"Every Kingdom Is Born To Die," - Wade Davis
Yes, we know. And we feel it happening. Yet perhaps, dear reader, you've purposefully missed the August 6, 2020 article in Rolling Stone by Wade Davis, The Unraveling of America, or perhaps you don't like to ponder such topics as Fallen Empires, the whys and the wherefores.
Well, despite this, I'm here today to inform you that there have been multiple SO'W posts published over the last few years - especially since Trump - concerning such weighty topics. An example is the December 29, 2016 Capricorn New Moon = 1940 'Arsenal of Democracy' New Moon both @7Capricorn for those courageous enough to dare a perusal. Obviously, in recent years Donald Trump playing the POTUS role within the unraveling/dissolution/sabotage/collapse of America is an intimate actor in the piece, stage-managed by Putin and the Kremlin, and cheered on by various opponents of the US. Meanwhile, many pundits and others have admitted that his nibs is not the cause of our nation's demise but more a symptom of its karma for it's been coming on for years. I say he's the figurehead selected by opponents of democracy to lead America into the ash heap of history while China and Russia continue arrangements to take over global leadership. Well, powerhouse China intends to take over, anyway, although more arrangements are required.
After all, timing is everything and China is very patient.
Image: Neptune AscendsAnd naturally, astrologers (if no one else!) easily recognize astrological Neptune's influence in words such as dissolve, unravel, sabotage, collapse - the planet well known for its surreptitious activities and undermining qualities (it seems the GOP has contracted 'urge to merge' fever - for Russia). A big clue is that the Republican Party of 1854 recently experienced a Neptune Return (since Trump) which timed an identity change into the Trump Party aka, the Conspiracy Party. And as you know, Neptune floating through shady Pisces has timed a period of paranoia, fear, propaganda, deceit, fraud, misconceptions, disguises, gaslighting, cravings, contagion, and loss, hasn't it?
And we should note that the above linked post concerns FDR's 'Arsenal of Democracy' speech and era, and that WWII began during the time of America's three-fer Neptune Return/s: exact on October 28, 1938, February 24, 1939, and August 30, 1939 - for as you know, WWII began September 1, 1939 with Hitler invading Poland (Return dates based on our July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT chart, to 22Virgo25) under the auspices of a difficult, forceful T-Square: Mars-Pluto = Saturn @00Taurus, Hitler's 'trigger degree' of his natal Sun, and forevermore linked to violence and resorting to violent measures.
Yes, many politicians will do anything to hold on to power, even Neptunian betrayal! No Big Lie or propaganda is too far even as our Ship of State sinks around their ears! Do you think perhaps Putin promised certain politicians and their enablers a cat bird seat or two? Puh! You know, 'gullible' is also a Neptunian word.And so regretfully, with my preference for a sovereign America intact, I hereby curate for you a list of previous SO'W posts concerning the unraveling of our country - the fall of our grandly titled American Empire - for your consideration. Any one of them may be of interest and many contain videos and interviews by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann, plus, some Astrology is sprinkled in here and there like Neptunian fairy dust. In addition, be warned that some posts contain links to the others on this list but I'll attempt to correctly name them so you'll know which is which.In no particular order they are:
When Will America Fall Like the Roman Empire?
Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes (post contains FDR's 1933 and 1937 Inauguration Horoscopes for the sake of comparison with 1937 POTUS Sun @00AQ conjunct bold, adventurous Altair and a difficult Saturn-Neptune opposition--transit Neptune Rx now conjuncts 1937 Saturn: authority figures, structures, and traditions disintegrate and are either highly idealistic, or strange and misguided; I'll add, 'or some combination of both'.
Economics Professor Richard Wollf Reveals How Empires End #