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Showing posts with label 12 South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 12 South. Show all posts

Dec 7, 2023

Trump's Take-Over Plan Began Years Ago

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American democracy

In development for years, the tendency toward delusion and deception practiced by the Republican Party via their 2024 candidate Trump was at a crescendo with the 2012 re-election of President Barack Obama. Financiers and other backers, our enemies both foreign and domestic, must have been quite put out with the GOP turning out to be a bunch of losers whose cheating tactics hadn't been up to snuff enough to ace the 2012 Election. Add to this, the racists who had their noses out of joint over a black man taking control of the White House--again! Not only that - a majority of Americans appreciated Mr. Obama!

Yes, paranoia over the oft-touted "browning of America" fueled fear as the old Confederate-style system of white-man-in-control faded before racist eyes and for bigots such progress had to be halted in favor of regression, oppression, and suppression. As you know, the GOP's regressive campaign continues unabated against US society - the GOP wants to shove the American people back to the 1920s. It's irrational, absurd, and intended to destroy our society while pretending to "save" it.

Actually, a "browning" population had been a fear of UK conservatives as well, as evidenced by an infamous speech delivered on April 20, 1968 by MP Enoch Powell in which he echoed a prophecy from Virgil's Aenid!

The Horns on the Negative Side of Mercury-Square-Neptune

So now in 2023, another presidential election soon arrives, and the Republican tactic of denial of reality has only expanded, these days in high gear thanks to their fantasy-prone figurehead Herr Trump whose natal Mercury-Neptune square keeps leading him (and America) astray as he gaslights and lies his way into 2024. Tragically, about one third of Americans keep going along on his demented fantasy ride and, as recently noted within the public discourse, the GOP is "sleepwalking" America into an authoritarian state of fascist control, sans democracy. See Amanda Marcotte's Salon Magazine article.

Isn't this where the GOP campaign against "wokeness" should take a bow for its reality-denying desperation?

Now I know it's been tiresome for years that Stars Over Washington has attempted to play the role of "A Girl Blowing a Bugle" (my natal Moon's Sabian Symbol), a bugle which turned out to represent a Trump-et. And no, in 2012 I did not realize the "coming of Trump" would signal the sabotage of our country, and the toppling of America from its global leadership role as a beacon of democracy. I knew that China and Russia salivated for our nation's downfall, but not the name of the saboteur who would lead the campaign. Significantly, we must note that 2023 into 2024 is definitely not the time to give up our warnings, watchfulness, and efforts prior to Election 2024.

For it's also worth mentioning that near the end of RNC 2024 in July, Herr T will experience a Lunar Return (he may be at a podium accepting the nomination then!). Here's the Horoscope of his July 18, 2024 Lunar Return set for Milwaukee, WI. The chart is full of orange highlights including the Saturn-square-natal-Moon transit for the orange blighter which suggests potentials for 'fear shaping opinions, his tiresome 'refusal to accept defeat', and/or those of a Saturnian, responsible, more mature nature (legal eagles? lawmakers? Electoral College voters?) who interfere (square) with the achievement of Trump's overweening emotional needs:

Notably, another possible saving grace for Election 2024 and democracy may be that for Trump, every Moon Return is also a Moon-conjunct-natal-South-Node transit with its lack of popularity and emotional alienation vibes. In astrology, the Moon is an excellent timing device, but it's his Sun-North-Node-Uranus conjunction in 10th house of Career that fuels his popularity with a faction of the public. But only a faction. However, his Moon-SN conjunction drags along behind him like a vestigial tail of karmic baggage and bad habits. He does enjoy separating (SN) people (Moon) from each other, yes? It's the old divide and conquer strategy that President Lincoln warned against.

For the GOP Fantasy IS 'Reality'!

Historically speaking, way back in 2012 a post was published here concerning the Secondary Progressions ('SP') of the Republican Party shown by the entity's July 6, 1854 Horoscope progressed to Election Day 2012 as, GOP Delusion in Nov 2012 Progressed Chart. My posts of 2012 grabbed my eye this week due to the additional court filing by special counsel Jack Smith, protagonist of Donald Trump, and it asserts that Trump's January 6, 2021 attempted coup of the US government wasn't an organic event in response to his loss in November 2020, but had been planned, at least since 2012. One factor is that Republicans know that their future dystopian plans for America are extremely unpopular!

Meanwhile, perhaps you remember that on Election Day 2012, voting planet Mercury stationed retrograde and the delusional planet of deception and erosion, Neptune, was at the very beginning of its long sojourn through Pisces and had yet to perform the Republican Party's Neptune Return/s of 2017 and 2018 which spotlights "14 Pisces": "A Lady in Fox Fur" - and you know which entertainment network this word picture reveals.

Now there's a previous SO'W post concerning these disturbing topics: Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion which contains the quote by Dr. Carl Jung about America prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" as we now can starkly see. Well, most of us can.

Plus, here's another astro-note which applies to our topic: that in 2012, transit Neptune in Pisces reached 00:Pis33 conjunct the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") which had influenced the events of July 4, 1776, the 12 South Saros Series. As a result, the influence of deceptive Neptune in 2012 (with misperception and fantasy disinformation slowly building for years) activated the potential for a cult to form and/or spread, a cult leading to karmic stalemate rather than karmic progress (R. Lineman).

Of course, Neptunian energies used positively can result in divine inspiration for the highest good, my personal favorite. Then even if we delete the word "karmic" from the mix, we have the current GOP regression vs the progression promoted by President Biden and the Democratic Party, the political entity of members who appreciate the realistic fact that TIME marches on - into the future. Republican efforts to cripple time, as if it can be kept from forward movement, won't work.

So now, as the Republican cult of Trump reveals its true face as a brutal death cult of personality and violence (as was Nazism a death cult of personality), its effects are playing out before our very eyes via J6 and Campaign 2024, with We the People in the role of Herr T's target as we face the voting booth on November 5, 2024: so once again I type as sincerely as possible, Vote Blue in 2024!

A closely related post: Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024.

And highly recommended for a listen if you may is the current podcast episode of Countdown with Keith Olbermann, I've Got Biden's "Daisy" Ad - And Trump Is Disqualified - 12.7.23.

Feb 17, 2022

US Solar Return 2022: Veils and Fantasies

America 2022+ Must Use Our Saturn-Uranus Trine!

by Jude Cowell

Regretfully, I must report to you that a Moon-Neptune opposition in America's Solar Return 2022 Horoscope reveals that, for at least another year or so, our mass delusions and fantasy-world desires and schemes will continue to bedevil our reality, and will probably continue to be promoted by mass media outlets as long as it makes them money

Below is an excerpt from a December 2021 post discussing such disturbing mental and emotional conditions and subconscious images occurring within a percentage of our populace who labor under the spell of propaganda, mass hypnosis, mass psychosis, and with a willingness to be deceived by lies that support and promote deeply held emotional biases while not straining their thought processes overly much.

A Moon-Neptune Veil Within and Surrounding America

"Greater than all physical dangers are the tremendous effects of delusional ideas which are yet denied all reality by our world-blinded consciousness. Our much vaunted reason and boundlessly overestimated will are sometimes utterly powerless in the face of 'unreal' thoughts."

- Dr. Carl Jung, speaking about America which he identified as prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" and this is where we find ourselves today - with enemies who take advantage of our weakened condition, purposefully made worse by saboteurs and propagandists who assault our "much vaunted" reasoning ability. You know the tale of America: founded upon ideas and reason. Plato's Ideal of a perfect society. Can men govern themselves without monarchs? It's being made unusually difficult with Moon-Neptune influences mucking things up at every turn and spreading conspiracy theories, fantasies, and confusion across the land. And curiously, certain politicians, what FDR called "economic royalists," prefer monarchy in the form of an authoritarian dictatorship in America. Personally, I very much doubt that if they got their way, such a dystopian government would be all they expect it to be.

Image: America's Solar Return July 5, 2022 4:23:29 am EDT Washington DC

Hour of Saturn (limits; consolidation); Chart-ruler Mercury makes no applying aspects but is prominent @00Cancer and rising in 1st house so Mercurial concerns will be in focus around the country and globally; transit Mercury turns Rx @8Lib55 in September in Return 5th house; meanwhile, the Ascendant @23Gem03 brings US Mars to the fore while the Midheaven ('MC") @00Pis04 sports our nation's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 12 South Saros Series (00Pis33) with themes of 'successful outcomes to longterm worries or illness; draining issues seem worse, then clear' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Could this suggest more improvement in the pandemic department of life? Hopefully, yes! And perhaps improvement in military realms, too. And who can't appreciate the Moon-Pluto trine's ability to lift people onto a plane of higher consciousness?

Yet we see that the Moon-Neptune opposition is Angular and thus significant across the 4/10 axis of Domestic Scene-Public Status in the signs of Virgo-Pisces, the victim-savior polarity. Furthermore, the Moon-Neptune opposition squares US Mars(irritability; sensitivity; weakening conditions) while the Moon @22Vir36 in her own 4th house reflects US natal Neptune which emphasizes America's Mars-Neptune square of 1776 while adding lunar vibes (We the People) to the ongoing 'clash of ideals' Neptune in Pisces opposition to US Neptune in the more fact-based sign of Virgo with its persecution implications (racial and civil). Plus, health indicators are present here, and elsewhere in the chart, yet let's hope that America's 12 South Eclipse at MC can spread a lot of positive influences around and thus provide a lift to societal conditions.

Now as you see, with US Sun (13Can19) in Solar Return 1st house, 2022 until our next Return in July 2023 will mark a significant year for development with US leadership in the spotlight and Cancerian business capacity on the rise, especially with Moon-ruled Cancer on the SR 2nd cu$p - as long as those frothy Moon-Neptune delusions, held by unstable and bad faith actors, are kept reasonably under control around financial deals and investments, and physically. Basically, we'll need to keep eagle eyes on our collective cookie jar!

Additional Considerations for America 2022 into 2023

So with all the recent talk of war and revolution within America's public discourse, thanks to saboteurs, global mobsters, craven political operatives, and manic insurrectionists, it seems significant to me that very near our country's July 4th Independence Day 2022, a symbolic new cycle begins which issues from the American Revolution Horoscope because a Secondary Progressed ('SP') New Moon perfects @00Cap41 on July 8, 2022. With a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, this SP New Moon lands upon one of the four Cardinal Points of World Manifestation, which, when stimulated, tends to time global events of major significance. Will this symbolic lunation do the trick on a global scale? If other indicators chime in by transit, arc, and/or progression, it certainly can act as a timing device (as progressed Moons tend to do), especially at what is considered a critical, highly senstized zero degree. For the most probability of actual events, Carter's Rule of Three will naturally apply.

Thing is, we've been wandering about in the dark for the last few years during the SP Balsamic Phase (prior to the perfection of a SP New Moon) in relation to the meaning of America, and the true significance of events and it will take a few years for the solar-lunar light to grow bright enough to fairly navigate by. Yes, it's true that difficult events lie ahead for the US, and for the world. But as is so often said, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Meanwhile, Americans must recognize and directly face our problems in the stark light of reality for it's the only way to conquer them so that we as a people can plough on through with the reasoning ability intact that our nation's Founders, inspired by the brilliant Saturn-Uranus trine of their day, bequeathed to We the People as our birth right. So that if enough of us use the beneficial energies, they may act as a bridge between the past and the present, providing inventiveness and common sense that can only be suppressed if we allow it to be!

So there's merely a quick look at US SR 2022 Horoscope potentials and, of course, there are more planetary factors to find, some mitigating negatives, some interfering with positives.

Now in closing, look beyond 2022 into 2023, for here's a much recommended article by master astrologer Robert Wilkinson who provides the reader with a vast, expanded view of the Cosmos and The Ages as humanity stands poised for the transformation to come in, The Sun Now Vitalizes 30 Aquarius Where the Age of Aquarius Will Begin After 2050. This is Part 2 so you'll want to check out Part 1.

And Please Be Advised: There's another significant Return Horoscope for America - our nation's Chiron Return in April 2024 in bold, pioneering Aries.

Jan 13, 2022

The Futurism of the Mercurial H.G. Wells

by Jude Cowell

January 13, 2022

Image: H.G. Wells' Signature, Public domain, Wikimedia Commons

Is it curious that futurist author and political scientist H.G. Wells was born with Osiris Rx conjunct his natal Mercury, planet of thinking and communication, in Virgo, sign of the critic and book writer? In Astrology, Osiris, an ancient Egyptian god, is associated with concepts of death, rebirth, renewal, resusitation - basically with change and transformation. However, there's more to discover about Wells' natal 7th house Mercury such as its opposition to 'wounded healer' and 'blindspot' Chiron Rx @20Pis06 (where transit Neptune in Pisces has been hanging about of late). A Mercury-Chiron opposition suggests a man who "seeks self-transformation through acting as a promoter, popularizer or guardian of whatever truth {he} regards as being revealed especially to him" (R. Nolle). Like a best-selling book author. Plus, his Mercury also trines expansive Jupiter @22Capricorn (The Translator and linguist 'coordinating universal concepts as applied to everyday life' - A. Oken).

Now you know that "22Capricorn" is one of the more sensitive degrees in the Zodiac these days thanks to the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction, plus, his Mercury trines invisibility planet Pluto Rx @14Taurus with Pluto opposing natal Venus in Scorpio.

Naturally, a Venus-Pluto opposition suggests intense, even problematic relationships with undertones of jealousy, envy, or perhaps violence. Now in our day, transit Uranus in Taurus is in the neighborhood, catalyzing and possibly transforming his Venus-Pluto opposition of 1866 in some fanatical fashion that relates to societal breakdown as we're now experiencing - and which Wells looked forward to (see his quote from 1933, below). Note that the Venus-Pluto duo may also relate to potentials for extreme wealth secreted away, elements of organized crime, volcanic activity, and/or to genetic alterations (M. Munkasey) which reminds me of his brilliant novel The Invisible Man!

btw Please note that unless there's a reason to use a different house system to set up a chart such as Historical Horoscopes, I prefer the Placidus house system. However, a view of the Equal house natal horoscope of H.G. Wells is also available and accurately timed (RR: AA; September 21, 1866 4:30 pm GMT Bromley, England with Aquarius and the Moon rising) by following this link to

Now due to current political and societal events, the primary point of this post is to spotlight the following quote by H.G. Wells and current changes now struggling toward implementation. The quote is from his book The Shape of Things To Come (written under the influence of his 1933 viewpoint on how future wars will affect civilization, a coming "Dictatorship of Air," and an "almost Utopian" society of the future).

Now I wonder if the "dictatorship" that Wells foresaw arrived later than he predicted and was signaled by the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction (the societal planets) of December 21, 2020 @00AQ29, an Air sign? Of course, back then transit Pluto was already in Capricorn ('the dictator' - R. Ebertin), with Herr Tr*mp lurking in the White House as the societal Conjunction announced a new order while simultaneously landing upon America's Inaugural (POTUS) Sun. This formed a midpoint picture of, "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things" (N. Tyl). Now we can realize that loser Tr*mp's 'Big Lie' was his plan and was already in the works. And nowadays, some legal types are suggesting that the orange menace must be feeling gripped by forebodings.

So here's H.G. Wells with a prediction, a promise - or a threat based on events up to 1933:

"When the existing governments and ruling theories of life, the decaying religious and decaying political forms of today, have sufficiently lost prestige through failure and catastrophe, then and only then will worldwide reconstruction be possible."

One World Government?

Therefore, a devilish "big plan" is what I believe the world suffers under now, a purposeful decaying (breakdown) of various systems and institutions in society signaled recently on one cosmic level by the 'collapse' and necessary 'rebuilding' heralded by the 2018 Solar Eclipse mentioned, below. "Build Back Better" indeed - in a new form, it seems. Yet you'll note that Tr*mp and his thuggish ilk (Koch, Murdoch, McConnell, global neo-naz*s, etc.) are allegedly against globalism (you may remember that Tr*mp spoke against globalism at the UN in 2019 -- and there's this). Yet I can have no trust in such assertions, or in what these craven saboteurs are actually for - other than complete authoritarian control headed by the unhinged likes of these low characters we 'know' by their public profiles. My thought is that, if their plan for global control is implemented, things may not turn out as well as they assume and 'catbird seats' of control may go to someone else entirely. After all, low characters cannot be trusted and there's no honor among thieves.

So now if you dare, dear reader, maybe check out the 1936 film (and theatrical trailer!) Things To Come based on the futuristic book by H.G. Wells, and produced in black-n-white splendor by Alexander Korda. Even if not instructive, the film is, in a word, a curiosity.

Astro-Notes on the Life and Death Solar Eclipses of H.G. Wells

Here let's add a few cosmic factors about H.G. Wells. He was born within the 12 South Saros Series via a partial eclipse @25Ari04:42 on April 15, 1866 (a pioneer!) with themes of 'successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; things seem worse at first, then clear' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). The last 12 South Eclipse in the 21st century manifested in July 2010 @19Cancer, and a 12 South will repeat on July 22, 2028 @30Cancer (a critical 29th degree rounded up) as noted in yesterday's SO'W post.

Then we might be tempted to consider it rather curious that the Death of H.G. Wells on August 13, 1946 fell into the 2 New North series (occurring June 29, 1946 @6Can48, partial) which in our day repeated on August 11, 2018 as The Tower Eclipse ('collapse' and 'rebuilding'). Plus, a 2 New North eclipse will repeat once again in the year 2036 - the very year the 1936 film Things To Come is set in! How's that for cosmic synchronicity? Why, it's almost as if futurist H.G. Wells studied Astrology - or, perhaps someone had an advising astrologer on the payroll.

Yeah, But What Was H.G. Really Like?

As for the Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon AQ personality blend of H.G. Wells, we can consult the *Harveys who provide a famous quote by the author of both science fiction and political theory, Mr. Wells, "If the world does not please you, you can change it." Well, this describes his aim, it seems. That such high-handed transformation meddles in the lives of other people seems of no consequence to social tinkerers, then and now.

So! This personality blend suggests a man of precise thinking yet unpredictable or erratic emotions, one concerned with large social issues. A scientific, detached approach to life may have been noticed as well as a gift for understatement and a quirky sense of humor. No doubt, his people-watching tendency was helpful for writing novels as was his monk-like self-sufficiency, and his attraction to politics and international planning is obvious from what we know of his life and writings. Shrewd intelligence is a given, and, in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, his natal Phaethon @8Gemini conjunct his IC of Endings was echoed at his death in 1946 as transit Phaethon @8Gemini returned to natal degree.

*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad

Jan 12, 2022

1932 to 1937 Eclipses Repeat 2022 to 2028

Must America's Fight for Democracy Last Into 2028?

by Jude Cowell

January 12, 2022

Our fight continues!

And in the November 24, 2021 broadcast of the Thom Hartmann Show Thom expressed what to me, based in part on my studies of eclipse cycles, an interesting idea about something I'd never considered in exactly this way: that the Nazi influence in the United States from 1933 to 1937 was huge. And although I've published multiple SO'W posts concerning conditions and events of those years, both earthly and cosmic, you'll find more of such, below. Notably, previous posts have concerned solar eclipses and their themes which run in the background of society and influence historical events, a well known correlation in the As Above, So Below tradition.

So thanks to Thom's remark about the 'Nazi years' of 1933 to 1937 and how Nazi characters of that era affected the US and how they attempted to overthrow the FDR administration in 1933 (and thus, the US government - as on January 6, 2021), it seems to me that we should look at the themes of the August 31, 1932 6 South Eclipse all the way to the last eclipse of 1937 (and all eclipses in between: 1935 was a very eventful year; ex: Herr Adolf armed Germany in violation of the Versaillais Treaty of 1919) for a look can provide us with hints of similar events and conditions to expect in that 'history rhymes' kind of way as these eclipses repeat in our era.

For me this information falls into the 'forewarned is forearmed' category, and, disagree as you wish, dear reader, there it is. After all, who can deny the negative conditions of current events and faithless actors? Yet as Thom Hartmann always reminds us, Despair is not an option!

Solar Eclipses from February 1933 to December 1937

February 24, 1933 @5Pisces 7 North: 'Deep, long-hidden passions and lust suddenly catch people off-guard' (to this I must add, blood lust because it's a Nazi tactic for grabbing power, and remains an obsession of the predatory destructive spirit that roams the Earth.

December 2, 1937 @10Sagittarius 12 North: 'Opportunities to accept greater responsibilities and make new commitments due to another person's inability to carry on; initial events are difficult but outcomes can be positive'. (Can be. Motive is everything.)

7 North to 12 North (1933 to 1937 and 2023 to 2028)

So the concentrated time frame that Thom mentions begins with the 7 North Eclipse of 1933 @5Pisces, until the 12 North Eclipse of 1937. For us, the 7 North Saros Series recurs on April 20, 2023 @30Aries (Herr Adolf's 134th birthday) and January 26, 2028 (12N Eclipse @6Aquarius conjunct America's South Node of July 4, 1776, a separative, and possibly neurotic indication of past behavior which no longer suffices). See 12 North Eclipse, US South Node, Pluto, and Demeter for a view of 12 North's DC Horoscope.

Although not within Thom's time frame, there is also a 12 South Solar Eclipse in 2028 @'30Cancer' ("A Daughter of the American Revolution"!) on July 22, 2028 with themes of 'successful outcomes to longterm worries or illness' (an end to Covid? Perhaps, yet 12 South is the Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series of July 4, 1776 then @00Pis33 - and how synchronous that its Sabian Symbol in 2028 relates to the Revolution, and its themes affected the initial signing of the Declaration of Independence).

2022: Eclipses and a Midterm Elections Taurus Lunar Eclipse

Yet the two most obvious eclipses that form major signposts on the dystopian road to fascist-nazi authoritarianism in the US (and across the globe) must be the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse repeating on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - problematically the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022 (held the same day as a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct radical Uranus, planet of chaos, zealotry, and anarchy), and the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse.

Yet special mention should be added about one solar eclipse in particular which occurred in 1937 - not the final one in 1937 but the Solar Eclipse of June 8, 1937 @18Gemini in the challenging 11 South Saros Series with its disturbing themes of 'ideas and methods fail, new systems are required in order to deal with events; any blocks could be tragically and violently removed'. And when does an 11 South eclipse repeat? On August 2, 2027 @10Leo - conjunct the orange mussolini's 12th house Pluto which is apex planet of his 'death axis' Mars-Saturn midpoint (R. Ebertin) with Plutonian potentials for 'murder' and 'piled up corpses'. Maybe he'll be the block that's removed!

Yet it seems in 2022 that Herrs Adolf and Tr*mp and their despotic ilk are like wads of nasty gum on the world's shoe that never wants to let go.

Then in closing, it would be remiss not to mention a previous post and horoscope concerning this authoritarian topic: The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC. And which Eclipse Saros series did the rally occur within? The sinister 13 South with thematic potentials for constitutional crisis and/or striving for group endeavors, positively or negatively (B. Brady).

Solar Eclipses themes are paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology (#ad).

Dec 20, 2021

Back when UFOs "buzzed" the White House!

by Jude Cowell

December 20, 2021

Now yours truly was a mere babe in arms back in 1952 when UFOS flew over the White House and the Air Force was acting crafty about whether they had ever investigated such phenonmena. But how on Earth could the "Air" Force not have looked into such mysterious aerial events? Well, in June 2021, the US intelligence community released a long-awaited report you may have heard about or read, allegedly 'coming clean' about the controversial topic that engages the minds of many Americans.

Now perhaps I should make plain the fact that I'm not a believer in alien craft visiting our planet. After all, if the beings on other planets are advanced enough to travel this far across the Cosmos, why wouldn't their crafts look more space-aged instead of favoring Cuban cigars? So to me 'UFOs' seem either earthly in origin or in some cases, very imaginative folks see what they want to see - with visions most often aided by imbibing certain escapist substances that induce the apparitions they crave, whether consciously viewed or not. Unconscious tricks-of-the-eye have been known to happen and this may play a part especially for those who read or hear about such events and possibilities more often than their fevered imaginations can realistically manage. And of course, seeking notoriety in the public spotlight may also play a part for some.

Even so, the historical fact of the "buzzing" of the White House by mysterious aircraft back in 1952 makes for intriguing questions, doesn't it? Could it have been a private message or 'wake up call' for President Truman in office at the time?

For historical context see US events of 1952 which include the establishment of the National Security Administration (NSA). Well, that seems related to mysterious White House visitors! Plus, 1952 was a Presidential Election Year. Primarily, the sightings of 1952 were focused from July 12 to July 29 and were labeled by some as the "Invasion of Washington" and fell within the influences of the Pisces 8 North Eclipse of February 25th, displayed below.

So astrologically speaking (and then I'll stop fussing!), a curious solar eclipse occurred in 1952 which also could relate to the UFO topic for as you know, eclipse themes tend to 'run in the background of society' and eclipse cycles resonate with historical cycles in that "history rhymes" kind of way. As the first solar eclipse of 1952, its Uranian vibrations would have imprinted upon the entirety of 1952 and, as disruptive eclipses tend to do, must have brought a form of course correction to events and policies, possibly within or by the White House and the Truman administration:

Below: Solar Eclipse *8 North* Saros Series February 25, 1952 @6Pisces (mystical, secretive Pisces!); the Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: "6 Pisces" = "Officers On Dress Parade"; as you see, wounded Chiron in Capricorn rises along with prophetic asteroid Hopi ('ambush; prejudice'). And with 1952 Saturn Rx @14Lib07, it appears that the US is in process of a three-fer Saturn Return, a significant clue concerning White House authority, responsibility, and authenticity. Meanwhile, the 2nd hou$e North Node points toward America's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@00Pis33) in the 12 South Saros Series ('longterm worries are successfully resolved'). Then as you see, conjunct the Descendant, the Partnership angle, is 15Can14, which, as it happens, is the Ascendant of the Pentagon (1942); also note that with detail-oriented Mercury in Pisces near the eclipse, it's possible that the "buzzing" of the White House was an attempt to distract the president from whatever he was planning, while Mercury here suggests the need for utilizing logic and reasoning:

Please Note: The words that are cut off at the top of the image: "UFOs 'buzz' the White House July 1952." Also penned on: Conjunct the Pisces Eclipse are asteroid "Phaethon" which was mentioned in a previous post as being, "associated with fated events and similar in influence to flying-too-high Icarus (an asteroid which is sometimes active in assassinations among other things)"; also penned on the chart at the top is that Phaethon is "unprepared for tasks"; add Hermes, a Mercurial trickster asteroid suggesting cunning and the possibilities of theft and/or use of the occult; magician Hermes is posited in the mundane 2nd house of the National Treasury.

So for comparison, here's the *8 North* Eclipse Horoscope of April 8, 2024 with a Path of Totality that (worrisomely) splits America from Southwest to Northeast and crosses the Oregon-to-South-Carolina Path of the Great American Eclipse of August 2017 (conjunct royal Regulus with its caution of 'success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away'). So have America and the Pentagon ever avoid taking revenge? Tragically not. America's macho 'cowboy ethic' tradition of 'might makes right' can't allow it.

8 North Themes: "Inventiveness, flashes of genius; intuitive leaps, vivid visions or dreams; new-found inspirations cause strain in private lives as people are pulled away from relationships or social life" (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady #ad).

Q: is "alien abduction" an example of being pulled away?

8 North eclipses have occurred in the years 1916, 1934, (1952), 1970, 1988, 2006 (@8Aries), and next in 2024 as yet another 'wild card of the Universe' a Great American Eclipse, this time exactly conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer and blindspot in any horoscope. So maybe the 'cosmic blink' of the 2024 solar eclipse will serve to open many eyes to the karmic problems that are holding back progress in America and they'll realize how to solve them. After all, 2024 is an election year.

And yet, here's a recent and related post: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion.