's Middle Class (dressed as an attack on unions) continues:

A related post from May 1, 2014: SCOTUS, the 6th Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square, and a New Millennium which includes certain Sabian Symbols, an article link concerning the retirement of a Supreme Court Justice, America's Great Seal, the potential presidency of New Millennium seeder, Hillary Clinton, and the ongoing determination of the power elite to suddenly transform the status quo.

Nov 22, 2015

DC Horoscope: Winter Solstice 2015 w North Node Rising

Washington DC December 21, 2015 11:48 pm est Sun to Capricorn: Pretense and Illusion

As you see, the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2015 is set for Washington DC and shows a favorable portent in the form of the Moon's North Node rising @26Vir11 (Ascendant in Nodal Degree suggests karma at work--reaping what's been sown) along with Jupiter @22Vir46 as leader of a Locomotive pattern of planets yet conjunct starry Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream). This pattern hints at a high-powered executive demanding success in his endeavors--a CEO, a corporation or syndicate of them, a religious leader, a military general, a priest or guru, a politician or political group--with expansive Jupiter perhaps all of these are represented here. Success seems near at hand for there is also a high-flying Kite pattern with the exalted-in-Taurus Moon as its tail posited in the 8th house of Corporatism, Shared Resources, and Transformation. A Mystic Rectangle is dotted, as you see, but it includes Chiron so let's assume its 'practical mysticism' vibes will be fortunate in the healing department along with Moon, Jupiter, and Venus.

During this dynamic Mars Hour, we find that with Virgo rising Mercury is chart-ruler so let's consider the Speedy One's major applying aspects to see how things will proceed this winter season--actually from the moment the Sun enters Capricorn since The Cosmos times this horoscope via The Great Cosmic Clock that is our Solar System. At 11:48 pm est, solar energies in the Collective morph from Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius into Saturn-ruled Capricorn and as you know, the entire sign of Capricorn is a mystical labyrinth with Saturn the traditional ruler of Astrology and anciently considered to be the devil.

Yet on a mundane level Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business, plus, systems, structures, the establishment, and lawmakers such as those who 'serve' the people on Capitol Hill. In Politics perhaps Saturn's 'devil' status and satanist tendencies hold true, would you agree after the way they've mucked things up?

Sun-Moon and Chart-Ruler Mercury in the Winter Solstice 2015 Horoscope

Now Winter Solstice 2015 brings much practicality with its Double Earth blend of Sun Cap-Moon Taurus, the Venus-ruled sign in which the Moon exalts. With Sun Cap-Moon Taurus we envision inherited wealth, self-made fortunes, and lucrative stock markets. Meanwhile, Mercury in Capricorn is an ambitious placement and provides thinking, planning, communicating Mercury with good concentration skills, methodology, and a conservative preference for the status quo in politics. Ideas are only useful if they are practical to a Cap Mercury and a serious, stern manner may be noted more often than not. Afflicted by squares from Mars and Uranus, this Mercury may also tend toward greed and doesn't mind using other people to attain materialistic goals with little if any thought to the human condition or the common good.

Along with the solar emphasis on 4th house matters of Home, Roots, Security, and Real Estate (and the Sun unaspected and thus intense, isolated, unpredictable, taking intermittent actions, a genius by any planet), we find an out of bounds (OOBs) Mercury @18Cap05 which has recently moved beyond wealthy, stealthy Pluto @14Cap42 and this reminds us, of course, of secrets, spies, surveillance, and what once was our right to privacy. Mercury OOBs tends to act on its own without interference from others (planets) and we may tend to think of NSA agents or other Mercurial actors. This degree area of the Zodiac continues to provide oppositions to US natal Sun conjoining Egyptian goddess star Sirius (the mundane becoming sacred; The Scorcher). The heaviest is the ongoing transit of Pluto opposing US natal Sun = titanic power struggles and challenges to power/control and the spying it brings; President Obama and thus the American people have certainly been ensnared in invisible Pluto's creepy net, violence included--particularly since the New Millennium.

Plus, you'll remember that '18Cap' is the degree of the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment-Illuminati-Age-of-Reason planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993 and keys the 'smug of strong-armed paternalism' vibes in the Sabian Symbols (Marc Edmund Jones.) 'POLITICAL POWER' and "A British Destroyer Flies the Union Jack" are part of this disturbing picture--and if we expect reason (as in, the Age of Reason) to solve everything, compassion for humanity is left out in the cold. Add Mercury to the Uranus-Neptune mix and we get a variety of ideas and plans along with Artificial Intelligence (Munkasey) which relates to Technology of course, but also intelligence (info) that is false.

As for Mercury's applying Ptolemaic aspects there are three (not counting a Moon-Mercury trine since Luna applies to Mercury): 1. sextile Venus in 2nd house of the National Treasury @20Sco13; 2. trine Jupiter, the engine leader rising in the 12th house of Politics, Back Room Deals, and Karma; 3. square Mars, also in 2nd house @23Lib02 which stimulates two stars, Spica and Arcturus.

1. Mercury sextile Venus denotes potentials for holistic thinking, an ability to line up support for ideas, forming alliances, and the use of diplomacy. Challenging complacent people and debates that turn into bickering are possible (Campaign 2016) though charm may also be used. Why, someone may even send flowers!

2. Mercury trine Jupiter shows someone being in the right place at the right time with the necessary information. Grandiose ideas abound and caution is needed to stay in touch with reality and not be overconfident of abilities or of situations. This may be difficult for the president (Sun) or for anyone in charge due to the midpoint picture mentioned below. However, Mercury trine Jupiter does tend to favor political activities, religious endeavors, court decisions (depending on which side you're on!), publishing, advertising, and cultural projects. Foreign relations may also be benefited via good opportunities which is great if the cautions are heeded and a moderate attitude is kept in mind.

3. Mercury square Mars: now if we break up the winter season (ending at Spring Equinox March 2016) into three sections, we find in the last time period that Mercury squares Mars symbolically from about February 21 to March 21, 2016. Solstice Mercury's sextile and trine won't go away yet a square approaches. So there is Mars @23Lib02 in 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earnings, and Values conjoining two fortunate fixed stars, Spica and Arcturus which are very much a part of the star lore of Washington DC. For in the original plans for the Federal City, Spica (The Spike, a phallic symbol) is reflected on earth by the Washington Monument and thus relates to the US presidency and its official archetype in the personage of *George Washington, the great stone face (30Pisces.)

Arcturus = the White House and there again we have presidential symbology with the Federal City's reflections similar to the Giza Pyramids on earth lined up like the Belt Stars of Orion, the Hunter (and Christ archetype in Christianity, Osiris in ancient Egypt.) These stars and imagery are spotlighted each time a planet enters the 23Libra degree area where Spica and Arcturus sparkle, of course, and both stars are considered beneficial and denote a fortunate realm within the malefic Via Combusta (the burning way in traditional Astrology: mid-Libra to mid-Scorpio.)

So with Mercury square Mars we may expect problems with incorrect information, frustration, and wrong directions. Aggression increases, mechanical snags and glitches occur, electrical issues may need attention (ex: US power grid), and competition gets down and dirty (but in politics who can tell a difference?); schedules may not function well so leave in plenty of time; public transportation is spotlighted negatively or via delays and cancellations; infections and contagions are potentials and I would be remiss not to mention them so please take precautions.

A Visionary Midpoint Picture for the Unaspected 2015 Winter Solstice Sun

Yes, North Node rising seems to be a favorable portent for our nation's future direction manifesting during Winter 2015--2016 yet we find our 1776 Neptune @22Virgo rising as well with Jupiter @22Vir46 (leader of a powerful Locomotive pattern) along with its obfuscation of President Obama's natal Mars also @22Virgo. Many times I have fussed about this conjunction, this veil through which the public sees or understands his actions and motivations with great difficulty, if at all. Inspired actions are possible with Mars-Neptune of course but we're talking about politicians not saints--and an unstable shift in government has been set in motion. Plus, there's America's natal Mars-Neptune square on the angles of the solstice chart with its 'misguided actions and motivations' leading to what too many times has resulted in 'the fog of war'.

Although Washington and Wall Street may deny it, our great nation has been bankrupted by warmongers, cheats, gold-hoarders, and politicians!

For as you know, Jupiter-Neptune is the speculator pair of energies-- visionaries, spendthrifts, religious frauds, and a degraded legal system (Munkasey) and with the Jupiter-Neptune midpoint conjoining the unaspected 2015 Winter Solstice Sun we find potentials for:

confidence and purpose where confusion or deception exist, visions used to enhance one's capabilities, prestige that helps others (political endorsements? Hillary has most of them so far), deceiving or being deceived, irresponsibility, squandering physical strength (military?), following a dream (or a secret destiny?), trying to capture the essence of things, potentially misguided states, feeling the spirit (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl; note that any, all, or none may apply.)

So Jupiter leading a Locomotive is a high-powered executive demanding success but he now conjoins US natal Neptune and the president's Mars which gives a boundary-crashing impetus to December 2015 into 2016, the last year of Barack Obama's presidency. This midpoint picture resonates with his first year in office which was imprinted by the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune occurring upon US natal Moon in Aquarius, the dreamy 'going with the wind; emotional swoon; involved in speculation' spell many of us were under. Therefore, potentials for this Jupiter-Neptune-Sun winter season include:

pretense, illusion, deception, fanaticism, paranoia, scandals, bankruptcies, mystery, and oceanic occurrences. A tendency toward overconfidence is noted as above for President Obama's Mars as he leans toward expansive actions that actually need moderation. War is obviously on the agenda but we don't need Astrology to tell us that--yet as you see, US Mars @22Gemini has crossed the Goal Point of the chart (MC 25Gem47) and drags US natal Neptune with it in their problematic square formation. Deception is on Washington's menu as are Syrian refugees with Saturn (ruler of the solstice Sun) in Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner and the emigrant.

Now you may have noticed in my writings that, as a self-described dissenting American, I remain in a permanent snit of miffdom over our nation's lies-into-war condition made worse by the way criminal usurpers have infiltrated what we've always been told was our government.

To that I say Puh! Clearly it is not and probably never was 'ours'. It seems Freemasons and other secret societies had a lock on it from the start--or before the start for a new nation and "new world order" had to be planned before it could be implemented. Perhaps our July 4, 1776 Pluto in late Capricorn--out of bounds of the earthly plane and acting apart from the other planets--directed our Founding Fathers from abroad where secret societies were birthed. This could account for a secret operative who encouraged them in signing the Declaration of Independence when they seemed to falter--that mysterious voice coming from the darkened balcony, mysteriously missing from the locked building when looked for, as the legend goes.

After all, the Signers were faced with the death penalty for high treason as they labored shut up in that sweltering room of the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia with its windows covered for total privacy and a guard posted at the door. Many hours of debate passed and then, the legend goes, an unknown voice rang out, "God has given America to be free!" which sent the delegates rushing forward to sign. Well, that's the legend but as usual with so much American history, the Declaration of Independence was not fully signed until August 2, 1776 within two weeks of the initial solar eclipse in the 13 North Saros Series. That it began the series echos the establishment of a 'New World Order' and a new nation, the first country created for the sake of a noble idea (Plato's, Bacon's, Weishaupt's, etc) and the ideals of freedom, independence, equality and democracy (so they say but not so much anymore--the power elite want a new order now--you know, like the fabled Atlantis--that golden time before The Fall, man in no need of rules or laws. That Age of Reason nonsense will be their flimsy excuse for collapsing the US government anyway.)

Be all that as it may, perhaps you'll agree that the themes of 13N apply closely to the events of August 2, 1776. The solar eclipse manifested on August 14 @21Leo52 conjunct Venus @22:46, making the USA a fiery nation of dramatic show-offs and natural leaders with statues and symbols of goddess Venus (aka, Isis or Columbia) all around the Federal City--and later illuminating New York Harbor. 13N relates to: group endeavors, projects, and associations with a flavor of 'breaking an existing bond which requires separation but then there is joint achievement' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Sounds like America to me.

And yet it's late days and we find that descendants of early social engineers of Bacon's and Weishaupt's ilk (or perhaps just the transnational bankers of the globalism persuasion) want to toss out the freedom, independence, and democracy model and substitute it with draconian surveillance and the strong-arm policing of Global Government, what some believe is the 'Secret Destiny of America'. Yet this would mean that humanity's enslavement is the ultimate goal of this nation and that I refuse to believe in spite of certain actors' constant undermining of our governmental institutions via such tactics as 'shutdowns' meant to suggest and herald a final shutdown and the chaos it would bring so that a new order would be called for.

All this I mention here because the very important November 8, 2016 Election is key to power elite plans along with whatever dirty tricks they play on us before then, propaganda included. Will America select her first female president? I suspect so as The Great Seal (modeled on the Illuminati seal dated May 1, 1776) symbolically turns its conscious side over to its feminine unconscious side and the American people finally discover the Seal's hidden messages and the true implication of,

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

--Barry Goldwater, a practical, shrewd Sun Capricorn-Moon Taurus personality. We can't say he didn't warn us.

For more on the Stars of Washington DC, the Washington Monument, and other such related topics try this August 2015 post which contains starry info plus a few links to previous SO'W articles that may be of interest especially for those who see merit in valuing America, her beginning and principles, while our tenuous grasp upon her as a sovereign nation still holds.


*George Washington February 22, 1732 10:00 am LMT Popes Creek Landing, VA with Venus exalted in Pisces and at a critical degree of 'brilliant talents or genius': 29Pis25 conjoining the Aries Point of World Manifestation, Recognition, Reward, and Prominence (he of the Star Families.) General Washington's lusty Mars in sexy Scorpio sits upon his natal Descendant of Partnerships and the Winter Solstice 2015 Moon @17Tau02 rises in his natal chart!. George is known to have deserved a phallic symbol for his legacy as a ladies' man though never fathering a child of his own (that we know of for certain) probably due to early illnesses that caused sterility. Too much information?

Dec 15, 2014

Dec 15, 2014: Bill of Rights Day as the Uranus-Pluto square perfects

Have You Total Awareness of Enslavement?

by Jude Cowell

Today is Bill of Rights Day in America for the Bill of Rights, the 'foundation of our liberty' was ratified 223 years ago on December 15, 1791.

In the heavens, this day is marked (or honored?) by the sixth of seven exact squares between the radical and rebellious combination of Uranus (America's totem planet of revolution) and ancient Pluto, planet of entrenched power, wealth, control, and manipulation--also known as The Pope, the assassin, and the saboteur. And you don't have to use Astrology to see the titanic, generational struggle for power going on now across the globe via civil rights protests and the challenges between political factions within the US government.

One of our nation's founders, Thomas Paine, believed that all monarchies were illegitimate and it saddens me that apathetic voters in November 2014 have allowed the new Congress of 2015 to welcome entrenched monarchistic forces of the power elite class--which includes monarchists--to take over the rule of our government leaving no room for the American people. The Uranus-Pluto motto of the day--I Can't Breathe applies to this case as well for We the People may find ourselves as a class devoid of breathe well before 2015 ends. I hope I'm wrong, but there it is--disagree if you will but I expect the machinations of Congress to take our collective breath away with its brutal draconian measures.

At 12:14 am ET today, Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries (anarchists, zealots, Utopians) and Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (dictators) squared one another at critical degrees of the two Cardinal (active, initiating) signs. The seventh and last of their dynamic squares will occur at 10:54 pm ET on March 16, 2015 (not on March 17, as previously stated.)

Additionally, transit Uranus in Aries has moved into orb of opposition to US natal Saturn, planet of government, law, and business, and signifying the lawmakers of Congress among others. This is an indicator of a 'new order (Uranus) supplanting the 'old order' (Saturn, the status quo', the Establishment), another factor clearly demonstrated by ongoing Capitol Hill dramas and the grandstanding of zealous gasbag wrench-throwers such as Mr. Cruz.

So given the current shaking of the 'foundation of our liberty' on this Bill of Rights Day 2014, we shall see what the "party of the rich man" (as Harry Truman plainly called them), the Republican Party--along with an out-of-bounds Supreme Court, a complicit Democratic Party, the White House, and all their happy little backers with anti-democratic foreign allegiances--have in store for our seemingly 'free society'.

And all their shady plans may crescendo at the 2016 presidential election during which yet another of the Bush Crime Family may be encrowned within the Venusian Oval Office and under orders to do the will of 'New World Order' global bosses of a satanic-luciferian nature, usually identified as the Bavarian Illuminati (officially formed on May 1, 1776) with its eye-over-pyramid symbol placed in full view upon the US dollar bill (by Illuminati agent, FDR) and glaringly used as a symbol on America's Great Seal.

Will the Global Crime Syndicate Have its Way?

The ancient plan of Francis Bacon ('The New Atlantis") and others, promoted in the 1800s by Albert Pike (the only Confederate General with a statue in Washington DC, his body entombed in a vault a few blocks from the White House) marches on toward Global Government and they want us to believe this is inevitable. And considering that the American populace, weakened in so many ways, shows such apathy and a willful lack of awareness of what these zealots and crooks are perpetrating upon America and the world through their 'Total Awareness' program, it may be that inevitability is a pretty good bet.

For further Uranus-Pluto thoughts, read Mary Plumb's the vigilant present.

Jun 10, 2013

US Mercury '25Can': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power"

Given my real world schedule, it would be an impossible task to provide in this post a list of current links to articles, videos, and interviews concerning the NSA/PRISM/data-mining/Snowden issues now dominating the 24/7 cycle of the news, and I trust you may find them for yourself as you wish. In fact, such news would be difficult for anyone to miss these days unless they inhabit an underground cave with no Internet connection or phone signal.

And as I always wonder, what should we be attending to when the circus masters of the media say, Look Here, American public! What's going on in an opposite direction that the powers-that-be want us to ignore?

Leaving that question aside for the moment, I wish to further mention notes on America's natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776 @24Can11 = '25Cancer') and its Sabian Symbol as given by both Marc Edmund Jones and Dane Rudhyar. Their word pictures for '25 Cancer' vary slightly and does the Solar Fire symbol used in the title of this post.

"25Can" (MEJ): "A dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder"...DESTINY. Positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man; Negative (shadow side--jc): a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania."

(Note the use of "unwarranted presumption" similar to warrantless wiretaps.)

Here's Baraka!

Now let's consider the entire interpretation by Dane Rudhyar for '25Can' = "A Will-Full Man Is Overshadowed By a Descent of Superior Power."

"We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing life's problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the "mantle of power," the grace (baraka in *Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

In this fifth symbol we witness a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner and uncommon ENDOWMENT."

Naturally, with the symbol's "Providential assistance" we are reminded of the Founding Fathers' use of Illuminati symbols upon America's Great Seal, symbols which were placed on the dollar bill under the Franklin Roosevelt administration (he, a Freemason as were many Founding Fathers including numero uno President George Washington)--the pyramid with the floating capstone and the Eye of Providence (or of Horus) that we now know symbolizes total and complete surveillance of the American people and of the entire globe.

E pluribus unum indeed.

Though to be fair, similar symbols had been used by other secret societies besides the Illuminati (May 1, 1776) yet infiltration of other societies has been an oft-used tactic to direct and maintain control over events and outcomes. I believe we see that this is same tactic now used by anti-government types who've infiltrated the US Congress in order to collapse the US government and cull the people in Darwin-esque fashion.

Yes, America's natal Mercury (Rx: inward spying!) is opposed by powerful Pluto Rx in Capricorn, sign of government, law, business (and Saturnian control and restriction) and has been addressed here many times, plus, Pluto's legendary Cape of Invisibility is certainly a large part of our spying picture of manipulation, oppression, and secrecy. When born or founded with a Mercury-Pluto opposition dangerous secrets are dealt with and are sometimes used against opponents when blackmail is deemed a necessary tactic.

*Now Sufi philosophy's concept of the perfect man in some ways seems to tally with Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati theory that man can through reason perfect himself and is in no need of rules, government, religion, etc.

And of course, 'reason' points to The Enlightenment era (the 'Age of Reason') and its planetary significator, the Uranus-Neptune duo. And since I've typed much on SO'W about this combo and its effects that work against society's best interests--meeting in Great Conjunction @'18Cap' as they did three times in 1993 and creating what I at least use as a natal horoscope of the modern-day 'new world order' that now spies on us--I shall add little to the wordage today--except to remind us all of the Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' of Uranus-Neptune since it touches upon the topic of this post:

"The Union Jack Flies From a British Warship"...POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers. Keywords: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order." (DR.)

Positive: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches; Negative" (shadow side--jc): "smug or strong-armed paternalism." (MEJ.)

Uranus (progress; technological advances; Science; genius) and Neptune (surveillance, masks, veils, secrecy; the masses; the media) joined forces in 1993 with presidents Bush Sr and Bill Clinton handing them the wrenches with which to destroy the American public's right to personal privacy and thereby fatally wounding our democracy.