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Showing posts with label handmaidism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handmaidism. Show all posts

Apr 26, 2024

SC Cons Ride the "Furious Storm"

Wash DC: "The Seat of Criminal Activity"?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Yesterday's oral arguments at the Supreme Court for and against "absolute immunity" for presidents took strange turns thanks to the "conservative" justices, the "Cons" as I'll term them in this post. Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson stood out for their attempts to protect our nation's traditional understanding of what all presidents know as they enter the White House: that crimes can be prosecuted once they're out of office. After all, what was the Nixon pardon about?

Even Con Justice Barrett had a few words to offer; however, she might be symbolized in the 2024 chart, below, by the Scorpio Moon leading a BOWL shape, an advocate for a cause which could be little more than sustaining an attachment to comforts and special privileges. And on another level for the paternalistic theocracy now forcing second class citizenship and handmaidism upon the women of America and infesting state legislatures across the land. (See the description of SO'W written in 2005! It's under the title.)

So from yesterday's Mercurial arguments, it's apparent that the Cons believe, or are pretending to believe, that, "When a president does it, it isn't illegal," as crooked Nixon famously informed interviewer David Frost. I say pretend to believe because they seem to me to be acting under pressure of some kind, if only to protect their personal comforts and the "gifts" they enjoy for their anti-democratic services. Check the chart below for Neptune-Pluto = Mercury (upper center) and Neptune-Pluto conjunct 2024 MC (lower right corner) with the titanic pair symbolizing criminal elements and/or organized crime. Their figurehead of the moment: the long-mobbed-up Herr Trump.

And of course all this shows that Cons intend to dismiss the principles of the great Magna Carta from America! Brazenly arrogant, aren't they?

White Power-Aryanism-'MAGA'

So from whence comes the "furious storm" that Con justices and other Trumpists ride? That would be the 6 South Eclipse of July 1860 with its seditious energies of domination by strong-armed paternalism as their goal. Significantly, 6 South Eclipses repeated in October 2022 @2Scorpio (PE of Midterms 2022 when seditious 'Maga's grabbed control of the House of Reps--and look how they've worked to damage it) and in August 1932 @8Virgo as what I've termed the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse for obvious reasons. So you see where the Cons are determined to go with this, as if you didn't already know!

Bi-Wheel: SCOTUS 1790 with Mercury Direct April 25, 2024 (Orals):

Now naturally, I had a glance back at the SCOTUS 1st Session 1790 Horoscope (inner), a topic which has been discussed here on previous occasions. Of note is that the current 8 North Solar Eclipse, the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct wounded Chiron, is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series in which the 1st session of the Supreme Court was held! Are the Court's dreams and visions today the same as those of 1790? What do you think? Well, today it appears that they dream of fascism in America.

So yesterday's oral arguing planets made a few contacts with the 1790 1st session planets as you see above, and I've used the very moment that Mercury turned Direct as a transit chart. In fact, a rather stark cosmic spotlight is cast upon 1790 Mercury @00Pis46 in 12th house. And there's an obvious emphasis on the Venus-Mars duo which spotlights yesterday's male vs female justices and their questions as the ladies brought reality to fantasy (Neptune-MC = Saturn). A few other notes are penned on the bi-wheel but you'll spy several other important factors, I'm certain, because frankly, this post would have to be an e-book to cover them all!

Previously on SO'W: A disturbing question re: the future of democracy in America, May-June 2024: A Lucky Donald Trump? And please be forewarned by: Pushy Mars-Pluto and Election 2024.

Jun 25, 2022

Gunpowder Plot 1605 and SCOTUS 2022

History Rhymes If Not Repeats: Sabotage 1605/2022

by Jude Cowell

Based primarily on my personal opinion that the anti-societal June 24, 2022 SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade (6-3) is part of an ongoing coup attempt against America by foreign and domestic forces of sabotage and sedition, I'm considering the highhanded SCOTUS decision of June 2022 to be a Catholic usurpation of the established government of the United States (and of our justice system), and am linking it with the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, aka, the Jesuit Treason, intended to usurp Protestant (anti-Catholic, though a son of Mary Queen of Scots) King James I from the throne and destroy Parliament (tracks here with the US Congress).

Now as you know, this was a failed coup and assassination attempt against the King by Jesuits set to peak and blow up on the night of November 5, 1605, and famously 'remembered' through the centuries as Guy Fawkes Day, named for the conspirator found guarding the explosives. Of course, other plotters were involved including the soon-to-be-executed Robert Catesby and Thomas Percy; more details are found in a Timeline World History Documentary The Real Story of Guy Fawkes: Gunpowder and Treason. A major succession crisis was avoided by the failure of the assassination plot.

Curiously, an interesting cosmic link is that on June 19, 1566 (OS), King James I was born under the influence of a major T-square, unaware of its dynamic energies as he must have been - yet still affected by it. The cosmic echo occurred as this midpoint picture of 1566 was activated above our heads: 'The big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (N. Tyl) of 1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto. Yes, in 2017 stealthy Pluto activated 'global government' potentials of the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction, the first year of the Trump regime - at '18 Capricorn': POLITICAL POWER and, negatively, "smug or strong-armed paternalism" (Jones). My belief is that the utterly immoral Trump, who fancies himself a great thespian, was chosen to 'act as Pluto' in this cosmic mystery play, this contrived political theater production. Then on June 24, 2022, Catholic Justices on the SCOTUS bench enforced their version of "strong-armed paternalism" upon the female population of America. Upon men such regressive reforms will affect them in ways they cannot yet appreciate except for the more misogynist, Neanderthal-esque among them, the ruffians, criminals, and experienced rapists and pedophiles.

(Please note that obviously, there are other historical parallels and cosmic links between the 1605 event and the authoritarian Trump coup attempt of January 6, 2021, his attempt to stay in power by subverting democracy in America, so you may wish to compare horoscopes of these and other similar events.)

Stacking the SCOTUS Bench with Catholic Justices

Important to today's topic is the fact that the 'maga mob' insurrection of January 2021 was preceded by the enforced placement of a Catholic trio of Justices Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett on the Supreme Court bench during the Trump "administration" - in preparation - and thus tilting the Court toward the Vatican's traditional stance against abortion. Unfortunately, the overturning of Roe v Wade can now open the gates to even more regressive laws and the repeal of legal protections which will further undermine our nation and our long-established civil and other rights of women, minorities, and other citizens. However, Chief Justice Roberts is said to have dissent against yesterday's regressive decision and is apparently mindful of further changes which may overturn rights of the people, rights which offend Catholic sensibilities - and apparently offend the Justices' Vatican bosses. (How strong or effective Roberts' dissent will prove to be, I do not know - or was it only for effect?)

So in today's lingo, we find that hidden forces of regression and strong-armed paternalism are forcefully imposing handmaidism across America, the old 'barefoot in the kitchen' model for women from previous centuries, with rape-at-will privileges made legal for men. Therefore, a lack of karmic progress in America is now indicated so our struggle for rights must be re-engaged with equal, no, with increased, fervor. The financial implications of striking down Roe v Wade are vast and disruption in US household budgets will be encompassing coming atop the damage done to society by the ongoing pandemic, plus, the institution of vigilantism in various states will cause social upheaval and will raise levels of violence and crime - under cover of arresting those who commit, ask for, and/or enable abortions. Making crime 'legal' in order to "fight crime," how Orwellian of them! (Feeling targeted yet, you are?)

Meanwhile, most of these complex topics fall well beyond the scope of this post (which cannot become an e-book!) including the major sabotage we know as the Civil War, a fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune affair of sedition.

Sabotage: 2022 Contacts Affecting 1605 Planets

And so I'll simply list the primary planetary contacts (aka, cosmic links) that I see between the planets of November 5, 1605 and June 24, 2022 and add a few of their basic implications. Feel free to find more planetary contacts and infer their influences as you wish based on current events and the biases of past and current participants:

2022 Sun trine 1605 Mercury: self-interest serves others' interests.

2022 Mercury semisquare 1605 Pluto: rigid opinions make matters worse.

2022 Mars trine 1605 Saturn: actions taken are rewarded by others.

2022 Saturn square 1605 Uranus: instability in society, disruption, upheaval (purposeful!).

2022 Neptune opposite 1605 Mars: secret or hidden actions; conflicting beliefs and ideologies; leakages (ex: Alito's draft!).

2022 Neptune sextile 1605 Uranus: activities that are spiritually based.

And last but not least:

2022 Pluto square 1605 Pluto: discarding outmoded traditions and habits to make way for future plans.

Now to close, here's Mary Ann of Revealing Light Tarot with her informed insights concerning Roe now and into the future.

And a Forewarned is Forearmed Post: The Civil War's Eclipse Repeats in 2023. Whatever We The People can do now to head off these disruptive dystopian influences must be done - and this means, Vote Blue in 2022 and 2024!

May 9, 2022

Medieval Days and GOP Abortion Beliefs

Is a Medieval SCOTUS Set to Overturn Roe v Wade?

by Jude Cowell

Recently we discussed the Alito Draft Leak and a 1991 Eclipse and today I'm here to publish the Solar Eclipse @27Tau55 of May 15, 0850 because it's the initial eclipse (numero one) in the 6 North Saros Series which has brought along the Alito Draft leak with its clear indications of an overturn of a 1973 law that most Americans prefer to keep. ("My body my choice!')

So how does this ancient relic of an eclipse series relate to the overturning of Roe v Wade? Well, it's something that Republicans have planned for years and their scheme has involved certain justices being underhandedly shoved on to the SCOTUS bench for just such a purpose - because the 'Alito leak' revealing the party's abortion/women's health issues occurred under the influence of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 30, 2022 @10Tau28, in force as I type.

Additionally, a cosmic curiosity exists between the 850 eclipse @27Tau55 for it was transited in 1854 by the Republican Party's Saturn (27Tau26). Tellingly, their 1854 Saturn is apex planet of a T-Square between a Venus-Mars opposition which suggests potentials for 'abnormal and pathological sex-expression, an inclination to adultery, inhibitions in love life, a separation in love' (R. Ebertin). This sounds like certain current-day Republican politicians to me but I won't mention any names.

Now perhaps you can tell in the horoscope, pictured above, that the April 30, 2022 6 North Eclipse @10Tau28 landed directly upon the 0850 Eclipse's North Node (10Tau58) of future direction, and 0850 Neptune Rx @27Cap32 conjuncts what came to be America's 1776 Pluto Rx (27:32), now in process through 2022 of returning to natal position so the transit of Pluto-to-Neptune is powerfully repeating in 2022. Ordinarily, this suggests a weakening of power and an erosion of our social fabric which I believe is the ongoing project of America's enemies and their comrades in the GOP. We're watching and experiencing these negative results occurring before our very eyes. It's time for changes and reforms, agreed, but saboteurs are making conditions even worse than they have to be!

Then in the Collective, when transit Pluto conjoins Neptune (here, a vast cosmic time link from 2022 back to 850), circumstances involve political, economic, physical, and spiritual conflicts for control, couched in self-righteous, holier-than-thou religious and moral terms (see unmarried maiden Vesta at MC, the Goal Point!). Prominent issues include abortion, civil rights, genetic engineering, and/or mercy killing, although it's probable that Republicans will think of other thorny issues with which to divide the American people. Perhaps other issues are 'on the drawing board' already. Then on this level, another cosmic timing event will be the third of three 'Great American Eclipses' in April 2024, an election year, because the eclipse path of Totality will race across and 'split' the country from Southwest to Northeast.

Therefore, if it ever did, it no longer seems that the Republican Party of 1854 - with the party's Neptune in mid-Pisces at the Midheaven of the 0850 eclipse chart - is striving to improve America, but is determined to return US society to the anti-women regressive conditions of the 1850s and/or 1950s while striving to collapse our nation and remove the US from global leadership, thus leaving an America-shaped hole that their comrades, big China and little Russia, will happily fill. And as you know, the orange-maned Tr*mp has acted as a wide-girthed figurehead for the GOP's long-planned scheme of gutting the US government, prominently brought into public view and 'popularized' by Grover Norquist. Past government shutdowns were rehearsals for our collapse as was Tr*mp's coup attempt of January 6, 2021, with more insurrection attempts to come.

But why doth I fuss?

My consideration of the initial 0850 6 North Eclipse began when I kept hearing pundits and politicians refer to Alito's citings in his draft decision (not the final SCOTUS opinion, so they say) in which he stretched back to medieval times (see feudalism) in an attempt to 'justify' his extremist views concerning abortion and his misogyny against women. As you know, Alito used an early witch-burning judge as his model, a man named Sir Matthew Hale. (Full discloure: geni dot com informs me that Judge Matthew Hale is my 9th cousin 12 times removed, while Samuel Alito and I have in-law connections only. Euw.)

And since we view solar eclipses through the lens of their initial eclipse by way of Zodiacal sign, we're looking through a double Taurean lens that, if negative traits of Taurus are expressed through the 2022 eclipse, the Collective is given another chance to improve upon such issues and previous behaviors as rigidity, stubbornness, intractibility, intolerance, greed, possessiveness', and, via 6 North themes (listed on the chart) of 'relationships to authority figures, the need to take control and responsibility', and 'accepting commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability' (ex: Chief Justice Roberts wasn't extremist enough so he handed the writing task to Alito). (6 North Themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.)

Therefore I must conclude that if the misogynist Republican model is followed as feudalist Samuel Alito desires, major karmic setbacks will overtake American society and harm the population to an extensive degree which most of us as yet have not fully realized, with women, children, and families in the forefront as our social fabric continues to be torn apart - and all for the sake of GOP power and money grabbing, working in league with religious zealots who don't mid a little Nazism if it helps them reach their theocratic goals. (Boy, are they going to be fooled.)

Admittedly, the dire totalitarian conditions of handmaidism planned for women and girls by Republican Party misogynists reminds me of the way Herr H grievously mistreated Germany's women, children, and families as he divided the country and goose-stepped his way toward total power and control, temporary as his iron grip turned out to be.

How about you, dear reader? What are you reminded of?

A Closely Related Post: April 2022 6 North Eclipse hits the 1803 Uranus of Washington DC and this increases and activates the karmic nature of the eclipse.

Also related: Election 2024: A Blue Tsunami Please!

Apr 7, 2022

Election 2024: A Blue Tsunami Please!

Venus, NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

April 7, 2022

Venus in Sagittarius on Election Day 2024

by Jude Cowell

As a lifelong fan of Democracy and cheerleader for the continuation of our Republic as a sovereign nation, it isn't easy to admit that on Election Day 2024, Venus in Sagittarius is prepared to bestow the crown of victory upon the incumbent's rival, whomever she, he, or it may be. This unfortunate factoid is strongly suggested by Venus in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, for it is the sign of the stranger, the outsider, the foreigner (the placement of Venus in 2016). But note that Venus Cycle predictions have been accurate for most US presidential elections, although not for all, so that's something to keep in mind along with other cosmic predictors such as the New Moon Prior to the election. Plus, who would deny that cheating naturally interferes with election results in unpredictable ways.

Note: perhaps many readers know where I'm 'coming from' on such topics because, as I've previously shared, my uncles fought Nazis in WWII and I have Revolutionary War ancestors. From such shared pro-America sentiments, I surmise that none of my ancestors or family members could possibly have expected after all their sacrifices that America could be so viciously shoved toward totalitarianism and, for women, would be morphed into soul-denying handmaidenism by theocrats and dominionists with political power and Biblical law on their scheming minds. Such reforms would represent an anti-constitutional blending of Church and State which is not one of America's founding principles, as you well know. It would be an antithesis, in fact, and a total reversal of previous plans.

So! Prior to Election Day 2024, it may be worth considering a few things about Venus in Sagittarius, if that's okay with you, dear reader, with astrological Venus representing the attraction principle, and Sagittarius a mutable Fire sign. First, the mutable quality provides a measure of instability to the planet of relationships while denoting hypersentivity and a strong wishing power which may or not pan out in reality. Or if does pan out, the results may be temporary, even chaotic. And of course, Sagittarius and its opposite sign of Gemini have much to do with ethics, morals, and belief systems - and on a political level, with attempts to force them upon other people (as if morality or an uncluttered conscience can be legislated!). In other words, this placement of Venus indicates religious or ideological proselytizing, much of which is done through misinformation, aka, propaganda.

Reaching for Something Positive Here

These cosmic circumstances could be fortunate for incumbent candidates' victories since the confusion, recounts, and/or fraudulent activities in recent years surrounding US elections could turn out differently than a Sag Venus expects or prefers. (This would be on the presidential level, but may also affect down-ballot elections.) Plus, Blue Waves or Tsunamis of voters have been known to sway elections toward Democrats and, considering all the election 'preparations' such as voter suppression and voter roll purges and caging that Republicans have set in motion, I'm thinking that a Blue Tsunami may be the only factor that will make a large enough difference in 2024 for those of us who are determined to keep intact our Republic along with some measure of democratic governance.

In closing, we should also consider that a Sagittarian Venus tends to scatter her energies which suggests taking on too much at once. And if you've ever done that yourself, you know that multi-tasking means that nothing turns out as well as it could have, and that a possibility exists for oversized efforts to collapse under their own weight.