In the wake of the Weimar Republic, austerity measures were implemented in Germany which aided the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis with their deformed spirits. For details, see fiscal austerity and the rise of the Nazis.
In a previous post (2017) I published the Reichstag Fire Horoscope but erroneously set it for London, UK (not that that's a bad thing it just isn't what I'd intended to do). Today, for future reference, I'm publishing the event's horoscope set for Berlin, Germany (below). Because if a desperate, mean-as-a-snake Trump pulls an October Surprise in an attempt to pervert or prevent Election 2020, you know that a new horoscope set for the location of the Trumpian event would then be necessary. Even so, the 1933 chart could be useful for an astrologer or two.
Now hopefully, the Reichstag Fire 'false flag op' won't turn out to be the original event that Trump copies in some vicious, destructive way in order to force his will upon the American people. Yet we know that his nibs holds grudges and he does like to retaliate. But since his maliciously scheming mind (natal Mercury-Neptune square) is constantly occupied with taking revenge on others, he can most likely think of several possible actions to take that don't involve setting a fire - if he should hear, You're Fired!
As for the Reichstag Fire of 1933, here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning this topic:
"Three days after the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse occurred, Hitler and his co-conspirators burned down the Reichstag Building of Parliament to give cover to his rise to power; eight days later, FDR was sworn in as US President for the first of his three full terms, the 4th term being uncompleted, 1933 to 1945."
Of course, there are contrasts as well as comparisons between conditions, events, and people of 1933 and those of 2020, but the primary theme of 'rising to power no matter the cost' (which falls within life's fallacious 'ends justify the means' category) applies to both power-craving, emotionally stunted despots. (And to FDR, too, depending on your p.o.v; Hoover was supposed to win according to the Venus Cycle!) Thing is, 'the cost' of their overbearing actions most often falls upon someone besides the perpetrators, yes? Plus, Trump has even more to obsess over for if he loses the 2020 Election, criminal indictments could very well be in Bunker Boy's future.
Well, now that I think of it, Adolf was something of a bunker boy, too, wasn't he?
A Related Post: Horoscope of the Third Reich with 2017 planets.