Here's a March 2023 clip from Thom Hartmann discussing Republican Fedhead Jerome Powell, recession, the US economy, and the possibility that Powell's actions are intended to undermine President Joe Biden's economic policies in order to give Republicans a boost in the 2024 Elections. Misplaced blame and campaign talking points will result.
Because it's common sense that goose-stepping Republican candidates will need all the multiple forms of cheating their fascism can devise for any hope of victory in the November 2024 elections:
What If the Universe Steps In?
So you know how 'they say' The best laid plans of mice and men? That's because sometimes higher forces interrupt earthly events with 'wild cards' known as eclipses, the most obvious and visible disruptions that few earthlings can ignore.
In case you missed it, here's a recent SO'W post displaying both the Federal Rescerve Act's December 23, 1913 Horoscope with its Moon @15Scorpio (We the People betrayed) and the Lunar Eclipse of May 5, 2023 which 'eclipses' the Fed's 1913 Moon at the very same degree, what I tend to call a cosmic time link. Thanks to the lunar eclipse, we can expect the lunation to reveal, uncover, or leak information, even secrets, which can lead to outcomes such as scandals, karmic changes (positive or negative), and/or course corrections. As many economists agree, Mr. Powell would do the US economy a solid by listening.
Yet we know as with all events and conditions on Planet Earth, some measure of both positive and negative potentials may be blended, not just economically, but with other Scorpionic realms such as corporate big business, investment, the medical and pharmaceutical industries, research, further data breaches, war and diplomacy, and/or spying and surveillance. Such potentials will stretch through the Summer Solstice season while carrying along the themes of the April 2023 Solar Eclipse until the next Solar Eclipse in October 2023.
For more cosmic details concerning US budgetary and debt limit concerns into the summer season, you may wish to see June-July 2023 Lunations with a Message.