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Showing posts with label Mars-Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Uranus. Show all posts

Sep 8, 2020

117th Congress scheduled to open January 3, 2021

Speculative Astro-Notes Concerning the 117th Congress of 2021

by Jude Cowell

September 8, 2020: If all goes according to plan, the 117th Congress will open on January 3, 2021, and unless Election 2020 in November results in leadership changes, Mike Pence will continue as President of the Congress.

Now I won't write much about the speculative January 3, 2021 chart set for Capitol Hill Washington DC and "noon EST" (in lieu of an announced hour - even the date could change), but below are a few general observations concerning the day's planets, plus, here's a view of the horoscope of the 117th Congress' Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') for which we do not need a correct opening hour in order to ascertain the opening's 'PE' for as long as the 117th Congress opens in January 2021, its 4 South PE remains the case with a 'fated' theme intact - plus, it's also the PE of Inauguration 2021:

117th Congress: January 3, 2021 noon est Capitol Hill shows 19Aries04 rising, the exaltation of the Sun degree. Naturally, the Sun (leadership) @13Cap32 conjuncts the noon Midheaven ('MC') while opposing US natal Sun (July 4, 1776) suggesting a period when government goals and objectives should be reassessed and, if necessary, a change of direction may be taken. This is due to the fact that annually, January 3rd (or 4th) is the Executive Branch's "un-birthday." So with Mars-ruled Aries rising, Mars is chart-ruler (@28Ari32 and rising in 1st house) and makes three applying Ptolemaic aspects in the chart: 1. square Saturn (@1AQ56 in career 10th house conjunct bold Altair the eagle) causing difficulties, delays, stalling, lack of preparation or planning, frustration, challenges to authority, and with a potential for anger; 2. square Jupiter (@3AQ24 in 10th house) suggesting overreach, exaggeration, risk-taking, empty gestures, and/or sloppiness with details; 3. conjunct Uranus Rx (@6Tau46 in 1st house) which indicates unusual or nontraditional actions and circumstances along with an explosive and/or shocking quality. First house denotes early expression of these restless energies with society's current anarchistic, protesting, even rioting activities also indicated--for discussion or possibly legislation in Congress, if not actual physical expression. Unexpected events may occur!

The Mars-Uranus Conjunction becomes exact on January 20, 2021 @6Tau44 and rises in the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope, as you know. And obviously whenever Mars and Uranus combine their highly charged energies, violent measures may be taken, risky or dangerous behavior can complicate issues and bring unfortunate consequences, and/or accidents may occur. For more dangerous indications, add to this the fact that the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint not only opposes their Great Conjunction degrees of 1965/66 (mid-Pisces) and stimulating street clashes, Civil Rights demands, and upheaval as before, but Uranus-Pluto also conjuncts the destructive January 3, 2021 Mars-Saturn midpoint (aka, the 'death axis'--Ebertin). "Not a pretty picture" hardly describes the mundane possibilities of this pile-up especially considering the vicious form of politics and vengeance being practiced.

So however the Inauguration 2021 ceremony goes, We The People can expect the unexpected with a desperate Uranian chaos-creator Trump involved and what for him will be a major test of nerves and strength.

Closely Related is the First Lunation of 2021 - a New Moon @23Cap13 of January 13th which falls in the middle of the 117th Congress' Mercury-Pluto Conjunction (22-25Cap), and as we know, is within the overly stimulated "Capricorn corridor", super-sensitized ever since January 12, 2020 when karmic Saturn and Pluto conjoined @22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex (22:51) of fated encounters. (Actually, January 3 2021 is almost a Mercury Return to the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope's Mercury - exact January 4th at 4:07 am est with an exact Moon-Neptune opposition hinting at scandals, illusions, and a deceptive environment); meanwhile, Venu$ @23Cap48 activates the Capricorn New Moon linked, above! So apparently, new activities are being seeded and planned in the realms of Mercury-Pluto and finances, and at some point we'll be able to blame or credit the 117th Congress for the consequences.

Now several potentials are indicated for the combination of Mercury and Pluto such as 'political talk that offers abrupt changes to some functions; high security and intelligence activities; communications satellites; news of space exploration, orbital weapons, or toxic gases'.

Other possibilities include: 'secrets involving business or transportation systems; hidden activities; self-destructive impulses in business; and/or breakdowns in road networks (and one wonders: in cyber networks? hacks and leaks? grid or voting machine attacks?). 'Paranoia about secrets', plus, 'ruthless investigations' are also suggested (Munkasey) along with 'propaganda, persuasion, the power of suggestion, overzealousness, sly cunning, sharp criticism, a famous orator, plagiarism, demagoguery, fraudsters, and/or diplomacy (Ebertin). I'll add, malicious scheming, plus, the fact that Mercury is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') so there's no telling what he or she is up to - or what outrageous things may be said, reported, or what may be stolen. Then as always, running in the background is America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of total awareness, surveillance/spying, confidential information, mind control, censorship and publishing which affects all such matters in a challenging way. But all results must depend upon which political party comes out victorious in House, Senate, and White House, and that's a secret even the Universe is keeping close to her vest.

Update October 6, 2020: please note that the above post was published prior to Trump's recent hospital stay allegedly due to contracting coronavirus and his superspreader status making those around him ill. jc

Aug 28, 2020

First Lunation of 2021: a Capricorn New Moon

August 28, 2020: As you've noticed by now, the first lunation which imprints upon Year 2021 is a New Moon in Capricorn on January 13, 2021 (23Cap13, 4th house), a time for seeding new plans. Of course, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is the sign of government, law, business, investment, strategy, and ambition so these realms are involved. This New Moon's fulfillment/culmination phase is the Full Moon @9Leo06 on January 28, 2021, perhaps a less dreary affair. And as you know, a significant political-governmental event, Inauguration 2021, falls within the two lunations which naturally ups the lunations' importance to society and imprints their soli-lunar energies, not just on the year, but on the entire four years of a new or a rebooted administration.

So here is the Capricorn New Moon's DC Horoscope and you'll find a few notes on this chart's midpoint pix (pictures) listed, below:

Lots of chart factors and notes are schmooshed upon the chart in my usual messy fashion and are intended for the daring. One of the factors penned on is "23 Capricorn": "a degree of governmental authority" (N. DeVore).

New Moon January 13, 2020 12:00:02 am est Washington DC; Rising is 16Libra49 making Venus the chart-ruler; Venus (5Cap42, 3rd house) makes only one applying aspect in this chart, a trine with tech savvy Uranus (6Tau43 Rx, 7th house) - see lower left for potentials of this trine with both planets in practical Earth signs, and money possibly involved. Rising as well is US natal Saturn, exalted in Libra, plus, Trump's natal Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of fraud and speculation so ongoing lawsuits may be indicated. Also noted on the chart is the 7th house Mars-Uranus conjunction which perfects on Inauguration Day 2021 @6Tau44. Obviously, a measure of turbulence, conflict, and upheaval are indicated by the pair's explosive energies, and regretfully I must add that powerful manipulator Pluto @24Cap35, hovers over the Capricorn New Moon and figures prominently in the midpoint pictures, below, as do Neptune and Jupiter.

Potentials of the January 13, 2021 New Moon's Midpoint Pix; any, all, or none may apply and all are subject to transits, progressions, and directions; a combination of Tyl, Ebertin and Munkasey is consulted where needed with an emphasis on political, governmental, and societal concerns; no weighting of these potentials is applied - I'm leaving that up to you, dear reader:

Sun-Pluto = Moon: attempts to project power and persuasion; efforts to bring help to those in need; basic ideas about death or destruction; fluctuating attempts to appear strong-willed; determination to effect basic changes in the flow of life events; illness; brutal suppression of feelings.

Moon-Pluto = Sun: corrupting elements influence everyday situations; emotional uplifting; special far-reaching plans; tight team effort; changing attitudes about people; sensitive or excitable people.

Mars-Jupiter= Neptune: imagining success; letting reality slip away; being near a mistaken course of action; falsehood; unfaithfulness; plans without a chance of realization; confusion over how to use available powers or forces; using force to establish a new religion; misstatements of doctrine or philosophy are spread; a draining of energy resources; failures; delays.

Mars-Saturn = Neptune: waning powers, weakening efforts; poison, gas, or an epidemic; mysterious deaths; grave loss; confusion; feeling threatened; pretenses or cover-ups about the state of preparedness or the readiness of self or others; a weakening of well-prepared plans; inefficient use of energy.

Mercury-Saturn = Jupiter: success through concentration and industry; logic; reasoning; additional reasoning as a basis for serious discussions; simplistic idealism about religious or philosophical matters; success with difficult or irksome work; thoroughness; industriousness; a fortunate separation; a glad farewell; good powers of concentration.

Yes, it's true that many of these potentials are ugly as dirt and we're already dealing now with several of them or some version of them. But you know that forewarned is forearmed so as we careen toward a New Year, it seems a good idea to me to line up all the ducks we can and ready them for action in January 2021 and beyond.

And as always, your on-topic comments are appreciated as are any Shares you may muster! jc

Jul 21, 2020

Unmasking Portland's Secret Police Kidnapping Peaceful Protesters - clip (w/ Astrology)

From July 20, 2020: Well, the current Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces continues to oppose and activate the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto of the mid-1960s Civil Rights era (conjunct in mid-Virgo) as demonstrated in the streets of Portland, Oregon - with Trump's combative 'secret police' possibly being dispatched to other US cities (that have Democratic mayors) if they displease the scofflaw-in-chief and don't fall in line with his authoritarian imperatives.

Concerning this very topic, here Aaron Mesh joins Thom Hartmann for a discussion of Trump's secret police and sneaky renditions including an overview of what's being perpetrated since Trump issued his June 26th Executive Order (with malevolent Mars 'the warrior' conjunct murderous star, Scheat @29Pisces, and Virgo-Pisces as the victim-savior polarity):


Below are a few astro-notes concerning political potentials of the erratic, incendiary pair of dogmatism, Mars and Uranus which will conjunct in intolerant, greedy Taurus in January 2021 and thus will imprint upon Inauguration 2021 and on the entire year of 2021. To me their combined energies seem part of a well-discussed Trump plan to retain control of the US government no matter how many heads must be concussed into submission - or worse:

"Using security forces to control strife; malice or unrest accompanied by violence; radical movements within the military; sudden attacks or outbreaks of hostility; rebellions against modernization efforts" (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

But prior to that, we should be aware of an approaching Mars-Pluto square in August 2020 (Aries/Capricorn) which in general suggests potentials for abusive actions, aggression, powerful conflicts, foolishly reckless behavior, domestic and/or work-related antagonism, stress-fueled rage, use or misuse of overwhelming force, and/or trouble with authority. This planetary pairing can also describe a police state, plus, war/s and chaos. You know - the societal conditions and events that Trump was installed to stir up and mismanage.

Meanwhile, transit Pluto, creeping along on his darkened mission to fulfill our US Pluto Return/s in 2022, continues to conjoin off and on the natal Vertex (22Cap51) of Donald Trump with its 'fated encounters and/or wish fulfillment' possibilities.

However, it's completely understandable if you, dear reader, prefer to forget all of this cosmic vs earthly turmoil. But I just thought you might want to know about some of the intense energies clashing over our heads as We The Collective struggle toward 2021.

Apr 14, 2020

Horoscope 1776: Washington Crossing the Delaware

Washington Crossing the Delaware; Emanuel Leutze 1851 [Public domain]

As a mere "armchair genealogist" nothing I discover online through the research of others is for 100% certain yet some information I find does seem to be genuine. One such is my ancestor Francis Power of Maryland (born February 21, 1756) who is known to have signed up to serve in the Revolutionary War with the Marblehead Mariners under Colonel John Glover. And as you probably know, the Marblehead Mariners were the regiment that ferried the Continental Army, its artillery, horses, and General George Washington across the Delaware River that stormy night of rain, sleet, snow, and ice, a legendary event which is famously depicted in the painting, above.

On a genealogical note, my ancestor Francis Power would have been 20 years old on that difficult night and headed for age 21 on February 21, 1777. So where is young Francis Power in the Crossing Horoscope shown below? Three links pop out: his natal North Node @11Virgo conjuncts the Crossing's IC (12Vir20), the Basis or Foundation of the Matter, his natal Mars in early Cancer rises at sunset (Mars the warrior), and his natal Uranus in mid-Pisces conjuncts the Midheaven/'MC' (12Pis20). Naturally, both Cancer and Pisces are Water signs. And as you know, the Mars-Uranus duo suggests potentials for: 'a sudden application of force, unusual achievements through an extraordinary power of effort, passing a test of nerves, a struggle for survival, violent people, revolutionaries, fighters for freedom, and/or 'danger or peril which has fortunately passed' (Ebertin). Whew!

Well, I suspect that astrologically, Mars-Uranus describes Washington Crossing the Delaware - and the American Revolution - as well as anything else could do. But for 'Francis the Mariner' I'll add the 4th house Mars-Neptune combo as well for its 'people associated with water or navigation' description, plus, the fog of war. Plus, the fact that the two planets are in different signs (Neptune in Virgo, Mars in Libra--conjunct Hopi, asteroid of ambush and intolerance) is revealing and probably relates to the fact that some of the Marblehead Mariners were African-American, some Native American, and thus they were disapproved of or criticized (Virgo) by certain parties. My feeling is that they successfully did the job at hand so kudos all around!

Yet ferrying General Washington was not Mr. Power's only military service for he also fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill (aka, Breed's Hill because it actually was) according to my genealogy research, and apparently fought in the naval War of 1812. One clue concerning the reliability of his military service record is that he received land after the War in Georgia, my home state. And there is where his line descends through a few generations to yours truly, born in Athens, Georgia.

So! Below you see a messily marked up Horoscope of George Washington Crossing the Delaware. Word is, they began the crossing at "about sunset" so the horoscope is set symbolically for sunset 4:35:06 pm LMT with the previous night's Full Moon (@3Can55 8:06 pm LMT) rising. However, the light of the waning Full Moon may not have been much help for their activities considering the tremendous blizzard (veiling their efforts from the enemy!) that they had to slog through in order to avoid the river's chunks of ice, to land and unload heavy equipment, ambush their opponents, the Hessian soldiers encamped at Trenton, and, exhausted, to fight and win the Battle of Trenton, a victory that invigorated the Patriot cause, Hallelujah!:

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish. You'll see a protective Air Grand Trine (Venus-Mars-Uranus) which suggests a closed circuit of people with intellect, idealism, and planning ability while T-Squares add dynamic energies to the event (see them listed, lower right).

Eclipse-wise, the Crossing falls into the 13 North Saros Series (see its theme, lower left) which is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE') of the American Revolution of which this crucial Crossing event is a part. Occurring August 14, 1776 @21Leo52, I consider 13 North to be the true PE of America because the final signing of the Declaration of Independence on August 2 fell within 13 North's influence (signing was within two weeks of the eclipse). Its theme tells the American tale!

And yet, dear reader, you're welcomed to disagree but there it is!

Astro-Note: almost 23 years after the night depicted above, George Washington succumbed to a painful throat infection which was probably made more deadly by a recurrence of an earlier disease - all together a Mars-Neptune affair. We should note, however, that as far as the Astrology of battles go, Jupiter the General @22Cancer is retrograde (Rx) which is not a favorable condition for the attacking forces. My thought is that perhaps General Washington's natal Jupiter being retrograde had some say in the matter because he was accustomed to Jupiter Rx energies of carefully taking his own moral code into consideration while, in this case, performing as a hero with a social conscience, a strong sense of justice, and a deep desire to avoid negative reprisals. So as it turned out, with the excellent teamwork and cooperation of Washington's troops and officers, it was the Hessian General Rall for whom the Crossing and the Battle of Trenton resulted in an unfavorable outcome.

Feb 5, 2020

Partners in Crime: A Presidency of One no more

February 5, 2020: With the Republican Senate's vote to exonerate scofflaw Trump set for this afternoon (4:00 pm est), if accomplished it will then be official - the Republican Party is made up of culprits complicit in the crimes of Donald Trump. Partners in crime, as the saying goes. And it looks to me as if this coming together of scoundrels, codifying lawlessness into law, shows in the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope (below) for as you see in the dual charts, unlike Inauguration 2017 with only the POTUS Sun in the 10th house of Career and Public Standing, the victor will also have Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury, all in Aquarius, all handmaidens to the POTUS Sun:

Now I haven't yet compared the natal planets of all possible scoundrels who could be represented by the three 10th house planets (2021) but it did occur to me to check the planets of Stephen Miller for any natals in Aquarius. Miller's natal Jupiter Rx @9AQ36 is there in 10th house just beyond 2021 Jupiter (7AQ22--conjunct US natal South Node of 1776) so if Trump commands the Oval Office for a second term, we may find bigot Miller whispering in his ear once again--and, as the Cosmos would have it, Miller's Jupiter Return perfects on January 29, 2021.

As for the three Aquarian planets of Inauguration 2021, here are a few brief potentials for each placement:

Saturn in AQ suggests ambitious plans with no sound foundation, eccentric expectations, and/or a reliable partner.

Jupiter in AQ implies comradeship (!), self-willed individuals, and/or indecisiveness (so many options!). Note that Jupiter can represent a financier (donor), CEO, politician, priest-minister-guru-mentor, and/or The General.

Mercury in AQ suggests reforms, inventions, a desire to work alone, and/or Utopian ideals. These ideals may be supported by the rising Mars-Uranus conjunction @7Taurus and its tendencies toward revolution, anarchy, explosiveness, and/or expressions of a violent temper. Potentials for this duo include radical reforms in the military, unplanned military actions, groups that exploit energy resources, modernization of the steel industry, security forces used to control strife (police state vs We The People?), rebellions against modernization efforts, and/or outbreaks of hostility (Munkasey).

Plus, you see an impulsive We The People's Moon rising at a critical 29th degree of Mars-ruled Aries. Sun AQ-Moon Aries: "Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwit the evil King John once again"..."A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys). Well, evil is definitely in the house, I'd say, at work in the behind-the-scenes 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, and Karma.

Well, I don't care to type anymore on the topic of Inauguration 2021 until we're closer to it and the November 3, 2020 Elections are over--whenever that will be. Besides, the Electoral College is scheduled to vote for president on December 14, 2020--the very day of a 4 South Solar Eclipse.

Now I wonder who scheduled that?

Related posts include: Inauguration 2021 Midpoint Pictures (January 20, 2021 12:00 noon est). And June 18, 2020 Transits to Inauguration 2017 Planets.

Sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey, and Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl (see the 2017 image, right center, for 1993 Uranus-Neptune = Pluto).

May 20, 2019

May 21, 2019 Trump, Mercury, Nemesis, and McGahn

In April just passed we discussed the possibility of former White House Counsel Don McGahn (his 'noon' natal chart shown) testifying before Congress on Tuesday May 21, 2019. If he shows up (see video link, below).

Taking the Fifth against self-incrimination notwithstanding, Mr. McGahn may or may not appear on Capitol Hill tomorrow or at a later date and yet (for the curious among us) the current transit of asteroid Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) may deserve our attention this week for its Zodiacal meet-up with a certain natal planet of Donald Trump.

Because on the morning of May 21, 2019, transit Nemesis clocks in @8Can35 - conjunct the natal Mercury of Donald Trump (8Can51). However, this conjunction of Nemesis-to-Mercury @8Can51 won't perfect until May 22, 2019 at 1:13 am edt Washington DC when a YOD pattern forms with potentials for crisis, crossroads, turning point, special task, and/or karmic opportunity for progress. With the transiting and explosive pair of Mars-Uranus sextile at its base, the YOD's apex is the May 22, 2019 Midheaven ('MC') @2Sag49, and the Sabian Symbol for '3Sag' (rounding up) is "Two Men Playing Chess"...keyword: ABILITY; negative expression: "unsuspected bigotry or foolish exactitude" (Jones).

Well, since we're talking Trump here I'm not certain how unsuspected the bigotry is. But I am certain we can read the trio in the YOD as a midpoint picture containing potentials...Mars-Uranus = MC: an inflexible character; desire for independence; a person 'putting a pistol to someone's head'; act of violence; the execution of drastic and violent measures; injury; accident; operation; extraordinary achievements (Ebertin). These potentials affect the Goal Point of the Nemesis-Mercury May 22, 2019 1:13 am edt Washington DC chart and seem to express Trump's extreme desperation to keep his affairs as private as possible.

Video: Ted Lieu: If McGahn Doesn't Testify May 21 he'll be held in contempt by the House Judiciary Committee.

So as everyone has noticed long before now, foes, enemies, and opponents are always on Trump's mind and his tendency toward mobster speak spotlights this (ex: people who reveal the truth about him are "rats"). Meanwhile, Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun in Mercury-ruled Gemini reveals his life vs death attitude, often a feature of Gemini along with the sign's desperate need to always be right. Plus, Trump's oriental Uranus in the 10th house describes his love of chaos as a ruling style for he likes to disrupt everything, then watches to see who's still standing.

And aptly enough, in May 2019 Trump's natal Nemesis @16Can40 has progressed to 16Leo09 conjunct his SP Mercury 15Leo48. That transit Nemesis now conjoins his natal Mercury (8Can51) spotlights the unbeatable foe/divine retribution implications of Trump's thinking and, of course, his communications such as his revenge tweeting. But is he pondering the joy of separation and of saying good-bye?

Perhaps, because his current progressed ('SP') midpoint pictures affecting his SP Mercury in Leo reveals interesting potentials such as: SP Moon-Saturn = SP Mercury: 'sadness, saying good-bye'; and SP Mars-Uranus = SP Mercury: 'a test of power carried out calculatingly; nervous irritation; an achievement; acting independently'; and SP Moon-MC = SP Mercury: 'soul stirrings' (Ebertin). Really?!!?

Then another SP midpoint picture may apply as well--SP Neptune-NN = SP Pluto: exercising a bad influence upon associations between people; relationship breakdown between people living together. Of course you know the Neptune-NN pair denotes 'a lack of communal sense and feeling; the inclination to exploit, deceive, and cheat other people'. So says Reinhold Ebertin about fraudulent, undermining Neptune when combining its urge-to-merge energies with the North Node of public contact and future direction. Michael Munkasey adds the potential to: 'use strong destructive forces to protect one's privacy'.

And one's tax returns, and Don MacGahn's and Robert Mueller's information about the criminal activities and obstructive behavior of Big T.

Now to close, it may be of interest to mention that Don McGahn's natal Nemesis @25Tau54 sits upon the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump (conjunct enraged star Algol) while opposite, Mr. McGahn's natal Neptune Rx @24Sco21 conjoins the natal IC of Donald Trump! So no matter when (if) Don McGahn testifies on the topic of the Trump White House, this cosmic condition involving McGahn's Neptune-Nemesis opposition and Trump's MC-IC axis promise to make the revelations of Don McGahn, if any, very very interesting.

Above NASA photo of planet Mercury, aka, The Messenger.

Feb 2, 2019

Feb 13, 2019 Mars Meets Uranus at 1:21 am est

Say, remember when congressional Republicans shoved through their tax cut bill for the wealthy class under the auspices of a Mars-Uranus opposition across the Aries-Libra axis? That was the culmination-fulfillment stage of the bi-annual planetary cycle. A new cycle begins for this incendiary pair via conjunction on February 13, 2019 @29Aries, a critical, impulsive degree - while the opposition's December 2017 elements of "unbridled fantasy" continue to bedevil our economy, our financial futures (personally and nationally), our sanity, and society's communal ability to respond positively and effectively to whatever crisis may befall, economic and otherwise.

February 2019: Can You Hear It?

"A Celestial Choir (is) Singing" (29Aries) and calling on the individual for a "spiritual dramatization to his daily living for himself and his fellows within every range of his powers and skill. The Keyword is VENERATION. Positive expression: a gift for the effective articulation or manifestation of those eternal realities through which all people find themselves at one; negative expression: an acceptance of every fantasy which will flatter the ego." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Now I suspect we both know who acts under the influence of the negative expression of this symbol so I ask you, Is Trump the "immortal instrument" (29Ari) by which America must now be known?

Will no one step up and effectively intervene when a self-identified 'monarch' of a malignant narcissist sabotages our Republic just to pay his debts and/or work in tandem with a snot-nosed thug who leads a mere regional power?

Nov 27, 2018

2019 'Wild Card' Uranus Activates 'The Tower' Eclipse

Wild Card Uranus Returns to Its 'Wild Card' Solar Eclipse Degree of August 2018: Eclipses Are aka 'Wild Cards of the Universe' and 'Cosmic Blinks'

by Jude Cowell

Now you might think the following cosmic event pictured in a DC Horoscope, below, is insignificant and perhaps you're correct. You may also believe that once a new solar eclipse manifests, all previous eclipses are no longer subject to activation, whether the eclipses were Total or not. There we disagree.

So in consideration of the crisis-ridden political climate in America these days as led by chaotic Uranian Trump, and the themes of the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 which is also known as 'The Tower Eclipse' for its karmic collapsing/rebuilding energies in similar fashion to the planet of disruption and chaos, Uranus (Donald Trump's guiding planet in his natal horoscope) here is Uranus conjunct the Sun on April 23, 2019 as it returns to its partile degree of 2Tau33 in 'The Tower Eclipse' horoscope of 2018:

Most of my notes are penned upon the chart so please enlarge the image for better viewing as you wish--although I should point out a few factors: that the transiting Mars-Uranus midpoint sits upon the natal MC of Donald Trump along with enraged star Algol of Medusa fame and this suggests that any, all, or none of the potentials you see penned inside the horoscope may express--plus, transit Mars will soon hit Trump's natal Uranus (17Gemini) in his 10th house of Career and Public Status and this will activate what could be an especially explosive or dangerous period for him; also note that chart-ruler Venus makes no application (other than her conjunction with Chiron), and the chart's BOWL shape is led by an 8th house Moon in Sagittarius (Moon = women and children; the public; Sag is the sign of foreigners and immigrants).

Plus, it's impossible to ignore the cluster f**k at Midheaven with Saturn in Nodal Degree (doubly karmic, or fated) and conjoining South Node, a Saturnian point of separation (see chart notes). Plus, there's power-mad Pluto nearby as the two heavy-weights prepare for their rendezvous on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (see link, below) which conjoins the natal Vertex ('VX') of Mr. Trump. Some of Big T's natal placements surround the chart and are highlighted in lavender pink, a perfect shade for cowardly bullies, don't you think?

Related: Saturn Conjunct Pluto January 12, 2020 showing the 2020 horoscope, plus, the current Saturn-Pluto Conjunction horoscope, the cycle we remain in (since November 1982) until their next conjunction in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, an Earth sign of government, law, business, and materialism.

Feb 26, 2017

June 6, 2017 Third Reich: Progressed New Moon in Taurus

Feb 26, 2017: this morning a Solar Eclipse manifested at 9:58 am ET @8Pis12 and tonight activist Mars catches up with radical *Uranus @21Aries, an explosive, often violent combination of energies. This got me thinking about how the Third Reich recently had its Uranus Return/s to natal Uranus degree (19Ari53). These returns were exact on June 17, 2015 (the day after Mr. Trump first announced his presidential bid from behind the shadows of a New Moon @25Gemini), September 4, 2015 (Rx), and March 31, 2016, dates which cover America's 2016 Campaign period and as we now know, the Klan and 'alt-right' folks were preparing to move into the White House under the coattails of Mr. Trump. And so a new cycle of Uranian activities (ex: politics) has begun for Old World Nazis, and I assume, for neo-Nazis, with a devilish force still plaguing the world.

Here's a view of the Third Reich natal chart of 1933 which is the horoscope and data from which issue the following Secondary Progressed (SP) New Moon of the Third Reich, a symbolic 'new cycle of activity' for an organization that is much much less popular than its adherents seem to believe it is:

SP New Moon @4Tau06: It's an Hour of Venus with Venus in one of her own signs, Taurus (the bull), a placement denoting conservative values and a love of jewels and luxury. Also, Venus is in the same degree as the SP New Moon giving a karmic flavor to the chart and cycle yet it is radical zealot Uranus @23Ari58 (the Utopian in Aries) that is nearer the Midheaven (MC = The Goal). Could Uranian favorites chaos and anarchy be on the organization's agenda? The Sun rules the chart but makes no applying aspects at all so 'Sun in 10th house in Taurus' sums up the solar influence while the Taurean Venus rules the roost.

Sun Taurus-Moon Taurus is a double Earth blend of pragmatism, rigidity, and obstinacy. This security-seeking blend saw a certain propagandist and 'social scientist' born under its rays, a man known as 'Karl Marx' (Levi's pen name) who famously promoted the tenet, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Who decides what everyone needs and how much I shall leave to your imagination. Just remember that 'Karl Marx' was funded by the House of Rothschild (N. Hagger, The Secret History of the West).

And as you see in SP 2nd house of Money and Values, the 'Marseillaise Trio' of Mars-Neptune-Jupiter remain a trio as in the natal chart and suggesting violence, terror, and cruel oppression as keyed during the French Revolution. A midpoint picture is formed: Mars-Jupiter = Neptune: falsehood; unfaithfulness; failures; plans without a chance of realization (hopefully so! jc) -- are the potentials, according to Reinhold Ebertin. No fascist USA! is one slogan on display during some of the many protests across the nation since Mr. Trump moved into the White House.

In addition, the violent Marseillaise Trio was a factor on the night of Hitler's Reichstag Fire through which his fascist dictatorship was firmly established. That night, the line-up was Jupiter-Mars-Neptune which emphasizes the speculation and conflating ability of the trio with arsonist Mars in the middle and the Jupiter-Neptune pair relating to political conflict and monetary fraud and waste.

Another 'as you see' in the SP chart is the stunning and disturbing conjunction of the SP Saturn-Pluto midpoint of cruelty, brutality, and violence (see upper right) with the New Moon. This dynamic should be unsurprising to most people who have no trouble mentioning the Nazi's treatment of the Jewish people when speaking of the Holocaust Memorial (unlike Mr. Trump who has himself been the cause of turmoil, use of the military for domestic actions (so far, against immigrants), and 'upsets in existing checks and balances' within our three branches of government. This is a crude man who uses a private police force causing some to assert that Mr. Trump is "playing with fire"...though not a Reichstag Fire, one wants to assume.

Okay, I'll hush for now. In closing, here are two links--one to an essay concerning The Rise of Nazism in Germany (opinions are the author's own). The other contains Astrology and also an interesting video concerning The Fascist Plot to Take Over the US in 1933.

Thankfully, America had General Smedley Butler to foil the plot then...who do we have now?


*This evening's Mars-Uranus conjunction @21Aries at 7:19 pm ET is basically a Mars Return to the Economic Unification chart of Germany as given in The Book of World Horoscopes (chart #132), by Nicholas Campion. The simultaneous transit of Uranus to natal Mars supports the notion of the Third Reich's SP New Moon 'new cycle of activity' since it relates to taking a new approach or direction made suddenly necessary due to circumstances. Actions are highly charged under a Uranus-to-natal-Mars transit, outcomes are unpredictable, there may be separation or estrangement within relationships with males, and it's a dangerous time to confront adversaries. Mars-Uranus when paired also indicate potentials that include operations, accidents, injuries, premature actions, willfulness, intolerance, a test of nerves, fighting for freedom, courage, and/or a struggle for survival (Ebertin).

And speaking of Economics, as of December 2016, Germany now heads the 2017 G20 Summit with the prominent Leaders' Summit scheduled for July 7 and 8, 2017 Hamburg, Germany. Later on we'll have to Moon Track that pretentious gathering of social and economic tinkerers in case there are influences they prefer we not see. Here's a page with a Timeline of G20 2017 events for your perusal.

Germany: Economic Unification July 1, 1990 00:00 CET Berlin; Ascendant 10Pis37 where eroding Neptune, planet of propaganda, the masses, the media, confusion, fraud, and disguises, hangs out these days.

View a brief bio and the natal horoscope of Karl Marx born May 5, 1818 during the 19th century Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius squared by Pluto in Pisces and, as previously discussed, via transit Pluto @18Cap-- 1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: the big picture commands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl) which is the intimidating command that world domination types are currently acting under and why Hegelian chaos is underway via Mr. Trump and his minions. Or is he one of their minions?

Feb 17, 2017

Mar 4, 2017: Venus Stations Rx in Aries--leaves Shadow in May

By NASA or Ricardo Nunes [Copyrighted free use or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

March 4, 2017 at 4:08:51 am est (Washington DC) is when transit Venus stands still @13Ari08 and, from our vantage point on planet Earth, seems to begin backward motion. Stationary planets "contain *suspended power" so let's consider what this means for the planet of diplomacy (and war, as ruler of Libra), values and evaluation, perspectives, persuasion, gain, relationships, trans- and other gender issues, and the attraction principle. The Arts, Beauty, and Romance will not be part of our political considerations today but the Venusian desire for change will.

When Lady Venus retrogrades, a process of review begins until she reaches and surpasses her 'shadow degree' which is her Rx Station degree--here, 13Ari08. During this period, her objectives may or may not run counter to tradition and societal proprieties and although current superficial social values may be rejected (Rx) by this Venus (and/or her partners?), she is in a passive state of reconsideration for now. Again, social and political protests particularly by women, will reoccur although their motivations may not 'reach' or agree with the general populace and so may fail to receive approval from everyone (though it's difficult to see how womens' rights and issues could be unapproved by the Collective at this late date!) Protesters' tactics and predictable sabotage ploys by paternalistic forces play a part in this approval-disapproval process as Venus Rx re-evaluates tactics in March into May including financial conditions, plus, there may be a weakening of partnerships or alliances, political and otherwise.

Venus Out of Shadow

Venus reaches shadow degree on May 18, 2017 @12:55:40 pm edt in a Washington DC chart with 00Vir37 on the Ascendant; therefore, Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant (29Leo55), transit North Node (28Leo44 Rx; public contact), and royal star Regulus @00Virgo (success if revenge is avoided) also rise. Transit Venus @13Ari08 is opposed by transit Jupiter @13Lib55 Rx and moneybags Jupiter is again the lead planet in a Locomotive pattern of executive power and success. But are we also seeing Jupiter the General and/or Jupiter the Religious Leader rising? More on the opposition, below.

Now in socio-political realms, Venus represents Culture, the economy and Economics, wealth, diplomacy (as noted above), society and societal trends, values (as noted), biology, the plant kingdom (now being further plundered by corporate interests), metals, and peace (now said to be brought by war). The planet's detached state indicates less moderation from other planets (actors) so that her sign and other astrological conditions are emphasized, in this case, Aries archetypes such as warriors, pioneers, adventurers, rebels, activists, business leaders, technicians, surgeons (abortion issues, repeal of Roe v Wade?) athletes, zealots, ambitious people, arsonists and the fires they set, and generally, energy, motivation, and aggression. The US justice system including the Supreme Court are in the news with America's natal Saturn (14Lib48) (courts, lawmakers) ruled by Venus.

And you may remember that it was Venus in late Sagittarius that announced "an outsider" and "rival" of the administration (then, a Democrat in the White House) who was destined to win the White House in 2016? (My pre-election political speculations are unedited in the post.)

Now we know that a Mars-ruled Venus in Aries can demonstrate a determined desire for change. What changes come depend on many more factors than Venus and Mars in Aries, including transit Pluto, saboteur and artist of transformation, now hanging out on and around the Uranus-Neptune 'new world order' degree of 18 Capricorn with its negative expression of 'smug or strong-armed paternalism'. And you know the midpoint picture now created by creepy planet of the criminal Underworld, Pluto:

Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: the big picture demands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl) which to me sounds like 'an offer that can't be refused' by our sold-out, intimidated, bribed, or ideological politicians who inexplicably act against society's best interests while representing corporate interests instead of the needs of the constituents they allegedly are in Washington to represent. That Mr. Trump has been read into this 'big picture' agenda and acts in favor of it are obvious for he wouldn't be placed in the White House if he weren't. His campaign promises otherwise ring hollow as any propaganda yours truly has ever heard or read about from our nation's manipulated past.

2017's Venus-Jupiter Opposition

Occurring across the Aries-Libra Self-Other axis, a Venus-Jupiter opposition is no time to mix business with pleasure though Mr. Trump seems to be incapable of understanding the difference and has no desire to avoid such political conflicts of interest or the ethics violations the mix suggests. So let us assume for the purposes of this post that the following factors apply to him in particular if to no one else (although of course they may).

Cultural potentials within the Collective include: pomposity, arrogance, pretentious social climbing, posturing, ostentatious behavior, self-serving justice, values are difficult to defend, perspectives on reality suffer, a sense of proportion goes lacking, and gaudiness fails to impress. Loudly promoted events fall short of the hype, joint ventures may suffer defeat, there's a lack of cooperation, unfulfilled promises cause difficulties, and excesses inconveniently revealed are best forgotten (the culprit hopes!)

Political potentials include: many new and perhaps ill-considered laws, the number of foreign capital investments increase, religious interference in our justice system expands, and foreign raids on the Treasury. Positively there may be expansion in economic forecasts though inflationary factors and/or fraud and corruption continue to lurk underneath which makes a stable basis for our economy uncertain.

Summary: on March 4th, Venus retrogrades in unaspected condition but will receive an aspect from Jupiter as she leaves her shadow on May 18, 2017, and thus gains a better or clearer perspective. That the perspective is from an executive powerhouse Jupiter (the broadcaster and promoter) in Venus-ruled Libra (with all that their opposition implies) presents more of a negative condition than is good for the common good or for the US economy. But maybe circumstances are just dandy fine for the power elite and their financial enablers.


*stationary planets "contain suspended power": Retrograde Planets, Erin Sullivan; '18Cap': The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Venus and Mars in Aries: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Venus in Politics: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.

Dec 7, 2015

Dec 6, 2015 The President Addresses the Nation on Keeping the American People Safe

In case you missed it:


President Obama Speaks and Is Mindful of The Importance of Being Earnest

by Jude Cowell

If you know about or have read lately about the current Mars-Uranus opposition which now squares powerful manipulator Pluto (Dec 6 - 10) then you know that this evening's TV address by President Obama delivered from the White House (to show how serious he is) fits right in with the T-Square's dynamic, intense energies.

Mars-Uranus, Mars-Pluto, Uranus-Pluto--all three pairs combine into explosive, forceful, aggressive actors designed to catch attention and rearrange present conditions into something more chaotic, even brutal. Naturally, military action is denoted as well along with warriors of all stripes joining battles, initiating conflicts, and fighting until the end. Challenges are issued and accepted!

These planetary conditions now reflecting events on the earthly plane (As Above, So Below) describe what I have been dreading for some time but these are not all that was on display tonight as President Obama spoke. He began at 8:00 pm est with his natal Mercury 2Leo19 rising though Ascending was a lunar 28Can47 and this degree of Cancer places US natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33 setting on the Descendant of Partnerships and Alliances; US natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer had risen and was traversing the 12th house of Politics and Karma by 8:00 pm.

Soon after he began, the president's natal Sun 12Leo32 arose and there are several planetary hints that self-promotion was one of his goals as he adapted his visions and perspectives for presentation to the public (Mars-Neptune = Mercury) on the topic of ISIS and terrorism. The need to fulfill dangerous tasks was communicated and flavored with what passes for stark realism in US Politics though many conditions and associated affairs remain private and not open to public scrutiny (Saturn-Pluto = Mercury.) As you know, Mercury is the planet of communication, speeches, messages, young people, and journalists (or what passes for them these days) so they have their parts to fulfill in what was very much a role-playing event tonight--bully pulpit and all that, promoting the US perspective on things.

Hmmm...young people. Was this speech also meant as an outreach to inspire young people (including women who can now become combatants) to sign up for duty? More troops are needed, say neocon war hawks. Pass the canon fodder!

If so, President Obama showed shrewdness tonight as he presented what are basically over-expansive ideas (transit Jupiter, planet of expansion, now conjunct his natal Mars, planet of warriors, war, and action.) However, you may have noticed a lack of coping ability melded with the shrewdness which made a very odd mixture. On one level, this may be due to Mr. Obama's natal Mars being shrouded and clouded by US natal Neptune, both @22Virgo and the conjunction now has quite a pile-up of energies in the 20--22 Virgo area of the Zodiac: the current Solar Eclipse (September 13, 2015 @20Vir10) provides a high stress level and an overtaxing of strength influence (Brady), transiting Jupiter as noted @21Vir38 tonight increases it all, and fixed star Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream) springs more fully into action, triggered by Jupiter.

Another concern is the Cardinal Grand Cross now brought into manifestation by the above noted Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square (thanks to Mars joining in) which adds explosive force and ruthless brutality to US natal Sun @13Cancer (POTUS) for as you know, US natal Sun has been opposed by transiting Pluto for some time now with its 'titanic power struggle and challenge' implications. Tonight's speech was part of taking control of the situation where 'destroying ISIS' is concerned. And it may be no coincidence (for nothing really is) that in recent weeks and certainly this very evening--two descriptive asteroids (archetypes) are traveling in tandem at 22Libra: Nemesis and Isis, with Nemesis having 'the unbeatable foe' and 'divine retribution' flavors. Note that just who is actually behind the creation of ISIS (ISIL) is beyond the scope of this post.

For the US, this deadly East vs West battle calls for more organization and structure (transit Mars @14Libra conjunct US natal Saturn at IC, the Basis of the Matter) and as tonight's Moon @24Libra approaches Venus @2Sco11 (preparing for the holidays?), we might better find a clue in the Uranus-MC (8:00 pm est) conjunction with the MC as the Goal Point of the speech's horoscope: 'strife or radical movements which force new internal policies or methods' (a new agenda), a strategy we've seen used before--most notably after the attacks of 9/11/01 and the ready-to-go US Patriot Act, plus, preemptive war and occupation, and other policy changes distorting the character and principles of our nation. Now that's what has resulted in what I would call a Crippled America--crippled by fascist traitors and infiltrators.

Though he mentioned destroying ISIS and not giving into fear, the Astrology I'm seeing in the speech horoscope shows the fostering of paranoia for political control of the people via Mars at the IC (Endings; The Drain: Death.) Is Election 2016 part of Washington's political calculations? Now this wouldn't be surprising since it's been done successfully before (ex: 'bin Laden tapes' released just before election day.) Yet whatever the motive/s, tonight's speech will probably be fairly well received with chart-ruler Moon first sextiling Mercury (0A27), then conjoining popular Venus (7A22). Round up speech-maker Mercury's degree to 26 Sagittarius and we have "A Flag-Bearer in Battle" (Jones) which supports the president's expansive agenda in the Middle East along with more young people joining the military, if and as they may.

Washington's stubborn refusal to recognize its limitations bodes ill for many

Tragically for innocent people both here and abroad, it likely will take more than the Paris and the San Bernadino attacks to 'justify' the draconian changes the power elite (and those who direct them from behind the scenes) are determined to force upon us. After all, transiting Uranus, planet of anarchy, chaos, disruption, and shock, has been opposing US natal Saturn for a while now and this describes a 'new order' vs 'old order' stand-off and the collapse of traditional institutions--along with de-structuring Pluto now in structure-building Capricorn and plodding his way toward America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022.

ISIS is "part of a cult of death," said President Obama tonight which is obviously true. And of course I am on America's side yet it amazes me how a drone-striker president projects such a mote into the eye of 'the other guy' while ignoring the beam in his--in our--own.


Speaking of the anti-constitutional US Patriot Act, remember in May 2011 when President Obama authorized its extension via auto-pen while on a visit to France with US natal Pluto rising?

Jun 20, 2013

Was Journalist Michael Hastings Assassinated? (video of his burning car)

On the Mysterious Death of Journalist Michael Hastings

by Jude Cowell

As soon as I heard of the death in a 'car crash' of Michael Hastings in Los Angeles I set up a horoscope of the tragedy (June 18, 2013 at 4:30 am PDT; source: news reports) and saw that signatures of mayhem were afoot.

Since then I've been on alert for information on what entity or issue he was researching because the info might turn out to be full of clues as to the How, Why, Where, and Who of this very sad matter. Known for his game-changing Rolling Stone article on General Stanley McCrystal--The Runaway General--Mr. Hastings was a fearless truth seeker of the sort that no power manipulator tolerates for long once their revelations become too inconvenient or interfere too deeply in The Power Game.

'Naming names' is a dangerous business in the power-mad world of Politics.

At impact, Pinto cars can explode and burst into flames. A Mercedes will not:

News Update 6.20.13: police don't suspect any foul play and await results of a toxicology test.

Original post continues here...

Below, you see the 'crash' horoscope with US natal Uranus 8Gem55 rising (our nation's 'totem' planet of revolution and rebellion) along with transiting Mars @12Gem44 with Gemini being the sign of traveling Mercury and of writers and journalists. Sun and Jupiter are rising as well and are about to conjoin in their yearly meet-up which may indicate a promise of sunlight cast upon someone of a Jupiterian nature: generals, politicians, bankers, religious leaders, professors, etc.

It's an Hour of controlling Saturn (stoppage; loss), plus, in the transiting 2nd house (National Treasury and Earning Ability) are Mercury the Scribe or the Messenger still within orb of vengeful Venus, with both planets stimulating the starry Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux--each with writing and creating talents of their own.

Actually, the first moment I heard of his death I was reminded of the mysterious death (assassination) in Summer 1991 of writer Danny Casolaro whose natal Mercury @19Cancer conjoins these writers' planets and stars. His bathtub murder occurred under the influence of an 11 South Solar Eclipse that hit his natal Mercury that summer with themes of: 'the need for sudden reforms; old ideas and methods fail and new systems are required to deal with events--any blocks could be violently or tragically removed' (Brady.)

Mr. Casolaro had researched and was about to publish a book on The Octopus, as the global crime syndicate is sometimes called--names would be named and those names could not allow that to happen. (Note that conjunct Desc is Cupido, a descriptor of The Family, The Syndicate, Corporatism.) The last manifestation of 11S was at a critical degree (29Can26) on July 22, 2009 and you may draw your own conclusions from that date and the events of 2009. (There are also resonances between PROMIS spying software in 1991 with its alleged 'backdoors' and the current NSA Prism surveillance program but they're beyond the scope of this post.)

Here's a bit that I wrote a while back concerning Danny Casolaro (no edits):

Casolaro's murder/assassination (Aug 9/10, 1991) preceded the Great Conjunctions of the New World Order planets, Uranus and Neptune: Feb 2, 1993 (19Cap34), Aug 20, 1993 (18Cap48), and Oct 24, 1993 (18Cap33--the chart I generally use as the NWO's birth chart.)

However, transit North Node (NN) was pointing to 18Cap45 (NWO's Uranus/Neptune Conjunction degree '18Cap') the weekend of Casolaro's death by deep wrist-slashing...a similar mode of death as UK's nuclear expert Dr. David Kelley's mysterious 'suiciding' of July 17, 2003--when tr Chiron (The Wound) was at 14Cap37, conj tr Neptune-Pluto midpoint - at the same degree of tr Neptune during Casolaro's last weekend in Martinsburg, West Virginia. This is 3 degrees past the UK's natal Sun and opposes the US natal Sun, the two players with the most to gain from Dr. Kelley's demise.

(Casolaro checked into the Sheraton Inn "shortly before noon" on Aug 8, 1991, if you'd care to take a look.)

So did Michael Hastings and his reporting 'fly too close to the Sun'?

Asteroid Icarus may say, Yes, especially since it represents an archetype that may be used to signify assassination. Here I've penned in the asteroid's position @9AQ00 Rx in the 9th house of Publishing, and outside the chart, the natal placements of natal Sun 7AQ55 and Mercury 13AQ01 of Michael Hastings, born January 28, 1980 ('noon' EST) in Burlington, Vermont. Therefore, natal Sun-Mercury = June 18, 2013 Icarus.

Getting back to the chart's Ascendant @8Gem28 (the event itself), we know that combinations of Mars-Uranus signify explosions and fires (and fast traveling), and at Ascendant the pair denotes those who find pleasure in upsetting others, abusive people who impede one's progress (ex: assassination), acts of violence, accidents, upsetting events, physical injury, and/or arrest.

The 18 North Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series of Michael Hastings indicates that accidents and physical injury are themes in his life (he covered wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and lost his fiance there in an explosion.) And here we see that the chart's Hammer/s of Thor (or, Fist/s of God) point to the 10th house Neptune @5Pis20 Rx (conjunct President Obama's natal 1st house Chiron Rx), a planet associated with death and assassination as is Pluto @10Cap37 Rx in the 8th house of Death and Transformation.

Well, there are more chart factors to discuss yet I must mosey for now. Watching his car burning reminds me of the Illuminati's 'eternal flame' of assassination, a possible implication that I despise with every fiber of my being. Yes, this is a post I had hoped would not be necessary but the video above made me determined to record some of the astrological portents concerning the untimely, cruel death of truth-finder and American patriot, Michael Hastings. I hereby thank him for his valuable service to our nation. May he R.I.P.


Historic events of June 18.

Dec 8, 2012

Horoscope and Hidden Dynamic of the American Revolution

The Horoscope and Hidden Dynamic of the American Revolution

by Jude Cowell

With its change in political authority in mind, for ages I've meant to publish to Stars Over Washington the natal horoscope of the American Revolution (aka, "the shot heard round the world") when a group of patriots at Lexington, Massachusetts stood up to His Majesty's occupying soldiers who represented the British Crown, and our Fight for Independence from monarchy and oppression officially began.

Having fought British monarchists back once again (on November 6, 2012 in the shape of Mitt Romney, royal plutocrat!) and with the 112th Congress barely breathing and their maufactured 'fiscal cliff' negotiations at an alleged standstill, it seems bloggily fitting that today is the day.

Shown here is the horoscope of the American Revolution, aka, the Battle of Lexington; Hour of Venus (23Tau52 in 1st house), chart-ruler Mars (ASC 21Ari49) squares Jupiter, Venus, and Uranus, a planetary trio which falls across the 2nd cusp of Earning Ability and Values.

As you see, 10th H Pluto @26Cap41, planet of power, manipulation, and control, is in the same degree (26) as battling Mars (the shooter) with Mars @26Leo13. Their inconjunct (150 degr) is nearly partile (exact) and applying (0A27.) A persecuting Mars-Pluto inconjunction (or, quincunx) describes a courageous challenger (Mars) who's grown weary of being someone else's 'workhorse' and Mars' bad temper results in explosive conditions which are made more burdensome by financial stress.

Plus, the square between testy, had-enough Mars and rebellious Uranus adds fuel to the flames of revolution and denotes fear of material loss, rash actions, and anxiety.

One obvious time link to our own era is shown by the position of Uranus @00Gem32 in a money house (2nd) because the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem21 'hit' this Uranus of the Revolution while conjoining the current position of Fixed Star Alcyone (key phrase: something to cry about.)

So when I watch radical politicians of the duplicitously-named "Tea Party" and others behind the scenes tying our Congress in knots to prevent the business of the people being accomplished and to undermine our nation, it gives me something to cry about every day...for my country, and for You and your loved ones, Dear Reader. And as with the American Revolution of 1775, the entire world's future hinges upon what happens here.

Yes, there are many members of certain organizations who act--or fail to act--as they do now because they believe that they want the total downfall of America. But I suspect the promised rewards for their treason will be few and far between for the majority of them--and they won't like her replacement nearly as much as they imagine they will.

Now if you're curious about the hidden (occult) dynamic of the American Revolution, I include the following information from Nicholas Hagger's book, The Secret History of the West:

"The early dynamic of the American Revolution can be stated as follows:

Heretical occult vision: Scottish Jacobite Templarism (via Gosnold)

Heretical occult interpreter: (Sir Francis) Bacon

Occult revolutionary originator: (Adam) Weishaupt (founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, May 1, 1776--see link below)

Thoughtful intellectual interpreter: (Benjamin) Franklin

Semi-political intellectual interpreter: (Thomas) Jefferson"

Related Reading: The American Revolutionary War; Francis Bacon, Uranus-Neptune, and Pluto; Illuminati Horoscope (has link to Pentagon's chart); and A Few Illuminating Quotes on Plutocracy in America.

Sep 30, 2012

Suppressed Footage of Atomic Bomb damage (video) w Jon Stewart video and Mars-Uranus

Shhh! President Truman Lost No Sleep Over A-Bomb Drops

by Jude Cowell

And here is an excerpt from the suppressed footage of the damage done to the Japanese people. The horrific death and suffering of women and children failed to keep the culpable Mr. Truman from his slumbers but the annihilation of Hirsohima and Nagasaki has always seemed to me to be one (only one!) of America's greatest sins for the US government roared like a dragon in heat and millions paid the price of Truman's Abomination Extravaganza:

Here is a view of the natal chart of the Hiroshima Bombing, August 6, 1945 8:15 am JST and among other things, you'll notice that on that date warring Mars conjoined US natal Uranus 8Gem55 (taking a non-traditional approach, new techniques, explosions, danger in the environment) and expansive adventurer Jupiter had recently transited US natal Neptune (illusion, pretense, paranoia, fanaticism.)

Plus, today's position of Jupiter conjoins the Uranus position of August 6, 1945 @16Gem29 (unpredictable inspirations, group causes taken up, financial investments prosper, and Astrology is beneficial) and the Bombing's Midheaven (The Goal--objectives take a major new direction, significant alteration of lifestyle.)

There are a few midpoint pictures in the Hiroshima Bombing horoscope which cry out to be mentioned while we're on the topic so I'll close this fuss with them and a Jon Stewart video.

The first involves the Uranus-Neptune pair, planets of The Enlightenment (well, they certainly lit up Japan, didn't they?), which last met in Great Conjunction/s three times on or around '18Cap' in 1993 and their Oct 24 meeting times a natal chart of the New World Order (which is actually what we're discussing here like a silent, sinister program running in the background.) The Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER; neg: smug or strong-armed paternalism--MEJ.

Another midpoint picture spotlights President Truman (because he was US president at the time) by its degree--13Can13 (conj US natal Sun)--and because Uranus conjoined MC as the Bomb dropped (within a 1-minute orb), so there's another midpoint of plutonian power @13Can13 as well:

Uranus-Neptune = Pluto @9Leo57: the big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise; great losses, calamities, catastrophes.

Uranus-Pluto = US natal Sun: revolution; urge for independence (by the Man From Independence); breakdown; catastrophe.

Pluto-MC = US n Sun: wanting to spread one's wings and fly; eager for excitement; major life change is illuminated; desire for power and authority.

And of course there are revelations shown by the MC-Uranus-Mars trio at The Goal Point of the chart involving the hotheaded, rebellious, forceful pair of Mars-Uranus:

Mars-Uranus = MC: an inflexible character with a desire for independence (peep-eye, Give 'Em Hell Harry!); putting a gun (or bomb) to someone's head; taking drastic measures.

Mars-MC = Uranus: the big push, the quick advance; winning right away; rash; argumentative; inflamed.

Uranus-MC = Mars: rash action; upping the tempo; argumentative and challenging; temperamental drive for ego recognition.

(All midpt pics from Tyl and Ebertin with my italics and bold added; any, all, or none may apply though perhaps you agree that they all do apply.)

And now, speaking of draconian war crimes, perhaps you remember The Daily Show the night that Jon Stewart apologized for calling the culpable Harry Truman "a war criminal":


Is this a lighter topic? Hmmm...uncertain.....

What to expect from the first of four debates this Wednesday night (Oct 3, 2012 9:00 pm edt)? Mr. Romney must "instigate" while President Obama is determined to hold onto the ball!

During the debate I'll be watching planets rise, set, culminate and enter/leave houses as the brouhaha goes on and if anything curious or interesting occurs (as particular topics are addressed or incidents happen) I'll write about it on this seven-years-old-on-Oct-17th blog for your consideration. Of course, more astro-details concerning the October debates are found in the just-published issue of Stars Over Washington Monthly newsletter for those who sign up for a one-time electronic delivery at a Special Holiday Price of $15 for 3 months of info! And as you would expect, the two November eclipses and Winter Solstice 2012 are included along with the First Vote on November 6 at Dixville Notch N.H. jc

Jul 25, 2012

Was Aurora Massacre a false flag op?

Now this was predictable: speculations that the recent Aurora Theater massacre (pardon, but I can't call the tragedy simply a "shooting" as talking heads do on TV) was a staged false flag op. Some say there's another more dangerous one on the way, perpetrated for political purposes to sway the masses and gain even more anti-Constitutional control over the American people than has already been grabbed.

Here's such an article now along with the midpoint picture full of dynamically dangerous energies which forms the basis of such anti-social urges and actions thanks to the explosive, hostile, gun-toting Mars-Uranus opposition squaring (blocking/frustrating) powerful manipulator Pluto in Saturn-controlled Capricorn lurking at the apex of their midpoint and indicating a continuing influence which yes, may denote another attack or attacks of a forceful, harmful nature with Pluto ordering assassination and Mars usually the shooter who carries out the criminal deed:

Mars-Uranus = Pluto: force; intervention of the big shock; a Higher Power. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

So perhaps you'll allow me to repeat myself on a certain topic since I decided to neglect publishing the Aurora horoscope or the natal chart of James Holmes--that it isn't so much the violent 'entertainment' from Hollywood (or video games) our society is saturated with ('pandering to the lowest common denominator to seek one's fortune'), OR the availability of guns (being a typical American and fan of the US Constitution.) It's that these items are made freely available to the weaker among us, those whose psyches are fragile and unable to withstand the below-board standards of the characters involved in films (murderers, assassins, criminals), and who have no moral compass pointing to a better direction--and with little or no ability to assess truth from fiction.

Add in their past abuses, emotional and mental traumas, and grievous losses (which all may suffer in life) and we have a volatile mix of folk who have no good reason to buy guns and ammunition and who are deeply affected by watching violent anti-social "entertainment" over and over and over again as they mind-control themselves into acting out their psychoses.

Plus, manipulative Pluto, Mr. Underworld, (and he of the world's best psychiatric institutions and pharmaceutical experiments) understands these dynamics very well. And he knows how to use them.

Now that's only my personal opinion. Feel free as always to disagree!

Jul 20, 2012

Alex Jones decodes The Dark Night Rises (video 6.22.12)

Pre-July 20, 2012, here's Alex Jones on June 22, 2012 decoding the propaganda and subliminal messages (Jupiter-Neptune) in the new Batman film, The Dark Night Rises which include getting us accustomed to state terrorism and its dark handmaidens:

You know I was hoping that the current Cardinal T-Square pattern between the explosive Mars-Uranus opposition which points to power-mad criminal Pluto ('the dark night') wouldn't act out blatantly as its energy obviously did in Aurora, Colorado.

But it has..."intervention of the big shock; force." The shooter craves notoriety which is one reason why news outlets should cease their constant coverage of the tragedy--which would also show respect for the families, friends, and witnesses most directly affected.

And yes, I studied the horoscope of the shootings and the natal chart of the perpetrator but couldn't manage an article quite so soon (and may never do.) However, if you're interested in understanding the astro-dynamics, expert astrologer Lynn Hayes has published The Astrology of the Aurora Shooting.

Apr 21, 2012

Has America gone bad because of milquetoast preaching?

The American Revolution, Uranus, and the May 2012 Solar Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

The Shot Heard Round the World on April 19, 1775 marked the beginning of the American Revolution. Preachers played important parts in that time as Chuck Baldwin ably points out in his synopsis of events. But do they still?

Overhead on April 19, 1775, Uranus, planet of revolution, revolt, and sudden upsetting events was at 00Gemini33, the current position of Fixed Star Alcyone, mention of which has turned up in multiple posts here on SO'W of late. To add to the guns and violence of 1775, Mars (militia) and Uranus (rebels) were squaring one another, an explosive condition which visibly and loudly played out in Lexington on that day.

Also, Uranus rose on April 19, 1775 with Menkar from the constellation Cetus the Whale adding a 'victim of the unconscious' flavor of confusion to the proceedings--who fired first, the Americans or the British soldiers who'd come to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock?

A Mars/Jupiter square added impatience and carelessness to events of the day, and Pallas (not discovered in 1775, of course, so unconscious then, conscious now) conjoined Moon in freedom-loving Sagittarius which echoes US Moon in Aquarius (co-ruled by none other than Uranus) conjunct Pallas in our nation's July 4, 1776 horoscope. Mythologically, one of the faces of Pallas was as protector of the nation-state, as you know, and in Mundane Astrology, Moon = We the People. Our sovereign nation needs our protection once again in 2012, as it turns out, just as on April 19, 1775!

And curiously, 237 years later, 00Gem21 is the position of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse which creates a time link from 1775 to 2012 as described by their midpoint picture with these potentials:

Sun/Moon = Uranus: intensification of independence within relationships; the urge for freedom; sudden developments; possible break-up; application of ingenuity to complete goals or create new ways of revealing old ideas; unusual twists of fate; lack of adaptability; inner rebellion; shared upsets; sudden conflicts. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Can you hear The Shot Heard Round the World echoing through the centuries?

Feb 10, 2012

Super Bowl Half Time of the Illuminati (Mark Dice video) w Drones Over America

Super Bowl-Committee-Congress-PACs & Drones Over America

by Jude Cowell

Lately we hear a lot about 'super' things in our society but not being a sports fan these last several years, I totally missed this year's Super Bowl broadcast, the commercials, and the much-touted Half Time Show which, according to Mark Dice, was replete with all the Illuminati symbolism the New World Order crowd could supply bwo rock music 'stars' acting like 'goddesses' for the public's edification--and which caused millions of viewers to, in effect, worship their lousy luciferian symbols.

Note Mark's comments near video's end concerning President Obama signing the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (aka, NDAA) on New Year's Eve while we (well, you) were partyin' on down in celebration--not of losing provisions in our Bill of Rights, but of Year 2012, when some say our feathers are scheduled to hit some kind of Venusian/Sunspot fan.

Here's the PDF of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 if you wish to check it out. Some of it reads as if written by a fifth grader, but have at it, if you dare.

Searching for the precise time of the bill's signing has proven fruitless though Mr. Obama is said to have signed it in private (aka, secret) on 'December 31, 2011'--so as long as we're thinking along Satanic/Illuminati lines, why not look at 11:11 pm est?

Which sign, degree, and planet were rising at the White House on December 31, 2011 at 11:11 pm?, you may ask. Here are two Angular considerations involving midpoints of combined planetary energies to consider:

11:11 pm est ASC 26Vir44; Mars 20:09 rising with Fixed Star Denebola ('to go against society'--ya think?) which puts President Obama's ongoing Mars Return 2012 well within the bill's Surveillance and Motivation spotlight.

Of course, you know that America's natal and Secondary Progressed Neptune rises as well since he and we have that 'rock star' Mars/Neptune conjunction between us where veils cover Mr. Obama's motivations and actions from We the People's clear view. A midpoint picture is thus created at 11:11 pm:

Mars/Neptune = ASC: strong mental focus on subtle ways to coerce or compel others into adopting your ideas.

Descriptive enough for you? Maybe fear-mongering is a large part of the bill's objective. Works for me!

Important here are the Political implications of the Mars/Neptune combo which apply to our topic and which Michael Munkasey gives as:

Thesis: the threat of war or force to be used against the ideals of the people or the country (exactly!); military rule as a form of national glamour.

Antithesis: scandals involving the Armed Forces; use of industrial espionage; delusion about the strength of the military; military spying or spies.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

This also implicates America's problematic Mars/Neptune square from Gemini to Virgo with its misguided, misdirected military actions and confused or deceptive motivations (sneaky spying included.) Yes, the fog (Neptune) of war (Mars) is tiresomely indicated once again but with H.R. 1540, the murkiness and deceptive practices of war are now more than ever being re-directed against We the People, innocent or not.

Now there are many interesting chart factors for the late evening of Dec 31, 2011 which I have no time to discuss today but I do want to mention another one which is also Angular (and thus, has room and place for expressing its energies--this one is all too descriptive of what's being done against the rights, liberties, and lives of the American people with the NDAA.)

Mars/Uranus = MC (The Goal) 26Gem17: "putting a pistol to someone's head"; an act of violence; the execution of drastic and violent measures; injury; an operation; an extraordinary achievement (Ebertin); new approaches to effecting social changes of lifestyles (of the poor and droned?); approval given for work done while pushing for modernization (Munkasey.)

(As always, any, all, or none may apply.)

The Political potentials for the explosive Mars/Uranus duo:

Thesis: reforming a military organization; changes within the armed forces of a nation; unplanned military actions.

Antithesis: malice, unrest, and violence (drones to watch over actions of the Occupy Movement and other protesters?); radical movements within the military; rebellion against modernization efforts; sudden attacks or outbreaks of hostility (what Washington fears?)

Then there's the planet of bills and signings (also chart-ruler), Mercury 20Sag04 in 3rd house (11:11 pm est) squaring Mars in 12th H of Politics, Behind-the-Scenes deals, Karma, and Self-Undoing which, since Mars is is process of returning to natal position in Mr. Obama's horoscope, represents the president himself--signing the bill 'privately' behind-the-scenes, out of public view.

Mercury SQ Mars denotes many things on various levels such as Mercury (young people; reporters/bloggers; Occupiers/protesters, etc) being blocked (SQ) by Mars (Obama, and military combatants and activists) which describes drone surveillance across America. Alternately, Mars is blocked by Mercury showing on one level that the president will find himself in conflict with others because he signed a bill containing the Bill-of-Rights-denying provision for drones with the notions of one man in the White House marking American citizens for arrest, imprisonment, or death--from the sky. (See a dollar bill if you have one--the Eye in the Sky is watching over each and every one, more than ever.)

Of course, you know that I don't believe a US president is in full control of his actions and policies any more if indeed they ever were. Illuminati-transnational monetary globalists are behind this bill and they mean to stifle dissent in the US over their totalitarian vision, for one thing. Their meddling is part of what's behind Internet censorship like SOPA as well so I'd better finish this post while I still can.

And then the Sun 10Cap08 (the UK's natal Sun) remains near transiting Pluto 7Cap20 so it isn't surprising that when I moved the chart to 11:59 pm to see the last dregs of 2011, the IC (Foundation of the Matter; Endings) became 7Cap20, a precise conjunction with spying Pluto at 7Cap20--Mr. Underworld of Invisible Helmet fame, the mysterious, subversive, controlling, fear-mongering actor at the base of the matter.

Curiously, Pluto's position at '8Cap' has a telling *Sabian Symbol, imho:

'8Cap' = "Birds in the House Singing Happily" which to my mind links to US natal Pluto @ '28Cap'..."A Large Aviary", and this I take to denote a happy Pentagon now able to rub out any US citizen it wants for reasons unknown--"legally."

Yet if you question why I mix the Pentagon, Pluto, and 'A Large Aviary' into one abusive clump, check out a must-read article Planet Earth as Weapon and Target by the excellent Leuren Moret, if you haven't.

Yes, it's a difficult read to be sure, but we're dealing with very difficult people whose interests Do Not Mix with those of us who much prefer to keep a sovereign America and our freedom documents intact, thanks very much.

Let's close with a brief excerpt from Dr. Moret's article which concerns today's beginning topic, the Illuminati and their favorite project, a NWO:

From 1785, the origin of the New World Order can be traced to Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati and his manuscript which was accidentally discovered when a courier died en route from Frankfurt-am-Main to Paris. Original Shift in Days of Illumination, contained the long-range plans for the secret society which was “The New World Order through world revolution”. Adam Weishaupt wrote:

"By this plan, we shall direct all mankind in this manner. And, by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupation must be so allotted and contrived that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions."

Well, 227 years have passed since 1785--world governments and heads-of-state are falling, collapsing, or being 'removed' by monetary globalists so we see the effects of Weishaupt's so-called Great Plan as it's being implemented right under our noses!

So I must wonder if you smelled its rank odor as you watched Madonna bump and grind during the Super Bowl's Half Time 'Show' 2012?


Speaking of abuse of power, did you hear that Rep. Spencer Bachus is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for insider trading while he's been allegedly 'overseeing' financial institutions who donate mightily to his campaign chest?

Mm-hmm. Foxes are guarding our hen house, yall. But it's doubtful Mr. Bachus has very much to worry about for the 'Ethics' Committee has become quite toothless and gummy these days unless this becomes a situation in which his alleged lack of integrity cannot be denied or swept under a congressional rug.

How amusing to remember that during the Bush-Cheney regime, a scandal-ridden Congress made a big PR show of attending 'ethics' classes, remember? Obviously they had better (more lucrative) things to do.

(*The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)