2020 Election = 2020 Crisis and Beyond
by Jude Cowell
Not long after the premiere of A Birth of a Nation, on the evening of Thanksgiving, November 25, 1915, itinerant preacher William Joseph Simmmons brought together 15 friends and a few aging original Klan members atop Stone Mountain, Georgia, built an altar, burned a cross, and declared himself imperial wizard of the invisible empire (Nixon's "silent majority'?) of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Upon the altar he had placed a Bible, an American flag, and an unsheathed sword, then uttered a macho-esque incantation involving a "practical fraternity among men" as he declared himself imperial wizard of a morbid brotherhood of malcontents. Perhaps we can agree that modern-day representatives of this hate-filled "fraternal brotherhood" now cling to power as they, with 'macho' Trump, hunker down in the White House and do everything they can to disrupt America's traditional peaceful transition of power. For within the shadows, the Klan's network has grown, spread, and infiltrated the halls of power, much as it did in the early years of the 20th century - and not just in America.
Occurring during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, a prominent racist of the post-Reconstruction era, the revival of the Klan in 1915 openly revealed their renewed drive toward societal supremacy based on skin color and was promoted as "taking an active part in the betterment of mankind" (as if primal violence could effect such an outcome!). Its motto: Non Silba Sed Anthar a mixture of Latin and Gothic that means, "not self but others." Of course, 'gothic' suggests ancient Germanic tribes, and obviously, their idea of "betterment" involved (and still involves by such groups of our day) the "purification" of the white race, the obsessive, irrational goal of a death cult mentality.
Meanwhile, in the Atlanta, Georgia of 1915, the Atlanta Constitution promoted an attempt to normalize and gain acceptance for what had occurred atop Stone Mountain that dark night. Here's an image of the newspaper's November 28, 1915 clipping:
Atlanta Constitution, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons: "impressive"?
Now to limit the appearance of this post as any sort of a tribute to the Klan, defunct as the group is said to be yet ideologically cloned these days by various groups and sub-groups, here are a few astro-notes concerning the 7 South Solar Eclipse which influenced the Stone Mountain 1915 cross-burning instigated by William J. Simmons, along with a warning from yours truly that a 7 South Eclipse will repeat on October 14, 2023 @21Libra (fore-warned is fore-armed):
Solar Eclipse 7 South August 10, 1915 @17Leo12 expressed the tremendous power, anger, and force of a Mars-Pluto square based on the initial eclipse of 7 South (June 22, 1248 OS @8Can03--conjunct Trump natal Mercury; 1248 eclipse Mars 8Leo34 SQ Pluto Rx 8Sco09: obstinate Fixed energies; 2020 Uranus Rx now opposing 1915 Pluto = clashes over power and control; mass social movements; shifts in political and social institutions, plus, 2020 Uranus square 1915 Mars suggests unpredictable behavior and disruption). A T-Square of potentials is formed thanks to 2020 Uranus, the Utopian zealot, reactionary rebel, and anarchist: Uranus-Pluto = Mars: 'fanaticism; acts of violence; the mania of destruction; the stage of "bending or breaking"; injury; accidents (R. Ebertin).
So if we dare to add the potentials of this unpredictable T-Square to the possibilities of the Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 rising at noon in Washington DC (a cosmic time link 1915-to-2020), it increases our cause for concern that a Klan-riddled White House gang is spoiling for more than simple election lawsuits and social media complaints in their attempt to vindicate Trump and morph the US into an even more brutal era of hatred and conflict. For an ill-gained "win" for Trump now would be a win for dictatorship over democracy, and a sinister victory for 'the Klan'.
And it seems to me that a prominent feature of the August 10, 1915 Solar Eclipse horoscope is the fact that it contains a midpoint picture of potentials for 'rage, the fury of destruction, bodily harm, and the death of many people'-- yes, it's Mars-Saturn = Pluto which is one of the natal midpoint pictures of Donald Trump (previously discussed in multiple SO'W posts). Yet curiously, the picture also contains another possibility: 'intervening of a higher power' (R. Ebertin). I can only guess what this might mean if it applies at all to our current conditions of crisis! First thought? Hidden hands. Manipulation from afar. Or something more domestic.
Now naturally, there are other cosmic factors supporting these forceful Mars-Pluto flavors and passed down through the generations, many of them mentioned in previous SO'W posts. But best of all, mitigating factors of beneficence also exist, as always, which is a very good thing, isn't it?
Besides, there's a bit more to consider about 7 South Eclipses before this post ends. For one thing, 'huge obstacles' such as the hefty, obstinate Trump could suddenly clear! I say this because the theme of 7 South includes a positive flavor of 'huge obstacles suddenly clear' or a negative expression = 'a rapidly-moving crisis manifests' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Now some might say that the crisis began with the Trump regime (nope--we may wish to time its genesis as far back as the Jamestowne Colony when Angolan slaves were introduced into society, 1619) and most people agree that its ill effects are current and ongoing through the generations. And it's possible that these difficult energies could peak in October 2023 with the 7 South Eclipse in Libra, hence the warning in this post.
Yet how soon tensions between the negative forces darkly working against society led by figurehead Trump vs actors such as Joe Biden who promotes goals and principles of diversity and inclusion will or can dissipate remains to be seen as President-Elect Biden attempts to take the reins of power and Trump yaps at his heels. Today is November 12th and as the days go by since Election 2020 on November 3rd, a quick resolution of our 'Trump problem' appears remote and full of dangerous, sinister undercurrents suggested by a threatening Mars-Pluto square of devastation and success-at-any-cost machinations. As for Rs vs Ds, there's plenty of viciousness to go around in US Politics but I willingly admit to considering the GOP to be the worst of the bunch - the bottom-feeders in our society with 'grim reaper' McConnell leading much of their anti-societal efforts. Maybe we can appreciate the paradox of money-loving bottom feeders who consider themselves to be the 'cream of the crop'!
And so, dear reader, my fuss is over so please help me decide: is our current American crisis a Shakespearean drama of titanic proportions? Or is it a super-villain vs hero extravaganza of a generously bankrolled blockbuster?