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Showing posts with label Putin Inauguration 2000. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Putin Inauguration 2000. Show all posts

Mar 6, 2024

Putin's Eclipse repeats in October 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Today as I watched Mary Ann's Revealing Light Tarot reading Vladimir Putin in 2024 - War Plans and Failure I was inspired to post here the Horoscope of Putin's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") in the 8 South Saros Series primarily because an 8 South Eclipse repeats on October 2, 2024 @10Libra.

Besides being the PE of America's 2024 Election, it is also Putin's "personal eclipse series" with themes of "loss, separation, sad partings," and possible "physical injury" (B. Brady). So considering the number of injuries and deaths this Russian politician and former KGB agent has caused in the world, it seems appropriate that 8 South will repeat while his barbaric war against Ukraine, and his plan to reconstitute the "Soviet Union," are occurring simultaneously, and with other countries in his raptor's gaze as well.

So with my study notes penned on the charts, here's a dual image of Putin's generally accepted natal horoscope (lower left) along with the 1952 manifestation of his 8 North Eclipse @27Leo31 (upper right); aspects to the eclipse are listed (left side) and there are two of them: a square from Mars in Scorpio, and a conjunction with Pluto in Leo, both descriptive of the vengeful man whose Mars-Pluto energies activate in October 2024 along with his 8 South Eclipse themes:

Speaking of elderly politicians in the US (as so many do), October 2024 brings Putin his 72nd birthday - so he's no spring chicken either!

A Closely Related Post: Horoscopes: Putin Inauguration 2000 w/ Biden-Putin Meeting June 2021.

May 22, 2023

Volatile times, Georgia & Federal indictments loom, Putin betrayal & UK Politics - Tarot reading

Here's a fresh reading from Mary Ann of Revealing Light Tarot concerning multiple topics in the news. Next to last she again reads on the potential for Vladimir Putin to be removed from power with betrayal necessarily involved. Now as you know, Aussie Mary Ann keeps up with US politics and global issues better than most Americans do, even as We the People totter on the brink of a fascist abyss while maga and other Republicans threaten to push.

Atmospherically, there's a highly engineered set of crisis conditions here in the US, not that politics as a practice isn't always rife with stagecraft. An "organized system of hatreds," politics has been called, and preparations for sabotage and sedition have been in motion for years, now accessible on a video screen near you. A clue? The Hm-hm-hm will rise again!

Also for you are 32 entertaining minutes of insights from Down Under as interpreted by a spot-on Mary Ann:


2023: A Summer of Kremlin Intrigue; Empires Do Fall

by Jude Cowell

With continuing potentials for political shifts in Russia, a peek at a SO'W post and horoscope from June 2021 may be instructive concerning Mr. Putin who looks quite a flop for indulging his territorial urges on a global scale. China may be the one to mop up from Russia's recklessly zealous overstep. Did Vlad's military officials lie to him about the country's level of preparedness? Was it all planned that way? Is there a rat in the woodpile? Perhaps an answer is a question: which ancient governmental entity thinks strategically and plans the farthest ahead, fueled primarily by noodles?

Meanwhile, let me know your on-topic insights here, or, as a comment in the Stars Over Washington Reports FB group where this post will be shared - once you check out Horoscopes: Putin Inauguration 2000 w/ Biden-Putin Rendezvous June 2021.

One current factor you'll note in the chart is that transit Jupiter in Taurus since May 16th faces a 10th house line-up of year 2000 planets then in Taurus including Jupiter @17Taurus which spotlights a soon-coming Jupiter Return for the Putin regime. That's mundane Jupiter, the boundary-breaking planet of freedom and expansion in the earthly territorial sign of possession and greed, *Taurus, the preservationist.

In Taurus Jupiter Closes A Cycle for the Putin Regime

An easily reached suspicion is that the Russian regime's Jupiter Return relates directly to Putin's ill-calculated invasion and occupation of Ukraine (since February 2021). Therefore, the world (10th house) will observe how usually beneficial Jupiter, Mr. Moneybags, rewards or greases-the-skids for Mr. Putin and his underlings because with Jupiter's orbit of nearly 12 years' duration, what may be the karmically negative side of things is that a project Putin and his comrades began about 12 years ago must now be either expanded, or must be thrown over, given up on, tossed out into the dark dustbin of history, with the karma of consequences having her natural affect. Or will Putin's irrational out-of-bounds behavior be allowed to continue?

And if this cosmic circumstance represents the Kremlin (Jupiter in his corporate and political roles with a streak of codified orthodox religion donning a robe) - the Kremlin ridding their country of Vlad, the Great Miscalculator, so be it.

After all, Putin's Inauguration Horoscope of 2000 shows that his overlong regime's karmic Saturn also awaits the transit of Jupiter's wand so I expect that someone's burdens in the Putin regime will be lightened if not altogether removed! Later, we'll view the regime's Saturn Return Horoscope and its Jupiter Return Horoscope so stay tuned! jc

*Taurus: Dear reader, take no umbrage! Please note that all astrological comments herein are always on societal and political levels and do not apply to Taurus and/or Jupiter placements in natal horoscopes, nor do they apply to any other natal placements. Consult your horoscope or your personal astrologer for such info. SO'W is for Political Astrology observations only and is categorized as Entertainment - and study on your own is always recommended for drawing your own conclusions! jc

Jun 15, 2021

Horoscopes: Putin Inauguration 2000 w/ Biden-Putin Meeting June 2021

June 16, 2021: Biden-Putin Rendezvous a Pluto-South-Node Affair

by Jude Cowell

On May 7, 2000 when Putin was first inaugurated in Moscow, Russia, 'new world order' planets, Uranus and Neptune, were in Aquarius (6AQ34/20AQ41). Then on June 16, 2021, when Presidents Biden and Putin are said to be meeting face-to-face, Saturn Rx @13AQ03 wedges his restrictive, karmic self directly between the Uranus-Neptune midpoint of May 7, 2000. This past-and-present trio creates a midpoint picture of potentials including: 'instability; loss; restraint on idealistic reforms' (ex: 'nwo' zealotry demanding America's loss of the helm?); 'depression; mourning; changes of direction; a need for recognition; a clash between ambitions and projections' (Tyl; Ebertin).

Now as you know, Saturn's degree and sign were significantly emphasized recently by its Station Direct on May 23, 2021 @13AQ31:01. "14AQ" = "A Train Entering a Tunnel": "Keyword: PENETRATION - the possibility of shortening the length of time needed for progress by cutting through obstacles and delays" (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar). And we should mention that Saturn resumes forward motion on October 10, 2021 @6AQ52:43 - conjunct Putin Inauguration 2000's Neptune (6AQ34), the 'grim face of reality' transit when money matters must be closely scrutinized and misunderstandings will occur in relation to Russia and Putin's leadership. (Also of note: you may remember that 6AQ was the position of transit Neptune on 9/11/01 - conjunct US natal South Node when past actions and betrayals by the US government caught up with the American people.)

Tail of the Dragon (SN) Swipes The Dragon (Pluto): Then and Now

Now why is this post subtitled, A Pluto-South Node Affair? Because Putin's Inauguration 2000's South Node @27Cap01 is being 'hit' by June 16, 2021 Pluto Rx @26Cap16 (on his way to US Pluto Return/s all through 2022 so South-Node-Pluto influences in relation to Russia and the US will be lasting awhile.)

On the bi-wheel, lower right, some of the SN-Pluto potentials are listed such as: 'a self-will out of harmony with society; resentment; misundertandings; a victim of circumstances' (that are beyond personal control and indicating karmic conditions such as war, violence, and/or mass migration due to such disruptions. As noted, these difficult potentials are doubled because June 2021's South Node @10Sag39 conjuncts May 7, 2000's Pluto Rx @12Sag12, leader of a Locomotive pattern of the 'powerful executive ruthlessly determined on success'. How? Well, as you know, the Pluto-Chiron pair denotes plutocracy (plutocrats), exploitation, primal violence, racism, and other -isms such as communism, bolshvikism, socialism, capitalism, etc. For ruthless oligarchs in charge, it's always success at any cost! This includes the use of violence, as we've seen.

So is 2021 Saturn's restriction on 2000 Uranus-Neptune part of the "Train Entering a Tunnel" picture? Well, we know that with major undertakings and reforms in both Politics and Business, Saturn's timing function is the key to success for rash actions most often lead to failure.

And naturally, the current Saturn-Uranus square (new order challenges old order; progress blocked by status quo energies) in rigid Fixed signs undergirds events and conditions these days - and the two planets are square one another in both charts: Saturn square Uranus 2000 (0A42) and their square in 2021 (0S06) with both at 13 degrees which suggests karmic or fated influences issuing from the start of the current cycle of Saturn-Uranus conjunct 3 times in 1988 (Reagan) at 27--"30Sag." Well, is the Vatican involved too? It so often is.

Now you'll spy several more prominent factors lurking in the two horoscopes but let's close with two things: the potentials contained within the midpoint picture of Uranus-Neptune 2000 (the 'new world order' duo) = 2021 Saturn:

'restraint placed on idealistic reforms' (timing!); 'loss; instability; mourning; staying put causes loss of confidence' (Tyl; Ebertin).

And the potential expressions of the Uranus-Neptune pair in Politics and Business as provided in Hegelian Dialectic form by master astrologer *Michael Munkasey:

"Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolution or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Antithesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information' (ex: cyber hacking); 'movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems."

*Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.