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Showing posts with label The Enlightenment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Enlightenment. Show all posts

Jun 23, 2023

Congress' Saturn Return 2024 and Election 2024

US Congress' 3-fer Saturn Return of Accountability

by Jude Cowell

This post is a reminder that in the pivotal year of 2024, the US Congress (first session March 4, 1789) will receive a three-fer Saturn Return to the legislative branch's 1789 position of Saturn @13Pis38:11. The dates are: 1. April 1, 2024; 2. October 12, 2024; 3. December 18, 2024. The rounded-up Sabian Symbol degree (14 Pisces) is "A Lady in Fox Fur," which we've seen before via gaslighting Neptune in the 1854 Republican Party Horoscope. The negative side of the foxy word picture is "immoral opportunism." Now as you see, Election 2024 occurs between the second and third Saturn Returns with election results which may or may not be determined by or before December 18th. Of course, Saturnian authenticity is involved as well, or it should be! And I don't refer to the old 'politicians kissing babies' ploy.

Then of course, karmic Saturn's persistent demand for accountability is already in motion in 2023 and will naturally continue to be a major part of Campaign 2024 as the November 2024 Elections near, with authoritative lawmaker Saturn also known as the 'legal eagle' planet. Along with the presidency, congressional races are squarely in Saturn's 2024 spotlight of scrutiny, we might say, as timed by Congress' Saturn Return occurring during an election year.

Note that triple returns of planets tend to occur when lessons have yet to be learned and applied correctly with Saturn, or, with a planet like Mercury, ideas, plans, and/or reforms require a period during which they can be accepted and utilized (using the denial-acceptance-resolution model of retrogradation). If they will be, that is. After all, some people never learn, and I'm guessing that we both know someone like that.

Government, Law, Responsibility, Accountability

Significantly for the US Congress, all 435 seats in the House and 34 of 100 seats in the Senate will be up for grabs along with the Presidential and Vice Presidential offices in the 2024 Elections. Taking on the responsibilities of office and accepting commitments as presented are always on the menu during all elections whether candidates recognize this or not--and for America, Election 2024 will determine our country's future of democracy or barbarism, and will either hold up our tradition of Rule of Law, or not.

Note that these past Republican antics of non-governing occurred under the US Congress's Saturn Return of March 1, 1993, and future bouts of government shutdowns cannot not be ruled out with debt ceiling refusal again part of the GOP's bag of tricks.

We the People: Neglected Saturnian Demands

When the Republicans "masterminded" their anti-responsibility 1995 and 1996 government shutdowns for a total of 26 days, Bill Clinton was president and radical reformer Newt Gingrich (who shares the Sun Gem-Moon Sag personality blend as the orange albatross) was leading the Contract With America scam, or, 'Contract On America', as it's unfondly known around here. Unfondly known because Republican policies and reforms tend to be pro-corporate-and-wealthy classes and anti the rest of us. So for this particular Child of the Revolution at this time in history, "economic royalists," no matter their political party, belong elsewhere than in a democratic Republic.

Note that the Republicans' 1995-1996 antics of non-governing occurred under the US Congress's Saturn Return of February 22, 1995, and that future bouts of government shutdowns cannot not be ruled out with debt ceiling refusal again part of the GOP's bag of tricks. Of course, no one needs Astrology to tell them of this power-grabbing threat with Saturn one of the planets of control (as you know, Pluto is the other planet of manipulation and control, but with a more distant influence such as a puppetmaster, blackmailer, or thug enforcer).

Then There's Another Saturn Return Affecting the US

More recently came a third of three Saturn Returns, this time for the US Constitution with #3 on January 10, 2023; also shown in the post is the freedom document's previous Saturn Return of March 1, 1993, the year of the three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune, the planetary pair of what today's Republicans scoff at as wokeness but back in the day, they were planets of The Enlightenment, aka, The Age of Reason with Uranus signifying Reason and Science (and thus, critical thinking and logic), and Neptune representing Faith, Mysticism, and Superstition.

So when the two generational planets with their 171-year cycle joined together in 1993 at or about the 18th degree of Saturn-ruled Capricorn (a degree of POLITICAL POWER and "smug or strong-armed paternalism"--Jones), the centuries-old debate between reality vs fantasy was geared up for the ideological battle now being waged by maga seditionist types.

Then for political purposes, energies of the 1993 Conjunction were catapulted into higher gear in 2017 when transit Pluto reached the Uranus-Neptune conjunction and a midpoint picture formed of Uranus-Neptune = tr Pluto: 'The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise' (Solar Arcs, N. Tyl #ad). And you know who 2017 Pluto symbolizes, of course, with his deadly 12th house midpoint picture of natal Pluto = Mars-Saturn conjunct the 'death axis'. And this barbaric animalism is what zealous authoritarian soldiers are aiming for now as they act on behalf of a Christo-Fascist empire while under the zombie-like influence of mass delusion promoted by a certain cult leader convincing them that they act for a purged and improved America. Willing self-deception abounds, and his vision of "American carn*ge" arrived with Pluto 2017. Because violence is part of 'the big picture' for the "leaders" who have the stomach for it.

Meanwhile, my belief in our era of history is that the centuries-old battle of "Enlightenment" knowledge and awareness vs darkness and ignorance is what Republicans such as Florida's Ron DeSantis are working to reignite as a regressive style of codified religion tries to take over the US government, and critical thinking and Science are considered to be erroneous. Book banning is a good example of their anti-societal efforts, while the ongoing Republican attack against Science, scientists, and education continues to cause turmoil and disruption in society, medically (ex: repeal of Roe v Wade), and otherwise.

Okay, here's the end of my final fuss for the week of June 19, 2023. But fret not for I entertain no expectation that this post will be shared, for I doubt that any reader ever does. But at least--perhaps--my sincere hope is that you're planning to Vote Blue in 2024! If so, my work is done, and I Thank You for reading this post.

Now in closing, here's a recommended presentation by Professor Ryan M. Reeves concerning The Enlightenment (Part One). If you have the time, it's worth a listen.

Apr 27, 2023

Humanity at the Crossroads of Destiny

by Jude Cowell

In a September 2020 post concerning Mars stationing @29Aries on September 9th, we discussed the station degree's Sabian Symbol, The Music of the Spheres. Also mentioned in the post was a certain aspect that reminds me somewhat of those 'wild cards of the Universe', those 'cosmic blinks' we Earthlings know as eclipses.

So as regular readers of SO'W may know, eclipses often turn up in my posts primarily because eclipse cycles are informative when it comes to the study of historical cycles, and because eclipse themes are descriptive of energies, influences, and conditions running in the background of society during the period an eclipse is operative.

Such a lovely cosmic Symbol for activist planet of motivation and desire, Mars, isn't it? Thing is, it's one degree after the position of J6 Mars @30Aries once the planet of violence and protests turned Direct in mid-Aries at the November 14, 2020 "maga Million-Man March" on Washington on behalf of bu*t-hurt election-loser, Donald Tr*mp. Trumpist resentments were made clear that day! But they were made even clearer when transit Mars - males, some in, some out of militia outfits - went on to viciously attack the US Congress on January 6, 2021 in a coup attempt meant to stop or disrupt Congress' Vote Certification of Joe Biden's victory.

Then as you know, hours later President Biden's victory was certified despite Trump's desperate desire to hold on to power. J6 Mars: "30Aries": "A Duck Pond and Its Brood" - instigated by a brooding Herr Tr*mp, monarch-wanna-be.

Uranus-Neptune: Such Irrational Times We Live In

Now yes, it's as tiresome to type once again about the world's ongoing misfortune as it is for you to read of it, but there's a particular reason to mention these topics today: because over our heads, two transpersonal planets, Uranus and Neptune, are in septile aspect with one another. Septiles represent The Grand Irrationality, writes expert astrologer Robert Wilkinson (see his article link in the post noted, above), and I'll add that during these septilian times (see what I did there?!), and with the Uranus-Neptune pair known as both the 'new world order' and The Enlightenment duo, travel in a septile aspect (51:26 degrees, to be exact), indicating that the karmic pair "underscores our Collective feeling that humanity is at the crossroads of destiny".

Therefore, it's understandable that those receptive to otherworldly influences of a higher plane are feeling such difficult energies subtly acting upon and within the Collective. Not that knowledge of Astrology is necessary, for astrological principles only attempt to describe reflections, in an As Above, So Below kind of way.

And we know that, even with our country's global leadership role seriously undermined by enemies at home and abroad, it remains true that where America goes, so goes the world. At least that's the sinister plan of America's enemies in this Freedom vs Slavery (Uranus vs Neptune) conflict of good vs evil. Destructive forces are seeking to re-establish antiquated notions and negative conditions! How daft that humanity should regress!

Yes, regressive anti-societal forces must be resisted even while the septile suggests the concept of an "existential crisis" so often mentioned these days in the form of America's obvious democracy vs fascism standoff, and which also echoes the imperatives of a YOD planetary pattern of 'turning points-crossroads-special tasks' and/or 'karmic opportunities' - at least for those "woke" enough to realize that the time to take action on behalf of democracy is NOW, but may also benefit the privileged few who have the where-with-all to consider crises as opportunities.

Moonrise at the Crossroads, a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell - with astrological Moon a symbol for We the People.

Aug 16, 2022

America 1776: Enlightenment Principles not Religion and Joe Biden Signs a Bill!

Neptune Ascends by Jude Cowell

Admittedly, with the ongoing transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing America's 1776 Neptune in Virgo, religious persecution is only one of the effects of the opposition along with a generational clash of ideals, ideologies, and beliefs. Oceanic Neptune, planet of inspiration, spirituality, and the Divine Source, is fancifully shown in the above pencil drawing rising or ascending and by this I attempt to symbolize in this post the rise of certain religious factions over America's tradition of secularism.

Yet as most Americans must know, this nation was founded upon Enlightenment Principles inspired by those of the European Enlightenment, aka, the Age of Enlightenment. Now one consequence of such rational, lofty principles was the American Revolution so how dumb is it that far-right politicians and their Jan 6th insurrectionists have used "1776" as a rallying cry while promoting their unBiblical brand of religion.

For we know that most of the Founding Fathers, as we like to call them, were not Christians but Deists with beliefs nothing like those of the current crop of power-mad 'Christian' Nationalists promoting authoritarian theocracy for America and pretending that the nation has always been what they call, Christian. In fact, though unfairly tarred with an anti-religiois brush, Founding Father Thomas Paine, author of The Age of Reason, was not against God at all,

"It is only by exercise of reason that man can discover God. Take away that reason, and he would be incapable of understanding anything." Right there we find irrational religionists with their highly emotional biases on behalf of some sort of bizarre religion-slash-politics and demonstrating a complete lack of reasoning ability.

Great News! At 4:02 pm edt I watched President Joe Biden sign his progressive Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a transformative piece of legislation on behalf of America. With Sagittarius rising in DC (19Sag33) and chart-ruler Jupiter Rx in Aries and making no applying aspects (no interference like a VOC Moon?), I hope things proceed well with this bill, although delays are suggested (Rx). However, Venus in Leo rules the Midheaven (The Goal), both Venus and Jupiter are money planets, and Venus makes a beneficial trine with Jupiter so we have that going for us! Meanwhile, the leader (Sun) is apex of a YOD pattern with the spiritually infused Neptune-Pluto sextile at its base. Therefore, it was time for the President to act and bring resolution to the many crises in US society, in this, a "season of substance." And if we read the YOD trio as a midpoint picture, we find: "transforming life to alter or otherwise change existing patterns of personal growth" (M. Munkasey). As he said in his pre-signing remarks, Joe Biden believes in America and the American people!

Now back to my fuss:

So actually, these far-right seditionists are anarchists, more political than religious and yet are supported by the Christian Right. (In other words, they joined forces in order to grab power and control.) So you've probably noticed that the movement promotes a US government based on 1930s/1940s-style brutality, oppression, primal violence, and, in a word,nazism where might allegedly makes right. Of course, that's only if murder is "right," which it is not. A quick reading of the Ten Commandments tells anyone that.

Eclipse and Historical Cycles Echo One Another

Now some folks would have us believe that for these anti-societal criminals their 'time has come' but for America this was not the case in in the 1930s and it isn't written in stone now. However, on the level of timing, it's significant that a solar eclipse in the same Saros Series as the 'Nazis Rise To Power' Eclipse of 1932, the 6 South, will occur on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio conjunct Venus which I've titled, 'A House Raising'. This we have discussed on SO'W before and seems to relate to congressional House seats in particular, so it's notable that the October 2022 6 South Eclipse will directly influence our 2022 Midterms - as will a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus @16Taurus manifesting on that very day, and will 'eclipse' the Venus-Mars conjunction (16 Taurus) of a certain Austrian psychopath born long ago.

America Based on Enlightenment Principles not Religion

Meanwhile, on an astrological level, we can turn to Uranus for science and rationality and Neptune for faith and religion. Perhaps a quick consideration of the planetary pair of Uranus-Neptune may be interesting along with a note about their aspects back in 1776 when America was founded.

The Uranus-Neptune duo a la Michael Munkasey:

"Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; insight and invention; reforms with lofty ideals."

Now in each of the horoscopes for July 1 and July 4, 1776 that I considered for this post, I see that America enjoyed - enjoys - a Saturn-Uranus trine (ideals become reality; putting ideas into form) and a Neptune-Pluto trine (working for improved social reforms). Yet as you know, we've been under the sway of a transiting Saturn-Uranus square stirring up rebellion against authority which we've seen from riled up anarchists, seditionists, and saboteurs working against our country. And yes, these tumultuous activities have been interfering with progress (Uranus), of course, but somehow, on this very day, President Biden's signing of the Inflation Reduction Act has lifted up our 1776 Neptune-Pluto trine through the form of the transiting Neptune-Pluto sextile of opportunity nestled at the base of a YOD pattern - a turning point - activating a concerned leader to take action via today's Sun in Leo.

So I agree with Joe B: never bet against America!

A Related Post: America's 1776 Neptune in Virgo Turned Retrograde by Progression - in 1953!.

Sep 26, 2021

12 North Eclipse, US South Node, Pluto, and Demeter

From the ancient and well-known traits of goddess Demeter, an abundance of interesting associations can be gleaned, and since the annular 12 North Solar Eclipse of January 26, 2028 will be attended in transit by asteroid/archetype Demeter (plus, asteroid Hera, the 'legal wife' keeping accounts), Demeter's role as "the legislator" is important among them. Other associations include sacred law, the harvest, agriculture, and fertility so naturally food supplies such as grains are suggested along with potential shortages.

Plus, the 12 North Eclipse of early 2028 is also significant because it manifests upon US natal South Node, a Saturnian point of separation (and neurosis) We The People have inherited from way back in July 1776. To me this implies past reliance upon an ancient cult, a reliance that America's Founders may have used especially since motifs of Demeter (aka, Ceres) are sprinkled across the city of Washington DC, wheat sheafs and all, and of course, all goddess figures (even the Virgin Mary) are really Mesopotamian goddess Inanna in disguise, aren't they?

Inanna's associations include sex, war, justice, and political power. A personal fret of mine is that one of Demeter's symbols is the torch which has come to symbolize white power neo-nazis in our day, and before that, 'the torch' implicates Illuminati subversions and sabotage (ex: eternal flames over certain victims' gravesites). In addition, there's the Uranus-Neptune duo that influenced the 1700s and inspired the establishment of America - our Founding Fathers at work again using Enlightenment principles. In the eclipse chart you see, below, Uranus-Neptune = Aries Point, the primary Cardinal Point of World Events. Now the Aries Point (00Ari00:00) is not marked on the chart but it rises just before Neptune (4Ari21 conjunct Minerva) in 12th house. You'll find various midpoints and asteroids penned here and there.

12 North Solar Eclipse Jan 26, 2028 10:12:11 am EST Washington DC:

Please enlarge the image to read my notes if you wish - you'll find more info I'm sure!

Meanwhile, mention should be made of the three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune all through 1993 at or around "18 Capricorn" (POLITICAL POWER: "A British Warship," etc) which was activated by transiting Pluto off and on in 2017, you-know-who's first year mucking up and diverting the US government onto a darker path. Again I'll type the word picture out for you - 1993 Uranus-Neptune = tr Pluto: 'The big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). Sounds like one of those sinister offers that can't be refused, like a mobster would make - to threaten politicians and others in order to force them to do his bidding and support his anti-American agenda or he'll sick his thugs on them or on their family members. Well, it would explain a lot of what goes on these days, imho. So in that vein, see Jupiter, below.

What is penned on the chart are the Themes of 12 North Solar Eclipses (near the top, center) including the last manifestation of a 12 North Eclipse which occurred on January 15, 2010 @25Capricorn conjunct President Obama's natal Saturn Rx.

Now in closing, let's look at the planetary star of the show, or at least the supporting actor alongside Pluto conjunct the Eclipse: Jupiter Rx @27Vir11 in the 6th house of Military and Civil Services, plus, Health, Employment, and our Daily Rounds. When we round up the degree we have "28Virgo" = A Bald-Headed Man Who Has Seized Power." And since Jupiter acts as the Handle of a Sling pattern, what can be expected? Well, a Sling pattern behaves much like a Bundle (the pattern of dictator Mussolini) with the Handle planet (or planets) outside the Bundle's 120-degree range and indicating a Jupiterian figure (or figures) obsessed with a "mission" that must be fulfilled (like an offer that can't be refused - maybe a previous one that reared its destructive head in 2017?)

Additionally, we know that Jupiter in Mercury-ruled Virgo (the goddess: Demeter again; also the analyst and critic) suggests an organizer filled with excessive ambition but one who is perhaps rather thoughtless with details and known for his (or her!) superficial criticism. Positively, A Virgoan Jupiter denotes teaching ability and folks with moral and ethical values so let's hope for the positive as 2028 approaches and that America's dependence upon our national South Node from 1776 and the Enlightenment principles our country was founded upon will be honored despite the subversive saboteurs who bedevil and undermine such principles.

After all, this horoscope also shows that the 12 North Eclipse in 2028 manifests at the time of a Nodal Half-Return for the US, a period when weaker relationships and alliances tend to break off and only our stronger more supportive unions survive and hopefully become more dependable. Add to this the indications that a solar eclipse in Aquarius suggests karmic opportunities can be realized by viewing the past (SN), not as a burden we must bear, but as a guide to future development! Humanitarian groups with ethical standards will play their parts for we have a chance to change the course America is on if we so desire by finding innovative solutions and by using a careful and measured approach.

May 23, 2021

On his Quest and the Relocation of Thomas Paine

The political champion turned resurrection man: Out of thy own mouth I will condemn thee; artist Robert Cruikshank (1789-1856); British political cartoon satirizing Cobbett's retrival from America of Tom Paine's bones as "Napoleon watches from St. Helena and Britain erupts in revolution"; Bodleian Libraries {public domain Wikimedia Commons}; PD-1996

May 23, 2021: A few Astro-Notes concerning the indespensible Thomas Paine

by Jude Cowell

While some confusion has existed over the correct birthdate (OS vs NS) and hour for Revolutionary author and Founder Thomas Paine, for my purposes I tend to use his January 29, 1737 11:30 am GMT Thetford, England chart with Ascendant 3Gemini48 rising along with karmic planet of restriction and authority, Saturn Rx 4Gem48. Of course, that's Mercury-ruled Gemini, sign of The Writer, Messenger, Communicator, and Orator (who used to read his works aloud to the public). Of interest is that an earlier version of my SolarFire software gave 2Gem46 which rounded up = "3 Gemini": "A Garden of the Tuilleries" which resonates with Paine's French Revolution involvement and his imprisonment in France.

Meanwhile, perhaps you, dear reader, are familiar with an old SO'W post of April 30, 2006 concerning Mr. Paine and a curious double transit in May 2006 to both his natal Sun and Chiron: Sun to Chiron and Chiron to Sun, a doubly emphasized, simultaneously occurring 'cosmic link' cross the centuries suggesting hints about The Chirotic Quest of Thomas Paine and perhaps activating his spiritual and/or ideological descendants. As you know, a conjunction of Sun and Chiron has to do with self-transformation but one doesn't have to be conscious of it for this to occur - which is a good thing since Mr. Paine definitely was unconscious at his eternal rest in 2006. Yet in life, idealism was prominent via his inspirational Neptune in Mercury-ruled Gemini posited in the 2nd house of Values (money was something of an issue; he's known for donating all profits from his writings to The Cause of liberty and independence, assuming that Congress would pay him later for his efforts but we know how that turned out).

As for the double transits of 2006, it's doubtful that such a noble quest by a Founding Father who promoted the era's noble Enlightenment principles (his Uranus-Neptune opposition!) could have been fulfilled from beyond the grave under the auspices of warmongering profiteers such as Bush-and-Cheney in 2006. For tragically, as you know, any noble course America once promoted, even honored, was cruelly diverted toward 'the dark side' decades ago, not to mention our nation's original stain of slavery from 1619 onward.

Now if you're curious about William Corbett's famous disinterment in New Rochelle, NY of the body of deist Mr. Paine and the subsequent return of Paine's bones to Britain on November 21, 1819, check out The Adventures of Thomas Paine's Bones by Moncure Conway if you dare.

Meanwhile, for your consideration below is a bi-wheel of Thomas Paine's natal chart, center, with an outer horoscope of that very event, set for "just before daybreak" on September 25, 1819 New Rochelle, NY (source: Thomas Paine, by Craig Nelson, 2006), the reputed date and approximate time (using 5:00 am LMT) that Mr. Corbett, his son, and a hired hand, dug up the 'disrespected' remains of one of America's Founding Fathers, Tom Paine, who was denied burial in the Quaker cemetery due to his deism (and criticisms of his former colleagues) which had made him extremely unpopular in America (curiously, his natal Sun at "10AQ" = "A Popularity That Proves Ephemeral" - Jones):

Of course, it's possible that the unholy deed was begun earlier or later than the speculative hour of 5:00 am LMT shown here, but a change won't affect the fact that the 1819 South Node of the Moon @11Lib12 (in his natal 6th house), a Saturnian point of separation, sat squarely upon Paine's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (11Lib42) degree in the 9 New North Saros Series with its themes of 'great physical effort, and a potential for 'violence' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad) which suggests the hired hand's toil that morning. Digging a grave whether empty or inhabited involves great physical effort along with the upheaval of disruptive Uranus (20Sag47) at the 5:00 am IC (Ending; Roots) so this also describes the desecrating, even shocking, event as an 'uprooting' took place.

Plus, the 1819 Moon (11Sag41) of physical body was hiding mysteries of her own in the darker light of her Crescent phase (70:12) after floating beyond her opposition to Paine's natal Saturn rising (note that Paine's reputation and authority had suffered in England, too). Meanwhile, transit Jupiter Rx @7AQ28 was in process of conjoining Paine's natal Aquarian Sun (someone famous got 'carried away'!) while a triple line-up of planets all @27Pisces ("A Harvest Moon" - that's some 'harvesting', Mr. Cobbett) had moved beyond Tom's natal Venus-South-Node conjunction (separation from females; isolation) and are opposed by 1819 Venus @27vir40, venal planet of jealousy, envy, and vanity.

Additionally, Tom's natal North Node of meetings and destiny was rising at 5:00 am, and the Sun @1Lib28 was conjunct Nemesis (the unbeatable foe). Well, Cobbett was certainly that, for Old Tom had had no say in the matter of his relocation whatsoever. At least Mr. Cobbett eventually thought better of his controversial actions on that morning and he did stop his criticism of Mr. Paine at some point. Still, that's a mighty harsh, cruel Saturn-Pluto duo surrounding wounded Chiron there, isn't it? And all in Pisces, sign of the victim - and with 1819 Neptune, planet of erosion, undermining, mourning, and loss, conjunct what may just be Tom Paine's natal 8th cusp of Death and the Occult. To me it seems that Mr. Cobbett probably had some measure of exploitation in mind.

Then a wider view reveals that 1819 Neptune in Sagittarius was opposing Tom's natal Neptune in Gemini (sign of the pampheteer) which denotes that, yes, Thomas Paine was a victim of persecution during his lifetime and even, as we witness here via the lens of Astrology, in death.

Now naturally, several other chart factors are noteworthy so I shall trust you, dear reader, to locate them if you're curious.

In closing, here are details concerning the life and career of William Cobbett (b. March 9, 1763 Farnham, Surrey; d. June 18, 1835 Normandy, Surrey) provided by his Wikipedia bio page where you'll find that Cobbett's last years unfortunately were marked by a case of paranoia.

Recommendations: In case you've missed it so far, astrologer Mark Philips has written very interesting observations concerning Thomas Paine's natal Mercury in Aquarius.

And if you have 58 minutes to spare, don't miss Kenneth Griffith's theatrical documentary Thomas Paine The most valuable Englishman ever!

Jan 27, 2021

Notes on America's Powell Chart for US Independence

January 27, 2021: As you know there are several possible founding horoscopes for America and all contain significant information about the era and its milestone events especially if studied as parts of a process. Jurisdictional Astrology addresses the three moments of origin involved in the founding of towns, cities, states, and countries: the moment of intent (decision to form), of first action (de facto), and legal incorporation (de jure).

The US Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 (7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) is based on the notes of participants such as John Adams and the moment of intent (first vote for independence) which is highly significant in regard to the founding of our nation.

Therefore, recommended is an awesome presentation by astrologer Gary Lorentzen concerning the Powell Chart for U.S. Independence for those who haven't checked it out previously. When Astrology combines with History, brilliance and deeper understanding result!

As for differences between the oft-used July 4,1776 chart/s and the Powell Chart of July 1, 1776, obviously there are a few. With Luna being the fastest moving cosmic body, the Moon on July 1, 1776 at 7:09 pm LMT clocks in @15Cap16 rather than Luna's usual Aquarius position of humanitarianism that most of us are accustomed to. The July 1st Sun @10Can32 (conjunct Sirius) gives America a Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend and adds a Moon-Saturn square to our usual Sun-Saturn square (which improved as it matured). Formed, in fact, is a T-Square of Sun-Moon = Saturn influences that include potentials for: 'depression, repression, separation from the community, illness, divorce, renunciation, loneliness, relationship difficulties between the sexes, illness, joint or shared suffering, a weakened system', and, on a more positive note, a talent for 'addressing problems' (Ebertin; Tyl).

On another level, this dynamic T-Square describes the legislative body and laws (Saturn) that restrict (square) leadership (Sun) and We the People (Moon). Well, they do, don't they? Note that one thing the January 6th attempted coup would have effected was to end control and oversight of the president by the US Congress thus 'freeing' the Executive Branch from annoying restrictions, legislative and otherwise. In other words, we'd be stuck with the implementation of an authoritarian monarchy headed by one narcisistic despot. You-know-who. And he's still scheming against democracy from his golf club in Florida.

Karmic Saturn and the US Powell Horoscope

Now rather than the usual Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius rising, the US Powell Horoscope shows 6Cap07 rising at 7:09 pm LMT - rising with fixed star Facies with the star's keywords that may give anyone pause: ruthlessness or the victim. My first thought about Facies rising is that it resonates with America's tendency to create opponents and enemies even where none exist, and Facies energy apparently adds fuel to what has become our nation's constant determination to fight perpetual war for global dominance (while neglecting the needs of We The People). Facies has a victim-savior quality (Virgo-Pisces) and here it expresses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis of Security concerns. One thinks of 'Homeland Security' as an ambitious model of Cancer-Capricorn energies.

Then Saturn as chart-ruler makes only one applying aspect: Saturn trine Uranus (5A57) which gives the US a bridge between generations where both past and present values can be melded so that a joining of historical perspective within the context of the present moment is successfully affected (Oken). In other words, inventiveness is added to common sense. However, as you know, the US and the world now labor under the difficult, rigid rays of a transiting Saturn-Uranus square (Aquarius SQ Taurus) with its rebellion against authority, law-unto-ourselves vibes. That America's natal Mars is retrograde by progression (in both our July 1st and July 4th progressed charts) adds to our problems with many of our males (Mars), military and otherwise, turning their aggressive energies inward (Rx) toward We The People. Unfortunately, the Rx of normally outgoing Mars constitutes a weakening influence for the next few decades. Our natal Mars in Gemini was mobile and ready for action while progressed Mars in Libra is about depending on feelings, emotions, and moods to lead the action. Unfortunately, Mars-rising Tr*mp was able to use this weakened condition for the purpose of expanding his power with his natal Jupiter conjunct US progressed Mars Rx (both @18Libra). Even a certain Libran laziness may be noted in some cases (his!) and in some circumstances - and yet we know that the Aries-Libra axis relates to diplomacy and to war. Meanwhile, Mars Rx inclinations toward gullibility and susceptibility to being led express willingly via Tr*mp's adoring fanatics and operatives.

Here, a personal note: my fervent hope is that our nation's 1776 Saturn-Uranus trine is helping mitigate the hate-filled, violent influences of the current old-order-to-new-order square which will eventually fade by late 2022! For if a Saturn-Uranus trine represents The Establishment and reason, may it continue to be so. Not that America can't or shouldn't change or update but I imagine that my Revolutionary ancestors would greatly appreciate their sacrifices not being in vain due to a draconian change of government to the monarchic authoritarianism they fought against. With our 1776 trine, our nation can successfully change and reform herself but we must fight against negative interference from inside and out. For as you know, America was set up to do just that. Then another feature in the US Powell Chart is its aspirational Midheaven @29Lib56; rounding up the degree to '30Libra' we have "Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head." My first thought: Newton, Bacon, and Locke: a trinity of idols of The Enlightenment, aka, the Age of Reason - rather than being guided by out-of-control emotions such as those displayed by the Tr*mp Mob on January 6th.

So let's close with a consideration of the US Powell Chart's practical Water-Earth Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of conscious and unconscious energies. A dutiful, shrewd, responsible blend, Sun Can-Moon Cap contains strong family values and suggests a strong worldly father (Cancer, sign of nationalism, pariotism, and tribalism) plus a good, caring, reliable, and ambitious for her children mother (Capricorn). Even while quietly looking out for Number One, a hard bargain is often driven in the marketplace, and respect on the global stage results. An instinct for leadership is in evidence with this blend, organizational talents are obvious, but with a deep need for authority and control.

For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey. #ad

Apr 6, 2019

Not only Was America Not Christian but Founders Invented a Goddess

Now as a Christian myself, I know that this recent segment from Thom Hartmann may ruffle a few feathers in the realms of "America Was Founded as a Christian Nation" (incorrect as that is! the US is more of a Utopian Uranus-Neptune trine affair!) but what Thom says is true: our Founding Fathers set up America as the 'New Atlantis' via principles of The Enlightenment which were secular (based on reason, the Uranian half of the equation) and they 'invented' the goddess Columbia to watch over our nation--our 'totem goddess' we might say (see Capitol Building dome!).

Please allow Thom to explain if you haven't run across the following segment already:

Looks as if Columbia Wants You!


On similar topics, a probably related SO'W post of the previous persuasion: A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny.

Plus, Is Washington DC the 'New Rome'? Altair the eagle says Yes!

And in case you missed it try Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election.

As you know, founders Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine are known to have been deists so What Is Deism?

Feb 5, 2017

2017 Neptune hits American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse in Pisces

2017 Neptune Veils Yet Reflects the Solar Eclipse Influences of the American Revolution

by Jude Cowell

Those familiar with the Year 1775 in US history know that it was a tremendously eventful 12 months in the American Colony during which our major struggle for Independence was sparked and set aflame. Let's take a look at the horoscope of the March 1, 1775 Solar Eclipse @11Pisces11 set for Lexington, Massachusetts where the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired less than two months later on April 19, 1775 and triggered the beginning of the American Revolution.

The March 1, 1775 eclipse in the 11 South Saros Series is the Prenatal Eclipse of the American Revolution and its horoscope, planets, and eclipse themes may reveal a few insights into, and motivations behind, our fight for independence from Britain which ultimately (after many struggles and hardships) brought to fruition the Uranian-Neptunian ideals of The Enlightenment - Utopian ideals which were held by America's Founding Fathers, many if not all of whom were members of secret societies. Does this Neptune transit return with revolutionary ideals in tow?

And if we fast forward to 2016 and 2017, we find transit Neptune conjoining and reflecting the PE of the American Revolution (11Pis11). These hits occurred twice in 2016 and were exact on April 17, 2016 and August 12, 2016. Significantly, the third and final transit of Neptune to the 1775 Solar Eclipse degree occurs on February 16, 2017 and I think you'll find that the themes of 11 South apply closely to the Electoral College selection of Mr. Trump to play the POTUS role, and to the events and behavior of the newly minted Trump presidency with its lack of a mandate from a majority of We the People--hence the millions of people worldwide now protesting in the streets against Trump and his policies. They are re[resented by Neptune, too!

11S themes are noted below the horoscope; please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbled study notes, some of which will be discussed, below:

Image: 11 South Solar Eclipse March 1, 1775 5:01:13 pm LMT Lexington, Massachusetts; the Hour belongs to warrior planet Mars, the Mutable Earth/Water/Angular chart shows a Seesaw shape of polarities and conflicts, and a KITE pattern with rebellious anarchist Uranus at Midheaven (The Goal and WHY? Point--see bottom, left) includes Venus exalted @24Pisces and Mercury @27Pisces as the focal planets (emphasis on Venus) of the KITE pattern--and Neptune, the higher octave planet of Venus, as its tail. A Mars-North Node conjunction (military and police contact) rises in the horoscope, as you see, with NN @3Vir47 stationary so the chart is now having a Nodal Return which suggests new alliances, particularly of the Jupiterian kind ($$; politics; religious leaders; Jupiter the General--Mr. Trump's newly chosen Cabinet and staff) but with an aggressive Martian flavor of violence, war, military action, and quarrels--lots of quarrels stirred up by the Mars-Rising Mr. Trump, the litigious.

11 South Themes: sudden reforms are needed as old ideas and methods will fail so that new systems are required to deal with events; thoughts of new ways to handle issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady).

To approach the topic sans Astrology, try Paul Mendoza's article posted on February 22, 2016, 2017: The Third American Revolution? written during Campaign 2016.

And, for comparison's sake, here is a dual image of the 11 South eclipse of 1775, plus, its last manifestation @30Cancer (Sabian Symbol: "Daughter of the American Revolution" on July 21, 2009, Barack Obama's first year in the Oval Office and the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator-wastrel-inflationary pair of planets that hit US natal Moon (We the People) and caused that dreamy feeling over Barack along with 'little sense of reality', 'becoming involved in speculation', and the sense of rootlessness engendered by the mortgage and home foreclosure crisis embedded within the 29th anaretic degree of Cancer, sign of home, family, security, and those responsible scuttling sideways to avoid confrontation. Note that we're talking of Politics and the negative expression of "30Cancer" is: "the ultimate betrayal of self-hood by a false assumption of superiority" and its Illumination Point opposite ("30Cap") is: "rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others" (Jones):

11 South 1775 eclipse is lower left and 11 South 2009 eclipse is upper right; note that the zealots-on-a-mission pair of Jupiter-Chiron in the 12th house of Karma and Politics (2009 chart) at "25AQ" has a curious Sabian Symbol: "A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed" (my italics). Also note that 11 South manifested in the years 1901, 1919, 1937, 1955, 1973, 1991 (events: GHWB's Desert Storm invasion, his public touting of a 'new world order', and the assassination of writer Danny Casolaro), (2009), and next in 2027 @10Leo. 11 South's initial eclipse at Cardinal World Point 00Can48 occurred on June 14 (Trump's birthday, NS), 1360 (OS), the year of the Treaty of Calais between England and France which did not end their Hundred Years' War). And so a Cancerian lens is used through which to view all subsequent 11 South Solar Eclipses, no matter their sign, and 11 South themes contain the potential to trigger worldwide events.

Floating Back to Nebulous if Inspirational Neptune (photo, above)

Now as you know, astrological Neptune resonates with the Arts, veils, masks, disguises, leaks, deception, lies, fraud, weakness, confusion, corruption, disappointment, and the undermining of current conditions, but also suggests the urge to merge, erosion, distrust, delusion (including self-deception), liquids such as water, oil, gas, plus, toxins, infections, and drugs such as alcohol, cannabis, and prescription pills. Yet Neptune's resume also includes such entities as: the Divine Source, the mainstream media, the masses (unwashed or otherwise), the so-called "useless eaters", spiritualists, idealists and ideologues, the Collective and its Unconscious, and propaganda.

To Neptune add realistic Saturn, planet of authenticity, and we have Kellyanne Conway's "alternative facts", invisible/secret government, and sick, depressed, and/or weak people. In other words, Saturn-Neptune keys the now-tattered social safety net programs of FDR's New Deal, the ones Trump and the Republicans (and their financier enablers) are determined to disrupt and destroy--with the help of corporate Democrats--so that control and the money involved in these social programs are handed over to reckless, greedy Wall Street speculators and warmongers. Plus, some creative depopulation occurs by default, leaving more resources for the 'elite' ones who remain. You know how some 'unintended consequences' are actually (Saturn) secretly (Neptune) intended all along.

In addition, the zealous anarchists (Uranus in Aries; Jupiter conjunct Chiron) want our Education Department monies, too, and for this purpose they are forcing an unqualified anti-public-school Betsey DeVos into office to undermine our school system and steal from public education funds (and from our children! You just know that Mr. Jefferson must be turning over in his grave--over the theft and over 'fake news', too).

So obviously, Neptune in its own sign of murky Pisces can 'help' with the *destruction of our social and political institutions and we hear more and more in the Neptunian news media that America is again having a revolution thanks to the alt-right white supremacists who have coup'ed the White House--and the resistance from the pubic. And the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 with its 'good time for tackling the truth; seeing a thing for what it really is' vibes being opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces had its 'realism demands' confused and muddled by deceptive Neptune in opposition to the eclipse themes that were and continue to be sorely needed in this country. A 'good time for tackling the truth' is about to give way to the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse themes but has had spotty success so far and Mr. Trump's fake news continues to be promoted ad nausem.

And so in closing, we see that the February 16, 2017 Neptune transit to the 1775 American Revolution Solar Eclipse falls between the upcoming Lunar and Solar Eclipses of February 10th and February 26th and thus creates a trio of significant cosmic manifestations that suggest political reforms in the manner of "A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed" with its negative connotation of "unhappy and rebellious conceit." But how about the positive manifestation of "25AQ", so near the US natal Moon?

Positive expression: "A genius for turning deficiency into a real asset."

Sounds huge to me! As long as We the People get busy turning the many deficiencies of the Trump regime into real assets to be used against his and Steve Bannon's bigoted alt-right agenda so that the movement becomes our revolution, not his!


*destruction? Other chart factors apply, of course, very much including plutocrat Pluto, now in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, for the saboteur is in process of destroying institutions, systems, traditions, and taboos. And this, as the wealthy dragon creeps along toward fulfillment of America's first-ever Pluto Return in 2022 (27Cap33 Rx, opposite US natal Mercury Rx in Cancer, our sneaky surveillance and spying pair; progressed US Pluto has been at the crisis-anaretic degree of 29 Capricorn for some time--conjunct the 00AQ Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and opposing the 2009 11 South Solar Eclipse!) Yet occurring even sooner than 2022 is a Pluto Return to its position (25Cap57) in the 'American Revolution's PE' horoscope, a period beginning once transit Pluto reaches 20Cap55 in March 2018.

Related: After the Revolution: the Oriental Planet of Donald Trump. That would be unpredictable Uranus, planet of anarchy, sudden disruption, eccentric behavior--and is America's revolution significator.

Apr 30, 2016

The Horoscope and the Quest of Thomas Paine

Reconsidering the Natal Chart of Thomas Paine

by Jude Cowell

Recently I discovered an interesting site featuring an excerpt from Bertrand Russell's book of essays such as, Why I Am Not a Christian though I did not read far enough to find out his reason. But that's because the excerpt concerned Thomas Paine and his fate. The page contains a few typos one of which is Paine's birth year as '1739' rather than the '1737' we're accustomed to (see his natal horoscope, below).

Also mentioned is Paine's relationship with George Washington which soured once Thomas Paine was imprisoned in France for opposing the King's execution and Jacobin Robespierre's Reign of Terror. So in honor of Thomas Paine and his revolutionary pamphlets that inspired and uplifted our freedom fighters (as at Valley Forge, see eclipse link, below), I hereby pass along Paine's words describing his former friend and compatriot, George Washington, which were meant for the sculptor once Paine discovered that a statue was to be created in honor of Washington who died in 1799:

Take from the mine the coldest, hardest stone,

It needs no fashion; it is Washington.

But if you chisel it, let the stroke be rude,

And on his heart engrave--ingratitude.

As usual with Thomas Paine's writing, his opinion is clear and to the point--and based on the fact that our nation's upstanding cult figure Washington deserted Paine in his time of extreme need. Some fellow Mason George turned out to be.

For more info see: Why Did Thomas Paine Not Like George Washington?

The Horoscope of Thomas Paine with the Curious Transits of 2006

Details of Paine's unresolved birth data may be found at including his January 29, 1737 (OS) 11:30 am Thetford, England horoscope shown here though you may prefer his NS (New Style = Gregorian) chart dated February 9, 1737 (England was still on the Julian calendar in 1737). Around his natal chart are the intriguing transits of May 13, 2006 when the Sun conjoined his natal Chiron (22Taurus) and transit Chiron conjoined his natal Sun (9AQ), an acausal synchronicity suggesting a Chirotic bridge to multidimensional realms as Uranian principles are put into Saturnian form. Sun-Chiron identifies Paine as a unique seeker of The Quest who burned with purpose in his writings.

The reason the double transit manifested in 2006 so far eludes me but if something turns up I will let you know--like an edition of Common Sense released in early 2006 and available on Kindle because it's a must-read for Americans once again, perhaps?

Also note that his January 29th horoscope Ascendant @2Gemini reveals a very appropriate Sabian Symbol for Thomas Paine: The Garden of the Tuileries in Paris, an 'ambassadorial degree' says *DeVore:

Notable is Paine's generational Uranus-Neptune opposition which appears in horoscopes of his era including those of George Washington and John Adams. For as you know, these are the planets imprinted upon the Age of Reason, aka, the Enlightenment. The founding of America, the Utopian dream and 'New Atlantis' of Francis Bacon, Bartholomew Gosnold (Jamestown pioneer), Adam Weishaupt (founder of the Bavarian Illuminati May 1, 1776), and others, was inspired by the ideas and ideals of the Enlightenment and later blossomed on a new continent under Paine and other founders who were born during the culmination-fulfillment stage of the Uranus-Neptune 171-year cycle.

Is America still plodding along that New Atlantis path of destiny? Some would say, yes, while others are not as certain. Yet we see that the New Order established in 1776 seems to be destined for replacement by a New World Order of Global Government and many infiltrators and subversives to that end have infested our nation (see this website's description under the title), its every branch and institution. And they seem to have World War III on their devilish minds and marked on their calendars. However, my suspicion is that collapse of the old order and establishment of a 'new world order' is part of a natural process--no earthly empire lasts forever--but certain puppet masters wish everything to be on their terms of complete control.

The Current Cycle of Uranus-Neptune Tells of Power Misused

In our era, Uranus and Neptune (reason + faith) met in Great Conjunction/s three times in 1993 at or about 18 Capricorn which implemented the degree's enlightening Sabian Symbol, "The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship...Keynote: the protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER" (Rudhyar). "Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of 'law and order'." Ah yes, pretexts are totally relied upon in Politics and I doubt politicians could manage without them for then truths would have to be told and their masks would slip.

Additionally, the symbol for '18Cap' highlights a warning "against using power for selfish advantage" and points toward the ruses and scams perpetrated by Britain (the City of London) and its never-really-severed alliance with the American government. For example, Uranus and Neptune in opposition identifies the era of freedom-lover Thomas Paine as a time of secret alliances, important information withheld from the people, apathy of the masses which allows leaders to undermine the people's natural freedoms, nationalism, unrest, strong economic and military developments, and countries hurled into a major world conflict a few years later (Pelletier).

This generational opposition also gave Thomas Paine and his contemporaries an intrinsic understanding of national and international politics for which he personally felt a responsibility to arouse the people whenever public opinion can reverse a threatening danger which may involve religious, social, and racial issues along with the political.

Such was the life and the mission of seeker Thomas Paine who died a pauper on June 8, 1809 and whose dedicated service to the Cause of Freedom I hereby honor with this post. jc.

*Nicholas DeVore's Encyclopedia of Astrology.

Astro-Note: the Uranus-Neptune pair also have occult associations which are not discussed in this particular post though perhaps they should be.

Related posts in no particular order:

What's New at Stars Over Washington which contains brief notes on George Washington and his Egyptian-styled, obelisk-shaped, phallic monument in DC which is reflected in the Heavens by starry Spica, The Spike. Certain other article links are included. Also recommended: The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777, Is Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says..., the Sun-Moon Personality Blends of Franklin, Washington, Paine, and Jefferson, the natal chart of George Washington with transits from 2008, A Few Illuminating Quotes on Plutocracy in America, a YouTube audio of a fellow reading Thomas Paine on The Origins of Freemasonry, and for your consideration a video titled, The Secret Agenda of High-Level Freemasonry.

Oct 10, 2015

Columbus Day 2015 and a Discovery of America Horoscope

October 12, 2015: Columbus Day Sails 'Round Again

by Jude Cowell

In Manly P. Hall's book A Secret Destiny for America we find chapter 8: A New Identity for Christopher Columbus in which astrologer-occultist Hall provides what is said by early historians and State documents to be Christopher Columbus' true name, Prince Nikolaos Ypsilantis, from the Greek island of Chios. Follow the link to read chapter 8 for yourself.

And here's my silly verse dedicated to Prince Nikolaos though I was unaware of that identity when I posted Ode to Christopher Columbus. Or that this Plato admirer kept two sets of ship's logs on the voyage which made landfall on October 12, 1492 in the West Indies. Hall says his voyage was a disguised journey actually intended to discover the Lost Continent of Atlantis! Well, myth it may be yet finding 'Atlantis' as his mission tallies with the Founding Fathers as secret society members (most if not all of them) and their determination to implement the creation on this continent of a New World to replace old worn-out Europe--a new land based on Enlightenment principles of Equality, Freedom, and Reason--not religion. (Sorry Christian Fundamentalists--America was where settlers came to escape from the persecution of religious fanatics, remember?)

Then There's George H. W. Bush's "thousand points of light"? (see video, below)

And of course you know the Enlightenment planets are electrical genius Uranus and visionary mystic Neptune which conjoined once again (a 171-year cycle) three times in 1993 around 18 Capricorn--the POLITICAL POWER degree in Sabian Symbols--just as I'm certain you know that Thomas Jefferson hung portraits of his favorite old masters (mentors!) at Monticello, an homage to Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, and John Locke whom he called his, "trinity of the three greatest men the world has ever produced."

If you're curious, this post displays the Horoscope of the American Revolution ('the shot heard round the world') and notes concerning Who's Who within its Hidden Dynamic. Familiar names will be found!

Lights, Enlightenment, and Infiltration! Here's an excerpt from Bush's 1989 Inaugural Address which should have seemed more ominous than it did at the time--well, to some of us, it did:

Related, a post from 2012: Another Pope Calling for World Government and a 'New World Order' because you see, the realms of religion, government, and finances are all in on the chess game, the so-called Great Plan of Lucifer (Venus) that Francis Bacon and others have insidiously championed since ancient times. But these days, the 'hidden hand' and its infiltrating network of agents, saboteurs, operatives, media shills, and political hacks have become much more open about it.

Astrology of the Discovery of America

The following horoscope of the discovery event is based on information found here and though the actual place of his stepping ashore remains in question I shall set the chart for the "early morning of October 12, 1492" for a spot as close as my software gets me. Actually, Watling Island is said to be the present-day location of San Salvadore ('Holy Savior') which is what Columbus named the island that its inhabitants called Guanahani. The place is controversial so in lieu of a definite location I'm setting the chart for somewhere 'in the neighborhood', Great Guana Cay, Bahamas:

Please enlarge the chart to read my scribbles for I shall not type out all my notes for you here.

Hour of Venus (Rx @17Sco19 and rising in 1st house as chart-ruler unless you prefer a Scorpio Ascendant which would make Mars the chart and landfall ruler but Mars does not apply to a planet and Venus applies to a square with Saturn in Aquarius.) You note that Pluto and North Node are conjoined @4Sco22/30 and rising which denotes powerful encounters which had to be the case for any adventurers when landing on native shores. Plus, Pluto-NN is the 'tiger by the tail' duo and there seems to have been a mysterious man on board who may be represented by a caped and invisible Pluto in secretive Scorpio and acting as a representative of the 'hidden hand' directing the New World mission.

As you see, '6:08 am LMT' is just after local sunrise with the Sun @28Lib29 conjunct Sigma, a letter in the Greek alphabet which in Astrology denotes karma (reaping what's been sown.) Seems it was the karma of navigator Columbus (or whatever his true name was!) to sail in what is now our general direction and step upon these shores and here we find exploring Jupiter of broadened vistas and boundary crossing fame in proud Leo and nearing a Sun-ruled Midheaven. Curiously, the combo of Jupiter and Uranus work well together for fortune hunting and for discovering novel territories. Here they are locked in an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect (165 degr) denoting risk-takers who seek new ways of benefiting mankind and promoting equality for all! (Reeves.) To me, 'New World America' fits snugly within this description along with the obsessive idea of Bacon, Gosnold, Weishaupt, the Founding Fathers, and others who knew of this continent and a Great Plan to colonize it long before we've been traditionally taught that they knew.

Now brief mention must be made of a certain midpoint picture--the Sun (leader) at the apex of Mars-Neptune (navigators; sailors; mariners) indicating 'new plans' being 'illuminated' (for me an Enlightenment reference) as given by Noel Tyl who also mentions 'situational changes' for the Mars-Neptune = Sun trio. There was much grumbling from the ship's crew if I understand correctly and landfall must have warranted quite a few "Thank Goodnesses" from all concerned. That Venus is prominent hints at treasure hunting for valuable things (Rx = another attempt?) and the 29th degree Ascendant (my choice) adds to the imperative to arrive Now before the crew mutinied! The chart reveals a success-driven Locomotive pattern with the fluctuating Moon in her own sea-going sign of Cancer leading the planetary throng of mariners. Did ocean waves determine their exact landing spot? You tell me!

Several planetary connections to Fixed Stars are notated as you see, and obviously there are many more chart factors of interest to consider but I've only just begun to experiment with this horoscope for America. So far progressions issuing from it and its Solar Return on Monday (Oct 12, 2015) are intriguing along with its Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Saros Series (PE), the 17 South @15Tau25 which recently manifested during Spring Equinox 2015 @29Pis27 (conjunct the Aries Point of Prominence and Fame--very famous is Christopher C.)

However, for Columbus and his crew a second solar eclipse influenced their endeavors for only 9 days later an eclipse manifested @7Sco30 in the midst of the Pluto-NN-Venus-Mercury group you see here at landfall within the 2-week time frame of the event. It was in the 18 North series--the very series we're in now! for it occurred on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10. And no, I had no idea of this cosmic resonance prior to setting up this chart earlier today. I simply felt impelled to study and post it in honor of Columbus Day 2015, the 523rd anniversary of the Discovery of America.

Blog Note: Links to previous posts, horoscopes, and themes of the 17 South and 18 North Solar Eclipses may be located by typing 'Eclipses' into the sidebar Search field if you wish. If so, just scroll in a downward direction while pondering how similar the name 'Ypsilantis' is to 'Atlantis'.