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Showing posts with label maga Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maga Republicans. Show all posts

Jun 4, 2024

Which Nazis Took Power in 2022?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Prior to our Midterms 2022 Elections when "MAGA" seditionists somehow managed to take over the US House of Representatives where their antics continue to underwhelm and thus help them avoid actually governing (at least until the 119th Congress swears in), we discussed disturbing topics such as The Nazi Regime and US Election 2024. The comparison remains worth keeping in mind as the November 2024 Elections approach.

In the post, the 1933 Horoscope of the Nazi Regime is displayed if you'd care for a look-see, and mention is made of the Eclipse Saros Series in which the monstrosity of blood lust took control in Germany, along with the fact that the same Series, 6 South, repeated on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (landing upon the Ascendant of NATO, btw), and our 2022 Midterm Elections occurred within the time frame, bringing Maga-ites into the powerful halls of Congress.

6 South themes are descriptive of events in 1933 and in 2022: "being forceful and taking power; manic energy; sudden events," and "huge efforts in group activities" (B. Brady). As you know, Nazis used violence as a tool to force their ideology upon society, and nowadays old man Trump favors that idea - of using violence against his "fellow Americans." These are "obsolete ideas," as the 1933 horoscope shows via venal Venus in Capricorn opposing primal Pluto in Cancer, and the planetary duo in opposition is associated with violence, envy, jealousy, and the mishandling of money and resources. In fact, bankruptcy can follow.

So for me, if not for you, these particular Venus-Pluto potentials sound like things that Herr Trump, a Uranian reptilian, has been intimately accustomed to, been motivated by, and has used to his advantage for decades.

Speaking of Magas, if you're curious, here's a noon natal horoscope of perhaps the leading Maga troublemaker in the House, Marjorie T. Greene, aka, "MTG". Feast your eyes!

For the sake of comparison, here's a bi-wheel of the initial 6 South Eclipse of March 6, 1049 @21Pis55 conjunct Venus, showing a forceful Mars-Pluto opposition, and karmic Saturn @27Cap19 conjunct US 1776 Pluto (abuse of power issues), surrounded by the 6 South repetition of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio, the Eclipse that influenced Midterms 2022 when Maga-ites gained a claw-hold in Congress:

Now as everyone knows, forewarned is forearmed, so here's the revealing J6 Solar Return Horoscope for January 2025 showing the brutal "win at any cost" Mars-Pluto opposition that our government fails to prepare for with more-than-equal force at our nation's peril.

And here's The Eclipse of the GOP's Project 2025, their dystopian plan for effecting the total ruination of America as we know it. An imperfect nation are we, yes, but who in their right minds can't do a better job at the helm than hate-filled Trump with his carnage, concentration camps, sadism, and loss of freedom?

Oct 15, 2023

"Blood Moon" Eclipse October 28, 2023

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Quite a few study notes are penned upon the DC Horoscope of the "Blood" Moon Eclipse of October 28, 2023 @5Tau09 conjunct 2nd cu$p - perfecting at 4:24:01 pm EDT in time for Halloween 2023. Please enlarge the image for better viewing.

Right away we see that with fraudulent Neptune rising in shady Pisces, our espionage, sabotaging of government, and gaslighting troubles continue, plus, political, ideological, and religious conflicts extend along with financial concerns (Sun @6Scorpio: "A Gold Rush"); relationships may end if not strong enough to survive current strains.

Yes, these are tragic days of separation and mourning (Saturn = Moon-MC; R. Ebertin) afflicting suffering people around the globe, and a fateful struggle is engaged (Pluto = Saturn-MC). Meanwhile, uncertainty, insecurity, and neuroses continue to cause problems, not the least of which is in the US Congress due to "maga" Republicans who are there to sabotage, not govern.

However, Neptunian veils and disguises are due to be exposed and the spotlight of a lunar eclipse creates the perfect timing for it! Plus, we always expect significant leaks of secrets and inconvenient information when a lunar eclipse is in the picture. And for DC, this particular 'wild card of the Universe' shows sneaky Neptune rising!

Now below you see that the Midheaven ('MC"), the Goal Point of any horoscope, sports Cupido atop the chart which suggests that entities such as Corporatism, The Syndicate (crime; mafia; secret organizations), and 'The Family' (religion) remain primary antagonists of a democratic America as foreign and domestic enemies form coalitions, however loose or temporary, intended to collapse our nation. But not so fast: because the Moon's symbol, "A Bridge Being Built Across a Gorge" hints that a Speaker of the House will be found - perhaps a democrat such as Hakeem Jeffries who can work with "both sides of the aisle." Yet how well 'the people's business' might then proceed is anyone's guess. But we know it's definitely a dud under anti-democracy "maga" Republicans.

"Blood" Lunar Eclipse October 28, 2023 @5Tau09 4:24:01 pm EDT:

As you well know, the world is in crisis (Solar Eclipse in the 7 South Saros Series--here in 7th house @21Lib08) and yet hope for improvement is available via "an obstacle suddenly clears" (7 South, B. Brady). The late October Lunar Eclipse in Venus-ruled Taurus represents the culmination phase of the last New Moon (7S Eclipse) of October 14, 2023. And with a Taurus Moon, we may expect changes in financial matters, eclipse or not. Then of course, both Libra and Taurus are Venus-ruled and relate to money, valuations, and materialism.

Sun Sco-Moon Tau (Water-Earth; Mars-Pluto, Venus)

This blend of conscious-unconscious energies shows determination, intense idealism, and concern for others. However, a tendency toward dogmatism can rear its head especially when pride and self-esteem are under threat. An inherent understanding of financial realities and an inflexible or rigid will may be noticed, along with an occasional blindness toward the motives of others.

Now let's consider one of this blend's "Images for Integration" which seems most appropriate for the times - and the low-charactered people - such as these:

Pluto takes Persephone Into the Underworld (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, The Harveys #ad).

So this is a brief look at the October 2023 'Blood' Moon Eclipse with the chart set for Washington DC as a symbol of the United States of America. Notably, nebulous Neptune in Pisces acts as the final dispositor of the horoscope - and links to the Republican Party as the political party in the US that formed in 1854 with Neptune in mid-Pisces, so I blame their underhanded ways for most if not all of our current troubles. And as far as yours truly is concerned, the GOP can dissolve itself any way it likes as long as it doesn't wash our country down the drain with it. Besides: Republican politicians don't represent even half the US population so why should they run the show with their hateful fasc*st agenda?

May 30, 2023

Summer 2023: Saturn, Pluto, and Marjorie Taylor Greene

That Fussy Sedition Caucus on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

Below is the 'noon' natal horoscope of maga woman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who behaves as a troublemaker (her Uranus in Libra); surrounding her chart are the planets of May 27, 2023, representing the weekend that "Debt Ceiling Deal" was brokered between President Biden and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, a manufactured crisis, as you know.

Joe Biden was actually negotiating the nation's budget, not the made-up debt ceiling crisis with America's budgetary year running from October 1 to Septmber 30 so now, magas are running around with their wigs on fire while members of the Progressive caucus of Democrats are criticizing the deal as well. Of course, the legislation must pass through both the House and Senate before it reaches the President's desk, so patience with the process will be a virtue for us all.

Currently, karmic Saturn, planet of laws and lawmakers, in early Pisces now squares Greene's Sun in early Gemini, suggesting obstacles to her goal/s, yet transit Pluto, here @00AQ12 Rx, trines her Sun, making her feel powerful and in control. We see this displayed when she's temporarily given the House gavel to bang, and I'm sure you saw House democrats burst into laughter a few days ago when she had the audacity to "remind" the House to abide by the "decorum" of the House while banging her little borrowed maga gavel. The phrase, she's one to talk comes quickly to mind.

So here's a 'noon' natal horoscope of the Greene woman with May 27, 2023 planets highlighted in green and penned around the chart. Note transit Saturn is hitting her Sun-Neptune midpoint (see bottom right corner), and across the noon ASC-DESC axis, the transiting Saturn-Pluto midpoint (18AQ31) opposes her natal Saturn-Pluto midpoint @19Leo05! You'll also spy other planetary contacts to her natals even without an accurate birth time for the maga troublemaker, and beneath the image I'll add notes on the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') she was born into, the 12 North which is not penned on the chart:

12 North occurred December 24, 1973 with Themes of "accepting greater responsibilities due to another person being unable to carry on" (Brady). Speaker McCarthy? Is that You, Kevin?


News Alert 2:07 pm edt: in his Live broadcast, Thom Hartmann just reported that Dan Bishop (R-NC) has cited the "option to remove McCarthy" from the Speakership. Thom asks if removing Kevin negates the deal and blows up the economy, will Biden still be blamed for the crash? Well, we know without a doubt that, based on their past behavior, guilty Republicans would try to deflect the blame as they've tried before! If House Republicans can scare up enough votes, that is.

May 22, 2023

Volatile times, Georgia & Federal indictments loom, Putin betrayal & UK Politics - Tarot reading

Here's a fresh reading from Mary Ann of Revealing Light Tarot concerning multiple topics in the news. Next to last she again reads on the potential for Vladimir Putin to be removed from power with betrayal necessarily involved. Now as you know, Aussie Mary Ann keeps up with US politics and global issues better than most Americans do, even as We the People totter on the brink of a fascist abyss while maga and other Republicans threaten to push.

Atmospherically, there's a highly engineered set of crisis conditions here in the US, not that politics as a practice isn't always rife with stagecraft. An "organized system of hatreds," politics has been called, and preparations for sabotage and sedition have been in motion for years, now accessible on a video screen near you. A clue? The Hm-hm-hm will rise again!

Also for you are 32 entertaining minutes of insights from Down Under as interpreted by a spot-on Mary Ann:


2023: A Summer of Kremlin Intrigue; Empires Do Fall

by Jude Cowell

With continuing potentials for political shifts in Russia, a peek at a SO'W post and horoscope from June 2021 may be instructive concerning Mr. Putin who looks quite a flop for indulging his territorial urges on a global scale. China may be the one to mop up from Russia's recklessly zealous overstep. Did Vlad's military officials lie to him about the country's level of preparedness? Was it all planned that way? Is there a rat in the woodpile? Perhaps an answer is a question: which ancient governmental entity thinks strategically and plans the farthest ahead, fueled primarily by noodles?

Meanwhile, let me know your on-topic insights here, or, as a comment in the Stars Over Washington Reports FB group where this post will be shared - once you check out Horoscopes: Putin Inauguration 2000 w/ Biden-Putin Rendezvous June 2021.

One current factor you'll note in the chart is that transit Jupiter in Taurus since May 16th faces a 10th house line-up of year 2000 planets then in Taurus including Jupiter @17Taurus which spotlights a soon-coming Jupiter Return for the Putin regime. That's mundane Jupiter, the boundary-breaking planet of freedom and expansion in the earthly territorial sign of possession and greed, *Taurus, the preservationist.

In Taurus Jupiter Closes A Cycle for the Putin Regime

An easily reached suspicion is that the Russian regime's Jupiter Return relates directly to Putin's ill-calculated invasion and occupation of Ukraine (since February 2021). Therefore, the world (10th house) will observe how usually beneficial Jupiter, Mr. Moneybags, rewards or greases-the-skids for Mr. Putin and his underlings because with Jupiter's orbit of nearly 12 years' duration, what may be the karmically negative side of things is that a project Putin and his comrades began about 12 years ago must now be either expanded, or must be thrown over, given up on, tossed out into the dark dustbin of history, with the karma of consequences having her natural affect. Or will Putin's irrational out-of-bounds behavior be allowed to continue?

And if this cosmic circumstance represents the Kremlin (Jupiter in his corporate and political roles with a streak of codified orthodox religion donning a robe) - the Kremlin ridding their country of Vlad, the Great Miscalculator, so be it.

After all, Putin's Inauguration Horoscope of 2000 shows that his overlong regime's karmic Saturn also awaits the transit of Jupiter's wand so I expect that someone's burdens in the Putin regime will be lightened if not altogether removed! Later, we'll view the regime's Saturn Return Horoscope and its Jupiter Return Horoscope so stay tuned! jc

*Taurus: Dear reader, take no umbrage! Please note that all astrological comments herein are always on societal and political levels and do not apply to Taurus and/or Jupiter placements in natal horoscopes, nor do they apply to any other natal placements. Consult your horoscope or your personal astrologer for such info. SO'W is for Political Astrology observations only and is categorized as Entertainment - and study on your own is always recommended for drawing your own conclusions! jc