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Dec 30, 2006

Mozart to the World!

Listening now to the Metropolitan Opera's broadcast to the world of Mozart's THE MAGIC FLUTE.

As you know, one's natal chart continues to be transited and triggered posthumously, so how will today's big Mozart Shout-Out to the world - nearing the end of the year-long celebrations of the Maestro's 250th birthday party - be shown in his natal chart?

The music began today at 1:38 pm est, New York City, and Moon 20Tau16 was rising at the midpoint of his natal Venus/Neptune combo. Venus and Neptune separately and together indicate inspired art and music...that from-on-high style he is well-noted for.

If you read my previous post on Mozart from January, it'll spill the beans on Mozart's Harmonic signature (H5 = creativity known for its Style) as I wish him Happy 250th Maestro!

Rising...Venus/Neptune = Moon: reveling in love ideals; a dreamy nature; a chaotic emotional life; being easily influenced or misled by others; a renouncing, unhappy, or disappointed woman.

The pairing of Venus with Neptune relates to art and music, of course, and Moon = the Public, or Publicity.

(As always with midpoint pictures, they operate on an 'all, some,or none' level.)

Well! This could relate to someone at the Met today - or since I sometimes work on an ongoing study of Mozart's death, it could relate to his life 'then' and esp to a woman in his life.

Here are some other factors which stand out when relating today's performance chart with Mozart's natal chart:

Tr Chiron conjunct natal Sun "8AQ"; plus, tr Sun will conjunct natal Chiron on Jan 3, 2007...this reminds me of my previous post on Thomas Paine the day he had the same double transit between Sun and Chiron. You'll find my Thomas Paine posts--two in May '06, and one in Sept '06 in Monthly this browser it's near the bottom of the page, but I'm using an updated IE7.

(Be sure to update your browser and clear your cache in time for the New Year!)

More on today at the MET:

Tr Mars is conjunct his natal Moon/Pluto conjunction, a duo signifying "smother love" but also gifting him with deeply powerful creativity...the ability to move the masses, oh yeah uh huh! (Mozart is my all-time fave, btw.)

Natal Moon/Pluto = tr Mars: unusually great energy and a tendency to quarrel; great changes of mood; easy excitability; injuries.

Well, the intensity and originality of Uranus is now highlighted for him - he's in process of having an Uranus, he's just beyond his Saturn Half-Return (or Culmination, as I think of it), and his Nodal Half-Return--when weak relationships are broken--is on the way when tr South Node of the Moon reaches his NN 11Vir28.

The Magic Flute ended at about 3:30 pm...about 8 minutes ago, and I want to upload a drawing which I perpetrated of Herr Mozart back in the early 90s which I will do just after this post so it can welcome you who may or may not have gotten this far into my babbles...again, Happy 250th, Maestro, and...

Wishing Happy New Year to All!

Jude Cowell

And yet with Mooon squaring Saturn in the MET performance chart for today, it would seem as if the Moon (the public) is being blocked in some way by authoritative Saturn who repreents old traditions and even religions and philosophies.

Perhaps the brotherhood which Mozart joined is no more thrilled at The Magic Flute singing their secret tunes in 2006 than they were when po'd about it over 200 years ago!

Dec 29, 2006

Hussein before dawn?

Saturday 12:34 am est UPDATE from the AP: Saddam Hussein Executed for War Crimes...

Earlier post starts here:

Execution bwo hanging prior to 6 am Dec 20 in order to avoid a religious observation may be the fate of Saddam Hussein. He's another of the world's "leader in his own mind" kind of guys and the world certainly has a but*load of them lately.

Natally Hussein is characterized by a Moon/Mars conjunction which convinces its owner that only he has a right to be upset ane his temperamental impulses frequently reach madman levels. 'Easy anger' is a nice way to put it.

Are there indications in his Solar Return 2006 chart of his impending doom?

Try to get as astrologer to read death in a chart--go on, I dare ya. 99% of them won't do it--for one thing there are so many variables in a chart as well as in our complex universe.

But this case is quite different, isn't it? Confession: I have looked at Hussein's natal chart (Apr 28, 1937 NS 12:00 pm BAT -3:00 Tikrit, Iraq), the charts for Dec 29/30, 2006, Baghdad, and at his SR 2006...and there are New Moons to be seen, while the Cap Sun and Tau Moon are trining one another in the transit chart.

Morning of Dec 12:16:23 am, Baghdad, tr Moon 7Tau43 conjunct tr 8th cusp of Death--and conjunct his natal Sun. Now I'm looking at 'wesatern' charts and he would be looking at Lunar Calendar chart...yet the Moon is in the same place in the heavens and this can be called a 'new moon' of sorts...Moon to Sun.

And where is the Moon at 6:00 am--the 'deadline' for his execution, if some have their way?

Moon 11Tau05...which is his Solar Return Moon's position, 2006, which means his Solar Return '06 chart has a New Moon in 1st house of Self.

Other pertinent times are two planets rising, Dec 30: Jupiter (often active in cases of death) rises at 4:53 am; and vengeful Mars rises at 5:36 am...just before the magic 6:00 am hour.

Hussein is now in the secondary progr'd Balsamic phase (endings; partings; separation) which is the darkening of the light. He entered this phase around
Nov 14, 2004 at 27Tau28--near a couple of nasty Fixed Stars, one of which the Chinese relate to "piled up corpses"...Hussein's milieu. And he may either find himself the victim of the sword he was so fond of using against others...or perhaps he'll make a deal.

It's been my plea that he not be 'martyred' if only because it makes him too happy at the increased misery and woe which his death will escalate. Many people will see his execution as death at the hands of the invader--or at least they'll say they do--for effect.

But powerful forces in the world are wanting Hussein's voice snuffed out before he spills any inconvenient beans...and in the end, he'll be just another dictator who knew too much.

Without forgiveness the world is just an endless round of retaliation.
And with the New Year approaching: if only the contentious scrappers of the world would resolve themselves to act with dignity rather than with vengeance.


Dec 27, 2006

Human Intelligence Collectors

No, not bloggers, you silly!


Pressed in Iraq, U.S. Army turns out interrogators 26 Dec 2006 The U.S. Army has stepped up its training of interrogators to get a clearer picture of Iraq... The number of soldiers going through a 93-day course to become Human Intelligence Collectors, the army term for interrogators, has quadrupled over the past three years -- from 265 in 2003 to 1,070 in 2006 -- and is projected to rise to just over 1,500 by 2009

LegitGov also has the info on the Bush-Cheney War Machine's plan to accept more foreigners into the US armed services in exchange for citizenship...and somewhere on this blog or elsewhere you may find my assertion years ago that Bush's "come on up" attitude in his first State of the Union Address was to line up Latinos to fight his oily wars.

And I'm not the only one:

Some people saw this coming from years away, m'peops. Perpetual war a la Orwell, did you say?


Dec 26, 2006

Blair's plane misses turn in Miami

Yes, it's tempting to think there's more to the story of Blair's Plane Overshoots Miami Runway.

Well it isn't polonium-210...and there were appr 343 other passengers onboard but assassins wouldn't care about that, would they?

The real temptation stems from having a gander at the chart for tonight, Miami, Florida, 6:15 pm est...

Asc 14Can17, conjunct US and Bush natal Sun, chart-ruler Moon 26Pis36 in 9th house of foreign travel, with Moon in applying square to the Mercury (air travel)/Pluto conjunction in 6th house along with the Sun at "6Cap":

"Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods" a man may reach a THRESHOLD where he may have to pause in order to safeguard his further advance (Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala.) The pilot paused...precisely.

(The Mercury/Pluto pair have to do with cunning, craftiness, overestimation of self, zeal, and propaganda.)

Recently I posted on the transiting planets which have been opposing Mr Blair's 12th house planets, and Jupiter--usually in evidence in cases of death--is still within orb of opposing his natal Mars. Blair's natal Jupiter is at the critical, crisis-ridden 29th degree, btw.

At 6:15 pm, Neptune was in 8th house of Death and Transformation (and Other People's Money! Did he have a stash with him? ho Ho HO) with Bush's natal Asc/Desc axis on the 2nd/8th axis of the 6:15 pm chart. And so tr Chiron 7AQ25 is conjunct Bush's Desc and the 8th cusp...but interestingly at the Medina degree.

North Node (NN) 19Pis 11 is in 9th house also at the "Table set for an evening meal" degree and the WHY Point--the MC--is "5Aries": "A triangle with wings."

Now when I see a Sabian Symbol that mentions a configuration such as a triangle, I look for one in the chart and the only one I'm seeing here is the Mercury/Pluto conj trine Saturn 24Leo40Rx...the isolated the 2nd house of Money and Values.

Merc/Pluto = Saturn: exposure to heavy and bitter attacks; scepticism; separation; unrelenting pressure; insistence on point of view; driven by fear of failure; needing control. (Sounds like the usual politico stuff with squirrelly monies tossed in, doesn't it?)

Speaking of TRINES:

Then there's the specter of the so-called Bermuda Triangle, a place where people tend to disappear--in aircraft usually. No one's confirming last I heard, but the Blairs tend to favor Bermuda getaways. Perhaps that's where the offshore accounts are, hmmm-m-m-m...?

So with Bush now hiding out at the ranch in Crawford--mulling over his next move, and with quarrelsome Mars at "15Sag", also in 6th house, we see "The groundhog looking for his shadow on Groundhog Day, Feb 2" so it may be instructive to see what's afoot for Feb 2, 2007...and to look back at Feb 2, 2006 for Blair/Bush info of note. Got any?


the 110th Congress

Jan 4, 2007: what's rising at 9:30 am est at the Capitol Building? E/Inquiring minds want to know.

Neptune, planet of deception and illusion is one degree past the "A man unmasked" degree..."19AQ": "A forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals, and sheer muscular energy"...we are shown man in action in a crucial and potentially devastating situation. There is a need for a total mobilization of energy and a deep sense of INDOMITABILITY (Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala.)

Applicable also since Neptune is associated with water and chemicals.

Sounds good for the Dem Congress' touting of getting things more common-sensically under control, but it also sounds like the so-called (Uranian!) SURGE being favored by warhawks and other die-hards in hopes of saving their bacon in Iraq.

9:30 am ASC 19AQ25, Uranus 11Pis40 and North Node 18Pis10 in first house...not the most stable factors you'd like to see rising for the day with Pisces being mutable (change is being promised though, isn't it?) and NN indicating meetings/associations.

Uranus tends to bring the unexpected...and whatever you think that doesn't. But I assume that the SURGE to Baghdad must on top of the plate.

Plus, the combo of Uranus/NN = unusual, new, or sudden associations, of course.

Neptune is now opposite the unfortunate degree of the August 11, 1999 "Mother of All Eclipses"...aka the "King of Terror" Eclipse, so-dubbed centuries ago by Nostradamus.

Obviously, the "war on terror", the misbegotten and overfunded Iraq War, and other issues of waste and Speculation (big oil tax breaks, so-called "flawed leases", Katrina boondoggling and extortion, etc) will be on the Dem menu.

Democrats Eye Oil Money Conservations which will please Saturn's deep sense of conservation, if it helps the cause of energy alternatives.

At the Ic Point, the HOW or Foundation of the chart, is transiting asteroid, MIDAS of wealth and greed fame.

Tr Moon 26Can21 is in cadent 6th house and reflecting Bush's Saturn in its accountability for his poor judgment based on intuition and pie-in-the-sky over-optimism rather than on common sense...and as you know, old man Saturn insists on use of common sense and acting responsibly. That'd be a big oops for Duhbya.

Opposite MIDAS is moneybags Jupiter, significator of the Republican Party at the WHY even though Dems have broadcast that their tenure isn't about Gotcha Politics, it's difficult to see how the 110th couldn't be--esp considering who was minding the candy store the last several years and how things have turned out and down.

Jan 4, 9:30 am is just after a Full Moon which is conjuncting the US natal--and therefore George Bush's natal--Sun (purpose) and as you know, Full Moons are the Culmination stage...something has come to fruition. Is the Dem Congress taking office?

Now for the *Sun/Moon blend's Images for Integration...Sun Cap/Moon Cancer:

A politician kisses a baby without pretense...The Third Man...a Water Clock.

Whaa-a--a? A politican without pretense? Well, don't know about you but I'm suitably impressed!

A Water (Neptune; Moon in Cancer) Clock (Saturn, the Timekeeper reaping)...that's interesting esp with the forming Saturnian Scythe and Bush's isolation becoming more obvious daily.

Wonder who The Third Man will turn out to be?

UPDATE: in pinging Technorati just now I found a great blog with articles about this very thing relating the 110th Congress and the fact that the White house is being beefed big surprise to hear this: Bush Lawyering Up in expectation of more scrutiny, investigations, and possible subpoenas from the Dems...all in Saturn's province of legalisms!

fatcatpolitics is a blog previously unknown to me but I'll be checking back--esp with its sentiment I've been sharing all through our Bush Nightmare...i'm sorry world.

Well-said--and heartfelt from yours truly.

*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey, available at and you may want to check out John Townley's for pertinent info on the Saturnian Scythe. It will behoove you.


Dec 24, 2006

Scaramella Arrested in Italy

Is this a Merry Christmas for Mario Scaramella?

Report: Italy Makes Arrest in Spy Case and it's Mario Scaramella who met Litvinenko Nov 1--which apparently continues to be considered the day of Litvinenko's poisoning.

Scaramella is said to have connections to the deputy chief of Russia's FSB, Viktor Komogorov--who is alleged by Chechen sources to have been conducting an investigation of Litvinenko. And Scaramella has some knowledge of radioative materials, sources say. Uh huh.

And as far as Litvinenko's deathbed accusation against Putin as his assassin, it's been suggested that this heinous deed may have been "outsourced" by the Kremlin to foreign operatives (Scaramella?) to give Putin plausible deniability...which sounds plausible to me.

The US gov is historically fond of using the plausible deniability ploy, too. We may have invented the sorry phrase, ya think?

Scaramella and Livinenko are said to have dined together at the sushi bar (oh no--it was the sushi?)...and maybe I'm OD'ing on sugar plums here, but contrary to the above headline, the article says that Scaramella has been arrested for arms trafficking and slander. Is that how they got him into custody for more questioning on the dastardly poisoning? The charges don't seem to be connected...?...oh those mesmerizing sugar plums...I gotta quit.

Well it could be worse--they could be polonium-laced sugar plums, couldn't they?

Here's the sunrise natal chart for Alexander Litvinenko Dec 4, 1962 but with chart details here where additionally you'll find a few links to this poisoning case if you need to refresh yourself on the sad details as they've happened.

The chart link actually takes you to Lim's Limericks where a reach-around was performed on behalf of SO'W one day when Blogger wouldn't upload images for SO'W. (And it won't upload them today for my Art Gallery blogs either...for which I'm pouting.)

Thanks again, Lim!


Peace On Earth

"The bad thing of war is, that it makes more evil people than it can take away."

-Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) German philosopher

Sending hopes and wishes for a Merry Season to you all and, as Sandra Bullock famously said in Miss Congeniality, what I really want is, Peace On Earth.

Now THAT would be congenial.


NEW BLOG UPDATE: Looking for some new Astrology/Political blogs to read?

You can't go wrong with Astrology Talk which is a well-organized blog written for non-astrologers and astrologers alike;

then there's Learning Curve on the Ecliptic which is on a search for Rational Astrology (ah hah! a Saturnian as am I!) and may just veer into current events, art, and travel, among other things.

And the excellent astrologer Dan Cuiboda now has his free software Configuration Hunter ready for downloading. Configuration Hunter is designed to make easier the time-consuming practice (even with computers!) of our beloved hoary-pated Astrology.

Find those Grand Trines and Crosses in a flash with Dan's wonderful program!

Plus, you may wish to visit Dan's blog Living Astrology to check out his new idea for using Seconday Progressed Moon with Solar Returns.

Happy Astrology Reading, m'peops!!! Jude

Dec 23, 2006

Sen Jim Webb and Dubya have speaks

From Editor & Publisher:

'NYT' Sunday Preview: Sen. Jim Webb Says Story on Rift with Bush 'Emanated from the White House' for it seems George Bush is very testy these days with more than his usual hyper-sensitivity to criticism.

And yet it's Jim Webb with a son fighting in the Middle East, not George Bush who has made no appreciable personal sacrifices to the war at all, that I've heard of.

Have you?

According to his nibs, he hasn't lost one minute of sleepin' worrying about the way things might have been. Mr. Jupiterian, the eternal optimist, proud graduate of Pocketliner U.

Here you may wish to read my November post on the natal chart of Jim Webb who may be shaking hands around Washington DC long after George Bush has faded away.


Iraq sues over oil-for-food kickbacks

Iraqis Sue Over Oil-For-Food Prgram...well, the oil-for-food chickens are coming home to roost for Bank BNP Paribas and for Australia's AWB Limited for paying billions in bribe money to Saddam Hussein's, government.

BNP is headquartered in Paris, France but has offices in the U.S. including in New York.

In a lawsuit filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Manhatttan, allegations and accusations are flying (along with the feathers) that the Iraqi people of Dokuk, Irbil, and Sulaimaniyah did not receive the benefits to which they were entitled due to brazen kickbacks and bribes which instead benefited Hussein and the bigwigs of BNP and AWB from June 10, 1999--June 3, 2003. Hmm-m-m... (insert chin stroking...)

The oil-for-food prgram has been a bee under the SO'W bonnet since Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq to break up the game, and I hope the cauldron is stirred well by this lawsuit.

Let's see...there's the International Emergency Economic Act, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

While they're at it, a few other folks could easily come under scrutiny through their overstepping the boundaries of these laws, couldn't they?


Oh--and another #2 to bin Laden was perhaps killed Tuesday and the US military waited until today to make sure he was dead. Al-Qaeda says he's alive. The usual.


Dec 21, 2006

Winter Solstice 2006

While it was my intention to post on this evening's Winter Solstice over the White House, my week has been impossible--the week before Christmas is my busiest of the year in the real world.

Plus, you'll find many of my esteemed colleagues have excellent info concerning the Solstice from many angles...go to my Links List and you'll find a treasure of astrological possibilities.

Yet I cannot resist mentioning some factors relating to Washington DC, George Bush, and the Solstice 2006 chart which I am not posting...mainly because it's quicker not to--it's now 7:10 pm est and the Sun reaches 00Cap00:00 at 7:22 pm...just 11 minutes from now!

Using the White House as locality, the Sun has just entered 5th house of Speculations and Creative Projects....Speculations probably being the operative word here. Sun is chart-ruler with 3Leo09 rising which puts Sun and (the isolated) Saturn in mutual reception--able to help one another. They are separating from a lovely trine aspect (120 degrees.)

Saturn 24Leo50 Rx is conjunct 2nd cusp 24Leo02, and so values, money, and relationships are under Saturn's grim rays.

Applying Aspects of the Sun:

1. semi-square Neptune (2A49)...a minor aspect of irritation; may have a health connotation;

2. conjunct Mercury (9A07)...a meeting, a speech...Bush has an important one coming up in January, perhaps the most important of his career.

7:22 pm est is a Jupiter Hour so Jupiter-ruled issues will be prominent--codified religions, philosophy, money, expansion (such as expanding the armed forces?), etc.

And how about the Solstice Moon? Also in Capricorn, the Moon is at the NWO degree (Uranus conj Neptune, 1993)> "18Cap": "The Union Jack flag flies from a British destroyer"...keynote: the protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order.

Keywords: POLITICAL POWER. And, as we know, Capricorn is the sign of politics, law, business, and authority. It's double Capricorn time.

There is a Grand Trine, if you don't mind including two planets with Mc, the Career and Public Status angle...and I don't:

Mercury/Saturn = Mc: wrapped up in one's own ideas and plans; the urge to philosophize; traveling;

Mercury/Mc = Saturn: abandoning one's previous aims; pessimism; separation;

Saturn/Mc = Mercury: brooding; concentrating on oneself; thoughts of separation; melancholy.

With Saturn and Mc relating to Capricornian issues, and with George Bush becoming more isolated as the Saturnian Scythe continues forming, it may be safe to say these midpoint pictures describe our misguided and misguiding "leader." Thing is, the Solstice Chart is good for the next few months and will include the Scythe which will perfect in early 2007.

Yet, Jupiterian Bush will still be feeling on the bold side as the Solstice Sun arises with Fixed Star, Altair; keywords: to explore; to be bold; to be determined. Determined in his stubbornness, is George Bush who is very very bold--with other people's lives.

A significant point in the Solstice Chart set for the White House is the HOW Point--the Ic, or Foundation of the chart (also Endings; the Drain.) Conjunct Ic we find SIGMA, the Scribe, and asteroid Juno, the Wife archetype but which also has keywords: the abused, or the abuser.

Will there be an ending in a wifely relationship?

(You may know that the angles of this chart are quite close to the angles of Bush's natal chart, btw...which makes the 2006 Solstice even more personal to his nibs himself.)

Solstice Mars is at 11Sag14, the degree of the Chiron/Pluto conjunction of Dec 30, 1999...Chiron/Pluto of plutocracy and oppression fame, fyi.

Chiron and Pluto lined up in parallel in mid-August 2004 with the Iraq War fiasco of George Bush well underway. Mars as trigger to this point isn't very comforting to a worrywart like this reluctant astrologer esp with Mars being the god of war, and Bush thinking about sending more troops into the melee of hell he helped to create.

The Sabian Symbol for Mc (WHY Point) may be pertinent, or at least we should face it, I think:

"21Aries"..."A pugilist entering the ring": keynote: the release and glorification of social aggressiveness. Keywords: OVERWHELMING POWER. Which is what the neocon chickenhawks assumed the US invincibly had--before they squandered it, that is.

Now they want to squander more--will you let them? Shock and Awe deja-vu?

Well all I can think of is Bush sending more US troops into the energy vortex that is the Middle East. Somebody stop him...please.

Some interesting Midpoints in this chart:

Sun/Mars = Mercury; readiness for action; the desire to bring plans to fruition; the thinking fighter at work or a leader in a struggle;

Neptune/Mc = NN: sharing bad intentions with others; bad company; unpleasant associations;

Moon/Mars = SUN: consciousness of objective; prosperity through cooperation; the union between husband and wife (there's the wife again);

Moon/Jup = Pluto: a desire to start a great enterprise (uh oh); an extraordinary and unusual striving for wealth and possessions.

Mars/Neptune = Venus: danger of infection; misdirected passions; perversions.

Images for Integration: Sun Cap/Moon Cap: A hoary old grandfather sits in his chair with his grandson on his knee. He gives him a gift for his 7th birthday--a first edition of Pilgrim's Progress. Progress?

Some of the negative traits of this Cap/Cap blend are: a lop-sided focus on self-advancement; self-centeredness. The positive includes clear-headedness---kind of like Bush's touting himself as now being clear-eyed! (Puh!)

And here's a quote from philosopher William James, who shares this Sun/Moon blend natally:

To give up pretensions is as blessed a relief as to get them gratified.

Now wouldn't that be refreshing if Bush gave up his?


Midpoints from Ebertin's Combination of Stellar Influences; Sun/Moon blend info from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Dec 20, 2006

Platitude deja-vu from Bush 12.21.06

This from

Walk for Change: January 3rd and 4th in Washington DC

Walk the halls of Congress with Gold Star Families for Peace, led by Cindy Sheehan. Let's tell the members of the 110th congress what is expected of them from Day 1: an immediate exit strategy from Iraq.

We will insist that all funding for the war stop immediately and money in the pipeline be spent to rebuild Iraq. We will insist that hearings begin immediately into Bushco's crimes against humanity and the lies he told to the American people. We will demand IMPEACHMENT.

Learn more, sign up, find a ride, find a room:

Sounds like it's stop the money you'll stop the war. Stop the hemorrhaging of America!

And with asteroid Niobe, the grieving mother, now traveling in tandem with Mars, planet of war, you see Cindy Sheehan invading the halls of Congress--halls she owns as well as the rest of us Americans in spite of the besmirching they've received through the years.

Today in the Old Executive Office Building:

Bush spoke this morning (he just finished with a flourish at 10:51 am est) from the Indian Treaty Room of the Old Executive Office Building because of White House Christmas decorations (the show's the thing! Such sensitivity.)

Uttering the same platitudes and not overruling overriding his commanders if they told him more troops to Iraq was a bad idea (so he'll send them, thanks--from whence I know not), he said that what his commanders say is important to me. A little flip-flopping going on, George? Actually, it's all theater, dahling...he and his energy baron pals are doing exceptionally well,'s your musket, America.

(And they're about to corner the switch grass market from the sound of it. Sombody needs to take a switch to 'em. And switch out Bush'n'Cheney while we're at it.)

As deceptive Neptune was rising (10:29/10:30 am) at the A man unmasked degree, Bush was non-answering about Cheney's being called to testify in the Scooter Libby trial. Bush said, no, I read it in the newspaper today--that's an interesting piece of news and that's all I'm going to say about an ongoing investigation.

Read it in the newspaper today? Puh and fie, what a lie.

Are he and his comrade Cheney so out of touch with each other? Perhaps. Is he so casually unconcerned by a White House staffer being on trial? This was not one of his shining thespian moments. m'peops. I doubt anything will come of the trial unless Cheney is forced to incriminate himself--and let's not hold our breaths over that possibility. But we'll see. His testimony may be by tape anyway...another of Neptune's realms.

Iraq Quagmire, oh yes, it is:

So the Joints Chief of Staff say no, George says, go. And what happened to the American people spoke malarky? George now says the November elections were a mandate to find a new direction, not to leave Iraq.

He's playing his usual purposely obtuse self. Latest polls give 17% as the number of Americans who think more troops to Iraq is the answer.

So what's wrong with the SEVENTEEN PERCENT? Have they signed up yet? Here're your muskets, y'all.

Gates at the Gates:

Robert Gates is on the ground in Baghdad during Bush's press conference (propaganda session) as he non-answered questions, with slogans for the Way Forward, and catapulting a message to the Iranian people about their leader:

you can do better than a leader who isolates your country to the detriment of its people.

Well, duh. Takes on to know one, doesn't it?

And to the American people, Bush says, GO SHOPPING! So get your shopping caps on and your credit cards renewed, America and shop-til-you-drop while ignoring George as he keeps us in's all good.


Dec 18, 2006

Gates of the Pentagon

At 7:00 am est this morning, Robert Gates took his oath of office in secret administered by Bush's Chief of Staff. And yet the Gates of the Pentagon swing both ways, you know. Why begin such a difficult undertaking during the Balsamic phase of the Moon? It's the phase of endings and partings.

Could this refer to the partings that will take place if more troops are sent into the devil's brew stirred up in the Middle East by the Bush administration?

Asteroid, Niobe, the grieving mother, is conjunct Mars, planet of war and of the military, hence of soldiers (and policemen.)

And I must not foget the grieving mothers of Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and elswhere who are brought even lower by my warhawkin' government's imperial ways...but not abused by the US alone, oh no, but by their own neighbors and kin as well.

And yet--the last hours of the Balsamic phase is when it behooves you to begin an enterprise which would benefit from...Publicity! Why am I not surprised?!

SO'W received a thoughtful comment from Jeff C. concerning this morning's installation of Robert Gates as head honcho of the Pentagon and the US war machine.

Jeff suggests "...the publicity of the event being the Sun, Gates being the new, Plutonian Bully-boy on the block, and the Pentagon being Galactic Center."

Plausible, for sure, but I've been considering it more this way: the (leader) Sun is Gates as the Sun catches up to Pluto (the Pentagon), with Galactic Center being the energy vortex which will result if Gates sends more troops to the Middle East. (G.C. may also have a nuclear connotation unhappily.)

Moon is Publicity and the very isolated Saturn represents George Bush.

Transit Pluto has been at G.C. previously and describes the violence, explosions, and the futility of wasting ourselves in what may end up worse than the British rout from Kabul and the subsequent massacre--the Brits were left one lone survivor for reporting purposes, no doubt--in January, 1842. The Khyber Pass, snow and ice, and hordes of very upset natives.

Read about the retreat from Kabul on Wikipedia, of course, but you may also click on the above link to The Book of Days, then click on WARS.

As far as Gates' comments at his public swearing in this afternoon, Mr. Gates ignored the fact that failure in Iraq came the day Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld Invaded Iraq illegally for their own self-serving reasons--reasons which would shock us if they were fully known.

Secret Swearings:

In the above chart for 7:00 am, we see that Mercury, debilitated in questing Sagittarius, is oriental...rising just before the Sun. This gives a crossing-the-Ts-dotting-the-Is kind of demeanor to the Sun which, I believe, is Mr. Gates.

If you enlarge the chart and can read my chicken scratch you'll see I've added the WHAT (Asc), WHERE (Desc), HOW (Ic), and WHY (Mc) Sabian Symbols--just the Symbols/pictures themselves--to the chart's Angles.

At the base or foundation of the chart (HOW), I've put both versions for "11 Aries"...Marc Edmund Jones gives, "The president of the country" while Dane Rudhyar gives "The ruler of a nation." Both pictures are basically the same concept, I just like them both for you-know-who who facilitated the swearing in.

Uranus at "11Pis" is at the Initiate's degree, which I think is significant in view of the condition of Mercury as mentioned. But what does a debilitated Mercury in Sag entail?

Mercury in Sag considers itself--it, for Mercury is neutral--to be a paragon of truth. (In Washington? P-shaw!) There is a preoccupation with distant and lofty goals...which you'd think the American prople had had enough of, wouldn't you?
Especially while our own nation's dire needs--more emergency rooms, anyone?--are being ignored and underfunded.

This lofty-goal tendency can cause one to miss what's obvious and right under one's nose, and with broad-viewing Jupiter as chart-ruler, it sounds like too much of the same to me. A change of attitude isn't much if that's all you change. And a change of slogan is an insult.

With the US secondary progressed Mars (military) now Rx, and our weapons, equipment, and troops wumped out and needing more money infusions than we've got--thanks to drunken-sailor spending of GOPers and their enablers--the US's failure in Irag is more than Mr Gates can handle unless he, too, changes the direction of our military "on the ground" and reverses the daft, bullheaded course of George W. Bush.

Yes, Robert Gates' initiation today has earmarks of his being just another Jupiter Mantra type--every day in every way I'm getting better and ego-illusion if there ever was one--and one that can be sustained only temporarily until reality sets in.

The Sand Dune to Nowhere is what Bush'n'crew have given us and Gates' Shout-Out to Bush Sr's former catch phrases and slogans today are not enough to save what's we know, rhetoric is not enough, and the CENTRALIZATION OF POWER at the base of today's propaganda charade will only make the crow go down more drily for America eventually--even drier than choking on a royal pretzel until unconsciousness envelops the wilted George Bush.

Hopefully, Mr. Gates will find a new direction that doesn't follow the rubberstamped mantric madness of Bush's mistakes, miscalculations, lies, and illusions.

Here's an idea:

Perhaps our globalist puppetmasters should get out of politics--for in the last few years they've been shown to be doing a really sucky job at it.
