by Jude Cowell
July 12, 2022
Today the J6 Select Committee investigating the January 6th coup attempt of Donald Trump holds another public hearing with an opening time reset from 10:00 am edt to 1:00 pm edt (last I heard!). Below is a DC Horoscope of the event with America's 1776 Saturn (our legal eagle planet exalted in Libra and representing lawmakers) rising along with Trump's natal 2nd house trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter. A few of Trump's 1946 placements are penned around the chart and highlighted in pink.
Chart-and-hearing-ruler Venus @23Gemini (in 9th house of legal afffairs) conjoins US 1776 Mars which suggests potentials for joint ventures with allies, muted aggression, but since Venus activates our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square (here, a reference to misguided actors on Trump's behalf, plus, his own), we may also expect the proceedings to involve less than ideal circumstances, and a measure of disillusionment which may be a reference to Trump supporters changing their opinion of his nibs so perhaps we'll hear of such changing opinions during J6 testimony. See lower left corner for the two applying aspects of Venus:
Nodal Axis = Mercury-Neptune and Neptune-MC: 'Connecting the Dots' Between Bad Actors with Negative Intentions
As you see, the planets are in the shape of a ruthless Locomotive pattern with the out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Moon @6Capricorn leading the engine from the 3rd house of Communications. Of interest is that testifying Mercury is also OOBs so will someone zoom in to the hearing? Or maybe this refers to recorded depositions such as that of Pat Cipollone. Of course, Luna may refer in part to one of today's leaders of the hearing, Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), the other being Rep. Jamie Raskin who has battled against white nationalism for years and this may surface in today's hearing.
Meanwhile, today's planet of testimony and negotiations, Mercury (@15Can25 - conjunct the Pentagon's 1942 Ascendant) snugs around The Goal Point ('MC') along with the Sun @20Can20 and reveals objectives for effective communications on the world stage, and those who stand up for their convictions.
As for lunations affecting today's hearing, those are the 9th house Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) which is the New Moon of June 29, 2022 @7Can22 (conjunct Trump's natal Mercury - he's to sit for a deposition in NYC), and the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 19, 2022 (@10Tau28, here in 7th house) with 6N themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady).
Well, I plan to watch the J6 hearing. How about you?
UPDATE July 12,2022: According to my handwritten notes taken as I watched today's hearing, Chairman Thompson gaveled them out at 3:58 pm edt. jc