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Showing posts with label Second Amendment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Second Amendment. Show all posts

Apr 7, 2023

Pluto and the April 2023 NRA Convention

They Say April Is the Cruelest Month

by Jude Cowell

In support of the "American carnage" that Trump promised the American people on January 20, 2017, the National Rifle Association, or, 'NRA' as it's known, will hold its 152nd annual convention in Indianapolis, Indiana from April 13--16, 2023.

From 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm on April 13th, participants can "Enjoy an evening of food, firearms, and fundraising" if they attend with a $150 ticket in hand or pay to be seated at a "bronze table." A "powerhouse lineup of political speakers" is scheduled from April 14 to 16 so politicians who roll around in the largesse of NRA donations, financial support which requires them to vote for guns over the lives of our children, are apparently on the speakers' list. And instead of being shamed by their association with guns and the murdering of school children, speakers will no doubt deliver rousing rhetoric to audience member acolytes of the "right to bear arms" persuasion.

This means that for NRA purposes, their self-serving misinterpretation of the Second Amendment must be maintained against all common sense. But have the goals of the NRA always been craven and bloodthirsty against the American citizenry?

Actually, a brief peek at history reveals that, no, the NRA hasn't always been promoters of arms over children, not in public, anyway. For details, I point toward the Revolt at Cincinnati during the 1977 NRA Convention when a forced change of leadership was imposed against "the old guard," and an "updated" mission became the norm along with a reorganization of rules and bylaws. From 1977, "the right to bear arms" became the NRA's primary cause as conspiracy theories grew around the paranoia that one day, the US government would arrive to "take away their guns." Now I wonder who was behind the promotion of such a paranoid delusion, and who continues to profit from it?

Because, of course, stockpiling weapons and planning and/or perpetrating terrorist activities attracts law enforcement responses so that conditions are created for a self-fulfilling prophecy. An additional result is that a 'well-armed militia' is illegally formed around the country for the purposes of armed rebellion and fascist-authoritarian take-over. They're determined that our votes will no longer matter! And this, I believe, is part of the hidden agenda of America's enemies, a tyrannical taste of which was shown by the attack on the US Congress on January 6, 2021, supported by a variety of corporations and CEOs with anti-American mindsets and directing a gaggle of paid-off seditionist politicians to betray their oaths of allegiance and sabotage their country.

Shadowed Demons from the Past Haunt America

NRA Horoscope November 17, 1871 1:33 pm LMT (source of timing unknown) New York, New York; Ascendant "13Pisces" = "A Sword in a Museum" and of course, with the founding of the NRA we're talking about the era of Confederate General Albert Pike, the grand poobah of his day, known for promoting a plan for fomenting world war three, a devilish plan that continues haunting us in 2023:

Now recently we discussed how the transit of hidden manipulator Pluto @29Capricorn and 00Aquarius opposes the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the NRA 1871 Horoscope so let's not repeat the discussion here, except to say that with karmic Pluto, this is a once-in-a-lifetime transit for the power-grabbing organization and for whatever or whoever animates the group's sinister motives for political control, extreme financial power, and the undermining of democracy in America. Plus, in the 1871 Horoscope, Pluto is @18Taurus. Pluto in Taurus is a placement of deep intolerance, and is being activated by transit Uranus and forms a planetary duo of restlessness and upheaval.

Therefore, in honor of a peaceful Easter weekend, may stronger, higher forces continue beating back fascist tyranny and sedition in the US and across the entire globe - because as most people agree, Love is stronger than hate!

A Related Post: Demonic Forces That Seek to Engulf Us in the "American Carnage" Horoscope.

Mar 29, 2023

2023 Pluto opposes NRA Jupiter-Uranus

As you know, another tragic shooting has occurred in America, this time in Nashville, Tennessee. One prominent transit to the 1871 NRA Horoscope is the planet topping the news these days due to its entry into Aquarius: Pluto. Known for its associations with death, destruction, manipulation, and assassination, Pluto now opposes the dissociate Jupiter-Uranus conjunction operative during the November 1871 founding of the gun-loving organization, the National Rifle Association.

Lacking an exact hour for the group's founding, 12:00 noon is used to set up the horoscope shown, below, but this lack is inconsequential to the fact that the transit of Pluto opposing 1871 Jupiter (Rx @29Can54) and Uranus (@1Leo10) is obvious and significant to events at this moment in time.

Both Pluto oppositions indicate political and financial conflicts, with power struggles underneath as public shouts for action rather than more of the measely "thoughts and prayers" mantra Republicans fall back on so that a lack of actual changes to gun laws can be excused are once again heard across the political landscape. As you know, their mealey-mouthing ignores reality while discontented militarists stockpile guns and plan a race war while pretending that peaceniks are the ones wanting carnage in our streets!

So below is the previously published NRA Horoscope of November 17, 1871 in which Jupiter is strong at Station Rx upon the "A Daughter of the American Revolution" degree and radical Uranus in proud Leo feels emboldened and activated by the 2023 transit of transformative Pluto, a cosmic circumstance that also reminds me, as a descendant of The Confederacy, of the favorite mantra of sore loser seditionists, 'The South Shall Rise Again' - with Herr Adolf's hate-filled Aryanism of white "supremacy" rotting at its core:

Now much of the time, we expect the Jupiter-Uranus duo to denote potentials for break-throughs, luck or good fortune, optimism, and/or 'reforms that originate in religious principles' (such as, Thou Shalt Not Kill?). Yet sometimes, depending on the motives of participants, the pairing denotes more negative potentials such as, "deafness from not wanting to hear the opinions of others, government where no expansion due to modern principles is allowed," and/or "civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system which stifles justice for the common people" (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey #ad).

These negative potentials in part account for society's current dire condition of violence which is based on the promotion of the purposeful misinterpretation of the Second Amendment, well noted as a fraud upon the American public by Chief Justice Warren Burger on December 16, 1991. That mental problems are also involved, I have no doubt, yet I also blame decades of lies and other fraudulent behavior perpetrated by Washington DC and the Pentagon for the years-long build-up of aggravated discontent experienced by and nurtured within segments of our population.

2023 Pluto = NRA Jupiter-Uranus

Add by transit powerful, wealth-hoarding Pluto to the NRA's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, a karmic development, and a midpoint picture forms of 'devices with the potential to transform the world; extreme reworking of ideas to be sure they will be received correctly' which sounds positive - other than when it suggests the propaganda and manipulation of thoughts and prayers that fall tragically short of what America and our victimized, traumatized children need from "lawmakers" on both sides of the aisle.

But so far, it feels like Trump's "American carnage" threat that he 'dog whistled' on January 20, 2017 is paying off for the enemies of America aided by their bought-off politicians of the fascist persuasion who've succumbed to control by a global movement that's determined to wreak havoc and chaos on the American people in order to coup the US government against the will of the majority who prefer democracy to fascism any day of the week.

And please note, dear reader, that there is absolutely no joy in typing this, but there it is.

Dec 4, 2015

What Can Be Done to Curb Gun Violence (w Jonathan Alter) 12-04-15 video

Now this particular American does not support dis-arming the American people and I don't want the political jokers who masquerade as 'politicians' to go messing around with the Second Amendment (or any other Amendment) but here is an interesting discussion to consider on the topic of gun violence and Congress between Ed Schultz and Jonathan Alter that you may wish to check out: