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Showing posts with label health crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health crisis. Show all posts

Mar 30, 2020

Asteroids in the Spotlight: Koronis and Wuhan

Four Asteroid Archetypes of a World in Crisis

by Jude Cowell

Since what was apparently the first case of the 'novel' Coronavirus came to light in Wuhan, China on November 17, 2019, the world has increasingly been gripped by a contagion difficult to vanquish. Most astrologers and astrology novices (like yours truly) have long appreciated the masterful work of Demetra George, an expert on asteroids and their archetypes which often 'come to light' when their expressions within the public discourse are spotlighted during related events, illnesses, and/or societal conditions, places, or persons associated with them.

Within the ongoing, crisis-laden global pandemic there are at least four asteroids that relate directly to timely medical issues of health, wellness, and illness: Aesculapia (#1027), Hygeia (#10), Wuhan (#3206), and Koronis (#158).

For the sake of comparison, here is a list of where in the Zodiac the four asteroids were located on November 17, 2019 (EST) and where each of them are as I type on March 30, 2020 (EDT):

11/17/2019: Hygeia @5Gem35 Rx; Aesculapia @9Can40 Rx conjunct transit North Node (future direction; destiny); Wuhan @11Sag16 conjunct US natal Ascendant; Koronis @26Cap50 in the vicinity of karmic Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and directly conjunct Inauguration 2017's Midheaven, the Goal Point, where US natal Pluto now lurks in the wings and rehearses for his starring role in America's first-ever Pluto Return--exact three times in 2022 (27Cap32).

03/30/2020: Hygeia @7Gem46 conjunct US natal Uranus; Aesculapia @3Can11 conjunct transit North Node and US natal Venus; Wuhan @26Cap14--still in Saturn-Pluto territory and joined by transit Mars and Jupiter--so Wuhan has now conjoined 2019 Koronis; meanwhile Koronis, now @18Pis41, conjuncts infectious Neptune (19Pis13) as transit Mercury @13Pis42 (who knows quite a lot about spreading things around including germs and gossip), conjoins a fixed star of crisis, Achernar, and is symbolized by the Caduceus, now applies to conjunction with deceptive fantasist Neptune (@19:22 9:14 pm edt) in secretive Pisces on April 3rd which suggests a certain wooliness of thought and expression, even lies, illusions, delusions, and confusion, as propagandist Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square continues influencing, seducing, and gaslighting the Collective Mind. Note that data is being adjusted, distorted, and in many cases, just plain falsified.

In closing we may wish to note that Asclepius was the son of Apollo (the sun god of healing, truth, and prophecy) and his mother was the nymph Coronis. And as everyone knows, what hides in shadows tends to fester while the best disinfectant is sunlight!

Mar 16, 2020

The Truth About The Corona Virus Test Kits - Thom Hartmann

March 16, 2020: for those who may have missed it, here is a recent segment from Thom Hartmann concerning CoronaVirus test kits and results:


Astro-Notes on the CoronaVirus outbreak in China

Apparently New Year's Eve 2019 is the date that people in Wuhan, China first presented with the viral infection if reports are true. I assume that when that date is given it refers to our Western 'New Year's Eve' and not the Chinese New Year which began January 25, 2020 (Year of the Rat). On that evening, the Moon conjoined Neptune in mid-Pisces with Moon, Neptune, and Pisces as markers for illness and for possible infection or contagion. (As you know, Neptune is the urge-to-merge planet.)

Now usually the impressionable, sensitive Moon-Neptune pair tends to conjure lovely images in the minds of most earthlings, however, their conjunction on that particular date also met with a certain fixed star of turbulence, Achernar (Alpha Eridanus) and seems to have activated or reflected the star's keywords: crisis (at the end of the river) and/or a risk of rapid endings. And tragically, for some folks across the globe, rapid endings it has already been. And for many societies including America, a crisis has presented itself, and everyone is at risk.

So perhaps a quick consultation with the great Reinhold Ebertin concerning the biological potentials of the Moon-Neptune pair could be instructive to some degree while keeping in mind that Moon = the people and relates to health and the physical body while Neptune = the Collective, the masses, and contagion. Plus, shady Pisces (often a sign of weakness, feebleness, and/or sickness) describes the secretiveness of attempting to keep quiet about the facts of the contagion--and the fact that governmental leaders cannot be trusted to reveal correct data to the public especially when their election chances and careers may be affected--even when their unreliability sacrifices other people's lives! Yes, some politicians keep that extreme 'Ayn Rand selfishness' as their me-first goal in all things.

Biological Correspondence of Moon-Neptune:

"Paralyzed blood circulation; an over-balance or over-accumulation of water in the tissues of the body; a deficiency of the osmotic function functions relating to the utilization of the cell salts (disturbance of consciousness or awareness, also a break in consciousness; eye diseases)."

The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin

And to delusional Moon-Neptune in the realms of Politics and Business, Michael Munkasey in his book on midpoints adds, "scandals involving production or other quotas". You know, like the belated production in the US of CoronaVirus test kits?

(The 'cell salts' link, above, takes you to Jude Cowell Astrology where I posted a video by The Scottish Astrologer sharing which cell salts are necessary for each sign of the Zodiac!)