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Showing posts with label Tail of the Dragon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tail of the Dragon. Show all posts

Jun 15, 2021

Horoscopes: Putin Inauguration 2000 w/ Biden-Putin Meeting June 2021

June 16, 2021: Biden-Putin Rendezvous a Pluto-South-Node Affair

by Jude Cowell

On May 7, 2000 when Putin was first inaugurated in Moscow, Russia, 'new world order' planets, Uranus and Neptune, were in Aquarius (6AQ34/20AQ41). Then on June 16, 2021, when Presidents Biden and Putin are said to be meeting face-to-face, Saturn Rx @13AQ03 wedges his restrictive, karmic self directly between the Uranus-Neptune midpoint of May 7, 2000. This past-and-present trio creates a midpoint picture of potentials including: 'instability; loss; restraint on idealistic reforms' (ex: 'nwo' zealotry demanding America's loss of the helm?); 'depression; mourning; changes of direction; a need for recognition; a clash between ambitions and projections' (Tyl; Ebertin).

Now as you know, Saturn's degree and sign were significantly emphasized recently by its Station Direct on May 23, 2021 @13AQ31:01. "14AQ" = "A Train Entering a Tunnel": "Keyword: PENETRATION - the possibility of shortening the length of time needed for progress by cutting through obstacles and delays" (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar). And we should mention that Saturn resumes forward motion on October 10, 2021 @6AQ52:43 - conjunct Putin Inauguration 2000's Neptune (6AQ34), the 'grim face of reality' transit when money matters must be closely scrutinized and misunderstandings will occur in relation to Russia and Putin's leadership. (Also of note: you may remember that 6AQ was the position of transit Neptune on 9/11/01 - conjunct US natal South Node when past actions and betrayals by the US government caught up with the American people.)

Tail of the Dragon (SN) Swipes The Dragon (Pluto): Then and Now

Now why is this post subtitled, A Pluto-South Node Affair? Because Putin's Inauguration 2000's South Node @27Cap01 is being 'hit' by June 16, 2021 Pluto Rx @26Cap16 (on his way to US Pluto Return/s all through 2022 so South-Node-Pluto influences in relation to Russia and the US will be lasting awhile.)

On the bi-wheel, lower right, some of the SN-Pluto potentials are listed such as: 'a self-will out of harmony with society; resentment; misundertandings; a victim of circumstances' (that are beyond personal control and indicating karmic conditions such as war, violence, and/or mass migration due to such disruptions. As noted, these difficult potentials are doubled because June 2021's South Node @10Sag39 conjuncts May 7, 2000's Pluto Rx @12Sag12, leader of a Locomotive pattern of the 'powerful executive ruthlessly determined on success'. How? Well, as you know, the Pluto-Chiron pair denotes plutocracy (plutocrats), exploitation, primal violence, racism, and other -isms such as communism, bolshvikism, socialism, capitalism, etc. For ruthless oligarchs in charge, it's always success at any cost! This includes the use of violence, as we've seen.

So is 2021 Saturn's restriction on 2000 Uranus-Neptune part of the "Train Entering a Tunnel" picture? Well, we know that with major undertakings and reforms in both Politics and Business, Saturn's timing function is the key to success for rash actions most often lead to failure.

And naturally, the current Saturn-Uranus square (new order challenges old order; progress blocked by status quo energies) in rigid Fixed signs undergirds events and conditions these days - and the two planets are square one another in both charts: Saturn square Uranus 2000 (0A42) and their square in 2021 (0S06) with both at 13 degrees which suggests karmic or fated influences issuing from the start of the current cycle of Saturn-Uranus conjunct 3 times in 1988 (Reagan) at 27--"30Sag." Well, is the Vatican involved too? It so often is.

Now you'll spy several more prominent factors lurking in the two horoscopes but let's close with two things: the potentials contained within the midpoint picture of Uranus-Neptune 2000 (the 'new world order' duo) = 2021 Saturn:

'restraint placed on idealistic reforms' (timing!); 'loss; instability; mourning; staying put causes loss of confidence' (Tyl; Ebertin).

And the potential expressions of the Uranus-Neptune pair in Politics and Business as provided in Hegelian Dialectic form by master astrologer *Michael Munkasey:

"Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolution or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Antithesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information' (ex: cyber hacking); 'movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems."

*Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.

Sep 28, 2018

2018 Midterms' Syzygy Moon shows Blue Revolution!

September 28, 2018: yes, the Syzygy Moon chart prior to the November 6, 2018 Midterm Elections is in the conservative-preserving money sign of Taurus, the bull. And the horoscope below, upper right, you see how revolutionary, rebellious Uranus @00Tau31 Rx snugs against the IC of the chart, the HOW? Point and Basis or Foundation of the Matter. And there's We The People's Moon conjunct Uranus which denotes excited people particularly women, plus, as noted on the chart, the Moon-Uranus pair suggests potentials for 'a sudden manifestation of subconscious forces (such as the Collective of the American people); those with special aims, and/or female reformists. So...Lunation Uranus conjunct lunation IC = incumbent loss, or as I prefer to put it, A Blue Tsunami!

Plus, you see the Oct 24th Full Moon light spilling out onto the public (North Node in Leo, sign of natural leadership and point of public contact) and the 'Tail of the Dragon', South Node, almost conjunct US POTUS Sun which in 2017, fell @00AQ48 = Trump playing the role of POTUS. The Dragon's Saturnian Tail will swipe or smack US POTUS Sun, the Presidency, on October 27, 2018 (horoscope shown).

Now I'm quite certain the ruling patriarchs, many of whom are advocates of Puritanism of a most hypocritical kind (I know because apparently I have Puritan ancestry as do many of us), (marvel at Chuck Grassley's stone face) won't agree that their current Koch (Murdoch-Mercer-foreign-govts) task of shoving the US government toward the regressive 'right' is unacceptable to a vast majority of Americans but I believe that this is the case. For who in her right mind would ever choose to live under a totalitarian, draconian, bossy regime led by a decrepit group of what seem to be the 'top choice' of global criminals in the bunch plus their political operatives and handmaidens?

For more Oct 24th chart details see The Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterms.

Anyway, with optimism for America I'm reaching out to the planets of the chart/s, above, for aid for our nation! We need it because, lower, left is the the New Moon Horoscope of October 8, 2018 @15Lib48 (conjunct US natal Saturn 14Lib48 suggesting a new cycle starting with the goal of undermining further of the US legal system including the US Supreme Court) so that the American public is left with no US institution or branch of government to depend on as before (to the extent that we could). Our best opportunity to re-create some level of balance in our governmental system and support the Republic is to take part in a Blue Tsunami by Voting Blue on November 6, 2018. For, as you see in the October 24th chart, The Establishment planet Saturn rises in his own sign and is the Thales Planet or Point aiding both the Sun and the Moon during their opposition, a sign of fulfillment or culmination of a plan seeded at the October 8, 2018 New Moon conjunct US natal Saturn--our 1776 Saturn exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice--now unfortunately progressed into Scorpio and retrograde since 1996 when the authority of the US Presidency came under attack by the same forces that continue to sabotage our nation today.

To me, true patriotism must involve protecting our nation from outside infiltrators and foreign criminals who would rule us with No Consent From The Governed--precisely the opposite of what America was and is meant to be. Is it time for compromised politicians to spill the beans on who intimidates them and to begin naming names?

That may never happen but what we can do is to Vote on November 6th--all the ladies and the younger generations 18 and older will be there, carrying their surf boards no less!

Sep 6, 2018

Astrologers Warned America about Trump's Unfitness

Based on His Natal Chart, Astrologers Warned Against Trump 'All Along'

by Jude Cowell

Yesterday September 5, 2018 was a red-letter day for Donald Trump and the White House as the news cycle was replete with a certain Anonymous NYT op-ed from inside the White House citing a quiet resistance to the worst impulses of the rash, unstable Mr. Trump. Bob Woodward's soon-to-be-released book Fear: Trump In the White House also permeates our air waves with its multiple quotes and observations concerning the quirky, whimsical fellow and the thwarting of his chaotic style of what some call 'leadership' (his natal Uranus in 10th house of Career is oriental, i.e. the inner voice that guides him). And you know how disruptive and shocking astrological Uranus can be so as we see, Mr. Trump embodies Uranus in duplicitous Gemini as he assaults America's traditions, principles, and institutions domestically and abroad.

And as yours truly commented on Facebook yesterday, Donald Trump has no Revolutionary War ancestors which seems significant to me considering his anti-democratic attitude toward our nation, for by comparison his immigrant ancestors were late comers harvesting rewards from our country without sowing the seeds of America's Spirit of 1776. Yes, many American citizens without Revolutionary War heritage are true patriots but I assert that 'reality star' Trump is not one of them. So is he merely posing as "an American" while his heart belongs to his family's fatherland, Germany?

So now, after the release of the NYT op-ed and the coming release of Mr. Woodward's book, use of the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office is cited as it was from Trump's early days in office and an inquisition is said to be in play by Trump in an attempt to unmask the Anonymous op-ed writer. And of course, those who have been saying all along that Trump is 'unfit for the presidency' (ex: political pundits) are part of the current discourse yet with absolutely no mention of the many astrologers who warned about Trump--all along--such as his lack of character and low morals, his mob ties, his obsession with dictators, his lack of knowledge and unsurpassed unfitness to serve as POTUS of the United States, and more. Why, Trump's unaspected Pluto in 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals (and Enemies), Karma, and Self-Undoing alone is enough to suspect the rise of the very problems we now suffer. And his rising Mars in proud Leo is in the 12th house, too!

Concerning Trump's 12th house unaspected Pluto, here's an excerpt from a previous post:

"Unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of the Unconscious suggests one who is 'overshadowed by shadows' (Tierney) with Pluto, the isolationist, being the planet of Psychology, Psychiatry, and persuasion. There are subterranean forces within his psyche that are totally fragmented from the rest of his personality and because they are buried, he is unaware of them which gives them even greater primal power. This, I believe, suggests the "he can't help himself" remarks that perhaps you've heard from commentators and reporters..." Plus, 'Pluto of the (Criminal) Underworld' is obviously a description embedded within his psyche--and then there's Trump's natal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto which this year has been the case overhead by transit with its potentials for brutality, violence, death, and the fury of destruction (Ebertin); this difficult picture is a natal echo for Mr. Trump and is coming to fruition now as promised in his natal horoscope.

Now another prominent chart factor is Trump's Regulus rising which has been noted here multiple times as a marker for the royal star's bestowing of success but with the caution that 'if revenge is taken, all that has been gained will be taken away'. For more info see the recent post Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? That's the very vengeful Donald Trump who makes enemies of allies but adores America's adversaries--just like Putin would (prefer he) do!

Also of note is the fact that today, Saturn @2Capricorn32 is at Direct Station--'old man' Saturn, the planet of accountability, responsibility, authority, legality, and maturity, something the impulsive, emotional, rage-prone Mr. Trump does not possess. Then once transit Saturn passes 9Cap08, his Rx degree from mid-April 2018, the legal and governmental planet can move ahead more directly with his cosmic imperatives of a karmic nature (as in, reaping what was sown). This will be on or about December 12, 2018. Significant is that Saturn's Rx Station @9Cap08 in April opposed the natal Mercury of Mr. Trump (8Can51; 11th house) and will last oppose his Mercury (thinking, planning, communicating, trading) on December 12, 2018 when tr Saturn reaches shadow degree then heads further into Capricorn on a course for his Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 with karmic Pluto @22Cap46--the degree of the natal Vertex of Donald Trump. Fated encounters.

Curiously, there's another cosmic circumstance on October 27, 2018 when the Tail of the Dragon Smacks the POTUS Sun (@00AQ48 on January 20, 2017) with the Tail being the South Node of the Moon, a Saturnian point of separation and karma, and the Inaugural Sun representing the Office of the Presidency and its figurehead, Donald Trump--unless and until theocrat Pence is installed in Trump's vacated place. Of course, a Pence presidency was probably someone's intention from the start for Pence could never have won the office otherwise.

Then last, but not least, is the recent SO'W post citing the cosmic fact that yesterday September 5, 2018, Mr. Trump's Secondary Progressed ('SP') Moon precisely reached 18Leo41, the precise degree, minute, and second of the current Solar Eclipse--'The Tower' Eclipse--which manifested on August 11, 2018 just after Trump's own Prenatal Solar Eclipse repeated in July @21Cancer with its themes of separation and bad news.

But please don't think I post any of this with glee for as POTUS goes, so goes America, my only nag in the race! PRevious posts have included the wish that Trump would do well in the Oval Office so that our nation would do well yet tragically this is not the case.

So now the world watches and listens as voices rise from inside the White House to speak out against the flawed, compromised, unstable Donald Trump and an administration that could implode and collapse any day--just as The Tower Solar Eclipse theme of 'collapse' informs us. Yet if this must be Mr. Trump's karma, my prayer is that our America will remain standing.


A Related Post with DC Horoscope: Trump Inauguration 2017's Solar Return 2018. And for a general look ahead see The Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes.

Aug 27, 2018

DC Horoscope: Manafort Trial September 17, 2018

Update August 28, 2018: the September 17th trial of Paul Manafort will proceed as scheduled with jury selection, however, opening statements are postponed for one week until September 24th.

Original post begins here:

Uncertain of the precise hour the trial of Paul Manafort opens on September 17, 2018 in a Washington DC courtroom, the following horoscope is set for '8:00 am edt' and as you see, the Midheaven ('MC'), or Goal Point, at the top of the chart @8Can34 shows the natal Mercury of Donald Trump crossing over it at that moment. Fixed star Alhena is there as well with its theme, to have a mission. Might the mission have anything to do with Trump's chatty if duplicitous Mercury? More likely with Mr. Manafort's knowledge of the Mercurial Trump's 2016 campaign.

See Paul Manafort trial in DC to take 3 weeks, probe Ukraine lobbying world. And here's a previous post showing the 1991 independence horoscope of Ukraine if you're curious.

September 17, 2018 The Cosmic Curtain Rises in Judge Jackson's Courtroom

Rising at 8:00 am is 7Lib32 which makes Venus chart-ruler yet she makes no applying aspects at all to clue us in on how things will proceed. Or does she? With no application of the chart-ruler, we must depend on Venus' sign, degree, house placement (2nd h of Money, Values, Possessions), and house ruler-ship to tell the tale. Here, with Venus in brooding Scorpio, sign of corporations, money, big business, and betrayal, we find the Sabian Symbol for Venus' degree instructive: '6Scorpio' = "A Gold Rush"...AMBITION with its negative expression of "a lack of practical discrimination and an irresistible desire for easy money." (Jones). Considering the allegations against unregistered 'foreign lobbyist' and money launderer, Mr. Manafort, this seems clear enough, right? Plus, Venus also rules the corporate 8th house of Finance, Shared Resources, Credit, and Debt via Taurus, the luxury-loving sign of Paul Manafort's natal Moon. Yes, luxury, comfort, money, and possessions are his reigning needs (Moon).

Then there's Mr. Trump's natal Cancerian Mercury at Goal Point--Mercury, planet of communications (ex: tweets), commerce, trade, theft, deals and negotiations--in Cancer, sign of patriotism, shrewd business ability, and self-protection, so we may expect Paul Manafort's knowledge of Mr. Trump's words, plans, deals, and 'patriotism' to be part of the legal proceedings if Trump's name comes up at all. Possibly it will in relation to the events, contacts, and negotiations which took place at RNC 2016 as foreign actors lurked about:

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbles for not all chart factors will be mentioned in this text; besides, the trial date could possibly be changed again or the proceedings could begin at noon or later--at noon, Scorpio rises which would emphasize Mars conjunct POTUS Sun, square Uranus (0A26; danger; explosions, and Mars, here out-of-bounds (OOBs), soon to be conjoined by the transiting South Node of the Moon, aka, The Tail of the Dragon (as will the POTUS Sun 00AQ48, a separative and karmic Saturnian condition--see Tail of the Dragon Smacks POTUS Sun!) in late October 2018. Popularity with the public is not promised by this transit.

So as you see, 8:00 am edt is an Hour of Saturn, perfect for legalities and for holding the innocent-until-proven-guilty to account. Upper right of the chart I penned the ASC 7Lib32 to show that Trump's natal Neptune (5:50 Rx) is rising, then Manafort's natal Neptune (13:52 Rx) about to rise. The Sun-Mercury midpoint (business people) of this chart sits upon America's natal Neptune (23Virgo) which provides a cosmic picture of swindlers and crooks (Ebertin). Homegrown ones, I guess. Anyway, at the Foundation (IC) of the chart, the Moon at a Cardinal World Point) pairs with Saturn conjoins asteroid Orpheus so cue the violins for the emotional heaviness that pervades. Yet the Moon-Saturn duo can also denote ambition and strategy especially here in Capricorn.

This is a first quarter Moon phase (crisis in action) but what really catches my eye is the Locomotive shape of the planets (ruthless success) led by little Mercury @21Virgo--conjunct fixed star Denebola (to go against society). Mercury is oriental (rises just before the Sun) and in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Secret Enemies, and Backroom Deals. And of course, Sun in 12th house denotes unconscious arrogance and with Mercury oriental it's predictably a 'cross the Ts dot the Is' sort of day.

Paul Manafort's natal Mercury at Aries Point (00:04) is in process of being visited by transit Chiron (the wounded healer, the wound, the blind spot) suggesting him as a conduit of some sort for sending messages. Then his natal Venus @7Ari42 is setting for the vengeful-when-scorned planet sits precisely on the Descendant at 8:00 am--with his natal Mars @8Ari21. With this pair, are love affairs or other liaisons indicated? Or merely irritability, exaggeration, and possibly a lack of tact? (Ebertin).

Now striding across the chart is a Grand Cross if we allow the Nodal axis to take part. Otherwise, it's a double T-Square between the Venus-Uranus opposition that points toward Mars @1AQ28--and US POTUS Sun (in 2017, Sun @00AQ48 = Trump) on one end, and Venus-Uranus = North NOde on the other. Quick responses and intense feelings are suggested. Plus, someone is 'ready to go' and 'proud' (POTUS Sun). Of course, another picture is shown--Mars-NN = Uranus which denotes potentials for upsets and sudden experiences, but also for active cooperation. Then Venus opposite Uranus adds collaboration to the Mars-Nodal picture. But surely not the flipping of Paul Manafort! Probably just the legal teams involved in the investigations and the trial.

And naturally, there's a notation at the bottom of the horoscope with saboteur and wealth-hoarder Pluto @18Cap48 Rx again intensifying the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s (18Cap) which forms a midpoint picture of 'the big picture must be followed; very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). Sounds like an offer someone can't refuse. The Sabian Symbol for this degree describes POLITICAL POWER and, negatively, 'strong-armed paternalism' at its 'best' (by which I mean worst) and here in 4th house, the Basis of the whole shebang.

And we mustn't neglect to mention the Jupiter-Pluto sextile (plutocrats; big wheeler-dealers--2nd h of Money, 4th h of Real Estate) which forms a temporary YOD (crisis; turning point) with Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio which is marked in orange in the 8th house. As a midpoint picture, this suggests Mr. Trump's tendencies for quick exploitation of every situation, far-reaching associations, possible adjustment to new circumstances, fanatical striving for improvement, and political activities (Ebertin). As a YOD the pattern can act as a timer for major adjustments which must be made so that a complete change of direction is facilitated. If the energies are poorly handled, results will be negative for Mr. Trump.

Well, there are many more cosmic clues in the chart and in later charts of the day but since I try to avoid typing too much about a horoscope for which I have no exact hour, I'll leave you with this spotty analysis until and unless the hour the trial begins is discovered causing the different house cusps to change to a large extent so that any of the portents mentioned in today's post don't hold. Or if there's a delay in the court calendar.

Aug 8, 2018

Oct 2018: Tail of the Dragon Smacks 2017 POTUS Sun!

On October 27, 2018 transit South Node ('Tail of the Dragon') 'smacks' the 2017 POTUS Sun 00AQ49:53 for just under 3 minutes from 6:50 am edt to 6:52:50 am edt. The horoscope below is set for Washington DC at the first minute of this conjunction; the transit may have no significance at all but is posted here for the sake of recording the cosmic event--and because of the tribulations of the Trump administration since he 'took office' at noon on January 20, 2017 at noon est with an isolated 10th house Sun that represents, since Inauguration Day 2017, thespian Donald Trump in the leadership role.

Obviously this particular nodal transit also occurred approximately 19 years ago while Bill Clinton was in office, his second term ending on January 20, 2001. Embroiled in legal, political, and personal battles, Mr. Clinton's White House experience resembles on a basic ethical level that of the embroiled Mr. Trump, as you know, and although SN to Sun is a cosmic event of brief duration, perhaps its Saturnian vibes of separation and lack of resonance with the public (or with the public mood or societal trends) returns in 2018 for the American people's further dealing in the inflated form of ethics-challenged Donald Trump. Both planet Saturn and the Nodes of the Moon are considered karmic (what was sown is reaped) and both play roles in the element which only Astrology can provide the seeker--timing.

DC Horoscope: October 27, 2018 6:50 am edt Washington DC; SN conjunct POTUS Sun 00AQ49:53;Trump natal positions are penned around the chart in blue; chart-ruler Venus Rx opposes Uranus Rx highlighted in green; 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 is this karmic event's PE; its Syzygy Moon 1Tau13 perfects on October 24, 2018 conjunct planet of upsets and shocks, Uranus, here at 00Tau24; Venus-Uranus hints at financial improprieties, extravagance, devaluation of currency, and/or unusual sources of funding; in 2nd house, transit Mercury 25Sco12 has just entered Mr. Trump's natal 4th house (joining tr Jupiter) suggesting communications focused on domestic matters, family members, real estate, and potentially a 'change of residence' (not to get our hopes up!) if enough factors agree:

Now since it's America's POTUS Sun involved ('President of the United States'), the US presidency will be 'smacked' or 'swiped' in some way along with the man playing the archetypal role in October 2018; therefore, the Presidential Oath of Office will be involved. This brings Trump's affirmation to preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution into this Saturnian picture with its 'separation' theme. Agreement that Mr. Trump is actually doing the required job in the required way is hard to find unless you look toward the morally bankrupt GOP and their billionaire enablers who are determined to re-write the US Constitution in unrecognizable ways. Plus, Trump's mesmerized supporters, who at this typing, remain devoted to his quirky, eccentric, chaotic Uranian way of doing things, tradition be da*ned. For after all, Trump's natal 10th house Uranus in mutable Gemini (sign of duplicity, variety, tweeting, and gossip) is his guiding planet because it rises just before his Gemini Sun (aka, 'oriental').

And if we look to a South Node/Sun conjunction in general for clues to what may be involved in late October, we find circumstances, conditions, and people continuing to block and limit Trump's self-expression, leadership, and power potential. Obstacles via others litter his path of achievement to the point that aims may be denied altogether. That Trump has and does promote his own selfish aims at the expense of others--aka, exploitation--complicates the situation for SN-to-Sun is a doubly karmic event in which current actions are thwarted by pipers who rightfully demand full payment. You've probably noticed how Mr. Trump has demonstrated an alarming lack of self-discipline and an inability to control his primal urges which do not sync with Saturn's requirements which can lead to positive outcomes and best results.

And of course, astrological Saturn is the taskmaster bringing lessons of limitation, restriction, and accountability (The Establishment in the form of Mr. Mueller?!) but as we know, Mr. Trump has shown himself to be learning disabled concerning most topics, and a know-it-all to boot. In fact, he has stated that he's never asked for forgiveness because he's never sinned or made a mistake--quite an unsullied 'god' he imagines himself to be! Perhaps having royal Regulus rising along with asteroid Apollo (the 'sun god') inspires such a misconception about himself as being superior to the rest of humanity. Yet in his role of US president, and allegedly accountable to the American people and to the laws of Saturn, it may soon be time for cosmic comeuppance for such hubris as that belonging to the very flawed Donald J. Trump.