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Showing posts with label Mars-Uranus Conjunction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Uranus Conjunction. Show all posts

Jul 15, 2024

The Eclipse of Thomas M. Crooks

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

The shooting of Donald Trump soon after he took the rally stage in Butler, PA on Saturday July 13, 2024 represents a complicated situation and complex astrological factors are involved in any attempt to describe or understand it. So in order to keep from writing an e-book about it, here are four horoscopes in bi-wheel form with my astro-notes penned on.

Instructive is a bi-wheel with a speculatively timed natal horoscope of T. M. Crooks born September 20, 2003 in Bethel Park, PA (inner) with the Trump Shot Horoscope set for 6:13 pm edt. Adjust the timing as you will, because hours that the first shot pinged past the stage from a distant AR-15-style rifle have appeared in a variety of sources from 6:00 pm to 6:15 pm edt. Yet as you see, with a birth time of 6:13 pm edt, Crooks' natal Moon @21Can36 was conjoined on July 13, 2024 (6:13 pm edt) by the Sun @21Can59, which suggests a measure of fulfillment or completion. Of the young man's life, as it tragically turned out. Plus, Cancer Moons are supersensitive and can be highly impressionable, you know.

The 5 North Eclipse of Thomas Crooks

Now there are multiple cosmic indications that the mother of Tom Crooks is somehow involved and according to his Wikipedia bio page, he lost his mother at age 7 (edit: this may not be accurate) so that deep anguish and emotional depression are givens. His classmates have described him as a loner (5N's Sun-Moon = Venus-Saturn marked on the Eclipse chart, below, which denotes a lonely life).

The bi-wheel showing the natal Eclipse Saros Series that young Crooks was born into, the 5 North (inner, and accurately timed) with its "prophetic dreams, visions, hunches" - basically he was psychic) - surrounded by the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of July 15, 2024 @26Tau19 that conjuncts the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, a dangerous cosmic factor that we discussed on July 5, 2024.

Now as you've heard, Tom Crooks was bullied every day at school, a condition often leading to vengfulness which we'e seen before - as in Columbine 1999. Yet we may never know exactly why Crooks, a registered Republican, acted against demagogue Trump. Yes, I have my inklings (to stop his election and the dystopian Project 2025 agenda? Some other Maga person would take over instead). You may find other implications of why? on the charts, but with this sensitive topic I must be careful not to even remotely cause harm. Plus, the families affected by Crooks' actions - one man killed, at least two people seriously injured - deserve attention and our concern if and as it's wanted. Besides, we know that Trump is dandy fine and is already in Milwaukee for RNC 2024. Accusations against Democrats are on steroids now!

Another bi-wheel shows the natal chart of Thomas M. Crooks who, as noted, was born into the 5 North with its themes of "prophetic dreams, visions, hunches" - basically he was psychic) surrounded, not by the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of July 15, 2024 @26Tau19 conjunct the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, a dangerous cosmic factor that we discussed on July 5, 2024, but by the Trump shot chart.

Now feel free to disagree with any of this, but there it is. Cautiously, I don't wish to type anymore about our current American Tragedy and although I disagree with everything Trump says, is, and does, that he remains alive is more of a positive than a negative thing for America, my only nag in the race.

Jan 5, 2023

Vote for Speaker of the House Day 3

Planet Mars now Rx in Gemini: NASA photo

by Jude Cowell

As Kevin McCarthy has fallen short of the required number of votes to catapult him into the Speaker of the House position since Tuesday January 3, 2022, planets have continued along their courses. Today at noon the Republicans and Democrats will assemble once again on Capitol Hill and votes will be cast and tallied, perhaps with the very same outcomes as on Day 1 and Day 2, and no Speaker will be chosen. If so, no business can be conducted, no oaths of office will be sworn, and Republicans can congratulate themselves (and Tr*mp) that the Biden administration is somehow being hornswaggled in the GOP's "own the libs" kind of way.

Astrologically, there are several reflections of such studied incompetence in the sky over our heads but one that seems significant is that transit Mars, of late its perigee condition close to Earth, heated, and retrograde, continues its activation of US 1776 Uranus (8Gem55), America's totem planet of independence and revolution. The Mars-Uranus combination suggests unstable conditions such as anarchy, revolt, and incendiary potentials, and as you remember, their last real-time conjunction occurred on Inauguration Day 2021 @6Tau44.

This cosmic time link directly reveals this week's political highjinks acted out by House Republicans (or 10% of them, the so-called "Freedom Caucus") as one of their motives against President Biden, as noted.

Meanwhile, political pundits are saying that this week's stalemate makes the GOP "look bad" (it does) yet it's the harm seditionists are doing to our country that's my primary concern. After all, the Republican Party already looked bad, and I consider this clown car exercise to be a continuation of their January 6th coup attempt. And unfortunately, misguided Midterm voters let the seditionists inside the House! This week's antics begin their beguine and it promises little if any better for the next two years the toddlers misrule and show their anti-governing, anti-democracy ideology.

Then if we look for Kevin McCarthy's travails more specifically in today's noon horoscope set for the Capitol Building, we might consider the applying inconjunct between the Moon @1Cancer (females like Boebert) in 3rd house of Communications (00Cancer = the world is watching!) and 10th house Venu$ in early Aquarius indicating someone making too many concesssions in an attempt to be liked and approved of. Thing is, bribes are involved as well as one motive behind such zealous activities; this suggests what McCarthy has promised his wayward members as well as money and favors paid to the Never Kevin voters - pay-offs from outside sources intended to undermine the legitimacy of the US Congress. Note that today's position of lawmaking planet Saturn @23AQ has a curious Sabian Symbol, "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws." And you know which country is represented by The Bear.

Another factor is Mercury, planet of speaking and voting. In governmental Capricorn, but retrograde, Mercury turns direct on January 18, 2023 @8Cap08 so surely a Speaker of the House will be elected around or by then!

Well, there are plenty more factors of interest in today's noon horoscope but with my real-world scene busy today, my typing time is brief so I'll leave it for the curious to investigate.

DC Horoscopes: 118th Congress January 3, 3023.