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Showing posts with label Tseih She. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tseih She. Show all posts

Mar 26, 2020

Covid-19 and an Eclipse: "a peculiar turn of events"

March 26, 2020: With the ongoing pandemic in full effect and the isolation and sequestration of people undermining national economies across the globe while stressing out people's health, plus, their personal and work lives, I'm adding here a link to my August 13, 2011 SO'W post of the sinister 14 North Sequestration Eclipse Horoscope (14N: "a peculiar turn of events"; unexpected financial events'--Brady) which perfected on November 25, 2011 @2Sag36--the era of the scam-prone "Super Congress" formed to enforce austerity measures, as I think you remember. Now the post is fairly long and involved so you may wish to skip the text but check out the eclipse horoscope shown twice--in a reasonably unmarked version and another image with my usual scribbled notes.

Also see Zach Carter's Senate Democrats Are Handing Trump the Keys to the Country via the outrageous Stimulus Bill about to be voted on by the House on Friday March 27, 2020 with the vote set for 2:00 pm est, last I heard. You'll recognize shades of the GOP 'tax cut for the rich' corporate welfare bill passed in December 2017, happily signed by plutocrat Trump, "the king of debt." Yes, the 2020 stimulus money may boost our economy to some degree (with $1,200!!?) with more relief packages to follow via Congress but it also has the ability to bankrupt the country as Republicans and their enablers have planned for decades. This is working perfectly for Trump will be the one to provide "oversight" of the money! "Oversight" by a deadbeat con man--what could possibly go wrong? Probably something like withholding stimulus funds from states that don't back him for re-election in 2020, imho.

As for the current Covid-19 pandemic, it's interesting in hindsight that US natal Neptune (23Virgo) rises in the DC 2011 eclipse chart and US natal Mars (22Gemini) conjoins the chart's Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope. This spotlights America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misguided motivations and actions as well as reflecting the Mars-Neptune duo as a marker for infection and illness. Of course, no one in the public knew in 2011 to expect the current widespread contagion and its ability to ruin lives and finances but here we are 9 years later with "a peculiar turn of events" that includes illness, death, and potential bankruptcy.

Current circumstances are made worse, as noted in a previous post or two, by Trump's natal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = (12th house) Pluto: 'death of many people; murder; bodily harm; intervention of a Higher Power'(Ebertin).

For as you know, Mars-Saturn is, among other things, the 'death axis' - and here I shall add something that I've shied away from posting before, something that fixed star users are most likely familiar with already: Trump's natal Midheaven (25Taurus) sports enraged Algol upon it--and in Chinese Astrology the keyphrase for vicious Algol (Tseih She) is "piled up corpses." Just sayin'. And only those not keeping up with coronavirus news can miss the aptness of Algol's message when translated from the Chinese. For in NYC, a makeshift morgue has been set up after 88 people died in one day.

But back to the 14N Sequestration Eclipse Horoscope of 2011 for it shows a Mars-Neptune opposition squaring the Eclipse, the Sun and Moon (a dynamic T-Square). Mars-Neptune = Sun: 'danger of infection; undermining of the health; dissolution of a body'; Moon: danger of infection; sick or moody women; nervous weakness' (Ebertin).

In closing, I'm adding a note on how I came today to focus on the Sequestration Eclipse of 2011--because 14 North is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of New York Governer
Andrew Cuomo
('noon' chart shown) who has taken the lead from can't-handle-the-truth Trump with the governor's clear-eyed public news updates concerning Covid-19 conditions and issues. After all, Trump the sugar-coater has proven that he has no place in this emergency and says he takes no responsibility for his failures.

Looking ahead, we can note that the next manifestation of a 14 North solar eclipse occurs on December 5, 2029 @13Sag45 conjunct what many astrologers view as America's natal Ascendant. Just sayin'.

Please note that although this post contains very difficult topics and Saturnian realism, your shares and on-topic comments are always appreciated for, as you know, we're all in this together! jc