by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy
Prior to our Midterms 2022 Elections when "MAGA" seditionists somehow managed to take over the US House of Representatives where their antics continue to underwhelm and thus help them avoid actually governing (at least until the 119th Congress swears in), we discussed disturbing topics such as The Nazi Regime and US Election 2024. The comparison remains worth keeping in mind as the November 2024 Elections approach.
In the post, the 1933 Horoscope of the Nazi Regime is displayed if you'd care for a look-see, and mention is made of the Eclipse Saros Series in which the monstrosity of blood lust took control in Germany, along with the fact that the same Series, 6 South, repeated on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (landing upon the Ascendant of NATO, btw), and our 2022 Midterm Elections occurred within the time frame, bringing Maga-ites into the powerful halls of Congress.
6 South themes are descriptive of events in 1933 and in 2022: "being forceful and taking power; manic energy; sudden events," and "huge efforts in group activities" (B. Brady). As you know, Nazis used violence as a tool to force their ideology upon society, and nowadays old man Trump favors that idea - of using violence against his "fellow Americans." These are "obsolete ideas," as the 1933 horoscope shows via venal Venus in Capricorn opposing primal Pluto in Cancer, and the planetary duo in opposition is associated with violence, envy, jealousy, and the mishandling of money and resources. In fact, bankruptcy can follow.
So for me, if not for you, these particular Venus-Pluto potentials sound like things that Herr Trump, a Uranian reptilian, has been intimately accustomed to, been motivated by, and has used to his advantage for decades.
Speaking of Magas, if you're curious, here's a noon natal horoscope of perhaps the leading Maga troublemaker in the House, Marjorie T. Greene, aka, "MTG". Feast your eyes!
For the sake of comparison, here's a bi-wheel of the initial 6 South Eclipse of March 6, 1049 @21Pis55 conjunct Venus, showing a forceful Mars-Pluto opposition, and karmic Saturn @27Cap19 conjunct US 1776 Pluto (abuse of power issues), surrounded by the 6 South repetition of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio, the Eclipse that influenced Midterms 2022 when Maga-ites gained a claw-hold in Congress:
Now as everyone knows, forewarned is forearmed, so here's the revealing J6 Solar Return Horoscope for January 2025 showing the brutal "win at any cost" Mars-Pluto opposition that our government fails to prepare for with more-than-equal force at our nation's peril.
And here's The Eclipse of the GOP's Project 2025, their dystopian plan for effecting the total ruination of America as we know it. An imperfect nation are we, yes, but who in their right minds can't do a better job at the helm than hate-filled Trump with his carnage, concentration camps, sadism, and loss of freedom?