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Showing posts with label gun violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun violence. Show all posts

Apr 30, 2022

US Mars Rx: Energy Turned Inward

by Jude Cowell

"An army turned inward can quickly become an instrument of tyranny."

So stated Elizabeth Goitein of the Brennan Center for Justice. One of her primary concerns: the Insurrection Act of 1807 and its easily abused presidential powers intended to quell protests, riots, assaults, and upheavals against the government or, to quash, harm, and discourage a dissenting population. So in case you missed it, check out Rachel Maddow's recent and insightful interview with Elizabeth Goitein concerning this and related topics.

America's Self-Destructive Cosmic Condition via Mars

Now beginning pre-2006, we can very much include the misbegotten Iraq War of 2003, 'thanks' to the Bush-Cheney regime using the Project for the New American Century neo-con think tank to help build support for the invasion and occupation of Iraq which was an efficient way to squander the US military, US resources, and America's reputation in the world (you warmongering plunderers, liars, and dunderheads - Jupiter the General was Rx = no victor, and a bottomless money pit). And of course, for various examples of a Mars turned self-destructive with Mars symbolizing males we can find many instances of martian energies turned inward against ourselves, too often with a Mars-ruled weapon in hand. Disabled soldiers returning home from war and homeless US veterans barely existing on our streets, are but two tragic examples of US Mars Rx.

Now once upon a time, our national Mars in Gemini was progressing in direct motion, 'ready for action', and capable of handling more than one thing at a time. Now we're told that the US military is infiltrated by those who prefer to undermine our country rather than support it. You may wish to see Amy Goodman's take on this. And you've heard that Florida Governor DeSantis has recently signed a bill creating an 'Election Police Force', no doubt intended to terrorize Florida voters which will surely scare a number of them away from the polls in time to sway the November Midterms 2022. Obviously, violence could occur. These sorts of forceful actions are known as the underhanded use of lies, fraud, and thuggery in order to gain undeserved advantages. But the thing is, everyone knows that cheating isn't genuine victory, it's theft.

Meanwhile, speaking of nazi-style tactics for grasping the reins of power, we know that this same progressed condition occurred with Germany's Mars and lasted (symbolically) for about 80 years. The time frame of America's SP Mars Rx is also 80 years which puts relief at or during year 2086, assuming that malevolent saboteurs haven't had their way with our country long before then. Of course, warrior planet Mars, along with karmic Time Lord Saturn of the adamant sickle, are considered malevolent planets and can do a great deal of damage whenever they turn a raptor's gaze toward a target without mitigation and protection from other planets and/or when less negative conditions exist in general. Yet as with most earthly things, Mars Rx, even symbolically by progression, tends to describe a mixed bag of positive and negative events and circumstances - simultaneously or alternately. And as often happens, impulsive Mars may actually benefit from restraint, partially due to a sense of uncertainty prior to rushing into action (where fools so often tread).

Perverted Anti-Societal Actions in October 2006

Then if we search for descriptive 'Mars Rx' type events in October 2006, the month that US Mars turned retrograde ('Rx') by secondary progression (here I'm progressing the July 4, 1776 11:08 am LMT Philadelphia, PA Horoscope - progressing other charts may give slightly different timings - ex: the US Powell Chart's Mars didn't turn Rx by progression until 2009), our memories are immediately cast back to yet another incidence of gun violence, this time against innocent Amish school girls. The West Nickel Mines School Shootings were perpetrated on October 2, 2006 in Bart Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by a 32-year-old milk man. (Note the lunar Cancerian symbolism of nurturance, family, and children; he left suicide notes identifying himself as a pedophile attempting to avoid committing such crimes again).

Horoscope: October 2, 2006 11:07 am edt Bart Township, PA:

So even though the effects of a natal or mundane planet changing direction by secondary progression ('SP') may be felt in the years leading up to the actual moment, the actual moment can represent a peak of influence within the cosmic flow of earthly events and as such, is symbolically displayed in the October 2, 2006 Horoscope, above. (For a timeline of events at the Amish Schoolhouse that horrific day, follow the West Nickel Mines link.)

Bi-Wheel: As you see, 'real-time' transits for the moment, date, and location that US Mars turned Rx by Progression on October 20, 2006 at 12:45 pm edt @18Lib42:20 (conjunct Herr T's 2nd house natal Jupiter Stationary @18:27) are outer, SP chart, inner. In the bi-wheel this may seem backwards but progressed charts are not descriptive for only a particular moment and, as noted, the influence of progressed planets turning direct or retrograde (aka, Stations), build up, peak, then wane or fade in strength depending on the orb you prefer to use.

Now in closing, you may have noticed that I've yet to mention the violent militia groups that formed since Tea Party days (2009), groups that were recently called into action by a certain saboteur then residing in the White House. This may be the strongest and most expressive form of US Mars Rx by progression yet, but we'll have to see how things develop as the next few months and years march on, jailings perhaps continue to occur, and the public airing of Jan 6th events takes place in June, last I heard.

A Related Post displays another event that occurred prior to 2006 but its societal significance was and continues to be a signpost on America's path to self-destruction which can be described in part by US SP Mars Rx: Violence in America and a School Massacre 1999.

And while we're at it, let's add a link to a horoscope that involves some of the largest rats in the martian woodpile: Horoscope of the NRA: Pan and the Trouble-Shooter.

A Further Note: Progressing America's Perpetual Union Horoscope of February 2, 1781 with Mars @00Sag56 may yield useful information concerning our 'energy turned inward against ourselves' topic. Recommended, if you have the time.

Nov 5, 2021

Horoscope of the NRA: Pan and the Trouble-Shooter

The Sun Scorpio-Moon Aquarius Blend of The Trouble-Shooter

by Jude Cowell

Friday November 5, 2021

No matter what hour an 1871 Horoscope of the NRA is set for, one stand-out factor is the 'death axis' pair, Mars and Saturn, their conjunction @7Cap04/46 conjunct the goatish pagan god Pan. Also conjoined upon that degree is the group's Venus-Chiron midpoint with the Venus-Chiron opposition denoting mentorship (R. Nolle). Maybe it's the NRA's association with large amounts of gun violence across "arsenal of democracy" America such as school shootings, street violence, murders of the unarmed, self-appointed (illegal) vigilantism, and other anti-societal activities such as NRA lobbyists buying off politicians to do the organization's bidding, but this disturbing cosmic picture makes sense to me via the potential that the NRA and the death cult attached to it are followers of paganism of the most primal and violent kind with roots in satanism. Also implicated: US militarism on steroids and its weaponry of aggression, invasion, and occupation of foreign lands, as directed by our 'death star' entity, the Pentagon (1942 horoscope shown). Of course, it was FDR who led the Freemasonic dedication ceremony for the construction of the Pentagon in a location that he himself chose.

Meanwhile, a cosmic curiosity relating to our weaponry topic is that the December 2016 New Moon @7Capricorn conjoined the Syzygy New Moon of FDR's Arsenal of Democracy speech of December 1940 a cosmic time link that joins US weaponry and its build-up for war with violence-promoter Trump and his thugs. Plus, the synchronicity links to the New Moon of December 2016, just prior to Trump's 'carnage in America' inaugural address of January 20, 2017. Well, carnage is certainly a promise he kept in more ways than one, isn't it? And '7Cap' is the NRA's Mars-Saturn Conjunction and therefore the location of the group's 'death axis' (R. Ebertin).

So! Below is a slightly different Horoscope of the NRA than shown on SO'W before for it's set for 1:33 pm LMT as suggested by expert astrologer Gary Lorentzen. And here is a link to the previously published NRA Horoscope set for the general time of noon (November 17, 1871 Albany, NY; note that Gary locates the chart for New York, New York) including astro-notes. As you see, Trump's natal planets are all over this chart and are highlighted in pink. And please be advised that previous notes on the NRA and today's remarks are my own and no one else's:

Its Splay shape of planets = the rugged individualism of the macho 'cowboy ethic' that many Americans so closely identify with.

Now a second NRA Horoscope of 1871 isn't posted today so that I will re-type my astro-notes all over again (follow the above link if you're curious) but there are a few factors worth emphasizing which may not have been mentioned in my previous post, or may now include additional info, such as:

2021 Saturn conjuncts 1871 Hades

Oops! As you've heard, the latest legal news about the NRA involves campaign finance trouble via such Republicans as Trump and Josh Hawley.

Simultaneously, transit Saturn (karma, loss, restriction, limitation, accountablity, obstruction, the law and lawmakers, the past, old men) @7AQ+ is hitting the NRA's Hades, a difficult asteroid indicating heavy emotional issues (such as running out of funds, lack of donations, loss of members, lawsuits) plus, decay, destruction, sorrow, grief, and - the constant go-to for the NRA and its political handmaidens of the GOP - regression. Meanwhile, President Biden's 'Build Back Better' Plan is built to fight against such regression and its ongoing efforts to force American society and laws back to the 1850s (slavery) and/or 1950s (pre-Civil-Rights - it's an Aryan thing, a past vision of white power and control, now threatening democracy in the US and across the globe). Yet their efforts are challenged by President Biden's progressive legislation which will greatly benefit the American people, even those of the Republican persuasion, and this resonates with the Solar Eclipse themes of: 'benefits' and 'good news' of the 5 South eclipse which will manifest on on December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 as Bernadette Brady details in her Predictive Astrology book #ad). In addition, 2021 Saturn conjuncts the NRA's Sun-Neptune midpoint indicating potentials for bereavements, bad blood, frustration, and/or emotional struggles and difficulties.

Along similar lines, note that the NRA's Pluto-Chiron midpoint in 1871, the pair of Plutocracy, exploitation, primal violence, racism and other -isms, opposes the group's CUPIDO (@26Lib27 conjunct the 8th cusp of Corporatism, Shared Resources, the Occult, and Death) with Cupido revealing the thuggish group's associations with Corporatism, 'The Family' (religious; mafia), The Syndicate (criminality; the mafia/the global Underworld Crime Syndicate; transnational banking) so a stark cosmic picture is reflected upon the NRA across the Taurus-Scorpio axi$ especially for those who speak astrologese (which I attempt to translate into English for any SO'W readers who might appreciate it!).

The Panic and Pandemic of Pan? Run For Your Lives

As you see, a major signal involving guns and violence, as already noted above, is the organization's Mars-Saturn Conjunction @7Capricorn+ ('the death axis' - R. Ebertin) which conjoins Pan (panic, pandemonium, pandemic, fear, anxiety). As you see, the Venus-Chiron pair at midpoint joins the 'party' @7Capricorn (sign of The Goat, a stand-in for the devil) and suggests mentorship - by pagan god Pan? This indicates to me group members being mentored via a pagan 'god' and the mentoring of others (but not necessarily intended for the group's rank and file members). However, we should add that with pipe-player Pan, sexuality is included.

Meanwhile, mention should be made of the NRA's Neptune-Pluto pair of occultism, and the Criminal Underworld (see notes on chart: Neptune-Pluto @5Tau17 in 2nd house of Values). For as you know, transit Uranus has recently hit this degree and now lurches between them and for the NRA this suggests potentials for 'impersonal attitudes about destructive or anti-societal activities; possibly aberrant behavior; disruption to gain recognition; making waves to get to shore' (N. Tyl; Munkasey; R. Ebertin). Additionally, transit Uranus will conjunct the NRA Pluto (@18Tau46 Rx) in early August 2022 and again in September 2022, prior to Midterms 2022, identifying a dangerous period when hidden fears may not be willingly confronted (and may be exploited and promoted to sway the Midterms, no doubt) and abrupt changes to the familiar are disturbing and must be navigated.

Side Note: the Neptune-North-Node sextile gives the group the ability to 'ride the waves' of public opinion, and a talent for using subtle evasion as a tactic.

Midpoint pictures that are Angular in the 1:33 pm chart:

Saturn-Pluto = ASC: 'silent power; working with those of power and influence'; Moon-Neptune = ASC: 'instability; delusions; seeing through others (psychism); scandals': Mercury-Mars = MC (the goal point): 'fighters ready for action; bravura; a champion salesperson'; Mercury-Saturn = MC: 'wrapped up in one's own ideas; philosophizing; mind over matter; winning through planning' (R. Ebertin; M. Munkasey; N. Tyl).

In closing, I'll add two factors not penned upon the chart:

1. The group's 4th house Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE"), in the 18 North Saros Series which perfected on June 18, 1871 @26Gem22 with themes of: 'high stress level; a taxing of strength; worry and obsession; illness, accidents, or physical concern' (B. Brady). The last occurrence of an 18 North eclipse was on September 13, 2015 @20Virgo (under President Obama but also the year Trump announced his escalator prez bid in June 2015 but he did so under the direct influence of the 17 South Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse conjunct the star of misfortune, Scheat). And misfortune for America is another promise he kept. 2. NRA's gold-worshiping Mida$ Rx @24Ari48 in the first house of this horocope conjunct NRA Neptune Rx @21Ari48 which to me suggests veiled or hidden wealth and the fraud, scams, theft, and deception it takes to collect it.

A Related Post: America: the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy.

(Note: For more details concerning the Sun Scorpio-Moon Aquarius blend of conscious and unconscious energies, see the Harvey's book Sun Sign-Moon Sign #ad).

Aug 8, 2019

We Do Have A Mental Illness Problem - Thom Hartmann

From August 7, 2019, here is topical analytical commentary from Thom Hartmann concerning the 'dark psychic forces' (aka, the destructive spirit now on the rise in America and across the globe, mostly through white supremacists with fascist intentions--my description, not Thom's).

Astrologically, Neptune in drug-addled Pisces suggests paranoia, fear, delusion, and victimization while making illness and contagion possible, Pluto in cold Capricorn harshly ups the destructive possibilities and criminal tendencies in society, and erratic anarchist Uranus in money-oriented Taurus risks it all on one roll of the dice--these are potentials for those who respond to such negative influences which can be triggered internally or externally):

Jul 8, 2016

Today's Violence Started With Nixon's War on Drugs! - video (w/ Astrology)

July 8, 2016: since yours truly is in complete agreement on the issue, I'm posting Thom Hartmann's explanation of what began the current violence and police militarization and led to a police state condition in the US:


Planetary Cycles and Eclipses of 1968

Obviously the year 1968 is imprinted by ripples from the mid-1960s Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto with tyrannical, explosive, and violent unrest flavors of a titanic generational clash, and the last few years the world has been under the influence of the Cardinal Uranus-Pluto square from that cycle in which issues and ills of the 1960s have been grievously stirred up (so they can be dealt with--but...politics).

Even Jupiter and Uranus entered the collective scene of 1968 via their one conjunction on December 12, 1968 @3Libra which conjoined America's natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint of oppressed classes and social ills and added narrow-mindedness, egoism, excitability, and upset to the secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) picture.

Plus, one of the planetary pairs of Plutocracy met on October 13, 1968 @23Virgo--corporate Jupiter and Pluto. This conjunction occurred on US natal Neptune (mass media; propaganda) which helped to veil the true intentions of Jupiter-Pluto plutocrats, adding potentials for deception, seduction, cheating the people, omitting key facts, lies by omission, and suffering harm or loss through others without being aware of it. (Ebertin; Tyl). Are we aware of it now?

Naturally the pair of plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, racism, tyranny, exploitation, misogyny, Capitalism, and other -isms was active in 1968: Pluto-Chiron, a natal midpoint that conjoins our natal Ceres (events and conditions that affect large masses of people; safety and security issues) in America's natal horoscope of 1776.

For deep background influences during 1968, two Solar Eclipses also apply:

March 28, 1968 @8Aries an eclipse occurred in the 6 North Saros Series with themes of relationship to authority (father) figures; accepting commitments that present; the need to take responsibility and control.

Then on September 22, 1968, an even more descriptive eclipse occurred at a critical-crisis 29th degree of 29Virgo in the 6 South Saros Series with themes of being forceful and taking power; manic energy with great force or strength manifesting in relationships; sudden events; huge effort in a group activity (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Yes, as Thom relates, above, Nixon gained control of the Oval Office by inventing a law-and-order issue to run on, and tragically for our citizens his 'huge effort in a group activity' continues to reverberate to this day.

Both 6N and 6S manifested most recently in 2004 and will do again in the prominent year of 2022 when America will experience her first-ever Pluto Return/s to natal degree of 27Cap33. And 2022 predictions are off the table at Stars Over Washington though a few may eventually peek out from under the table!

Dec 4, 2015

What Can Be Done to Curb Gun Violence (w Jonathan Alter) 12-04-15 video

Now this particular American does not support dis-arming the American people and I don't want the political jokers who masquerade as 'politicians' to go messing around with the Second Amendment (or any other Amendment) but here is an interesting discussion to consider on the topic of gun violence and Congress between Ed Schultz and Jonathan Alter that you may wish to check out: