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Showing posts with label Neptune-Pluto = US 1776 Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neptune-Pluto = US 1776 Uranus. Show all posts

Jun 9, 2024

Orwell, Reagan, and Trump

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

In case you missed it: The Guardian's article concerning author-essayist-journalist George Orwell (nee Eric Blair) and his travails while writing his disturbingly prescient novel 1984 is the most enlightening account of the events leading up to the novel that I've ever run across. Do check it out if you haven't.

Yet admittedly, I have sometimes wondered aloud if the hideous dystopian conditions of the future that 1984 prophesied have been used, not as a warning, but as a blueprint for sinister actors to follow including the miscreants and criminals of our era with you-know-who among them since he acts as ringleader of their Maga circus. And perhaps we both know that "George Orwell" was born into a Balsamic phase of the Moon, the "dark of the moon" phase, which often births prophets into our Earthly flux.

Additionally, Orwell's double Sun-Moon Cancer conjunct Neptune signature added deep psychic energies to his talent for intuiting the future, and included what I suspect were concerns for the human family and the social order. Yet Neptune also provided the illusory quality of inspiration expressed during his creative writing career, with Neptunian loss and instability also major features of his life. Contagion, too. Here's his very informative Wikipedia page.

Robber Baron Spawn Meddle in Politics

Now in previous SO'W posts, you might have read complaints about the Organized Crime/Underworld Gangster duo, Neptune and Pluto and the way the pair's Great Conjunction/s of 1891 and 1892 landed upon America's 1776 Uranus (8Gem55), radical planet of revolt, zealotry, anarchy, chaos, separation, shocks, and reform. The midpoint picture the trio constellated remains operative since the Neptune-Pluto Cycle lasts for approximately 492/3 years meaning that current generations are mired within its continuing influences, and obviously, none of us will live to experience their next Great Conjunction. Then with the position of US 1776 Uranus fixed in history, we continue to twist within the trio's rebellious midpoint picture potentials for:

Impersonal attitudes about any destructive or anti-social activities; unusual means to escape or change reality; going to extremes with drugs (M. Munkasey); peculiar discoveries; unusual catastrophes (R. Ebertin); possibly abberant behavior; disruption to gain recognition; making waves to get to shore; adventurous ego thrust; courage (N. Tyl). For additional details try America: The Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy.

Cosmic Time Links: 1948-1984-2020:

Eclipses Repeat, History Rhymes

Now in this post my focus is upon the difficult 4 South Eclipse Series because of its themes and because it repeated in our day as the Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020, directly influencing Trump's use of his Big Lie, a cuss'ed fallacy that has been stuck in our craws ever since. Plus, Herr Donald certainly employs what Orwell called "doublespeak" in multiple ways! So basically, the 4 South of December 2020 is the "Trump part" of this Eclipse overview.

4 South Themes: Strong emotional feelings over relationships and/or money; relationship events are beyond individual control; blocked emotions lead to great frustration; a sudden desire to end alliances; avoid rash action until issues settle down (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

1984 Bursts Upon the Scene to Instant Success

Fittingly, we should note that, although 1984 was completed by November 30, 1948 under 4 South influences (as listed, above), the novel was published in Britain on June 8, 1949 under a less dire 5 North Solar Eclipse with themes of sudden flashes of ideas with a psychic flavor to them; hunches, visions, prophetic dreams; a truly creative series (B. Brady). As you see, 5 North themes echo the "dreams and visions" theme of the current 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 which suggests yet another cosmic time link for any reader to ponder.

Eclipses of 1948 Include 4 South

On November 1, 1948, the 4 South Eclipse @8Sco43:44 manifested as Orwell feverishly worked - in bed - to complete his manuscript and send it to his London publisher by "early December" (which he did). And although there was hope for his recuperation, a blood vessel in his lungs burst and he succumbed to tuberculosis (TB) during the early morning hours of January 21, 1950, age 46. In recent years, speculation has emerged that "George Orwell" may have contracted TB while in hospital recovering from a gunshot wound he sustained during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Neptune infects, Neptune slowly brings loss.

Eclipses of 1984 Include 4 South

The re-election of Ronald Reagan was held on November 6, 1984 under the auspices of the 4 North Eclipse of May 30, 1984 @9Gem26 conjunct US 1776 Uranus which spotlights the era's zealots, anarchists, and radical reformers. 4 North themes include restraint, restriction, separations, and illusions. Then 16 days after the 1984 election, a 4 South Eclipse occurred, not quite within the 14-day orb of influence of the 1984 election but significant early on within his second term, nonetheless. And it was the fabled year of 1984 which the two astrology-buffs in the White House undoubtedly knew about just as the rest of us did. That the year had arrived was, in fact, in the news.

So perhaps we can agree that Americans need and prefer progressive improvements but authoritarian Trump offers none of that - only regression, grudge-holding revenge, cruelty, mayhem, destruction, kleptocracy, theocracy, strong-armed paternalism, arrests, purges and worse, starvation, mass deportation, the collapse of American society as we know it, and the irrational head-against-brick-wall urge to re-create a glowing past that never existed - it's a fantasy, a spin intended to scam the gullible, and make America's enemies ecstatic with glee. Now naturally, we know that it's white supremacy and its big brother, Naz*i Aryanism, that the Maga-ites long for, in order to implement Naz*sm in America of all places! Well, read George Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty-Four if you haven't, but not on a dark night.

So in closing, I'll add a couple of things: that it's plain as day that Trump's dark vision for global domination is precisely the dystopian future that George Orwell presciently warned the world against all those Balsamic moons ago. Now here's a still-timely quote from the legendary author himself:

"One could not have a better example of the moral and emotional shallowness of our time than the fact that we are all more or less pro Stalin. This disgusting murderer is temporarily on our side, and so the purges, etc., are suddenly forgotten."

Orwell's war-time diary, July 3, 1941.

Then if you dare, check out a previous post Is Mr. Trump Like Mr. Stalin? Because one authoritarian liked to purge masses of people, while the other authoritarian threatens to purge masses of people. Seriously. And yes, there are prominent planetary contacts between them. Therefore I must ask: are you pro Stalin?

Mar 17, 2024

A Foreign Crime Network Afflicts America

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

When I recently heard investigative journalist and Trump expert David Cay Johnston say that there are two groups of oligarchs in Russia and the one behind Vladimir Putin possesses extreme wealth enough to interfere with any government in the world, I immediately thought of previous SO'W posts featuring the organized crime duo, Neptune-Pluto, and how their current energies began operating via three times in Mercury-ruled Gemini (7-9 degrees) by Conjunction in the years 1891 and 1892.

Obviously, their conjunctions occurred during The Gilded Age (appr 1869-1896) which includes a decade often called The Gay Nineties. Not so gay, however, because a disruptive financial event occurred a la the robber barons, their bankers, and railroad moguls known as the Panic of 1893 which created an economic depression in the US that only improved in or about 1897.

These dates I mention because the Great Conjunction/s of the manic, obsessive, crime-prone Neptune-Pluto pairing landed upon America's 1776 Uranus (9Gem55), planet of radical politics, forming a midpoint picture with potentials such as:

"The propensity for adventurous, mystical, supernatural experiences; unusual catastrophes, and/or peculiar discoveries" (R. Ebertin). Noel Tyl adds, "possibly aberrant behavior, adventurous ego thrusts, disruption to gain recognition, courage, and/or making waves to get to shore.

Then from Michael Munkasey we have:

"Unusual means to escape from or change reality; rebellion against artificial supports or pursuits; impersonal attitudes about any destructive or anti-social activities; and/or tendencies to go to extremes with drugs." (ex: Adderall?)

So, dear reader, if any of these potentials sound like a certain political party interfering with the US government and committing crimes in our day, then we're on the same page. The Republican Party's recent Neptune Return has not been kind to their reputation for trustworthiness, or for their continued existence as a political party. For as you know, a take-over of the GOP has occurred under the eroding, subversive energies of fraudulent, gaslighting Neptune in mid-Pisces, as in 1854, the party's founding year. The party has become a death cult of personality, modeled upon the gnatzie death cult of the 1930s and 40s, and during a Neptune opposing US Neptune transit across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis, while the US Pluto Return has chimed in with its transformative energies, for good or ill.

Recommended: America and the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy.

We could even use mundane Pluto's position in late Capricorn (the dictator) alone as a symbol of the foreign meddlers affecting our government, timed in part by the US Pluto Return/s, then the planet's transition into Aquarius as a signal for the manipulative, wealthy actor's shift of power potential where it does its work in total secrecy in the sign of Universalism (R. Ebertin).

Taking Heed: 1934 Solar Eclipses Repeat in 2024

Then significantly, and as part of my ongoing effort to forewarn my fellow American voters, 2024 identifies a period when the two solar eclipses from 1934 will repeat: first from the 8 North Series (as The Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24: vivid dreams, visions, insights), and the second eclipse from the 8 South Series repeating October 2, 2024 @10Libra (loss, separation; possible physical injury-B. Brady). Adding complexity to the history-rhymes situation is the fact that 8 South is the Series which will affect Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025. And in 1934, 8 North manifested on February 14th @25Aquarius ("A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed," - make that reich-wing: the fulfilment of Herr Adolf's "vision," as Maga-ites hope), and 8 South occurred on August 10th @17Leo01. For historical 1934, we're talking Herr Adolf, the Austrian psycopath, coming to power. Be forewarned is the point.

Meanwhile, our 1776 Uranus in Gemini is known as America's "totem planet" of revolution, rebellion, and anarchy, and my belief is that we can update US Uranus in order to identify the current crop of zealots, anarchists, and anti-democratic Utopian idealists on one level by the fact that we watched them on TV acting out during the J6 coup attempt of 2021 - and some of them currently "serve" in the US House of Representatives as "Maga" politicians, in Congress only to disrupt, gum up the works, and thereby please their Uranian taskmaster, Herr Trump.

Probably the dumbest thing is, in our founding days America rebelled against a tyrannical monarch, but these days, robot-brained Utopian zealots demand the restoration of a tyrannical monarch in the wide-girthed form of you-know-who. Ludicrously, the regressive malcontents have it backwards, whether for money, belief in a twisted ideology, and/or from heavy-handed intimidation manipulating them. Plus, thr*atening family members often does the trick as can blackmail against those hiding compromising secrets. Pluto knows a lot about secrets and how to use them.

And so in closing this fussy post, and along the lines of an international organized crime syndicate intensely working to change reality and radically reform the US government into a dictatorship, here's a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann Show:

For more info on the Neptune-Pluto relationship in our Solar System, here's a less than 5-minute video Pluto Neptune Orbit intersection. Will they collide?

Plus, a final astrological note: we can use Cupido to represent Corporatism, The Syndicate and/or The Family, and which reveals a potent blend of business, crime, and religion.

And for more astro-details see: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; also see Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. #ad

Feb 8, 2024

Modern Humanity's Feb 2024 Mars Return

by Jude Cowell

Today a post to show this evening's Mars Return to the Modern Humanity Horoscope which is based on the third of three Great Neptune-Pluto Conjunctions @7Gem41/42. The Neptune-Pluto Cycle is of such duration, 492/3 years, that their Conjunction is *it* for you and me, dear reader.

To view the Horoscope of Modern Humanity symbolized by the Total Solar Eclipse we rode in on (the 2 Old North of April 26, 1892 @7Tau05 recently visited by transit Jupiter: issues of morality and ethics), check out E. Alan Meece's book, Horoscope For the New Millennium (#ad) if you haven't. Note that on Facebook he's known as Eric Meece.

Mars exalted in Saturn-ruled Capricorn indicates potentials for 'a sense of reality, sober deliberations, efficient use and direction of energy, the will to succeed, independence, and working zeal, but also for 'over-estimation of self, defiance, egoism, and obstinacy' (R. Ebertin).

Transit Pluto conjunct Mars suggests a period of increased stamina and determination for some folks, but can also denote intense competition, aggression, anger, secrecy, use of force and persuasion, and/or acts of revenge. This is a highly karmic transit and also points toward weapons of war and war itself.

And so a new cycle of activity begins this evening via Modern Humanity's Mars and its Sabian Symbol for 27 Capricorn: "A Mountain Pilgrimage," quite the esoteric hint if we consider the mountain/pyramid images on the dollar bill and on America's Great Seal. For details concerning "27Capricorn" (conjunct US 1776 Pluto where transit Pluto has recently stomped) see The American Revolution's Mountain Pilgrimage.

Now here's a bi-wheel with tonight's Mars Return, a two-year cycle, surrounding the 1892 Neptune-Pluto Horoscope:

A related post: The New Millennium in Year 2024 which shows the January 1, 2001 chart and its Secondary Progressed New Moon of May 4, 2024 @4AQ36.

In closing, there's an important consideration which suggests a cosmic time link between today's events and actors, and the Robber Baron generation of the 1890s:

Neptune Conjunct Pluto 3 times: 1. August 2, 1891 @8Gem38; 2. November 5 1891 @8Gem19; 3. April 30, 1892 @7Gem42 (the above horoscope) with the Neptune-Pluto duo representing Underworld Crime Syndicates, often known as organized crime and mobsterism. My suspicion is that their 1891/92 conjunctions in early Gemini landing upon US 1776 Uranus spotlights today's crop of zealots, rebels, secessionists, and anarchists of the Maga persuasion - scofflaws who break laws with abandon and resent any attempts to hold them accountable.