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Showing posts with label Spring Equinox 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring Equinox 2022. Show all posts

Jul 21, 2022

Astro-Notes: the very tall Barron Trump

July 22, 2022

Shown above in 2019, Trump son Barron Trump is in the spotlight again due to attending the funeral of his father's mother Ivana Trump (and at 16 now "towers" over his parents and siblings in photographs), so why not a brief reconsideration of Barron's natal planets along with a prominent conjunction to his Pisces Sun?

The conjunction is Sun conjunct fixed star Scheat, a star which often indicates suffering, misfortune, and a potential for drowning. Yet there's a positive side, for Scheat can denote literary and artistic talents. This star is spotlighted by the Sun at Spring Equinox every year.

Hopefully, expressing such creative talents will be the way he'll express Scheat in his life, and with his Sun highlighting the star, recognition for his creative endeavors is possible. After all, Pisces is a very creative sign and Barron was born with Sun @29Pis40, Mercury @14Pis30 (literary!), and his Ascendant @15Pis01. His natal Moon is in very early Sagittarius (00Sag56), sign of the foreigner, which hints at his mother Melania's birth location and heritage, with Moon signifying Mother. And typical for a parent and child relationships, his tower-building father's natal Moon is also in Sagittarius (and conjuncts Barron's natal Midheaven!), and Donald Trump's mother was from Scotland, as you know.

So if you wish, check out a previous SO'W post from 2018 concerning the natal Jupiter Rx in Scorpio of the very tall Barron Trump for it was his first Jupiter Return and a three-fer return at that.

And if possible, don't miss tonight's prime time J6 Hearing at 8:00 pm edt, for as the 8:00 pm horoscope shows, transit Nemesis, asteroid of divine retribution, now conjuncts fixed star Scheat.