A Look at Ole Man Trump's Saturn Return in Progress
by Jude Cowell
Natal Saturn in watery Cancer: hypersensivity, feelings of discontent, neurosis, financial struggles, domestic strains.
When considering planets that affect Politics, politicians, and society, mundane Saturn is prominent on many levels. The karmic planet's restrictive function activates within many realms of life including financial matters and lawmaking, with Saturnian reality and what should be maturity undergirding it all as Saturn the taskmaster demands that rules be upheld. Either positively or negatively, lessons will be forthcoming and a Saturn Return times such life lessons for us all, even for a scofflaw like Trump.
Jettisoned from the White House on January 20, 2021, Saturnian folk now attempt to hold the out-of-control Herr T accountable for his past actions, which now must include his brazen theft of items and records from the White House as he skulked out the door, records which belong in our National Archives where Saturnian presidential records are traditionally kept. Predictably, it's always with the retaliation and revenge by ace grudge-holder, Trump, with his natal Mars rising opposing the US Moon of We The People!
Meanwhile, America's enduring of a Trump regime with all its scofflaw effects upon Saturnian laws and traditions compelled yours truly in 2018 to take a look at the man's Saturn Return and its influences as he ran and grabbed the White House (2015--2017), then exhibited his clumsy, kleptocratic form of Saturnian control and responsibility while playing a thespian's role as "POTUS" (2017--2021). And while he may deny it, you and I both know that accountability must come along with Saturn's authority figure and manager roles yet Mr. Trump 'doesn't do so well' on those scores, as a majority of Americans can agree. Then his resounding political loss in November 2020 told the tale even though he has yet to admit his election drubbing, with 'loss' as another Saturnian concept along with flaws, blockages and obstacles.
We may also note that the Sabian Symbol of his Saturn degree ('24Cancer') when negatively expressed is, "a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality" (Jones). Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square with its fantasy-world spinning and tendency toward deception and malicious scheming aids him mightily in his drive to escape reality. However --
Will Legal Eagle Saturn Have the Final Smirk?
So! All this to say that in September 2018, I published here The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged which displayed the third of three of his Saturn Return Horoscopes of May 24, 2005. 'Good for' 28 to 30 years, we can divide the three-fer time frame into approximately 9-to-10-year increments in relation to life phases, his starting in 2004. Doing this suggests that he's now acting within the second decan (10 years) of his current Saturn Return until sometime during election year 2024. Then the third phase begins and contains influences from the YOD pattern, see below.
Now in 2022, a determined (and desperate to escape accountability) Herr Trump continues to have trouble with his Saturnian functions and refuses to give up what he deems to be a continuation of his 'authority' and 'control' of the White House as he expresses from way down in Mar-A-Lago what he considers to be his political power. Cultishly, minions and thugs continue to do his will though some of the smarter ones have dropped away.
Oh Look! It's a Plutonian YOD Pattern
So to me, this absurd, engineered condition of authoritarianism within the US power structure points out the critical importance of Mr. Trump's Saturn Return which was actually a three-fer affair that became exact on September 4, 2004, *January 14, 2005 (Rx; see below), and, as noted in the 2018 horoscope linked above, May 24, 2005. Then if we consider recent events such as the Electoral College Vote for his rival Joe Biden on December 14, 2020, the day of a difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 ('strong emotions over money and/or relationships' - B. Brady), plus, the violent events of January 6, 2021 intended to keep power in his tiny, grabby hands, it seems more than a little interesting that Trump's third return chart of May 24, 2005 shows a YOD pattern (crisis, turning point, crossroads, special task, and/or karmic/spiritual opportunity) with a Mercury-Saturn sextile at its base. Note that a Mercury-Saturn sextile suggests setting priorities, managing resources, and/or chafing against restrictions (which he does so well). Of course, this marks a Mercury-sextile-natal-Saturn transit for Trump indicating a favorable time to prepare future plans, and - a warning here - perhaps an opportunity to receive recognition of his authority and experience.
So which is the third planet sitting at apex of the YOD? Why, power-craving Pluto Rx @23Sag41 in Trump's Return 2nd hou$e. And significantly, this happens to be the degree of the 4 South Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020. Negatively speaking, such a plutonian/eclipse influence represents serious karmic setbacks and criminal offenses. Well, yes. We've noticed.
Now my suspicion is that the Mercury-Saturn-Pluto vibrations of the YOD pattern within the realms of Saturnian authority and accountability are what Mr. Trump can expect going forward and its potentials could very well affect him in the 2024 Election, if the 'flight risk' runs for office at all. For if legal eagle Saturn has his way, by 2024 or before Trump may be running in the opposite direction from Washington DC.
So let's read the YOD's trio of planets as a midpoint picture to see what possibilities are suggested:
Mercury-Saturn = Pluto: 'brooding over one's destiny; grappling with unusual problems' (R. Ebertin); 'serious incidents provoke questioning official communications'; 'ending business with others due to communications breakdowns' (M. Munkasey); 'contemplating loss; fearing wipe-out; abandonment; feeling resourceless' (N. Tyl).
Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but I can think of more than one of these potentials which apply to the authoritarian Mr. Trump, a fellow who can hardly be described as representing the ideal of a man who takes karmic Saturn's demands seriously enough to satisfy them - but perhaps we should count the fact that, at the ripe old age of 75 going-on-76, he is most definitely, and not very much more than, an old man.
A Related Post: DC Horoscope: The Predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024.
*An Additional Time Lord Saturn Note: now affecting Trump's current phase of action timed by the second of his three Saturn Return/s (exact on January 14, 2005) is what can be considered a YOD if we choose to count the Return Ascendant, but instead let's simply read it as a midpoint picture which might just apply on various levels:
Saturn-ASC = Pluto (Saturn Return Pluto again @23Sag12 in Return 8th hou$e): 'easily dismissing information that does not fit your world view' (like Election 2020?); 'a need to accumulate and control data and facts about perceptions of others' (M. Munkasey); 'violent upset; deep anguish; being put down by others' (N. Tyl); and perhaps most interesting of all: 'suffering through violent or brutal suppression; compulsory confinement or retention' (R. Ebertin). Nuff said! Please Share if you dare! jc