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Apr 28, 2014

Comcast/Charter Deal a Dupe, say Critics | Common Dreams

Comcast/Charter Deal a Dupe, say Critics | Common Dreams

Whoa now. At around 7-8 Pisces these days, networking Neptune, planet of the masses and of the media, has really snugged into her own oceanic, unconscious sign of Pisces, hasn't she? Still floating through the first decan (10 degrees) of the sign, *bugles may be blown and jockeys may spur horses...meanwhile, dupes squirm as victims of the powerful and we all allow the self-deception that precedes, attracts, and/or invites dupery as the polarities of the 6/12 axis are uplifted from the Collective Unconscious into the glare of full awareness.

*paraphrased reference to Sabian Symbols as described by both Jones and Rudhyar.

Apr 24, 2014

Now in Pisces: Neptune's current Declination Cycle began in 1944

Neptune now active in its own sign of Pisces

by Jude Cowell

On March 7, 1944 at 10:06 am EWT (Washington DC), Neptune crossed from South declination to North declination while positioned @3Lib19 Rx in the Tropical Zodiac. (Sun @16Pis53, Moon @20Leo33, and rising in DC was 16Tau03.) Venus as chart-ruler was coolly collected @18AQ17.

Facts are difficult to ascertain these days as the current position of transit Neptune @7Pisces conjoins 1944 Mercury (7Pis47.) This relates to some of the Neptunian nature of current events--ferry boats sinking tragically with young people (Mercury) aboard, suicides, the search for downed planes under vast oceans, leaks of all types, media mergings, mass movements, gas and oil pipeline issues and concerns, water contamination, secret trade deals including the Pacific Rim, social networks, disappearances, crimes, and many other associations within the astrological realms of the Big Blue Planet.

Wikipedia's Events of 1944 page contains a list where you'll spy some Neptune-related events many of which occurred during or because of World War II. In fact, the 'fog of war' is one of Neptune's typical manifestations, as you know, along with drugs (including alcohol, dependency and otherwise), the 'silver screen' (Olivier's film Henry V debuted in London, November 1944.) Plus, Neptunian frequencies affected FDR winning his 4th term as POTUS (propaganda to the masses!), Operation Pluto (the world's first undersea oil pipeline laid between England and France), and the beginning of the UN Monetary & Financial Conference at Bretton Woods, NH.

For the Bretton Woods Agreement, Neptune's influence on fraud plays into finances just as obviously as its connection to the liquified natural gas explosion that destroyed a square mile of Cleveland, Ohio on October 22, 1944. So check out 1944 events if you may for Neptune's wavering, merging, deceptive, gaseous vibes are all over the place.

Apr 21, 2014

Natal Horoscope/s of Venezuela hit by Uranus-Pluto Square

According to Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes there are two sets of birth data for Venezuela, a country now experiencing political and social upheaval, protests, and police action which may be ascribed to the ongoing Cardinal Square between radical Uranus and powerful transformer Pluto. The square (90 degrees; obstacles, blockages, frustration) issues from their last conjunction/s in mid-Virgo which occurred in the mid-1960s as Civil Rights and other concerns were protested and subsequently legislated in the US and elsewhere. The planetary duo tends, of course, to bring revolutionary vibes to The Collective and generational conflicts arise.

The first birth horoscope for Venezuela (Independence Proclaimed) is the July 5, 1811 Caracas 'noon' (no exact hour known) chart with 12Lib51 rising and 11Can45 at Midheaven with the Sun (leadership) @12Can40. Libra ascending makes the 9th house Venus @16Gem40 potentially the chart-ruler which conjoins Jupiter @20Gem45 and Mercury @23Gem51. Moon (the people) is in 3rd house of the noon chart @4Cap08 so we know that transit Pluto (today @13Cap--the Uranus-Pluto Square perfects today at 3:21 pm edt) has been powerfully affecting this natal Moon. This horoscope's IC (homeland) is @11Cap45 so tr Pluto has crossed the IC into 4th house though without knowing a precise hour for the chart this is speculative timing. Yet a plutonian totalitarian government is apparently on someone's agenda for Venezuela.

Naturally with the 1811 natal Sun @12Can40, tr Pluto in Capricorn has also been in opposition to the leadership of the country much as in the US with our own natal Sun @13Cap19--and you know how that is playing out for President Obama--Pluto isn't playing and signifies several entities such as The Fed, the World Bank, the IMF--all the power brokers and controllers of the world. The Cardinal Square puts tr Uranus @13Aries on the Descendant of the 1811 chart and tr Jupiter (opposite tr Pluto, square Uranus) conjunct n Sun and MC.

The second horoscope for Venezuela also relates to independence and is set for September 22, 1830 'noon' Caracas with 26Sag43 rising and 1Lib07 at MC (Sun on 9th house side @critical degree of 29Vir08.) Moon @00Sag15 conjoins 12th cusp of Politics and Karma and at noon LMT has just entered into 11th house from the 12th. In 1st house are Jupiter @8Cap28 (recently hit by tr Pluto) and Neptune @20Cap02 Rx (20Can/Cap are critical degrees.) So tr Pluto will eventually hit natal Neptune, a time of conflict within moral, political, financial, and religious realms with issues such as genetic engineering, Civil Rights, abortion, mercy killing, executions, fraud, and more.

At this particular time in the 1830 horoscope, tr Pluto plods between natal Jupiter and Neptune (the grand spirit, wastrel, speculator pair) which helps describe difficult conditions in Venezuela with midpoint picture potentials for unreasonable plans that spiral out of control, political conflicts, scandals, speculation, and loss.

And of course the transiting Cardinal Square between Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter--now a Grand Cross thanks to tr Mars in Libra--catalyzes not only the 1st house Jupiter but also the 4th house (Domestic Scene; Endings) Pluto Rx @8Ari46. That protests, riots, and police action now occur in Venezuela is understandable for even tr Uranus conjunct n Pluto has a revolutionary signature all its own--and tr Uranus' opposition to n Sun during the last few years has added an unpredictable quality to the country's government as the will and authority of its leadership (Sun) has been challenged on many levels by separatist Uranus.

Global Post publishes articles concerning Venezuela if you're interested.

Apr 19, 2014

The Truth About Jonathan Pollard

The Truth About Jonathan Pollard

An interesting explanation of US intelligence in the 1980s into 2001 and currently and how the US government thinks more of its imagined infallibility than of doing the right thing and admitting its mistakes, dark secrets though they may be. Plus, there always seemed to me to be something fishy about Caspar Weinberger and Allen Dulles and here, John Loftus tells of their perfidies involving Jonathan Pollard which details their true characters rather well.

Speaking of US government secrets, if you happen to be reading this post today (April 19, 2014) you may wish to catch History2's new presentation of 'America's Book of Secrets' concerning the super-secretive Federal Reserve Banking System titled, "The Gold Conspiracy" at 10:00 pm edt (or a repeat of the broadcast when you can.)

Apr 15, 2014

"The Power of You" Max Igan video, plus Mercury-Pluto again

Here is Max Igan's latest Surviving the Matrix presentation:

As you know, astrological Pluto wears multiple masks and is known as the planet of power, plutocracy, transformation, invisibility, and wealth hidden in secret places. Pluto is currently traversing the sign of control, structure, reality, austerity, and status quo as we watch governments morph according to the West's plan for global control though a few speed bumps have been encountered along the way. One such may be the leaks of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

Here's an interesting tidbit made possible by Edward Snowden's leak of NSA spying and law-breaking against citizens--NSA, our Mercury-Pluto opposition (on the Cancer-Capricorn security axis, 1776) brigands demanding total control of our thoughts, communications, and actions--concerning Sen. Feinstein asks DOJ to investigate leak of torture report to McClatchy News Service.

McClatchy News DC

Apr 14, 2014

Astro-Round-Up: April 2014 Eclipses and the Cardinal Cross

April 10--May 4, 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross and an April of Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

Change is in the air! 'God of war' Mars is very active though retrograde in Libra. And since April 2014 in particular is garnering much attention online for its Cardinal Cross and Lunar Eclipse of April 15, 2014 @25Libra (a so-called "Blood Moon," a title Mars heartily agrees with) I'm posting a round-up of articles and videos about these cosmic events for your inspection. Of late, non-astrologers are noticing that 'something is up' with all that's going on in the world---shifts of all kinds and many of them are violent, injurious, disturbing, or simply unfortunate.

Astrologer Greg Scott offers an informative video at OM Times including the significance of the number '13' while Julie Demboski writes insightfully and on a more personal level concerning the Eclipses of April 2014.

Here is Steve Judd with "Yet more on the Grand Cross of April 2014":

Check out this presentation on the April 15 Lunar Eclipse as it affects "our soul's journey" and how we're "moving to the next level" of consciousness (one thing the astrological Moon signifies is the Unconscious, as you know, and with the eclipse occurring near the North Node, energy will rush in--occurring near the South Node energy would drain out):

And in case you missed it, here is one of my efforts concerning the Lunar Eclipse "Blood Moon" of April 15 which includes the dates of all four Total Lunar Eclipses into 2015.

Say...did anyone note that the white supremacist shooter at the Jewish Center and retirement home has the timely and descriptive surname of 'Cross'? This tragic event is an example of how frustrated Mars can be when in retrograde motion, how misguided his motivation, and how misdirected his energy.

Wonder if Mr. Cross imagined that committing murder delivered some kind of 'justice' with testosterone-driven Mars in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice? Well, if so, the word 'vigilante' must be added.