Blog Note: first of all I want to thank my readers for their kind well wishes for my surgery this week. Gratefully, I'm in recuperation mode now but with more action to come.
With that said, I've not had a chance to blurb here about Saturday's Full Moon (7.12.14), a "Supermoon" as coined by Richard Nolle, at a critical degree of Capricorn, and since a Full Moon opposes (a phase of culmination, fulfillment, relationship issues, awareness) the Sun's zodiacal degree, the entire axis of Home/Security is affected and spotlighted at the critical degrees of 20 Capricorn and 20 Cancer.
Now unless you've been under a massive rock the last few weeks you don't need Astrology to tell you of the several crisis/critical circumstances going on in America and across the globe. Problems abound and in my personal estimation, Republican obstructionism makes everything worse as they attempt to score political points against President Obama. Perhaps you're aware that no one is selected to play the role of US president unless vetted on Wall Street and they agree to follow the Global Government agenda, but as usual, Republicans think their harsh methods are best. I disagree and will be voting in November for a rag mop as long as it's Democrat or Independent.
Yet as I've asked before: do you ever get the feeling that GOP extremism is meant to sway the masses toward the Democrats? Well, it isn't as if the Globalist Agenda of international bankers, other corporatists, and shadowy elites who rock satanic bloodlines will stop bedeviling America no matter which political party has the upper hand after November and into 2016/17. As we know, one president can only do so much and he/she needs the cooperation of others in DC to be successful--assuming that 'change' for the better is really the goal.
Even the saddening border crisis of children and mothers (Cancer) crossing our southern border (Saturn) seeking protection in America contributes to the result of melting US sovereignty. Governor of Texas Rick Perry has called this week for POTUS to send National Guard troops to take control of the situation which I assume means pointing large guns at children and forcing them back into Mexico--with the added bonus for the GOP of photo ops of such an ugly, draconian way of dealing with the situation--with President Obama as the bad guy, of course!
Okay, that's enough venting over political tricks and deceptive propaganda! So much is going on in the world under girded by the current Solar Eclipse theme: 'misdirected motivations especially when dealing with groups; take no real action'--Brady.) Apparently non-governing House Republicans fit right in with that advice.
Capricorn: Responsibility, Authority, Conservatism, the Status Quo
But fortunately for you, dear reader, the wonderful Dipali Desai has written an overview of the July 17, 2014 Full Moon in Capricorn so I hope you'll visit her at Celestial Space for more uplifting Luna information than politics-as-usual can provide!
And of course you never go wrong checking out the insightful information provided each day at Julie Demboski Astrology so you may wish to check out Julie's Full Moon info there as well.