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Showing posts with label Osiris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Osiris. Show all posts

Jan 13, 2022

The Futurism of the Mercurial H.G. Wells

by Jude Cowell

January 13, 2022

Image: H.G. Wells' Signature, Public domain, Wikimedia Commons

Is it curious that futurist author and political scientist H.G. Wells was born with Osiris Rx conjunct his natal Mercury, planet of thinking and communication, in Virgo, sign of the critic and book writer? In Astrology, Osiris, an ancient Egyptian god, is associated with concepts of death, rebirth, renewal, resusitation - basically with change and transformation. However, there's more to discover about Wells' natal 7th house Mercury such as its opposition to 'wounded healer' and 'blindspot' Chiron Rx @20Pis06 (where transit Neptune in Pisces has been hanging about of late). A Mercury-Chiron opposition suggests a man who "seeks self-transformation through acting as a promoter, popularizer or guardian of whatever truth {he} regards as being revealed especially to him" (R. Nolle). Like a best-selling book author. Plus, his Mercury also trines expansive Jupiter @22Capricorn (The Translator and linguist 'coordinating universal concepts as applied to everyday life' - A. Oken).

Now you know that "22Capricorn" is one of the more sensitive degrees in the Zodiac these days thanks to the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction, plus, his Mercury trines invisibility planet Pluto Rx @14Taurus with Pluto opposing natal Venus in Scorpio.

Naturally, a Venus-Pluto opposition suggests intense, even problematic relationships with undertones of jealousy, envy, or perhaps violence. Now in our day, transit Uranus in Taurus is in the neighborhood, catalyzing and possibly transforming his Venus-Pluto opposition of 1866 in some fanatical fashion that relates to societal breakdown as we're now experiencing - and which Wells looked forward to (see his quote from 1933, below). Note that the Venus-Pluto duo may also relate to potentials for extreme wealth secreted away, elements of organized crime, volcanic activity, and/or to genetic alterations (M. Munkasey) which reminds me of his brilliant novel The Invisible Man!

btw Please note that unless there's a reason to use a different house system to set up a chart such as Historical Horoscopes, I prefer the Placidus house system. However, a view of the Equal house natal horoscope of H.G. Wells is also available and accurately timed (RR: AA; September 21, 1866 4:30 pm GMT Bromley, England with Aquarius and the Moon rising) by following this link to

Now due to current political and societal events, the primary point of this post is to spotlight the following quote by H.G. Wells and current changes now struggling toward implementation. The quote is from his book The Shape of Things To Come (written under the influence of his 1933 viewpoint on how future wars will affect civilization, a coming "Dictatorship of Air," and an "almost Utopian" society of the future).

Now I wonder if the "dictatorship" that Wells foresaw arrived later than he predicted and was signaled by the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction (the societal planets) of December 21, 2020 @00AQ29, an Air sign? Of course, back then transit Pluto was already in Capricorn ('the dictator' - R. Ebertin), with Herr Tr*mp lurking in the White House as the societal Conjunction announced a new order while simultaneously landing upon America's Inaugural (POTUS) Sun. This formed a midpoint picture of, "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things" (N. Tyl). Now we can realize that loser Tr*mp's 'Big Lie' was his plan and was already in the works. And nowadays, some legal types are suggesting that the orange menace must be feeling gripped by forebodings.

So here's H.G. Wells with a prediction, a promise - or a threat based on events up to 1933:

"When the existing governments and ruling theories of life, the decaying religious and decaying political forms of today, have sufficiently lost prestige through failure and catastrophe, then and only then will worldwide reconstruction be possible."

One World Government?

Therefore, a devilish "big plan" is what I believe the world suffers under now, a purposeful decaying (breakdown) of various systems and institutions in society signaled recently on one cosmic level by the 'collapse' and necessary 'rebuilding' heralded by the 2018 Solar Eclipse mentioned, below. "Build Back Better" indeed - in a new form, it seems. Yet you'll note that Tr*mp and his thuggish ilk (Koch, Murdoch, McConnell, global neo-naz*s, etc.) are allegedly against globalism (you may remember that Tr*mp spoke against globalism at the UN in 2019 -- and there's this). Yet I can have no trust in such assertions, or in what these craven saboteurs are actually for - other than complete authoritarian control headed by the unhinged likes of these low characters we 'know' by their public profiles. My thought is that, if their plan for global control is implemented, things may not turn out as well as they assume and 'catbird seats' of control may go to someone else entirely. After all, low characters cannot be trusted and there's no honor among thieves.

So now if you dare, dear reader, maybe check out the 1936 film (and theatrical trailer!) Things To Come based on the futuristic book by H.G. Wells, and produced in black-n-white splendor by Alexander Korda. Even if not instructive, the film is, in a word, a curiosity.

Astro-Notes on the Life and Death Solar Eclipses of H.G. Wells

Here let's add a few cosmic factors about H.G. Wells. He was born within the 12 South Saros Series via a partial eclipse @25Ari04:42 on April 15, 1866 (a pioneer!) with themes of 'successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; things seem worse at first, then clear' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). The last 12 South Eclipse in the 21st century manifested in July 2010 @19Cancer, and a 12 South will repeat on July 22, 2028 @30Cancer (a critical 29th degree rounded up) as noted in yesterday's SO'W post.

Then we might be tempted to consider it rather curious that the Death of H.G. Wells on August 13, 1946 fell into the 2 New North series (occurring June 29, 1946 @6Can48, partial) which in our day repeated on August 11, 2018 as The Tower Eclipse ('collapse' and 'rebuilding'). Plus, a 2 New North eclipse will repeat once again in the year 2036 - the very year the 1936 film Things To Come is set in! How's that for cosmic synchronicity? Why, it's almost as if futurist H.G. Wells studied Astrology - or, perhaps someone had an advising astrologer on the payroll.

Yeah, But What Was H.G. Really Like?

As for the Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon AQ personality blend of H.G. Wells, we can consult the *Harveys who provide a famous quote by the author of both science fiction and political theory, Mr. Wells, "If the world does not please you, you can change it." Well, this describes his aim, it seems. That such high-handed transformation meddles in the lives of other people seems of no consequence to social tinkerers, then and now.

So! This personality blend suggests a man of precise thinking yet unpredictable or erratic emotions, one concerned with large social issues. A scientific, detached approach to life may have been noticed as well as a gift for understatement and a quirky sense of humor. No doubt, his people-watching tendency was helpful for writing novels as was his monk-like self-sufficiency, and his attraction to politics and international planning is obvious from what we know of his life and writings. Shrewd intelligence is a given, and, in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, his natal Phaethon @8Gemini conjunct his IC of Endings was echoed at his death in 1946 as transit Phaethon @8Gemini returned to natal degree.

*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad

Jun 14, 2019

G20 Osaka Summit June 28-29, 2019: Wild Cards!

Of Cosmic Blinks, Wild Cards, and Secret Plans Uncovered

by Jude Cowell

Although two 'wild card'/'cosmic blink' eclipses will soon manifest--one Solar, then a Lunar, both in July--someone has scheduled a G20 Summit within the timeframe of their influential vibrations. Known for revealing secrets and other hidden things, eclipses tend to stir up events in that Uranian way with sudden disruption and interruption while inconveniently exposing scandals and other tidbits best kept hidden. Revealing or not, complete changes of direction may result and we might even say that via eclipses, God blinks at mankind's antics--or, with a cosmic gotcha!, does He sometimes wink?

The 2019 G20 Osaka Summit is scheduled for June 28 and 29, 2019 in Osaka, Japan to be chaired by PM Shinzo Abe. One must assume that Donald Trump will blow in to the proceedings like a hot breeze with his usual chaos-creating demeanor and without participating as any previous US president would do.

The founding of Japan dates back to February 11, 660 BC and there are at least three modern horoscopes for the country. One chart you may wish to view is set for May 3, 1947 Tokyo when their post-war constitution went into effect (The Book of World Horoscopes, Campion, chart #172; ASC 18Leo57, MC 12Tau37 conjunct Sun 11Tau50, Moon 17Lib09 conjunct Trump's natal stationary Jupiter 17:27).

Now as you know, Trump is a brazen boundary-breaker, a condition well-described by his stationing Jupiter which turned Direct @17Lib27:07 a mere 3 hours 11 minutes after his birth (June 14, 1946 10:54 am Queens, NY). Plus, his natal Jupiter is also prominent because it conjoins two asteroids: Astraea (an archetype of justice!!) and Osiris. And as you know, fairness is a major concern of expansive Jupiter when in Libra, sign of Partnerships, and Trump's transactional nature stems in part from this placement with the natal sign of Jupiter revealing how one relates to other people--in his case, it's Aries-Libra's Me vs You axis.

As for the G20 Osaka Summit 2019, the background cosmic atmosphere can be described in part by the event's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 2 South Saros Series which perfected on January 5, 2019 (est) @15Cap25 with a theme of 'joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal'. Yes, the G20 is a group yet considering this event when 'world leaders' get together for secret conferences to discuss the rest of us, my suspicion is that the summit may fall more under the auspices of the upcoming 3 North Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 @10Can37 for June 28 and 29 are certainly within the two-week range of influence prior to the perfection of the 3N eclipse. And its themes definitely relate directly to America for its degree falls between our national Jupiter (5Can56) and Sun (13:19) with business-oriented, Moon-ruled Cancer a sign of tribalism, protectionism, security needs, patriotism, and the Homeland. Plus, it may very well be that masses of refugees seeking homes are on the 2019 G20 agenda. Unhelpfully, transit Jupiter (the financier and the politician) remains retrograde until August 11, 2019 in its own sign of Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner and the immigrant.

That difficult events have occurred in the past under 3 North eclipse vibes cannot be denied but hopefully our world will not veer too far astray (or toward a deceptively 'trumped up' war with Iran) under 3 North themes as 'world leaders' (aka, figureheads) meet in Osaka, Japan, knock heads together, arrogantly plan our futures, discuss financial arrangements, and drink toasts to what they consider their 'success'...during the last week of June 2019.

Now here's a May 2019 post which also concerns the G20 Osaka Summit 2019.

Above drawing: 'Phases of the Moon' by Jude Cowell

Jul 3, 2010

Chemtrails Over Washington

In honor of America's Independence Day 2010, here's a sadly enlightening video report concerning geoengineering and barium-laced chemtrails over America with my post title suggesting that the blame falls over Washington where the pentagram-shaped Pentagon slithers (and the brass insists the blame isn't theirs.)

From blocked sunlight to raised blood pressures, immune system damage, and other distressing health problems, barium seems to be the primary ingredient in the soup creating fake clouds known as 'chemtrails' so check out the brief video above which I found within a wide-ranging article containing much more info on the clouds that scientists are finally admitting are being caused by chemtrails.

You've seen them in your area of the sky, haven't you? The article shows a photo of a sky full, if you need to positively ID them. Human culprits are harder to find.

Yeah. Well, Happy Fourth of July 2010 to us knowing that Washington continues experimenting with new and exciting ways to commit covert and overt population control, part of the New World Order agenda to garner all resources for the use of a select few of the power elite, a group I would today call (in my current state of grumpiness after reading the article) - psychopathic inbreds.

It's through that much-bally-hooed and over bred (though well-spread) Merovingian bloodline and even further back into the mists of Time from whence our modern-day troubles issue.

You may also be interested in visiting The Dark History of the Vatican while we're on the subject of criminal behavior and ritual murders (ex: Princess Diana was assassinated inside the Pont d'Alma tunnel - 'bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess' Diana - a goddess which satanists of the bloodline are said to worship even now. Diana echoes the Egyptian goddess Isis), and pedophilic obsessions and sacrifices of Catholic Church priests and bishops with its rumored Jesuit (Illuminati) connection. ('Mary' is an Isis stand-in for some people!)

One thing that interests me is all the famous leaders, emperors, pharaohs, princes, kings, and queens involved in the Merovingian bloodline (and before) with one notable queen whose natal chart I recently located: Cleopatra (Jan 13, 69 BC, 2:08 am LMT, Alexandria.) Follow the link to see Noel Tyl's rectified natal chart of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra who dubbed herself "the new Isis."

Placing Cleopatra's chart in my Solar Fire program, I find that she was born with Isis 4Lib40 Rx conjoined with Osiris 4Lib09 Rx - the mythic significance of the two I will allow you to discover for yourself if you aren't familiar with them.

Plus, Isis and Osiris conjunct Cleopatra's Pre-Natal Eclipse 3Lib53 yet Solar Fire isn't showing this Solar Eclipse on its Series list so I can't match it up with its modern-day time link (it isn't listed in my older version of the program. And no, I don't want any more bells and whistles, thanks! 'Nuff to do as it is.)

Born during a Great Conjunction of Uranus and Pluto (in late Taurus), 'the new Isis' was certainly a fascinating personality, a force active in her environment so perhaps I shall get around to posting more fully on the natal chart and life of Queen Cleopatra whose genes are apparently affecting today's events...maybe through the descendants of the twins she bore Marc Antony (who had his own connections to the bloodline) with her natal Moon 28Can53 giving us a Babylonian symbol to consider from the Sabian Symbol for '29Can'...

"A Greek Muse Weighs in Golden Scales Just Born Twins."


And her Sun @ critical degree 20Cap18? Her Sun arose with Fixed Star, Schedar (Alpha Cassiopeia), keyphrase: female sovereignity which Brady's Fixed Stars says gives 'the archetypal concept of the queen' along with 'a natural ability to command respect, endowed with wisdom, embodying a leadership style based on the feminine model that incorporates intuition and mysticism.'

Ms. Brady also notes that Britain's Princess Diana was born with Schedar culminating at natal Mc while her royal Jupiter set which magnified the influence of the star.

For Schedar, Vivian Robson mentions 'sorrows in love' and 'demonic power' and we know that Princess Diana experienced the first, as did Cleopatra. We might say that for both love led to death if you agree that Diana's relationship with Dodi had something to do with their murders.

And one may assume (given the bloodline/satanic info given above for your consideration) that 'the new Isis', the Queen of the Nile, probably possessed the latter.


Update 10:19 pm: just found a fascinating post on Quantum Spirit published July 3 as well. It concerns the possibility that the death of Cleopatra may have been a result of lethal poison rather than snake bite.

Jun 30, 2008

David Albright's ISIS

From Information Clearing House:

The Nuclear Expert Who Never Was

By Scott Ritter

David Albright has a history of being used by those who seek to gain media attention for their respective claims. In addition to the Hamza and Obeidi fiascos, Albright and his organization, ISIS, have served as the conduit for other agencies gaining publicity about the alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program, the alleged Syrian nuclear reactor, and most recently the alleged Swiss computer containing sensitive nuclear design information.

~~Ritter's article~~

ISIS? Unless someone in Washington is worshipping Egyptian goddesses (which wouldn't surprise me) let's see what Astrology has to say about the asteroid of the same name...

Isis: *42nd asteroid discovered, orbital period 3.8.years; named after the Egyptian goddess; initially a fertility divinity but in later mystery religions Isis became a goddess of wisdom (maybe she had learned a thing or two by then); her primary myth concerns the dismemberment of her husband Osiris, whom she reconstructed.

According to Lang-Wescott, Isis represents sibling relationships, and efforts to put people or things back together again from fragmented or scattered locations (perhaps Humpty Dumpty should've hired her.)

Keyword: collate. Which helps when you're acting as a conduit--and your privatized government is supposedly engaged in reconstruction of the country it broke tore up.

Lehman gives Isis and Osiris as relating to the balance of masc-fem and left brain-right brain hemispheres. Thus, androgyny is one of Isis' issues.

The heliocentric North Node of Isis is appr 25 Gemini, conjunct the Discovery Degree of radical rebel Uranus, btw.

But basically, we know Isis as the Egyptian goddess of the Moon. And Washington, London, and Cairo are linked bwo Egyptian mystery schools and teachings--there's DC's Masonic temple and other architectural evidence of Sacred Geometry--and at least 9 Founding Fathers are known to have been Masons, and/or Rosicrucians, and perhaps...the dreaded Illuminati.

So maybe Isis does have an honored seat at the table in Washington. Maybe I wasn't kidding.

Yet sadly Isis can't or won't wave her magic wand and put Bush-Cheney's Iraq back together again. Besides, according to them, success is busting out all over Iraq (a la Cheney), and as I've complained here before--for their purposes, all is swell.

(If you've never Googled Goat of Mendes, you're in for a DC treat. Perhaps an appreciation of Bush's reading material during the attacks of 9/11 will then infuse your being.)

So when your script follows the New World Order agenda, you have to bust everything up into chaos before you collate the fragmentation...which sounds brittle like the soon-to-perfect Saturn/Uranus opposition, doesn't it?

*Isis info: Astrology Encyclopedia, James R. Lewis