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Showing posts with label more power for the Fed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label more power for the Fed. Show all posts

Aug 25, 2009

Astrology of Bernanke renomination 8.25.09

Here is the text of President Obama's in-the-bag renomination of Ben Bernanke to remain at the helm of NY's Federal Reserve Bank.

Taking a break from vacationing with the family unit, the president began speaking at 8:55 am edt (Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts); he and Mr. Bernanke completed their mission at 9:01 am edt.

Wish I had time to post the start/end charts of today's announcement, but I don't.

The charts have a few critical 29th degree planets, plus North Node 29Cap45, with South Node at the degree of the July 21/22, 2009 Solar Eclipse which I've mentioned many times before (29Can27 'systems fail; new methods are needed', etc etc.) Wonder what's really going on?

Mercury 29Vir44 has just arisen (8:55 am edt: ASC 5Lib36 with Sun/Moon midpoint upon it - 'friendship'); chart-ruler Venus 28Can39 is *oriental and nearing a 29th degr and conjunct SN and the July Eclipse degree along with transiting Hygeia, Apollo, and Vesta.

Out-of-bounds Mars 29Gem53 is within range of opposing Pluto 00Cap44 Rx; Mr. Bernanke has a natal midpoint that arose from 8:55 to 9:01 am edt @ 6Lib44...

Sun/Uranus = ASC: sudden experiences; new contacts; an excitable person.

This morning's Sun 2Vir28; Moon 9Sco41/45, with Moon triggering Mr. Bernanke's natal Pluto/NN midpoint ('powerful connections') in a very interesting and apt way...

Plu/NN = Moon: reaching for the big picture; making the big scene emotionally; ambition is magnified, or there is too much fear for any action.

The desire to increasing Fed authority comes to mind with this one.

At Midheaven for the 6 minutes of the announcement are America's Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer; Midas 8Gem43.

There are a few T-Square patterns, too...

Mars/Pluto = ASC: the fighter who dares the impossible; showing the hero image (they did. - jc)

Mars/Plu = Mercury: seeing is achieving; tenacious pursuit of plans (yep - jc); publicity; effective salesmanship; the desire to realize plans fanatically; nervous irritation.

Pluto/Mc = ASC: procurement of an important position and of recognition; a person of fame; being out in front of everyone

Plu/Mc = Mercury: a person with great powers of suggestion; a great mind; thinking big; recognition of intelligence; planning.

Transiting Saturn 22Vir08 is on-degree for US natal Neptune and Mr. Obama's natal Mars, so let's smoosh together the three planets and see what we get - in no special order, and remembering that things may act in an any-all-none fashion...

Mars/Neptune = Saturn: being taken advantage of; misdirected energy; reticence; persevering in spite of fear; a sense of futility; instability; unfortunate consequences as a result of a weak will; toxins; an epidemic.

Mars/Saturn = Neptune: insufficient power to tackle resistance or obstacles; weakening efforts; weak vitality; undermining through poison, gas, or an epidemic; loss; a mysterious death.

Saturn/Neptune = Mars: inactivity; lack of energy; preoccupations that can't be explained. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Yes, I figured that would cheer ya up. An epidemic could certainly put a damper on the recovery we're supposed to be feeling any day now.

Or how about a natal asteroid of Mr. Bernanke's that was also rising this morning at 8:55 am edt?

That would be Persephone, keyword: transition; other levels of meaning include: separation anxiety; Lee Lehman says Persephone may indicate 'where skills are undeveloped' (hope not!), and we know who Persephone was forced to hang around with: Pluto of the Underworld, the same Pluto that guards the richest treasures.

Now as you may know, I tend to occasionally lapse into the use of degree symbols as collected by Adriano Carelli in his book, 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (published by the AFA 1977; my copy 1982), so I can't resist adding his symbols' word pictures for 5, 6, and 7 Libra, the rising degrees from 8:55 am to 9:01 am edt.

No explanations now, I'll just give you the symbols themselves for the ASC which is the WHAT? Point of a chart:

'5Lib' - "An albatross with glaring red beak and claws";
'6Lib' - "An old sapper busy digging";
'7Lib' - "Mary Magdalene at Christ's feet in the house of Pharisee Simon, who is scandalized by the sight." Wherefore I say unto thee, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much." Luke 7:47.


*Venus oriental: in Astrology, an 'oriental' planet is the last planet to rise before the Sun, here Venus. This indicates a career where one works with things of value, the work function is personalized somehow, and work evaluation is a welcome substitute for direct evaluation of one's person which might be hard to accept or believe. (Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, Noel Tyl.)

Jul 16, 2009

Who doesn't want the Fed's veil lifted? the list

Here is a list of names of the shadowy figures who don't want the Fed's veil raised, if you're interested in playing Peep-Eye with them.

Schools are outed so leave your pet campus behind while you think of the magnitude of the booty and the future implications of such grand mega-power being placed in so few grasping hands.

Then, if either of you speak astrologese, consider grandiose Jupiter/Neptune whose year 2009 is and how their combined energies are alchemizing America's natal Moon in Aquarius.

The Fed? Audit! Because Neptune Is in the House

Follow the link above to sign a petition to stop the creep/s.

Oh good...Dave Letterman just showed the Statue of Liberty with Tina Fey's smiling face! Time to hush up my grousings for a few hours and wish you both a Good Night.

And now Dave announces what is news to me: that Amy Winehouse is getting a divorce. I did not know that. Sorry to hear of it.