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Showing posts with label Trump's Saturn Return. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump's Saturn Return. Show all posts

Sep 17, 2023

Recognizing the Evil Confronting Us

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

During the spite-filled years of the kleptocratic "Trump era," many commentators, historians, politicians, and political pundits have called out a variety of negative conditions as being "existential threats" facing society but few if any of them have put the primary threat at the very basis of the problem. This, of course, is the primary threat in my opinion so let's consider the topic bwo astrological principles since SO'W tends to investigate issues through a Political Astrology lens - admittedly, with a common good slant.

Yet it isn't as if the dreary topic of evil hasn't turned up here before: a basic discussion in 2022 concerning the karmic planetary pair of evil appeared in a previous post, America's Initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle, when the 'clock of evil forces' began ticking for our nation. In fact, if one wished it, every position of both Saturn and Pluto during the intervening years can be compared with the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope of 1777 if one had the interest and the time to do so.

And yes, we must eternally remind ourselves that our world is one of duality, that good and evil, positive and negative, light and dark, yin and yang, etc. are for all earthlings to ponder and manage a dichotomy that is part of the human condition - and which gives us --

Two Earthly Paths: The High Road or The Low Road

The main point of this post is my contention that some people choose to trod the low road and commit evil acts upon his/her fellow man/woman. These malcontents can't be happy unless other people are miserable. By their fruits we shall know them, and evil is their chosen fruit.

Well all right, such topics are well beyond the scope of a SO'W post but we can still display two DC Horoscopes: first, the current Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 20, 2020 @22Cap46 (worth keeping an eye on for transits, etc); and the November 12, 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction which ties wealthy elites, their bankers, and anti-democracy corporate titans into the cosmic cycle of Saturn-Pluto evil - the two conjunctions occurring a mere 8 days apart - so that's two significant cosmic clocks beginning in January and November 2020, the very year of Election 2020 when modern-day fascists of The Bie Lie made their stand to take over America, and big donations, some of them 'dark money', fueled political campaigns that culminated in November 2020:

Distressingly enough, the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction landed directly upon the natal Vertex of one Donald Trump, the 'VX' being a point of 'fated encounters' but can also relate to 'wish fulfillment'. We should also note that, at the opposite end of the axis (similar to the ASC-DESC polarity), Trump's Anti-Vertex conjuncts his 11th house Saturn in watery Cancer which provides a double-Saturn emphasis to the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction and connects his "build a wall" scam with his acts of evil at the Southern border. Plus, you know that planet Saturn has been called, the "old devil," (Dr. Liz Greene). Well, don't look now, but a certain 'old devil' is running for POTUS in 2024.

Now here's the DC Horoscope of the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction of November 12, 2020 (conjunctions which always time with actions by the Fed), and creating quite a bunch of planetary actors nestled around America's Inaugural Midheaven of Goals:

Now here's a message from the desk of economics Professor Robert Reich: From Nixon to Trump: The Decline of The Common Good.

And for details on Saturn-Pluto's karmic affects upon America in the historical arena, see Washington and Saturn-Pluto at Valley Forge 1777. Plus, for more cosmic details concerning what we call 'The Fed', see Astro-Notes regarding the US Federal Reserve Banking System.

And check out a previous post concerning a cosmic influence now operative upon authoritarian Trump, and thus affecting an America determined to retain democracy and reject Trump's vengeful authoritarianism through which he intends to fulfill his vision of "American carnage," which I assume is a direct order from his pal, Putin: Solar Eclipse Notes on Trump's Current Saturn Return.

Jun 26, 2023

Trump Mercury Return 2023: Continual Indiscretion

Shown: Trump Mercury Return (8Can51) Horoscope of June 30, 2023 set for Bedminster, New Jersey; a new annual cycle of Mercurial matters and interests begins and includes Mercury ruling his natal 2nd and 11th houses:

As you see, for this post I've had to resort to a hand-drawn horoscope but after this evening, fresh ink cartridges are scheduled to arrive at my door and we can proceed as usual. Please enlarge or print the image to read my astro-notes penned on if need be. Notes include the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for the fellow's natal Mercury "9 Cancer": "A Tiny Nude Miss Reaching in the Water for a Fish" (Jones). Now yes, there is a low-charactered interpretation of this word picture for this particular Mars in Leo bounder, but I'll leave it for you, dear reader, to consider its implications, if you care to. But let's add Jones' negative expression for "9 Cancer": "continual indiscretion."

An additional note: Herr Trump's next Mars Return occurs on July 4, 2023, which times a new cycle of activity for the orange blighter. More on this is planned for a later post. And view his natal horoscope if you must.

Now it's also significant is that every year or so when transit Mercury returns to its natal degree in Trump's chart, it repeats the Mercury-square-Neptune that he was born under with its lack of discrimination, misperceptions, lack of objectivity, and the lies and fantasies he can't stop spouting and hiding behind. The man cannot or will not follow instructions (even those laid down by judges--at his peril!), misunderstandings and disbelief occur, wrong conclusions are drawn, he questions facts with instincts that differ from reality, selective hearing or tone-deafness, and leaks and scandals occur. For him such confusing, deceptive conditions are operative all the time, of course, but his yearly Mercury Return spotlights them in some way or another - and he's off to the races, spinning tales for the gullible, passing around gossip, promoting $chemes, and mouthing insults.

Of course, mundane Mercury (the trickster and communicator) can also act as a trader, or perhaps more of a traitor in this case - certainly a documents thief. So for a few interesting details concerning propagandist Trump's Mercury in Cancer check out a previous post which provides enlightenment via Carelli's Degrees.

And so with agent orange's 2023 Return Mercury in Return 6th house of Health, Work, Service, and Daily Rounds -- and Return Sun (vitality) posited in 6th h, too -- these are the areas of interest and engagement for him over the next year along with his natal 2nd and 11th house concerns which include finances and group endeavors. Plus, we can expect that a medical check-up is on his calendar, as it should be at his advanced age.

Then when we look to the Return Ascendant with 12th house Pluto rising at a critical 29th degree along with the Hera archetype (the legal wife; keeping accounts), we find legal eagle Saturn rising and Rx in 1st house, an inauspicious determinant for his Mercurial year since Saturn rules the return chart and its retrograde condition hints at Trump's usual delay tactic in legal matters. However, there are potentials for a variety of negative outcomes due to karmic Saturn hitting his natal Moon-MC and Neptune-Pluto midpoints such as: 'pessimism; collapse' or breakdown, 'separation; bereavement', and "untenable objectives" (R. Ebertin). Now I'm not wishing, just reading a horoscope here. Disagree and read the chart as you wish!

Then naturally with speedy little Mercury, travel is usually prominent as well via short trips, but for Trump, a journey across the ocean (Mercury in watery Cancer) is possible. After all, he retains possession of his passport, if memory serves.

2023: Two Return Aspects to Trump's Mercury

Then with Return Jupiter (@9Tau17 in Return 3rd house) sextile his Mercury, business opportunities may appear here or abroad, and his (tiresome) publishing efforts could expand. Meanwhile Saturn (@7Pis03 Rx and rising, as noted) suggests legal or other stabilizing help from an established network or system, and commerce is favored. Plus, as previously discussed, Saturn in Pisces suggests "struggling with opponents" (R. Ebertin) so Campaign 2024 is involved with orator Mercury's conditions and indications from now until his next Mercury Return on June 21, 2024 with Return Mars @9Taurus in place of this chart's Jupiter. Obviously, his 2024 Mercury Return will directly affect Election 2024 next November, assuming that Trump is active in election matters next year.

Meanwhile, you'll notice in the chart, above, that at Midheaven ('MC'), the WHY?-Career-Public-Status Point is Cupido Rx which indicates the continued involvement of organizations such as, The Network, The Family (his family, and/or the power-mad 'religious' group), The Mafia, The Criminal Syndicate/s, and/or simply anti-democratic Corporatism.

And speaking of planetary returns, a prominent return for us all has to be the 28-to-30-year Saturn Return for even a controlling person like ole man Trump cannot continue to ignore dealing with the demands of authoritative Saturn forever, with issues and lessons such as the accountability which he now faces because legal eagle planet Saturn has finally caught up with him.

References: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; and, The 360 Degrees of The Zodiac, Adriano Carelli. #ad

Feb 9, 2022

On Saturn's Authority, Accountability, Control, Restriction, and Misrule

A Look at Ole Man Trump's Saturn Return in Progress

by Jude Cowell

Natal Saturn in watery Cancer: hypersensivity, feelings of discontent, neurosis, financial struggles, domestic strains.

When considering planets that affect Politics, politicians, and society, mundane Saturn is prominent on many levels. The karmic planet's restrictive function activates within many realms of life including financial matters and lawmaking, with Saturnian reality and what should be maturity undergirding it all as Saturn the taskmaster demands that rules be upheld. Either positively or negatively, lessons will be forthcoming and a Saturn Return times such life lessons for us all, even for a scofflaw like Trump.

Jettisoned from the White House on January 20, 2021, Saturnian folk now attempt to hold the out-of-control Herr T accountable for his past actions, which now must include his brazen theft of items and records from the White House as he skulked out the door, records which belong in our National Archives where Saturnian presidential records are traditionally kept. Predictably, it's always with the retaliation and revenge by ace grudge-holder, Trump, with his natal Mars rising opposing the US Moon of We The People!

Meanwhile, America's enduring of a Trump regime with all its scofflaw effects upon Saturnian laws and traditions compelled yours truly in 2018 to take a look at the man's Saturn Return and its influences as he ran and grabbed the White House (2015--2017), then exhibited his clumsy, kleptocratic form of Saturnian control and responsibility while playing a thespian's role as "POTUS" (2017--2021). And while he may deny it, you and I both know that accountability must come along with Saturn's authority figure and manager roles yet Mr. Trump 'doesn't do so well' on those scores, as a majority of Americans can agree. Then his resounding political loss in November 2020 told the tale even though he has yet to admit his election drubbing, with 'loss' as another Saturnian concept along with flaws, blockages and obstacles.

We may also note that the Sabian Symbol of his Saturn degree ('24Cancer') when negatively expressed is, "a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality" (Jones). Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square with its fantasy-world spinning and tendency toward deception and malicious scheming aids him mightily in his drive to escape reality. However --

Will Legal Eagle Saturn Have the Final Smirk?

So! All this to say that in September 2018, I published here The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged which displayed the third of three of his Saturn Return Horoscopes of May 24, 2005. 'Good for' 28 to 30 years, we can divide the three-fer time frame into approximately 9-to-10-year increments in relation to life phases, his starting in 2004. Doing this suggests that he's now acting within the second decan (10 years) of his current Saturn Return until sometime during election year 2024. Then the third phase begins and contains influences from the YOD pattern, see below.

Now in 2022, a determined (and desperate to escape accountability) Herr Trump continues to have trouble with his Saturnian functions and refuses to give up what he deems to be a continuation of his 'authority' and 'control' of the White House as he expresses from way down in Mar-A-Lago what he considers to be his political power. Cultishly, minions and thugs continue to do his will though some of the smarter ones have dropped away.

Oh Look! It's a Plutonian YOD Pattern

So to me, this absurd, engineered condition of authoritarianism within the US power structure points out the critical importance of Mr. Trump's Saturn Return which was actually a three-fer affair that became exact on September 4, 2004, *January 14, 2005 (Rx; see below), and, as noted in the 2018 horoscope linked above, May 24, 2005. Then if we consider recent events such as the Electoral College Vote for his rival Joe Biden on December 14, 2020, the day of a difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 ('strong emotions over money and/or relationships' - B. Brady), plus, the violent events of January 6, 2021 intended to keep power in his tiny, grabby hands, it seems more than a little interesting that Trump's third return chart of May 24, 2005 shows a YOD pattern (crisis, turning point, crossroads, special task, and/or karmic/spiritual opportunity) with a Mercury-Saturn sextile at its base. Note that a Mercury-Saturn sextile suggests setting priorities, managing resources, and/or chafing against restrictions (which he does so well). Of course, this marks a Mercury-sextile-natal-Saturn transit for Trump indicating a favorable time to prepare future plans, and - a warning here - perhaps an opportunity to receive recognition of his authority and experience.

So which is the third planet sitting at apex of the YOD? Why, power-craving Pluto Rx @23Sag41 in Trump's Return 2nd hou$e. And significantly, this happens to be the degree of the 4 South Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020. Negatively speaking, such a plutonian/eclipse influence represents serious karmic setbacks and criminal offenses. Well, yes. We've noticed.

Now my suspicion is that the Mercury-Saturn-Pluto vibrations of the YOD pattern within the realms of Saturnian authority and accountability are what Mr. Trump can expect going forward and its potentials could very well affect him in the 2024 Election, if the 'flight risk' runs for office at all. For if legal eagle Saturn has his way, by 2024 or before Trump may be running in the opposite direction from Washington DC.

So let's read the YOD's trio of planets as a midpoint picture to see what possibilities are suggested:

Mercury-Saturn = Pluto: 'brooding over one's destiny; grappling with unusual problems' (R. Ebertin); 'serious incidents provoke questioning official communications'; 'ending business with others due to communications breakdowns' (M. Munkasey); 'contemplating loss; fearing wipe-out; abandonment; feeling resourceless' (N. Tyl).

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but I can think of more than one of these potentials which apply to the authoritarian Mr. Trump, a fellow who can hardly be described as representing the ideal of a man who takes karmic Saturn's demands seriously enough to satisfy them - but perhaps we should count the fact that, at the ripe old age of 75 going-on-76, he is most definitely, and not very much more than, an old man.

A Related Post: DC Horoscope: The Predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024.

*An Additional Time Lord Saturn Note: now affecting Trump's current phase of action timed by the second of his three Saturn Return/s (exact on January 14, 2005) is what can be considered a YOD if we choose to count the Return Ascendant, but instead let's simply read it as a midpoint picture which might just apply on various levels:

Saturn-ASC = Pluto (Saturn Return Pluto again @23Sag12 in Return 8th hou$e): 'easily dismissing information that does not fit your world view' (like Election 2020?); 'a need to accumulate and control data and facts about perceptions of others' (M. Munkasey); 'violent upset; deep anguish; being put down by others' (N. Tyl); and perhaps most interesting of all: 'suffering through violent or brutal suppression; compulsory confinement or retention' (R. Ebertin). Nuff said! Please Share if you dare! jc

Aug 23, 2020

RNC 2020 Speaker Line-Up: Quirky or Nice?

Sunday August 23, 2020: This is the fairest way I could think of to title this post and describe the upcoming week's line-up of speakers at the RNC 2020: quirky or nice? Naturally the answer depends on which side of the political spectrum you crouch upon and how strong your interest in what Don Jr, Melania, both Pences (adding their two cents' worth?), Ivanka, and Donald Donald Donald have to say. For even more quirkiness and perhaps a chuckle or a yawn, there may be some odd ducks quacking by such as Kid Rock, the My Pillow Guy, oddball Ted Nugent, plus the 'demon sperm doctor' lady personage. Actually, major popcorn popping may be the activity of the week.

Then on Thursday August 27th, Trump plans to accept his party's nomination, politically a foregone conclusion if there ever was a foregone conclusion especially for those who've heard of what is said to be his nibs' fervent longing for a 'coronation' in January. Expansive, big-headed Jupiterian Trump's royal Regulus rising (with sun god Apollo no less!) tends to give him monarchical ideas for himself but with the caution of Regulus still haunting his vengeful, grudge-holding, petty life, he may not receive the crown he covets with all that revenge and retaliation in his cold heart. Crazy isn't it? To have steaming hot Mars rising in fiery, royal Leo along with royal Regulus conjunct Ascendant and yet your Leonine heart is as cold as ice.

So with the 2020 Presidential Election approaching, let's consider the fact that how successfully a person holds and handles a position of authority has much to do with the condition of her or his natal Saturn. And for additional information on such matters we often turn to Saturn Return horoscopes which are sometimes 'three-fers' due to Saturn's retrograde periods when the cosmic lesson bringer may hit natal degree three times. Here's Trump's current Saturn Return #3 of 3 in case you haven't viewed the chart and the crisis pattern therein with apex Pluto @23Sagittarius, the position of the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series. And with both Saturn and Pluto as planets of karma the 4 South eclipse could be a 'wild card' signal from the Universe that for Donald Trump, his comrades, and yes, for America, it's finally time for Fate to Step In.


Above image: a NASA portrait of Jupiter; I figured you'd rather see the Jolly One than yet another photo of a scowling Trump. Did I guess correctly?

Oct 1, 2018

Saturn hits Trump's Mercury-Neptune Square twice more

October 1, 2018: just a note to say that twice more this year will transit Saturn in early Capricorn 'hit', activate, or limit Donald Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy, falsehood, indiscretion, and misguided perceptions. Saturn represents truth, reality, accountability, authenticity, the legal system, systems in general, and The Establishment along with karmic rewards or losses, whichever applies.

On November 11, 2018, transit Saturn @5Cap50 squares his natal Neptune (5Lib50 in natal 2nd house) at 4:11 am est in Washington DC with trump's natal Jupiter 17Lib27 SD rising. Transit Pluto @19Cap10 sits upon the IC (19Cap34) of this DC horoscope so Saturn rules the 4th house. The Moon @2Cap41 nears Saturn, a pair indicating emotional depression, or alternately, ambition, direction, and strategy. The 12th house of Politics and Karma holds Trump's natal Neptune and his natal Chiron, the Wound or Blind Spot, which sits between his Jupiter and Neptune, the pair of speculation, grand dreams, fraud, over-promising, Ponzi and other get-rich-quick schemes.

Then on December 10, 2018, transit Saturn @8Cap51 again opposes Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51 in his natal 11th house of Associations and Groups). This time, Luna is again in Capricorn but has left Saturn and nestles up against powerful Pluto (enraged women? abortion issues?). Lady Venus, direct and back in sexy, brooding Scorpio after her recent retrograde sojourn in her own sign of Libra, rises @4Sc049 and rules 12th and 7th houses in the opposition chart. Dogmatic bluntness is a feature of the December 10th chart (Sun Sag-Moon Cap) while the November 11th chart with its Scorpio vibes naturally shows more judgmental, control, and detective leanings. One who shares the Sun Sco-Moon Cap blend is Marcel Ophuls who aptly reminds us that,

"Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others."

Or perhaps it should be author George Eliot (Mary Ann Evens: Sun Sco-Moon Cap) with the final quote in this Trump-related post since her observation aptly describes so many members of the modern political class including our erstwhile Mr. Trump:

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow."

For more information on the effects of the 2018 Saturn transits to Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square try this previous post which includes all the dates that transit Saturn squared and opposed his natal Mercury-Neptune, the planetary pair of illusion, confusion, and delusion.

Related Posts: The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged and, to prepare for 2019 so soon upon us, try the background noise of The Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes.

Sep 8, 2018

The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged

The Current Three-Fer Saturn Return of Donald Trump Shows Maturity Problems

by Jude Cowell

Since planet Saturn's orbit is between 28 and 30 years' duration, a Saturn Return horoscope is 'good for' about three decades. The last Saturn Return of Donald Trump (#3 of 3 conjunctions) perfected on May 24, 2005 and the chart below details the experiences, conditions, and influences that we're all suffering through now as his leadership, authority, and authenticity are challenged by Saturnian figures of governmental, legal, and other fact-finding realms. For as you know, astrological Saturn prefers just the facts and when returning to natal degree, he demands accountability, maturity, and the correction of past mistakes. Therefore, based on his recent and current behavior, we immediately see that Mr. Trump has major problems complying with the commands and imperatives of Saturn because taking responsibility and owning up to his own guilt and irresponsible actions are arrows not found in his quiver. We might even say he resists such mature behavior and has famously asserted that he's never made a mistake!

See "I Don't Talk That Way." Except When He Does about Trump's foolish denial of hurling certain insults at AG Jeff Sessions.

For a complete study of Trump's Saturn condition, several horoscopes should be considered including his natal chart and natal Saturn's aspects, progressions, and his very first Saturn Return (age 29, July 25, 1975 with Saturn in Return 9th house along with Mercury @24:34 and Sun @2Leo10; Saturn is squared by Jupiter in Aries and by Uranus in Libra which forms a T-Square: Jupiter-Uranus = Saturn with potentials for one-sided principles (wait! he has principles?), obstinacy, sudden disadvantages or losses. These horoscopes are helpful guides to his/our present circumstances particularly in the realms of authority, plus, other planetary return charts and transits add details to the cosmic picture and although I've studied them, this is a post not a book so no charts will be published here other than Trump's third of three Saturn Returns, the horoscope in effect since he ran and 'won' the White House--and at this moment. General notes on Saturn Returns will follow, below.

Image: Trump Saturn Return May 24, 2005 5:57:20 pm edt Queens, NY; ASC 7Sco54; MC 15Leo36; Hour of Mercury;chart-ruler Mars trines Saturn (6A40) = an auspicious time to initiate long-term projects geared toward creating more security (his marriage to Melania in 2005?); plus, more mature people (males) aid him in his endeavors--aid he continues to need though he wouldn't admit it; Saturn's other aspects are listed on the chart as well as the dates of the previous two Saturn Returns in September 2004 and January 2005; a three-fer denotes one who on a personal level needs multiple lessons from Saturn, and/or an important person in the professional sphere:

The Mercury-Saturn sextile indicates getting into wearisome quarrels, holding on to petty grievances, and nagging that destroys harmony in relationships. An inability to listen to others is also suggested as well as neglect of basic rules and a lack of respect for others' need for personal space. However, it does show a potential for good management and a concern (overconcern?) for details (Epstein). Saturn is also engaged with quirky Uranus via a sesquis-square (135 degrees), a dynamic 'square within a square' denoting complex or complicated conditions which may hint at Melania's immigrant status and relationship/freedom issues around that time. Of course, Saturn is the planet of tradition and The Past while Uranus prefers progress and The Future. And according to Robert Pelletier, Trump's Saturn-Pluto inconjunct (150 degrees) shows tendencies toward: voicing complaints about unfair competition (plus, his natal Jupiter in Libra: "it's not fair!"), laboring and wasting time over trifles, questioning valid candidacies (ex: Obama), and being impressed with his own sense of responsibility which compels him to take on more than he can handle. And here we are.

A Few Notes Regarding Saturn Returns

In general, a Saturn Return identifies the phase in which we enter a new cycle of experience and a new set of environmental conditions with which we can work. The Return house of Saturn denotes the area in which we are ambitious and/or seek recognition. Here in the 9th house, Mr. Trump seeks approval and recognition for his intellectual capacities yet his Geminian traits keep him on lighter levels of superficial understanding, quixotic notions, and an obsession over minor details as he often misses the wider points or the bigger picture in situations, events, and experiences. Plus, he seems unaware or simply unappreciative of the ultimate consequences of his actions, many of which are dire for other people whose feelings he twists for his own purposes but never genuinely considers.

Trump's urge for professional development is strong with his natal Saturn in business-savvy Cancer, yet we find that his personal compulsion toward self-protection (Cancer, the Crab in his shell) is operative in political realms via protectionism (exs: trade tariffs, removal of US from treaties and alliances as per Putin, his 'lodestar' of authority; 'wall building'), plus, his 'ivory tower' isolation (cheeseburgers in bed, no uncomfortable State Dinners), extreme emotional sensitivity, and difficult family ties which cause disadvantages whether he admits it or not. Such is karmic Saturn in Moon-ruled Cancer where the planet of maturity, authority, and accountability is in his detriment so acting maturely is difficult for him as is the expression of true emotions and sentiments. There's ambition and strategy in abundance, yes, but a tendency toward depression is also suggested by this placement in which feelings of emotional isolation can lead to neurotic, self-defeating behavior. In addition there is a leaning toward financial difficulties which have certainly been the case and seem to lie at the root of his foreign involvement as a businessman. And as you know, Saturn in Cancer people are talented in the field of Real Estate but Trump's underworld ties probably began there with Saturnian concrete which had to be purchased from mobsters!

So when playing the POTUS role, Saturnian weaknesses become particularly problematic and in fact, can place a wheeler dealer such as Mr. Trump under Saturnian scrutiny by legal authorities for such financial involvements with mobsters, foreign and domestic! And it has--money laundering through real estate seems to have been a favored activity, one that honest Saturn frowns upon. Yet having natal Saturn in the 11th house of Groups and Associations, shows that Mr. Trump could have developed a sense of responsibility by which everyone involved would benefit, for his ties to older, more mature persons have aided him--or negatively have made it easy for him not to evolve. One possibility is that his 11th house potential has been used primarily for membership in an older (ancient?) secret society or club with its own agenda so is this what Trump's take-over of the Republican Party, part of an ongoing, long-planned coup d'etat of our nation, has been about? Remember that Donald Trump is a Geminian thespian who could be smarter and more aware than he plays on TV!

The Two Natal Aspects of Mr. Trump's Saturn

So just as with any planetary return, Saturn reinforces the aspects he was engaged in at birth so for Donald Trump we see that any Saturn Return stimulates two aspects: his natal Venus-Saturn conjunction (1S55) indicating loyalty issues, using others for his own emotional gratification, but with possibly a heightened sense of justice, fair play, and the benefits of 'mutual advantage'. However, feelings of discontent in relationships may affect him off-and-on via Venus-Saturn yet the pair does provide him with a practical approach to problem solving (if only he could clearly see problems through the lens of his confused Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy, falsehood, misconception, distorted impressions, and indiscretion).

Simultaneously, a Saturn Return activates a second natal aspect--a difficult Moon-Saturn inconjunct (2A36) where we see his basic childhood complexes thanks to Mom (Moon) and Dad (Saturn). This aspect tends toward emotional immaturity, pessimism, and a fear of betrayal. A suspicious nature is indicated (Dad: "never trust anyone") engendering a cautious, defensive posture which may express emotions at the wrong time or in the wrong way and place (plus, his natal Moon-SN conjunction = bad timing, as noted). A sober facade is often employed in order to hide deep feelings of inferiority and melancholy even while he blurts out show-stopping rhetoric and slogans. Obviously things were off-kilter with Mom and Dad back in the day so that issues of abandonment are in evidence here, plus, a fear of losing emotional control may haunt him even as he rages in fury in a sad attempt to re-exert a measure of control over others while manipulating circumstances to his liking. The May 2005 Saturn Return shown above, as does his first Saturn Return in 1975, has Scorpio rising and Mars-ruled Scorpio tends to control and manipulate others even though a deep need to learn to practice self-control is the real problem.

So can cussing loudly and insulting others like a vicious adolescent help matters? Perhaps they did during his childhood and teen years. But unfortunately, We the People are stuck with his rage and inferiority issues because none of these Moon-Saturn tendencies improve with age especially for a non-reflective control freak. Yet if desired, serious Saturn will teach such control and discipline that can result in emotional maturity and a genuine sense of responsibility as long as authoritative Saturn's lessons are faithfully completed first! So there is the timing factor involved in Saturn Returns when reflecting upon serious matters and our part in them, regretful or not, is at hand and a change of course is necessary in order to progress as an adult traveling on the path of the hero's journey.

Future-Defining Saturn and Creepy Pluto

Naturally, Saturn's transits through his Return chart as well as the transits of other planets, provide additional information and timing of events and peaks of various sorts (including the possibility of karmic loss or well-earned rewards). As I type, today's position of Saturn @2Cap32 (his Direct Station degree of September 6th) falls into Mr. Trump's natal 5th house (although the sign Capricorn is intercepted in his 5th house--karmic conditions concerning children and risk-taking to deal with?) and, as noted above, is in the 9th house of Higher Learning, Philosophy, and Distant Travel in the 2005 Return chart.

A watershed moment for taking responsibility and paying the Saturnian piper (see lower left, Sun Gem-Moon Sag's image) is coming when transit Saturn opposes his natal Saturn one time on January 21, 2020 (owning up to past mistakes) but karmicly the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, so recently perfected on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46, is even heavier for it conjoins the natal Vertex of fated encounters in the natal chart of Donald J. Trump where a simultaneous transit of Pluto opposing natal Saturn adds the potential for difficult if not harsh circumstances of the underworld kind.

Back When Melania and Barron Trump Entered the Trump Family Picture

As you see, the Trump Wedding (January 22, 2005) and two stand-out links to Melania's natal chart are highlighted in pink around the Return chart; in light red are the Return's Syzygy Moon (Full Moon @2Sag47 in 1st house); also in light red is its 6th house Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @19Ari05 in the 7 North Saros Series--theme: sudden passions, lust, birth (Brady).

This eclipse could suggest their son Barron yet a Moon-Pluto conjunction may also indicate a child born out of wedlock. That Moon-Pluto conjoins Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction (bad timing) makes such a birth more likely but not a definite. Yet along the same lines, Pluto @23Sag41 Rx is apex planet of a YOD pattern with the Mercury-Saturn sextile at its base; this adds to the karmic feel of the Return chart (as in, reaping what's been sown) and times a crossroads situation, a destined change, and/or a spiritual opportunity for karmic progress upon the path of life. A turning point is reached and a new direction is available via apex Pluto but with Mercury-Saturn tendencies toward undermining existing authority, striving to assume a higher level of power, and the ability to usher in a revolutionary new order.

Plus, the YOD trio forms a midpoint picture of Mercury-Saturn = Pluto with potentials for: grappling with unusual problems; brooding over one's destiny (to play POTUS?); plans determine destiny (Ebertin); contemplating loss; fearing wipe-out; feeling a lack of resources; abandonment (Tyl). Could this describe a 'marry me or else I scram' threat?

Then checking the natal chart of Melania Knauss Trump born April 26, 1970 at an unknown hour ('noon') in Novo Mesto, Slovenia (follow for a link to her husband's natal horoscope), we see that Trump's Saturn Return #3 of 3 shown above was approximately an annual Mercury Return for Melania (22Tau18/40) while Return Uranus @10Pis35 conjoined her natal North Node (10:09). Was Donald taking responsibility by marrying Melania? One could think so. Their Uranus-NN pairing suggests an unusual and/or exciting connection, one that has been recently 'visited' by transit Neptune in Pisces which hints at undermining conditions affecting their union including deception, and/or a possible 'retirement' of a partner from a 'joint enterprise' (Ebertin). Also, the Return's Sun-Moon midpoint (marriage; husband and wife) conjoins Return Uranus (shared upsets, conflicts, events; inner rebellion; separation) and links to Melania's NN (an association for the purpose of marriage--as it was). And of course, Trump's natal 10th house Uranus in changeable Gemini is his guiding planet or inner voice advising his chaotic style of leadership.

Now let's close with another point of interest: the Sabian Symbol for Melania's Mercury: '23Taurus': "A Jewelry Shop Filled With Valuable Gems" which would have been quite persuasive, one imagines. And her Mercury, planet of children, is only one degree from Donald Trump's natal Midheaven (conjunct raging Algol) but is in his 9th house (of Foreigners) so being hyper-subjective and emotionally over-sensitive, the image and appearance of a beautifully 'decorated wife' was naturally important to him as "A CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH" (Rudhyar). And I must surmise that apparently Melania Knauss Trump was on the same jewel-encrusted page.

Dec 31, 2017

Stars Over Washington's Top Ten Posts of 2017

Well, this is a sort of post never published here before! In order of popularity, below is a most-viewed year-end list of SO'W's Top Ten Posts of 2017 for your consideration.

Unsurprisingly, the topic of The Great American Eclipse takes first honors as it does in most year-end polls on news sites and elsewhere:

1. Horoscope: August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Across America

2. Solar Eclipse Notes on Trump's Current Saturn Return

3. May 15, 2018 Uranus Enters Taurus; 2023 Pluto into Aquarius

4. Horoscope: Roy Moore Feb 11, 1947

5. Winter Solstice 2017: a Neptune and Sun-Saturn Season

6. DC Horoscope: February 2017 Solar and Lunar Eclipses ("with murky cosmic conditions")

7. 2017 Neptune Hits American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse in Pisces

8. DC Horoscope: The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction January 2020

9. DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2017 (Aries Ingress)

10. Horoscope: Donald Trump with VP Mike Pence's natal planets.

Somehow, with all the 2017 SO'W posts concerning Donald Trump, my post on the natal chart of Alabama's losing contender for US Senate, Roy Moore, ranks higher than all but one post (#2) involving Mr. Trump who belatedly championed Judge Roy Moore in Alabama's December 12th race and got his preening political feathers singed to a crisp for his meager robo-call effort and speech delivered from Florida.

Now I don't know about your neighborhood, but around these parts this merits a hearty end-of-year bwa-ha-ha and a bubbly toast to a Happy New Year for Everyone!

You may also wish to check out The Top Trending News Stories for 2017 according to Google.