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Showing posts with label US Constitution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Constitution. Show all posts

Aug 29, 2024

Pluto-to-South-Node 2027-2028: A New Age

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Symbol: The Cosmic or Orphic Egg

Earlier in 2024, we discussed when Pluto conjuncts US 1776 South Node @6AQ35. Even with planet Pluto's plodding orbit of about 248 years, this conjunction has previously occurred since July 4, 1776: 5 times in 1781 and 1782. In our day, we can expect another 5 conjunctions exact on March 18, 2027, June 30, 2027, January 21, 2028, September 19, 2028, and November 16, 2028.

Follow the above link to view a bi-wheel of the March 18, 2027 Pluto-SN conjunction (inner) surrounded by the final November 16, 2028 conjunction. Transit Pluto goes out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane at some point which to me suggests even more distant, detached conditions of those who meddle in and manipulate America's business. And considering sneaky Pluto's habit of hoarding extreme wealth in hidden places, financial dealings are certain to be part of the bigger picture. That's reptilian Pluto the Dragon - and the reptile wrapped around the Cosmic Egg appears to signify the undulating Nodal Axis. We are, in effect, surrounded by reptile-brained individuals.

When Pluto and South Node Connect

A Pluto-South-Node pairing marks a period of resentment and misunderstanding, a time when the wills of powerful Plutonian figures - manipulating from a safe, distant ivory tower location - are out-of-tune with the will of the population. This has been the case already, of course, but the timing of their coming together brings in America's original South Node dependencies and talents in the realms of Aquarian humanitarian/enlightenment principles and impulses - now on someone's drawing board for a major overhaul.

Because as you know in 2024, fascist saboteurs and white power radicals are attempting to force enlightened views and aspirations out of the public discourse, and ban them from our consciousness (book banning and burning). After all, stealthy Pluto is about regeneration, transformation, destruction, and purification. And that is what book burners, "religious" types, and political opportunists consider themselves doing: purifying American society, shown in part by their ridiculous "anti-woke" campaign.

Then via the draconian Project 2025 agenda, they intend to purify the US government of anyone who disagrees with, or stands in the way of, their tyrannical plans for complete control. Could this be more unAmerican? No. It could not. Our traditional principles are under siege by global forces and thugs, and you know who the moblike figurehead leading the gang of saboteurs is. He even has a shady sidekick now.

Pluto in Aquarius: the US Constitution and Bill of Rights

By the time of the US Constitution (September 17, 1787; Campion #377), Pluto had crept on to 16AQ02, and for the Bill of Rights (created/approved September 25, 1789; ratified December 15 1791, in order to amend the Constitution), transit Pluto Rx was out-of-bounds @14AQ05, then @16AQ11 - and opposite Uranus Rx in Leo which suggests the elevated consciousness and inventiveness of those able to respond to such high-minded energies.

From earlier this year, see Did SCOTUS Rewrite the Constitution? a brief Thom Hartmann clip.

Now in closing, perhaps the rounded-up degree (7AQ) of the modern-day conjunctions' Sabian Symbol informs us: "EMERGENCE OF GLOBAL MAN for the New Age" (D. Rudhyar); the ancient symbolism is the Cosmic Egg (aka, the Orphic Egg shown above) and speaks of mutants and a fresh projection of the creative Spirit that emanates from the cosmic or planetary Whole, and not from any local culture and racial tradition (An Astrological Mandala, D.R. #ad). So, a Universal symbol then which sounds much more like the Harris-Walz ticket than the anti-women bullies of the GOP!

So for realistic examples of the egg symbol in Washington DC, we think of the Oval Office and Ellipse Park, for which Pierre L'Enfant drew up the plans for the oval-shaped park - in 1791. Then as you know, the Ellipse was the location of Trump's so-called "Stop the Steal" rally on January 6, 2021 ('J6'), defiling it with his seditious rotten-egg energies - just like Putin would do!

Therefore, in the spirit of history rhymes, and knowing that the American Revolution lasted from 1775 to 1783, you may wish to check out US Events of 1781 and/or US Events of 1782. Because learning from the past is always necessary for best results.

Feb 26, 2024

The Iroquois Confederacy Eclipse repeats

Historical Virgo Eclipse Remains Influential

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the US Constitution

As most Americans know, the framework of the US Constitution (horoscope shown in bi-wheel form) was built upon the constitutional government of the Iroquois Confederacy (5 Nations +1). Taken as a sign, a Total Solar Eclipse @5Vir22:26 of August 22, 1142 marked the beginning of the Iroquois Confederacy at what is now Victor, New York. Perhaps I'm only now realizing the significance of the eclipse after the Full Moon of February 24, 2024 @5Vir23 (DC Horoscope shown) cast a bright spotlight upon my natal Saturn, a bit of a workaholic when in Virgo.

Then within the sphere of what I term a cosmic time link, this suggests that the 10 North themes manifesting on August 22, 1142 are now activated by degree in relation to constitutional and governmental concerns of our day. 10N themes are penned on the chart, and Sabian Symbols for "6 Virgo" and "6 Pisces" are listed:

So with the US Constitution involved, the SCOTUS bench, now ruminating on significant concerns affecting the future of American democracy, has a role to play and may be influenced by 10 North themes running in the background of current events. See the center of the bi-wheel for brief notes on the next manifestation of a 10 North Solar Eclipse in 2026, plus, the last 10 North of February 2008. And note that transits and progressions to the 10 North Horoscope of August 22, 1142 may be of value, especially since the US Constitution of 1787 continues to be under assault by fascistic enemies of America.

Feb 10, 2024

SCOTUS Throws America Under the Bus

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Lately I'm in a snit of miffdom and feeling fussy regarding our country's form of government under threat, in large part due to the recent anti-constitutional side-eyes from Supreme Court justices. Perhaps you're feeling fussy, too.

Now last year on SO'W we considered SCOTUS Decisions: Law and Domination, a post containing several links concerning today's topic.

This year, on February 8, 2024, Supreme Court justices heard oral arguments of great interest to our nation's future and which could be heard via C-SPAN, so listen I did. If you need it, the full audio is available here.

As you know, the questions from the justices, three liberals included, raised issues that lean on the side of Trumpian Fascism and its opportunity to take power again as the court threw the US Constitution's 14th Amendment Article 3 provision 'under the bus' along with its clear intention to disqualify insurrectionists (such as Jefferson Davis and his Confederate bros) from ever holding government office again.

But is Trump an "officer?," the justices plaintively opined. Well, he took the Oath of Office, didn't he? And then created chaos and division from within the Venusian Oval Office for four long years. Duh.

Disturbingly, the logic and necessity of adding such an Amendment to the Constitution in the years after the Civil War - until President Grant signed the Amnesty Act of 1872, eluded The Bench's braintrust, as they quibbled over semantics and failed to focus on the genuine issues at hand, so they were able to ignore the more pertinent considerations of the mess we're in. And so, SC justices punted which means that Trump seems likely to stay on the ballot in Colorado and elsewhere.

And this travesty, no matter how another term of Trump in the White House would tear our country apart while he finishes the job of destroying democracy.

In case you missed it, you may wish to see 'Appalling!' Historians torch Supreme Court's handling of Trump ballot (The Last Word, MSNBC). And Aggressive Supreme Court discovers new humility in facing Trump ballot case: Lithwick (MSNBC). Humility?! They ran from the issues!

Now one of the more disengenuous concerns was voiced by Justice Elena Kagan: that a single state shouldn't elect the president--which is exactly what Florida did in the 2000 Election when then-Chief-Justice Rhenquist tossed the presidency to George W. Bush by stopping the state's recount. Candidate Al Gore had millions more votes, but Dubya got the plum. And you know what misguided plans that led to.

February 8, 2024: notable midpoint picture potentials:

Sun = Saturn-Pluto: sparing no pains in one's work; renunciation; (Sun conjunct Cupido = spotlight on Corporatism, The Syndicate; The Family: intimidation? jc)

Saturn = Sun-Neptune: bad blood; emotional affliction; inhibitions via physical disability (or threats of it? - jc).

Pluto = Mercury-Mars: fanatic critics; sharp analysts; overzealous orators; suffering heavy assaults from others (if they don't tow the fascist line? - jc).

North Node = Jupiter-Neptune: swindlers and speculators; placing false hopes upon associations. (R. Ebertin). Nah! They all were probably swayed hard-right way before now. The "conservative" justices certainly were, as we know. No ethics to worry about there!

Then incidentally, legal eagle Saturn @7Pis19 on February 8th conjoined one of the Dark Moons (w'mat2) suggesting melancholy for some, secret agendas for others, Chiron in Aries sandwiched between Jupiter and Neptune which echoes the natal 2nd house trio of Herr Trump (Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter at RxS). But wait a minute: the Lunar Eclipse of March 25, 2024 @5Lib07 will land directly upon, and reveal secrets and deceptions concerning, the wanna-be dictator's natal Neptune in his 2nd house of possessions, earning ability, and values. This could be good.

So now, here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning Neptune's transit to the SCOTUS Saturn, karmic planet of law, legal systems, judges, and government:

"Other possibilities with Neptune-to-Saturn include contagion (Neptune) affecting judges or other court officials (Saturn) to a hobbling degree, there may be loss although it's impossible to say from what cause (it may be mysterious!), and/or there may be some combination of inspired ideals and misguided notions being argued during proceedings. Naturally, other court circuits may be affected as well (Saturn) with substandard judges attempting to adjudicate in positions they should not have taken due to inexperience, ill-preparedness, lack of education, and/or odd or strange ideas. Notably, conspiracy theories may crash against brick walls during this period." (Edit 2/10/24: sounds like Judge Aileen Cannon adjudicating, delaying, Trump's Mar-a-Lago stolen documents case, aka, espionage.) Here's the complete post, Undermining SCOTUS? Who Else But Neptune!

Looking ahead, there's a helpful glow appearing in the Spring Equinox 2024 Horoscope so focusing on this would not go amiss!

Then speaking of the dreary potentials of a second Trump term a la 2025, see: The Eclipse of the GOP's 'Project 2025'. How any voter in 2024 could possibly consider the draconian plan of the GOP worth voting for in November is beyond me. It must be because of their vain assumption that the suffering will be brought upon their fellow Americans, the ones that they themselves hate, while Trump and comrades will protect their loved ones - which means Trump voters will be balancing upon the very pentacle of gullibility with many harsh lessons to learn.

Nov 9, 2023

But Who Wants Another World War?

Plans For a Th*rd W*rld W*r Were Hatched Long Ago

by Jude Cowell

There's a webpage featuring the infamous 'Pike's Letter to Mazzini', dated August 15, 1871, which describes plans for a Th*rd W*rld W*r designed to pit Zionists against Muslims in order to destroy them all, and civilization with it. The page includes brief biographical details concerning Boston-born Albert Pike, Confederate General, Luciferian occultist, grand poobah of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, and friend of Giuseppe Mazzini, founder of the Sic*lian Maf*a, as I'm told.

Here's General Pike now around the time of the Civil War:

By Mathew Brady, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Now the primary troublemaker of his day, Albert Pike, was born December 29, 1809, about 9 months into the first presidential term of founding father James Madison who served our country from March 4, 1809 to March 4, 1817. Pike's early Capricorn Sun-Mercury conjunction shows his intellectual prowess while his natal Moon was in late Virgo or in Libra (as late as 11 Libra). Without an accurate birth time for Baby Albert, we can use the two potential Sun-Moon personality blends to make a wild guess. Chances are, Pike's blend is Sun Capricorn-Moon Libra which suggests a courageous crusader on a mission who believes wholeheartedly in his cause. This blend is shared natally by Tsar Alexander of Russia, Joan of Arc, and founding father Alexander Hamilton. I might add a measure of blind zeal to this combination of conscious and unconscious energies. In fact, one of The Harveys' "Images for Integration" seems instructive:

"A visionary statesman fights a duel to see justice done." And The South Shall Rise Again?

So if nothing else does it, Albert Pike's forceful personality links his 1871 letter detailing plans for a third world war with our day's current crop of sore loser white supremacists and 'Maga' seditionists now bedeviling our nation, and who, through "Christian Nationalism," work to force theocracy, fascism, and a final war upon the human race. Plus, from Pike's photo, above, would you say that he might just favor a troublemaking seditionist of our day: Steve Bannon?

Meanwhile, in order to counter the ugliness of Luciferian warmonger Pike, here are words of wisdom from James Madison, the Father of the US Constitution:

"A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defense against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretense of defending, have enslaved the people." - James Madison, speech at the Constitutional Convention, June 29, 1787.

"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. "The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." - James Madison, "Political Observations" April 20, 1795.

(For more personality info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzy Harvey #ad)

Previously appearing on SO'W: The Historical Horoscope of The Confederate Constitution of March 11, 1861 with Neptune @28Pis45, and Mercury Rx @29Pis12 - where transit Neptune approaches.

Oct 26, 2023

Meet the GOP’s New Speaker of the House: MAGA on steroids? - clip

Yesterday we discussed new Speaker of the House, lawyer Mike Johnson (R-LA) with his Sun AQ-Moon Leo personality blend, and transit Pluto now sitting heavily upon his natal Mercury in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, while transforming his method of speaking into a power position.

Notably, Johnson's Mercury in Capricorn opposes US 1776 Mercury in Cancer which creates suggestions of ideological conflicts and diverse opinions between Johnson and our country's principles, traditions, and laws (as in, the US Constitution).

Now here's Thom Hartmann with more details concerning the MAGA flamethrower insurrectionist who may have been the MAGA choice for Speaker all long imho:

Aug 11, 2023


As Keith Olbermann exultantly explains in his latest Countdown episode, two lawyers, members of the ultra-conservative Federalist Society, assert that Donald J. is ineligible to run, be elected, or serve as leader of the government he attempted to overthrow on January 6, 2021 due to a little legal document We the People like to call the US Constitution:

Jul 27, 2023

Will Trump’s New Inflammatory Fascist Ad Ignite a Civil War? - Thom Hartmann

One of the more closely related SO'W posts to Thom's topic is from October 2022 concerning a cosmic time link via two Solar Eclipses, both in the 6 South Saros Series: The GOP Wants Confederacy 1861 Back where you'll see the 1860 6 South manifestation heralding the Civil War era, and its repetition in October 2022 @2Scorpio. Both eclipses reveal materialism through Venus, but the 1860 Mars, the warrior planet, is the real 'star' acting as leading planet of a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets; plus, Mr. Hothead is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') of the earthly plane, and opposes the 1860 Eclipse which indicates resentment, and tug-of-war activities.

And isn't this what the GOP and its hotheaded, fanatic 'magas' are attempting to activate: a tug-of-war campaign intended to ignite a second Civil War?

One of the unfortunate symbols of their 'success' with the gullible among us is the misguided insurrectionist who carried a Confederate flag into the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. For after all that my Southern ancestors sacrificed during the 'Civil' War, this American found the image to be highly offensive.

But my point today for gullible sore-loser seditionists is this: America is a Perpetual Union and it's constitutionally illegal for a state to secede from the Union - and this limitation is one of the several reasons that Trump and the GOP are determined to make the US Constituion null and void. If they can manage to break that legal taboo, our Perpetual Union can be dissolved along with democracy in America. This will make a return to brutal, sadistic Nazism more likely to spread around the globe.

Therefore, our fight is for the highest stakes: for life itself. Which means that to Vote Blue is the only path forward for the sake of our children's futures!

Jul 2, 2023

SCOTUS decisions: Law and Domination

by Jude Cowell

When the Supreme Court decided Marbury v. Madison on February 24, 1803 in favor of William Marbury, the legislative branch of government that we now call 'SCOTUS' (Supreme Court of the United States) flexed its muscles and established itself as being above the US Congress as the final judge of constitutionality with the power to overturn acts of Congress. The decision defined the constitutionality of the Judiciary Act of 1789 and, as the dual horoscopes show, reveal an "urge to impose one's will on others" (Sun = Pluto-NN). Intellectual domination is their thing along with "taking over leadership" (Moon-Mars = Ascendant) via Marbury v Madison.

In addition, there are other interesting planetary factors in the two horoscopes, below. Upper right is the decision's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in which the decision took place a mere 3 days later (3 North Saros Series, the PE Series of 9/11/01 and of the CIA), and lower left set for the speculative hour of 10:00 am LMT, a Horoscope of the Marbury v Madison decision with 21Tau14 rising, a degree notable for its appearance later in this post, plus, the Moon-Mars midpoint as mentioned, above:

Saturn: Planet of Law, Government, and Karma

Now back in a very busy 2020, we discussed how the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction landed directly upon the SCOTUS 1st session's Saturn, planet of law, authority, structures, systems, control, lessons, tasks, management, consolidation, and karma. Shown is the 1st session's horoscope of February 1, 1790 with Saturn @20Pis55. So knowing that transit Saturn is now in Pisces, we see that the SCOTUS 1790 Saturn will experience a Saturn Return in early 2025. More about this in a future post.

We also see that nebulous Neptune by transit, the watery planet of erosion, dissolution, deception, inspiration, mysticism, visions, fraud, and disappointment, has spread itself all over the SCOTUS Saturn in Pisces as recently as late 2021, which indicates several possibilities such as disintegrating traditions and/or structures, authority figures (ex: justices) who are not as honest as they should be, the promotion of high ideals and ethics, or strange or misguided notions.

Now you know that we've seen many of these potentials express via "conservative" justices like Thomas and Alito who, as members of a group of Roman Catholic justices, are having a grand old time legislating from the bench. Of course, this is exactly what the Supreme Court is not meant to do but Marbury v Madison seemingly puffed up the entity's self-image to overblown ego status.

Anyway, if you're like me, when SCOTUS repealed Roe in 2022, my first thought was that the Vatican had finally had its anti-abortion way in the US despite what the majority of Americans prefer (never mind us, we just live here). If you wish, check out the Roe v Wade Overturned Horoscope (June 24, 2022) with the repeal's North Node of destiny @21Taurus--conjunct the North Node in the Vatican City State 1929 Horoscope. Seems mighty clear to me: the repeal of Roe was timed by the Vatican City's Nodal Return. A coincidence? Not to me it isn't, considering the church's long-held stance on abortion.

Plus, there's another cosmic time link in play around these issues: radical Uranus, planet of disruption, chaos, separation, and zealotry, hit the very same 21 Taurus degree on June 30, 2023, the day the most recent SCOTUS decisions were "handed down" from on-high.

So let's close this fussy post with a few potentials of the Uranus/North-Node duo quoting from Munkasey's Hegelian Dialectic form of analysis (any, all, or none may apply especially with erratic Uranus involved):

Thesis: The changes which accompany new efforts to alter the direction of events; alliances which follow revolution or unexpected changes in leadership; help from others who assist with modernization activities.

Antithesis: Revolution for the effecting of popular changes; business changes which evolve with society; treaties for modernizing facilities which benefit another more; a society that does not appreciate modernizing (sounds like regressive Republicans, so-called "conservatives," and radical magas).

Well, we may disagree on this, but in the US "conservative" justices on the SCOTUS bench have 'altered the direction of events', all right, with the hierarchy of the Vatican pulling strings from "on-high." After all, one of the many roles powerful Pluto can play is "the pope."

A related post: The Vatican II Horoscope of 1962. Note that Uranus @25Taurus is a bit beyond a Uranus Return to the 1929 chart but the way the planet lurches about, who can say, really.

Uranus-NN info: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad.

Jun 1, 2023

Let's Moon-Track RNC 2024!

Mundane Moon: Public Mood, Popular Trends, Emotions

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

Ready or not, word is that the 2024 Republican National Convention, aka, RNC 2024, will be held July 15--18, 2024 at the Fiserv Forum in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's too soon to consult a schedule of events for they're TBA, so for the sake of simplicity I've set up the following dual image of the opening day and closing day:

July 15, 2024 12:00 am CDT (lower left to symbolize the day itself and to begin tracking the Moon) and July 18, 2024 11:59 pm CDT (upper right) to capture the last dregs of the final day of whatever their sabotage agenda has in store for what I presume will be an audience of Trump fans and operatives who prefer sedition, anarchy, fascism, and Trump's promised "American carnage" rather than a peaceful democratic Republic replete with law and order and based on the US Constitution.

Of course, the question is: who will RNC 2024 nominate for 2024? Will it be Trump running openly as a vengeful fascist, or a candidate running to the right of Trump--which will have to be an out-and-out dictator because that's what their much-touted base insists upon whether most of them realize it or not. Yet by July 15, 2024, transit Pluto will be in very early Aquarius again, not back in governmental Capricorn, the sign from which Pluto symbolizes the dictator:

Moon-Tracking RNC 2024

With the mundane Moon ranging from 12Sco09 to 28Sag09 (and with a Trump Moon Return July 18, 2023 11:32:55 am CDT Milwaukee with his natal Neptune rising, and restrictive Saturn @19Pisces square his Moon as well), and the Sun from 23Can36 (conjunct Trump's natal Saturn, planet of authority) to 27Can01, we can surmise a few clues about RNC 2024's cosmic weather from the two Sun-Moon blends that form as Luna floats from a brooding Mars-Pluto sign to the Jupiter-ruled sign of the outsider:

Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio, a double Water combination of intense brooding emotions, secrecy, drama, and self-protection that dares face the darker issues of life with the instincts of a detective. This blend suggests those who cling to the past with fanatical prejudices and who exhibit an urge to reveal hidden realities.

Sun Cancer-Moon Sagittarius, a Water-Fire combination that can sterilize or scald, carries on the intense or volatile emotions through the entire conference, and loves "the good old days" as well. Moral certainty will be in evidence along with a reserved yet talkative nature, and a moody, sensitive demeanor. Careless with details, this blend suggests those with a need for privacy which keeps people guessing while making detached yet dramatic arguments to justify personal prejudices; sarcasm is used to hide vulnerability!

(For more Sun-Moon blend info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

So now that Summer 2023 is upon us, a peek at the YOD pattern in the US Solar Return 2023 Horoscope is appropriate for curious readers who prefer to face monsters in order to vanquish them! You'll note that the sextile at the base of the YOD is created by Neptune-Pluto, the underworld criminal network duo of organized crime (and/or a religious network--or both in league together) pointing toward Mars @27Leo which identifies a bi-annual Mars Return for racketeer Donald Trump, a new cycle of activity for the blighter.

As a midpoint picture, the trio is Neptune-Pluto = Mars with potentials for, "succumbing to external powers; used as a tool for other people's interests; lack of resistance and stamina; being utilized as a medium; lack of energy" (R. Ebertin).

Jul 30, 2021

Demeter and Ceres grace the City of Washington DC

A drawing of Ceres and Pallas (Demeter and Persephone) by Jude Cowell

Nurturing Ceres/Demeter: the Corn Goddess of the District of Columbia

Friday July 30, 2021: For many Americans, current events transpiring within the District's city limits are head-scratchers now more than ever after four years of Tr*mp, so it seems to me that a study of the founding of Washington DC can gain the curious seeker a more complete understanding of DC's environs and the good and bad actors within, political and otherwise. If one has the time that is!

So although it's only one resource for such specialized study, within the pages of Alan Butler's Washington DC: Chamber of Secrets website lurk many intriguing factoids of a Freemasonic-Sacred Geometry nature concerning the esoteric founding of our nation's capital, the whys and the wherefores. Author Alan Butler published an accompanying book as well: City of the Goddess: the Freemasons, the Sacred Feminine, and the Secret Beneath the Seat of Power in Washington DC (2011) #ad.

Meanwhile, I'm quite certain that many dear readers of SO'W have previously checked into the Eleusinian Mysteries which is what the Mythology of Demeter, Persephone, and Hades (Pluto) are all about. (Rather creepily, America's first-ever Pluto Return/s will occur all through 2022.) So basically I'm saying that many or most of the Masonic founders of America and of Washington DC were of a pagan persuasion and, classically educated, were familiar with the Mysteries of ancient Greece. Then at some point in time, the religious rites at Eleusis had migrated to Rome where 'corn goddess' Demeter was called Ceres, and Persephone was known as Prosperpina. And as you know, the reunion of mother and daughter began the first spring and explained the archetypal concept of death and rebirth, a prominent theme in Freemasonry (and in Christianity but we're talking paganism) and one that no one born upon the Earth can escape. Even now, we can find Virgo and the sign's wheat sheafs of Ceres-Demeter represented in various images and Zodiacs all over the District. And significantly, the signing of the US Constitution on September 17, 1787 was a tribute to the pagan Demeter Mystery rites held annually in Greece on the 17th of September.

Thereby, the signing of the US Constitution can be said to represent the death of the US as a colony and its birth as an independent nation - or, as a symbol of the death of tyranny and the birth of liberty! So in our era we find our Constitution under siege by anti-democratic, unAmerican actors, both foreign and domestic, attempting with all their might to substitute tyranny in place of liberty - in America of all places.

What a rotten exchange that would be!

In closing, here's a word or two about Corn, the matrix of life:

"From the corn we learn to live, we learn the life that is ours. By grinding the corn we learn the footsteps of life." — Sharon Naranjo-Garcia, Santa Clara Pueblo.

And for more info about such topics, there's a YouTube video (14m 35s) which may interest some readers: An Overview of the Eleusinian Mysteries (Terence McKenna). Plus, for a related SO'W post (although it may not seem to be!) check out Is Washington DC the 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says Yes!

Jun 8, 2021

Coming in early July: America's Solar Return 2021

US Solar Return 2021: So Far Our Democracy Has Weathered 245 Years

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday June 8, 2021: This summer we can expect America's Solar Return to our July 4, 1776 Sun degree (@13Can19:19; mundane Sun = leadership) to perfect actually on July 4th (at 10:51:37 pm edt; horoscope shown) which is not always the case. However, as you know, everyone's Sun always returns to natal degree within one day or on their birthday. For those who prefer a late afternoon horoscope for the founding of this illuminating 'experiment' in self-governance with Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising (I tend toward '5:09 pm LMT' because it places Cardinal World Points of manifestation and recognition on the MC-IC angles of the chart but I'm not wedded to this chart and don't mind calling it 'speculative') - in the Solar Return 2021 Horoscope ('SR') we find US natal Moon rising (ASC @26AQ30) when the chart is set for Washington DC. If you follow the above link you can see this for yourself.

Also of note is that all planetary returns repeat whatever aspects a returning planet makes in the natal or founding chart; for America that would be Cancer Sun square Saturn exalted in Libra, a time for taking responsibility, having to measure up, and delayed rewards) yet a mitigating factor of optimism is the US Sun-Jupiter conjunction with Venus in Cancer nearby.

Also rising in our SR 2021 Horoscope are the assertive, destiny-changing Uranus-MC midpoint (hastiness, excitement, sudden adjustment to new conditions - Ebertin), and transiting Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation (against anti-democracy seditionists? count me in for as I've typed on SO'W multiple times through the years, America is my only nag in the race - which includes the common good, a sovereign nation, and a Republic replete with democracy).

Now readers familiar with the natal horoscope and planets of the former guy (that some call the KKK's Grand Dragon) know that US SR 2021's ASC @26AQ30 conjunct US natal Moon places agent orange's natal Mars in Leo upon the SR 2021 Descendant so his aggression (Mars) targeting the American people continues (see the Tr*mp vs America Synastry Grid). Yet admittedly, no Astrology is necessary to realize any of this concerning the revenge-loving fellow so fond of retaliation who was contentiously born with hot, fiery Mars rising (if 10:54 am is his actual birth time on June 14, 1946).

Plus, the heat has recently been turned up via former guy's threat to run for Congress in 2022 but this seems like a stretch, doesn't it? For one thing, a seat in Congress is not elevated enough for Mr. Ego and the thought of his laziness with a bunch of paperwork on his desk is laughably absurd. Yet could a congressional seat be a stepping stone to another presidential run for agent orange? For many politicians it definitely could be but he's not a 'regular' politician, is he? Or one at all to my way of thinking.

Besides, his 'grand', wide physical presence in Congress, the place he sent shock troops to attack its members on 1/6, would certainly shake up congressional proceedings like no one else could do. Stop them entirely, one supposes. His antics could easily shut down the US government as he has done multiple times before. Which makes me wonder: could the Capitol Building (Masonic temple as it is) be made safe enough for such a 'grand' figure?

Meanwhile, one thing seems certain to me based on many things including the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope: demagogue Tr*mp is not done harming and undermining our nation. And with a Democratic Party seen as weak, milque-toast, and possibly not up to the task of again successfully beating back (the now Tr*mp-style) neo-nazism (aka, neo-fascism), it falls upon We The People (US natal Moon rising in our SR 2021 chart!) to make clear that draconian authoritarianism is totally unacceptable because We The People prefer to Keep our Republic as We were challenged to do by Benjamin Franklin on September 17, 1787 (shown: US Constitution Horoscope with Mercury-Pluto = MC: the ability to cope).

So to close this fussy post, here's a question for you: do you know that the Midpoint Pictures in the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope perfectly describe many of the outcomes the American people experienced while Tr*mp was crouching (rent-free) in the White House? I thought you did.

Dec 18, 2020

Can the US Constitution Handle Today's Problems?

Someone Has a Ready-Made Answer to This Disturbing Question

by Jude Cowell

In an article first published in The Nation, the US Constitution is deemed "incapable" of meeting the crises we now face. In American Democracy Was Never Supposed To Work we can read about Founding Fathers purposefully kneecapping democracy in order to protect wealthy plutocrats such as themselves, an idea heard often enough in recent years. It's a plan that continues to work against the common good to this day. Even so, amending the Constitution is a scary thought for who can be trusted to tinker once again under its venerable hood?

Meanwhile, we know that weaknesses in our political system make it necessary to institute more corrective measures than just removing a kicking-and-screaming Trump from the White House. However, certain operatives and saboteurs in and against the US have for years worked to undermine We The People's trust in government to such an extent that the Biden administration must find ways to regain such trust. No one thinks it will be easy. Everyone knows it's an imperative.

So now that years of undermining America have brought us to this chaotic pass, with a Constitution few have faith in and some are disloyal to, the Hegelian Dialectic scam - create a problem so you can offer the solution you were determined to implement all along - seems ready to be further foisted upon us as Americans are marched into a 'New Order' - well-timed by the Great Conjunction-Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn at Winter Solstice 2020, a 'new order' of major reforms and restrictions that the world is supposed to clamor for because nation-states can't handle such massive problems. However, it's the path to global authoritarianism so don't look too closely!

And so for your consideration, or re-consideration, here is the Horoscope of the US Constitution from a previous post (which is why the chart doesn't have the most current transits around it) and as you see, the current Capricorn heavyweights, plus, Saturn now moved into Aquarius as of December 17, 2020 (and Jupiter about to do so) are all in the behind-the-scenes 12th house of karma, self-undoing, and secret enemies. And Large Institutions such as the US Congress:

Related Posts: Horoscope: US Congress March 4, 1789 first session and An Updated Horoscope of a New World Order (1993) based on the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the Enlightenment planets that inspired America's founding and principles, now perverted.

Jun 3, 2020

US Census 2020: When and Why?

June 3, 2020: Notices began going out in mid-March and now that June has arrived it's time to fill out the US Census, a ten-year tradition mandated by the US Constitution and an activity that takes about 10 minutes to complete.

And while most households in the US have already complied, if you haven't you may want to consider that some Operational Adjustments Due to Covid-19 are in place which may or may not affect you or a household member.

So in case you have questions check out Why Conduct a US Census? for more information.

Dec 8, 2019

Impeachment Should Include Every Trump Crime! - Thom Hartmann

If this were the fair world Trump's *Jupiter in Libra always cries out for then the following ideas and comments by Thom Hartmann would gain instant appeal to everyone who prefers the rule of law to Trump's despotic lawlessness, ties to global criminal syndicates, neglect of his Oath of Office, and crass disregard for the principles of the US Constitution:

*Astro-Note: Those born with Jupiter in Libra, the sign symbolized by the Scales of Justice, may often be heard to cry out, "That's not fair!" Plus, Trump was born with a strong Jupiter at station which turned direct 3 hours 11 minutes after his first squall--and he's been plowing through boundaries and breaking taboos ever since. Weird that he's said his watery Saturn in Cancer wants to 'build' a (Saturnian) 'wall' of concrete (Saturn) which in effect would wall in the American people. That would be as if we're all inmates in the same asylum with him playing crazy clown director!

And if scofflaw Trump gets off without being removed from office as he apparently will via a (kangaroo) Senate impeachment trial, I have to wonder what further draconian restrictions he and his handlers have planned. We should all wonder. Meanwhile, you know that the wealthy class that is engineering America's conversion to a fascist dictatorship think that they and their families will be protected within their ivory towers once the vicious trap is sprung. But if I were them, I wouldn't be too certain about that!

Nov 5, 2019

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio

Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States; by Steve Petteway [Public domain]

Brief Astro-Notes re: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

November 5, 2019: Since the natal horoscope and data of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, pictured above, are rated X (date with no accurate time), and because she likely will be the Justice who will decide on an upcoming case involving scofflaw Donald Trump (poetic justice!), I'm typing a few notes concerning Justice Ginsburg's personality blend using her double Water Pisces-Scorpio Sun-Moon combo of conscious + unconscious energies.

Related: Ian Millhiser's November 4th Vox article A federal court of appeals just demolished Trump's claim of immunity from criminal investigation.

Born Ruth Joan Bader on March 15, 1933 in Brooklyn, King's County, New York, her Sun-Moon blend reveals her as an individual with tenacity, courage, acute perception, and a deep intellectual capacity. Emotional and intuitive, the personality of Justice Ginsburg is passionate, dedicated, and possesses deep psychological insight into other people's motives. She exhibits strength in adversity and stubbornness once a decision has been made. Unafraid of the truth, the Justice may not be easy to live with, yet has an innate desire to help and heal others who are in despair, an admirable quality in my estimation.

Her complex Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio blend is shared by the natal charts of some interesting folk including: Johnny Cash, George Harrison, Bernadette Peters, explorer David Livingstone, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and author John Steinbeck who informs us that, "It is the nature of man as he grows protest against change, particularly change for the better."

And according to Longfellow,

"Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong."

Well, I'm not certain how the Steinbeck quote applies to her but perhaps you'll agree with me that tenacious, notorious Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, cancer survivor, definitely has that last concept well covered!

In closing, here are several inspiring Quotes by Ruth Bader Ginsburg and I'd like to cherry-pick three of my favorites off the list for your consideration:

"A gender line...helps to keep women not on a pedestal, but in a cage."

"A constitution, as important as it is, will mean nothing unless the people are yearning for liberty and freedom."

"I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability."

For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Sep 25, 2019

Horoscopes: SCOTUS and Minerva 1789 and 1790

Head of Minerva Elihu Vedder [Public domain]

On September 24, 1789, George Washington signed the Judiciary Act in order to set up the US Supreme Court, aka, SCOTUS. The Court's first session was held in New York City on February 1, 1790 with John Jay presiding as Chief Justice, plus, associate justices John Rutledge, William Cushing, John Blair, Robert Harrison, and James Wilson (6 in total). SCOTUS was established as the ultimate arbiter of the laws of the United States particularly those dealing with constitutionality and we find the institution of the Supreme Court ensconced and empowered within Article 3 of the US Constitution.

Below is a dual-chart image of both September 24, 1789 (lower left) and SCOTUS' first-session February 1, 1790 (upper right). Highlighted in green on both horoscopes are heavy-weights Saturn 'the judge' and Pluto 'the power behind the throne' (possibly the Pope!). Both timings are speculative--1789 is set for noon LMT and 1790 is set for 9:00 am LMT; both are located in New York City (as they should be based on historical events) and a few asteroids and midpoints are sprinkled around the charts.

Astrological Minerva Provides Big Answers and Solves Problems

Significant is that in the 1789 chart, asteroid Minerva conjoins Pluto Rx @17AQ07 (with planet Pluto undiscovered until 1930 and, in both charts, out-of-bounds of the earthly plane). Therefore, Pluto, planet of psychology and hidden control (among other things) operates unconsciously, if at all, upon people and events of the era but certainly in a behind-the-scenes or invisible capacity. Perhaps Pluto's relationship as the higher octave planet of astrological Mars sneaks into play and in the 1789 chart, Mars @24Can32 not only leads a Locomotive shape of planets denoting a high-powered executive determined on success (George W., I think), but Mars also conjoins US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776) which denotes a time when ideas become reality, thinking is energized and enthusiastic, and activities are vigorously undertaken. However, challenges may be encountered and impatience and/or disagreements may temporarily interfere with carefully planned endeavors, plus, political activities and opinions are indicated by Mercury-Mars contacts.

Clues to Minerva's influence in September 1789 are shown by Pluto's sign and condition. In Aquarius, Pluto signifies a strong communal sense, a wealth of plans, and an urge to reform; life advancement comes with the help of other people (Ebertin). Since the timing of both charts is speculative let's leave out Pluto's 2nd-house position and emphasize Pluto's condition as shown by aspects from other planets to Pluto: a sextile from the Sag Moon was within orb for the afternoon suggesting an ability to 'unclutter' issues; Sun sesqui-square Pluto is a complex aspect which implies a square-within-square relationship identifying leadership ambitious for power and a strong will imposed upon others; Mercury trine Pluto suggests an ability to get at the root of issues and good powers of concentration; Jupiter opposite Pluto provides ambition, an urge to acquire wealth and power, a tendency toward dogmatism, and an autocratic attitude that feels it must reform the morality and standards of others. All rise!

Of course, the Neptune-Pluto trine, active during both years and beyond, is generational and identifies a period when mysticism, the occult, clairvoyance, and strong intuition featured for those in tune with such energies but considering our topic, let's say that the trine relates to reformers who work for improved societal conditions and gain the power and social positions to do so. You know--like Supreme Court justices do.

Then in the 1790 chart, Minerva conjoins lawmaker and judge Saturn in Pisces, a modest, reserved placement for the taskmaster planet whose hard, concentrated work in seclusion is somber, serious, and may never receive much if any recognition. (This applies to law clerks as well). A struggle with opponents is also indicated by Saturn in Pisces (Ebertin) and the planet's rising position with Minerva is significant if 9:00 am happens to be the hour, or near the hour, that the first court session opened. Obviously, answers and solutions within the biggest picture were on the institution's Saturnian agenda that day and this remains the case.

Now let's take a look at Saturn's condition in the 1790 chart via planetary aspects: with the Moon square Saturn aspect within orb, we find austere attitudes and support for the above 'somber work in seclusion' indication; Venus sesqui-square Saturn denotes stiff formalities and ceremonial events (probably done with Masonic flair behind closed doors--many of the Founders and their contemporaries were a bunch of goddess worshipers, you know--see goddess Columbia's statue atop the Capitol Building, for one example!); Mars trine Saturn provides ambition, an authoritative mindset, capabilities for shouldering heavy responsibilities, taking purposeful actions, working hard and long, and acting shrewdly when it comes to politics.

Finally, a Saturn-North Node trine suggests careful, conservative justices who followed the moral, social, and business codes of their day--and the trine favors conservative politicians and our first justices who studied the issues before them without favor and delivered well-considered, fair decisions.

Well, congratulations to both readers of this post who managed to get this far as I'm certain few will! In closing I'll add that we might wish to say that knowledgeable Minerva on her path from September 1789 to February 1790 may be said to have "translated light" in a symbolic sense and carried her rays from Pluto to Saturn, and to me this says that the Supreme Court of Saturnian justices was intended to act as a beacon of Minerva's brilliance on behalf of The People of the United States of America. That SCOTUS is now corrupted by two illegitimate justices and the lax morality of the current White House administration marks yet another tragic turn in America's destiny and sullies all SCOTUS decisions forward unless and until Supreme Court integrity is reestablished.

Aug 27, 2019

Historical Horoscope of The Confederate Constitution

"With Malice Toward None"?

by Jude Cowell

Below is a horoscope of the constitutional document that white supremacists prefer. However, this particular Southerner prefers the US Constitution we have, or I should say, are now clinging to.

As it happened, its writing is based on the US Constitution but with a huge, brutal and tragic nod to the continued slavery of African Americans. The Constitution of the Confederate States was adopted in Montgomery, Alabama on March 11, 1861, ratified on March 29, 1861, and became effective on February 22, 1862 as a radical reaction to the November 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln (see Uranus-NN = Mercury and Neptune, lower right). Seven secessionist states were the original signers: South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Texas, and Louisiana; and other states joined the secessionist movement later. As you see, my home state of Georgia, 'the 13th Colony', is on the list of states soon fighting for their slavery-based economic system and convinced that the white race is superior (which I personally consider to be an anti-Biblical mindset since we are All children of our Creator).

A Speculative Hour for the Adoption Horoscope Must Be Found: enter New Moon

In order to set up the Confederate Constitution's adoption chart, the following horoscope is timed by the New Moon of March 11, 1861 @20Pis59 which perfected at 7:51:55 am LMT in the hidden 12th house of Politics and Karma along with a Mercury-Neptune conjunction in secretive Pisces. Naturally, a New Moon represents a new cycle of activity when seeds are planted and ideas are brought forth for future implementation into reality. The Mercury-Neptune duo provides potentials for faulty judgments, bending the truth, and the tendency to withdraw from a painful reality (ex: Lincoln elected). Planets in the 12th house suggest that hidden activities were carried on in private behind locked doors as such planning must always be in order to keep disruptive challenges and the sheriff away.

And note that America continues to suffer under the deceptive, indiscriminate, mis-perceiving, fantasizing Mercury-Neptune square of the white supremacist lurking in the White House and that a horoscope of the first shot of the Civil War reveals the Mercury-Neptune midpoint rising on the 1st shot Ascendant which gives us a revealing picture of Mercury-Neptune = ASC: 'the state of being exploited, deceived, or harmed by others' (Ebertin). Tyl adds: 'potential overreaction to others'. I'd say waging war is a definite overreaction and that massive harm was perpetrated upon our nation by the 'Civil' War and its backers. For details on the exploitation, see the excerpt below the chart.

Note: The Avalon Project has the text of The Constitution of the Confederate States: March 11, 1861.

Obviously, the 1st house conjunction of forceful, warring, violent, weapon-loving Mars-Pluto is first to rise in this speculative New Moon horoscope, soon followed by erratic Uranus in process of performing a US Uranus Return to its 1776 position of 8Gem55 (9Gemini's negative expression: 'querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions'--sound like Trump? Perhaps because '9Gemini' is his Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree!).

And with the document's North Node of future direction and destiny in governmental Capricorn, a related post partially describes current conditions which peak on January 12, 2020 and flavor the entire year with its harsh imprint of karmic energies which we're already feeling in 2019: DC Horoscope of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction 2020.

Also in the 1861 chart, above, note the dynamic T-Square between Venus-Saturn and rebellious Uranus = 'sudden separation' (Ebertin). Noel Tyl adds: 'split-off affairs' and/or 'boredom with the past'. Descriptive, I would say! As is a midpoint picture involving the radical reformers pair of Uranus-North-Node for it conjuncts Mercury and Neptune thus creating potentials for: 'impetuousness, meeting with people off the beaten path' (Tyl); 'quick comprehension, criticizing others, fast-traveling news, people who are easily impressed, being deceived', and/or 'the undermining of an association' (ex: undermining a Union).

To read more chart details, please enlarge the chart's image.

Now here's an excerpt from a previous SO'W post (with its link added below) concerning intentions of 19th-century Southerners (and slave-owning Northerners) and the machinations of wealthy warmongers who shamelessly funded and manipulated North and South into killing their own brothers and cousins--for social meddlers and anti-civilization secret societies, then as now, the destruction of families was and is a welcomed side effect:

According to Nicholas Hagger's research (The Secret History of the West), the Priory of Sion wanted America back from the Templars so the Rothschilds planned an American civil war with the North a Sionist British colony, annexed to Canada and controlled by Lionel Rothschild, and the Templar South to be given to Napoleon III of France and controlled by James Rothschild.

To persuade the South to secede from the union, Illuminized Sionist-Rosicrucian Freemasons used the Knights of the Golden Circle (one member: John Wilkes Booth) which had been formed in 1854 by George Bickley with the objective of spreading racial tension; its military arm was the Ku Klux Klan. Meanwhile, Jesse James stole gold from banks and buried it to fund the war (nearly $7 billion!)

The states that seceded would be united in the Confederate States of America with each eventually becoming like an independent country. Abraham Lincoln (inaugurated March 4, 1861) told the American people that, "combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary machinery of peacetime government had assumed control of various southern states."

Link to full post; contains Civil War midpoint pictures including Mercury-Neptune = ASC.

So for illumination concerning the plan that under-girds today's machinations and 'craziness' you may dare consider Civil War general Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini (founder of the Sicilian mafia), what we may call "An Unsealed Letter" as per the Sabian Symbol for '30 Leo' which is the rounded-up degree and symbol for the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump. The symbol's keyword is "CONFIDENCE"; its positive expression: "exceptional skill in winning and holding the respect of everybody" - a big oops for an unpopular Trump; negative expression: "a genius for indiscreetness" (Jones). Now that sounds like the very stable genius now in process of sabotaging the United States of America. Can we agree?

Jun 12, 2019

Horoscope: US Congress March 4, 1789 first session

Current US Capitol Building Washington DC; public domain photo

June 12, 2019: The first session of the US Congress was held at Federal Hall in New York City on March 4, 1789; the first session ended September 29, 1789.

2nd session: January 4, 1790 --August 12, 1790 (Federal Hall, NYC); 3rd session: December 6, 1790--March 3, 1791 (Congress Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Legislation and other events that were addressed may be tracked through this time period (March 4, 1789--March 3, 1791) by the movements of the planets over New York and Philadelphia if one wishes and has the time and interest.

Assuming the gentlemen of 1789 would have begun their work around 9:00 or 9:30 am LMT, a horoscope may be set for March 4, 1789 NYC which reveals information in 2019 for comparing transits of our current day calculated--now that the US Congress is stirred to reassert its constitutionally mandated powers and duties in necessary response to Trump era challenges which are considerable, undermining, and anti-constitutional. As you know, our traditional 'three branches of government' were founded with co-equal powers and intended to act as guard dog over the other two branches yet Congress is now under threat by an Executive branch attempting a monarchical, autocratic take-over of government--implemented by an administration many would call illegitimate.

Below is the US Congress First Session Horoscope March 4, 1789 9:00 am LMT NYC--set for 9:00 am because this timing echoes the ASC/DESC and MC-IC positions in our January 20th Inauguration charts and places US natal Pluto conjunct MC, The Goal Point. Added underneath are comments concerning today's transits to the 1789 chart, plus, prominent transits in force on Inauguration Day 2017 12:00 pm est for they continue to affect the current administration and thus impact the lives of We The People:

Naturally, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron were unknown in 1789 but in 2019 they are not. Please enlarge the image to read basic chart information messily penned on.

Prominent Synastry potentials of June 12, 2019 Transits vs 1789 US Congress: Mercury trine Saturn--keen insights, realism, new ideas and plans, learning new skills. Mercury sesqui-square Mars--agitation, pressure to solve problems, working under stress, hostility, criticism, sarcasm. Saturn opposes Jupiter--frustration, delay, people and events block progress, hard work to remove or circumvent obstacles such as rules, regulations, policies, and laws. Pluto sextile Mercury--psychological issues, persuasion, propaganda, exposure (revelations especially via eclipses), discussion of deep, serious topics, powerful rhetoric, talking about changes and/or sexuality (women's rights and concerns). Pluto square Neptune--psychological issues that need professional attention, social upheaval, corrupt political institutions, feeling vulnerable, obsessions, compulsions, hallucinations, a need for spiritual regeneration.

Trump Inauguration 2017 vs March 4, 1789: Jupiter conjunct Neptune--pretence, illusion, fanaticism, flights of fancy and fantasy, loss of touch with reality, scandal, bankruptcy, propaganda, delusions, disappointments, paranoia, unrealistic expectations, speculation, over-promising, fraud, and risky schemes. Sun (POTUS) opposes Uranus--unexpected challenges, unusual events, normality disrupted, obstinacy worsens problems, a need to break out of old patterns, 'digging in the heels' (by a bone-spurred heel?). Neptune square Moon--blurred messages, confusion, an uncertain future, over-informed and/or misinformed, deception (including self-deception), fantasies, feeling lost, minds and feelings are flooded (floods), disturbed sleep (insomnia), weird dreams. Saturn square Mercury--narrow-minded thinking, exclusion, overly exacting judgments, plans delayed or hindered. Uranus square Jupiter--needing to break free of restriction (ex: ignoring laws and subpoenas), rebellion, sights set unrealistically high, recklessness, impatience, lacks of restraint and of wisdom.

So here we have a founding chart for the US Congress with a few notes on today's transits and those of the Trump administration in effect for the (assumed) 4 years of his tenure as he challenges the power of the US Congress and obstructs the ability of Congress members to fulfill their Oaths to the US Constitution and thereby to perform their duties on behalf of the American people.

As always, your on-topic comments concerning this post are welcomed and your Shares are much appreciated! jc

May 9, 2019

Astrology of an American Constitutional Crisis

May 9, 2019: The Trump-GOP Alliance Sparks a Constitutional Crisis

by Jude Cowell

Once Trump was installed in the Oval Office by shady operators both foreign and domestic, we discussed the symbolic Progressed New Moon of the US Constitution. Today many voices call constitutional crisis which is precisely one of the things Trump and his backers had in mind all along, as previously stated multiple times here on Stars Over Washington and elsewhere across the interwebs. This very day Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi agrees that such a crisis is, in fact, the case due to Trump's refusal to honor his Oath of Office.

And with the secreted Mueller Report as sketchy justification for GOP action and non-action (ex: Trump's assertion of executive privilege to stop various testimonies), such a crisis is in plain view for all but the most ardent Trump worshipers who apparently are fans of sabotaging our nation's three co-equal branches of government meant to keep an eye on each other as the Founders intended. And it seems that weakening the US Constitution and our Congress are 'necessary' steps on Trump's and the GOP's rocky road to authoritarian dictatorship--with a GOP-packed SCOTUS depended upon to further their draconic aims. Even powerful Pluto 'agrees' as he creeps through Saturn-ruled Capricorn on his way toward America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022 for Pluto in Capricorn suggests "the dictator" according to Reinhold Ebertin.

One of the anti-constitutional arrows in the GOP quiver is to call for a Constitutional Convention so that saboteurs can tinker away on the document and undermine its concepts which for over two centuries have made America 'great'. How ironic for MAGA heads, isn't it? But if or when Trump's remaining dupes ever realize his true aims, it will be too late for America.

And so, the squeaky wheel that is Stars Over Washington is compelled to present yet another posting of the US Constitution Horoscope set for September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT (approved and signed) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Highlighted in green around the chart are scribbled today's planets -- as you see, transit Mars now conjoins US Constitution's ('USC') Jupiter (25Gem22) denoting the energetic pursuit of goals, tr Mars also squares USC's Sun (24Vir49 conjunct 1787 Nemesis) activating an urge to fight, and tr Uranus sextiles USC's Mars (3Can05) which calls out those with iron wills for a period of problem-solving. Sorely needed in the most positive way possible.

In USC's Secondary Progressions (not shown) we find a YOD pattern of crisis, a turning point, and karmic opportunity with a Neptune-North-Node sextile at base which points toward USC's progressed ('SP') Venus which happens to conjunct US natal Moon (We The People; @27AQ). On its own, the Neptune-NN pair itself indicates such things as cheaters and other anti-social elements in society along with a lack of community or team spirit and if we add SP Venus as apex of the YOD, plus, our natal Moon and we read the result as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for: wrong liaisons, unfaithfulness (ex: treason), misconceptions about certain relationships, disappointments, and a lack of community spirit, according to Ebertin.

As for a constitutional crisis (and the timing thereof) we may look toward a 'cosmic time link' Solar Eclipse which counts as the Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the US Constitution's Secondary Progressed chart timed for the moment the document entered its symbolic 3rd Quarter phase (the 'crisis in consciousness' stage) on February 28, 2017, just after Trump's Oath of Office was taken (apparently with his fingers crossed behind his back). USC's SP 3rd Quarter Moon @12Sag22 squared its SP Sun 12Pis22. In real time, this Solar Eclipse manifested on January 9, 1777 @19Cap50 in the 13 South Saros Series with themes of: constitutional crisis and striving for group endeavors either positively or negatively (Brady). A 13 South eclipse last occurred in 2011 and will next occur in 2029.

Naturally, during the American Revolution, several historical events took place in 1777 under the Saturnian rays of the 13 South Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (19Cap50--where transit Saturn today, and recently Pluto, have trod) and you may wish to check out the year's Wiki page for a list. A few such events include January 2, the second Battle of Trenton (Washington repulsed a British attack), January 3, the Battle of Princeton (Washington defeated Cornwallis), January 15, Vermont declares independence from New York and becomes the Vermont Republic until 1791 when it became the 14th state, June 13, Marquis de Lafayette lands near Charleston, SC to help train the Continental Army (Thanks, France!), and significantly, November 15, 1777 when the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were debated and approved, ratified on March 1, 1781--then replaced on March 4, 1789 by the current US Constitution, the one we'd better be determined to hold on to lest Trump chew it up and swallow it down.

Are you in?

A related post: Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018!

Note: the US Constitution Horoscope, above, may be found in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #377.

Jan 10, 2019

DC Horoscopes: the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis

January 10, 2019: Today as the Trump Wall stalemate as 'justification' for the bogus, harmful Trump Shutdown continues, news that the Mueller investigation nears its end comes as potential if partial relief to the current level of tension and frustration in America. It is reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will begin downsizing his staff soon and that acting AG Rod Rosenstein is preparing to step down from the DOJ, timed by William Barr's assumption of the AG post once his confirmation hearing, apparently scheduled for next week (possibly Tuesday January 15th), wraps up successfully. Then it will probably take several weeks more for Mueller's staff to prepare then present the report which may or not be 'hidden' by Trump supporters in the Department of Justice.

Not all my notes are mentioned in this text so please enlarge the image for more details:

Politically, it seems that the returning Mr. Barr is a shoo-in for the AG post circa 2019 but meanwhile, the fate of the Mueller report is uncertain due to 'Bill' Barr's pre-judgment of the Trump investigation's legality and the iffiness of the timing of Mr. Rosenstein's departure while still managing to protect the investigation against assaults by the guilty-acting Mr. Trump. This week we find that Robert Mueller's report may possibly 'drop' in March 2019 if not in February, so above are the DC Horoscopes of the March 6th New Moon @15Pis47 (conjunct difficult Achernar star of 'crisis' and/or'rapid endings') and deceptive, delusional Neptune (16Pis08), planet of mass media, the masses, lies, fraud, propaganda, bubbles, contagion, fear, paranoia---all in the 10th house of Career and Public Standing when the chart is set for the White House (same for Washington DC). As you see, Mercury is at Station and has turned retrograde which suggests review, reconsideration, or perhaps someone changing their mind about their plans (edit: or a 're-port'?). Sorry to say but Mercury conjoins another difficult star, too--Scheat, a star of misfortune.

Now as you know, a New Moon phase represents a 'seeding' of a new cycle of activity yet this one is clouded by veiling, disguising Neptune, just recently moved beyond its 5th conjunction of 5 (Dec 29, 2018) in the Republican Party's first-ever Neptune Return (14Pis01) Horoscope. Visions of Republicans obscuring Trump's antics and illegalities come to mind although a few GOPers have ventured from behind the curtain and jumped the sinking ship. Perhaps more will stand up and follow suit by March, no matter what secrets Trump, Putin, and/or others hold over them. Yes, I want to believe that not all Republicans are compromised, don't you?!

Then upper right, you see the culminating Full Moon of March 20, 2019 @00Lib09 which perfects a day prior to Spring Equinox 2019 and shows testy Mars @23Taurus conjunct Trump's natal MC and simultaneously nearing the natal Mars of Speaker Nancy Pelosi where raging star Algol blinks. This Full Moon @00Libra, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, conjoins the natal Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal; Aspirations) of the United States of America (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT, Philly) so that a cosmic picture of timing and fulfillment is shown by the bright rays of the March 2019 Full Moon yet as I type at you in January, your guess is as good as mine, if not better, as to what Trump and Washington politicians have in mind--assuming that they have a definite plan for our nation at all--other than chaos as they shove our nation toward a constitutional crisis via authoritarian dictator-wanna-be Trump's extreme efforts to unduly expand executive power by ignoring the principles and requirements of the US Constitution.