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Showing posts with label Can Astrology Describe Ted Cruz?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Can Astrology Describe Ted Cruz?. Show all posts

Apr 26, 2023

Astro-Notes on J6 Coup Plotter Ted Cruz

Can Astrology Describe Ted Cruz?

by Jude Cowell: pro-democracy forever!

Hear Ted Cruz Caught on Tape Plotting "Step Two" of Trump's Jan 6th Coup Attempt, thanks to MSNBC's Ari Melber reporting on it.

The accuracy rating for the natal horoscope of Republican politician Ted Cruz is only a C since the hour of his birth is in question. Most often, 1:00 am MST (December 22, 1970 Calgary, Alberta: Sun @00Capricorn) is commonly used, as you can see if you follow the link. Yet another possibility is 7:34 pm, but admittedly I have no allegiance to either timing, particularly since Herr Cruz shows no allegiance to America, only fascist leanings. That he has argued cases before the US Supreme Court in the past does not an American patriot make. A Canadian by birth, Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship on May 14, 2014 and has clung to American citizenship ever since which places Cruz, the J6 coup plotter, firmly under US law.

And it may be that We the People don't actually know where Ted's true loyalties lie. Or if he has any at all.

Then way back in 2013, a post appeared on my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold, concerning Cruz's Sun-Moon personality blend so if you're curious about a maga Republican who's revealed to be a Crusader Dueling with Shadows, you're invited to check out my astro-notes.

Meanwhile, one of lawyer Cruz's more informative natal placements to me is his legal eagle planet Saturn Rx @16Tau19 conjunct the very position of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse conjunct the radical anarchist planet, Uranus.

For Herr Cruz, this planetary contact qualifies as a Uranus-to-Saturn transit, a period when laws and rules are challenged and reevaluation and alteration are potentials which may affect the way responsibilities are handled due to the unorthodox ideas presented. Thing is, such alterations can be accomplished within The System without tearing it down.

Yet as we know, motivation is everything, and unfortunately, a motivated Ted Cruz has joined the tear-it-all-down brigade of comrades, many of whom are still feeling bu*t-hurt from losing the Civil War, a conflagration that Ted has no personal connection with, to my knowledge. And this resentful sore-loser condition has been easily manipulated by enemies of American democracy, enemies such as the vengeful Herr Putin who's known to have felt deeply resentful since the fall of the Soviet Union (Russia's 1991 horoscope is shown, below). So I must suppose that Herr Vlad feels "bu*t-hurt", too.

Then revealingly, the fascist-nazi clincher on seditionists like Cruz is the Sabian Symbol of his natal Saturn rounded-up to "17Taurus": "A Symbolical Battle Between Swords vs Torches."

So if this cosmic synchronicity of symbol plus Saturn-Uranus' old vs new order impetus reminds you of the vile tiki torch march in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017, then we're on the same page when it comes to white "supremacy" - so here's my question: since when are hatred, primal violence, crime, and murder signs of any kind of "supremacy"?

Foreign Manipulation of US Affairs = Sabotage

Now personally, I never celebrate the fall of any country because of the populations it harms, yet even so, here's a view of Russia's 1991 Flag Raised Horoscope for your consideration:

Note that the Soviet Union post linked above contains chart details and an enlargeable horoscope, if you'd like them.

Now to close, here's a related post: 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse and Planets hit US Congress' 1789 Horoscope.

And here's some interesting news that broke a few days ago: Three of the 2017 tiki torch marchers have been indicted so apparently, "swords" trump "torches", at least in the case of these three bu*t-hurt neo-nazis.

Nov 16, 2015

Economists Report In: Ted Cruz's Tax Plan Is Laughable

Flat Tax = Flat America

Confession: lately I've been privately and not-so-privately giving captions to Ted Cruz photos based on his variety of expressions during photo ops and simply could not resist adding this one to SO'W--what I call his "I'm So Adorable" look (in his own mind):

And here's the article via Ring Of Fire Radio that goes with the photo: Economists' Report In: Ted Cruz's Tax Plan Is Laughable though I doubt that 99% of us would be laughing if Cruz obtained enough power to implement his anti-society, anti-government ideas to shrink, drown, and collapse the US government.

Now have you seen this pitiful expression on the mug of thespian Cruz? This one I felt compelled on Twitter to label "sadness" for obvious reasons.

And We Must Never Forget Cruz's immortal rendering of Green Eggs and Ham for which US taxpayers paid millions of dollars while the big faker turned the US Senate into a laughing stock across the globe.

So tell me, Can Astrology Describe Ted Cruz?