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Showing posts with label Reagan Administration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reagan Administration. Show all posts

Jun 9, 2024

Orwell, Reagan, and Trump

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

In case you missed it: The Guardian's article concerning author-essayist-journalist George Orwell (nee Eric Blair) and his travails while writing his disturbingly prescient novel 1984 is the most enlightening account of the events leading up to the novel that I've ever run across. Do check it out if you haven't.

Yet admittedly, I have sometimes wondered aloud if the hideous dystopian conditions of the future that 1984 prophesied have been used, not as a warning, but as a blueprint for sinister actors to follow including the miscreants and criminals of our era with you-know-who among them since he acts as ringleader of their Maga circus. And perhaps we both know that "George Orwell" was born into a Balsamic phase of the Moon, the "dark of the moon" phase, which often births prophets into our Earthly flux.

Additionally, Orwell's double Sun-Moon Cancer conjunct Neptune signature added deep psychic energies to his talent for intuiting the future, and included what I suspect were concerns for the human family and the social order. Yet Neptune also provided the illusory quality of inspiration expressed during his creative writing career, with Neptunian loss and instability also major features of his life. Contagion, too. Here's his very informative Wikipedia page.

Robber Baron Spawn Meddle in Politics

Now in previous SO'W posts, you might have read complaints about the Organized Crime/Underworld Gangster duo, Neptune and Pluto and the way the pair's Great Conjunction/s of 1891 and 1892 landed upon America's 1776 Uranus (8Gem55), radical planet of revolt, zealotry, anarchy, chaos, separation, shocks, and reform. The midpoint picture the trio constellated remains operative since the Neptune-Pluto Cycle lasts for approximately 492/3 years meaning that current generations are mired within its continuing influences, and obviously, none of us will live to experience their next Great Conjunction. Then with the position of US 1776 Uranus fixed in history, we continue to twist within the trio's rebellious midpoint picture potentials for:

Impersonal attitudes about any destructive or anti-social activities; unusual means to escape or change reality; going to extremes with drugs (M. Munkasey); peculiar discoveries; unusual catastrophes (R. Ebertin); possibly abberant behavior; disruption to gain recognition; making waves to get to shore; adventurous ego thrust; courage (N. Tyl). For additional details try America: The Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy.

Cosmic Time Links: 1948-1984-2020:

Eclipses Repeat, History Rhymes

Now in this post my focus is upon the difficult 4 South Eclipse Series because of its themes and because it repeated in our day as the Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020, directly influencing Trump's use of his Big Lie, a cuss'ed fallacy that has been stuck in our craws ever since. Plus, Herr Donald certainly employs what Orwell called "doublespeak" in multiple ways! So basically, the 4 South of December 2020 is the "Trump part" of this Eclipse overview.

4 South Themes: Strong emotional feelings over relationships and/or money; relationship events are beyond individual control; blocked emotions lead to great frustration; a sudden desire to end alliances; avoid rash action until issues settle down (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

1984 Bursts Upon the Scene to Instant Success

Fittingly, we should note that, although 1984 was completed by November 30, 1948 under 4 South influences (as listed, above), the novel was published in Britain on June 8, 1949 under a less dire 5 North Solar Eclipse with themes of sudden flashes of ideas with a psychic flavor to them; hunches, visions, prophetic dreams; a truly creative series (B. Brady). As you see, 5 North themes echo the "dreams and visions" theme of the current 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 which suggests yet another cosmic time link for any reader to ponder.

Eclipses of 1948 Include 4 South

On November 1, 1948, the 4 South Eclipse @8Sco43:44 manifested as Orwell feverishly worked - in bed - to complete his manuscript and send it to his London publisher by "early December" (which he did). And although there was hope for his recuperation, a blood vessel in his lungs burst and he succumbed to tuberculosis (TB) during the early morning hours of January 21, 1950, age 46. In recent years, speculation has emerged that "George Orwell" may have contracted TB while in hospital recovering from a gunshot wound he sustained during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Neptune infects, Neptune slowly brings loss.

Eclipses of 1984 Include 4 South

The re-election of Ronald Reagan was held on November 6, 1984 under the auspices of the 4 North Eclipse of May 30, 1984 @9Gem26 conjunct US 1776 Uranus which spotlights the era's zealots, anarchists, and radical reformers. 4 North themes include restraint, restriction, separations, and illusions. Then 16 days after the 1984 election, a 4 South Eclipse occurred, not quite within the 14-day orb of influence of the 1984 election but significant early on within his second term, nonetheless. And it was the fabled year of 1984 which the two astrology-buffs in the White House undoubtedly knew about just as the rest of us did. That the year had arrived was, in fact, in the news.

So perhaps we can agree that Americans need and prefer progressive improvements but authoritarian Trump offers none of that - only regression, grudge-holding revenge, cruelty, mayhem, destruction, kleptocracy, theocracy, strong-armed paternalism, arrests, purges and worse, starvation, mass deportation, the collapse of American society as we know it, and the irrational head-against-brick-wall urge to re-create a glowing past that never existed - it's a fantasy, a spin intended to scam the gullible, and make America's enemies ecstatic with glee. Now naturally, we know that it's white supremacy and its big brother, Naz*i Aryanism, that the Maga-ites long for, in order to implement Naz*sm in America of all places! Well, read George Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty-Four if you haven't, but not on a dark night.

So in closing, I'll add a couple of things: that it's plain as day that Trump's dark vision for global domination is precisely the dystopian future that George Orwell presciently warned the world against all those Balsamic moons ago. Now here's a still-timely quote from the legendary author himself:

"One could not have a better example of the moral and emotional shallowness of our time than the fact that we are all more or less pro Stalin. This disgusting murderer is temporarily on our side, and so the purges, etc., are suddenly forgotten."

Orwell's war-time diary, July 3, 1941.

Then if you dare, check out a previous post Is Mr. Trump Like Mr. Stalin? Because one authoritarian liked to purge masses of people, while the other authoritarian threatens to purge masses of people. Seriously. And yes, there are prominent planetary contacts between them. Therefore I must ask: are you pro Stalin?

Aug 25, 2022

Mercury-Neptune and The Presidential Records Act

Selling Secrets and An Unfit President With Odd Ideas

by Jude Cowell

Due to The Presidential Records Act of 1978, legal ownership of official presidential and vice presidential records changed from private to public, and new standards of management were established for records created or received after January 20, 1981. Therefore, changes and standards have been enforced since the 1981 Inauguration of Ronald Reagan, his first.

Now as you know, the requirements of the 1978 law (updated in 2014) have apparently been followed by all presidents and vice presidents until the haphazard "administration" of Donald Trump, a loose-lipped opportunist who thinks, or pretends to think, that presidential records can belong to him! See Do presidents have the right to withhold privileged material from Archives? (MSN August 24.)

Naturally, astrologers can easily recognize such indiscriminate, fantasy-spinning, scheming behavior via Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square, and notably, astrologer Alan Oken has labeled this particular square aspect, The Sneaky Mind: Mercury (thought processes, communications, negotiations, planning) and Neptune (sneakiness, deception, spying, surveillance, mass media). Word is, that Trump watched the August 8th FBI search at Mar-a-Lago on CC TV from his location in NY or NJ, wherever the brazen blighter was on that day. If so, it's because his Mar-a-Lago resort is wired for surveillance. And why wouldn't it be?

Of course, there are other planetary aspects in faithless Trump's natal chart which can support such sneakiness (and evasiveness) if that's how he chooses to use the energies, but his Mercury-Neptune square leads the bunch, in my estimation, or perhaps I should say, forms the basis of his thought processes.

So, although unknown at the time, a previous SO'W post published in 2009, Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America concerned more than that era's decade of greed and financial slights-of-hand (cheered on by Reagan's natal Scorpio Jupiter's ruthless materialism - ex: he and his cronies hung the yoke of student loan debt around our necks) because, on what can be considered a positive level, passage of the 1978 Act was due to Watergate lawbreaking ("if the president does it, it isn't illegal," - R. Nixon - a fallacy that Trump likes to go by).

So now, through the subversive behavior of the orange scofflaw, we can discover more about what was going on under the hood of US Politics by a manipulative Herr Trump, a comrade who played the role of POTUS from January 20, 2017 until January 20, 2021 - and departed the White House thinking he was 'owed' more that he'd got. Obviously, monetizing secrets from down in Mar-a-Lago seemed a lucrative scheme although my suspicion is that he was already in that business while inhabiting the Oval Office (free rent!).

Then and Now: Cosmic Time Links via Eclipses and Evasive Neptune

Significantly, the 1981 Reaganomics Solar Eclipse fell into the 1 North Saros Series as did the King of Alarm Eclipse (of Nostradamus fame) of August 11, 1999 - and The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 during which Trump removed safety glasses and stared directly up multiple times at the Total eclipse ('sun god' he, with Apollo rising along with royal star Regulus). 1 North themes include: "unexpected events loom large; make no hasty decisions since information is distorted and possibly false; tiredness and health problems are attached" (paraphrasing B. Brady). But with Trump, we know that hasty decisions are already baked in.

Meanwhile, perhaps a glance at the above linked 1981 Eclipse Horoscope holds a clue or two such as the fact that transit Neptune at that time was retrograde @22Sag23 - conjunct the natal Moon-South Node Conjunction of Donald Trump. This transit suggests a period of eroding relationships when intrigue, mystery, confusion, delusion, and fantasy surrounded him with a feeling of rootlessness which perhaps inspired a leaning toward underhanded efforts such as (lucrative) traitorous activities which were engaged in as his connection to home and country became estranged or weakened. And as you know, for Herr Trump, loyalty is a one-way street, and this was a period of grand promises of expanded horizons - if he accepted a deal. Why, he even enjoyed an expansive Jupiter Return (17Lib27) exact on September 28, 1981, a transit that can bring an end to a 12-year cycle of beliefs.

So if you have a chance, dear reader, check out transits to his natal planets (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY) for the 1978 to 1981 period for this was a cosmically transformational time for Trump and his ideological principles (to the extent that he held any). For instance: born during a Full Moon phase, and besides spreading its dissolving energies all over his natal 4th house Moon-South-Node, transit Neptune in 1981 was in process of opposing his 10th house Sun-NN conjunction in often-duplicitous Gemini so that unrealistic notions and uncertainty affected his self-image, undermined his objectives and overblown plans - and he could be easily seduced by false flattery such as the sort that foreign agents may have offered. (Of course, with flattery the ladies are implied as well but that's beyond the scope of this post.)

Plus, another factor viewable in the 1981 eclipse chart is the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in progress @5Libra+ for it hit Trump's natal 2nd house Neptune Rx (@5Libra50, part of his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of grand schemes, promotion, and speculation). This thereby formed a midpoint picture for him which includes two potentials that, for me and perhaps for you, triggered a basic part of vengeful Trump's seriously flawed personality so let's close today's fussiness with that - and tellingly in Venus-ruled Libra, lover of luxurious possessions and ease:

1981 Jupiter-Saturn = natal Neptune: "Begrudging the good fortune of others; losses" (R. Ebertin).

Oh, and there are two more potentials to appreciate, added to this picture by Noel Tyl:

"Bewilderment; not knowing which master to follow." My guess is that the orange blighter soon figured it out and for transactional Trump, his "loyalty" went to the highest bidder.