On Friday May 13, 2011, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed into legislation Georgia House Bill 87 to limit and police the state's
illegal immigrant population.
Now it's two weeks later, almost harvest time in sunny south Georgia, and our
farms have a severe worker shortage.
(Click the first link to read HB87's provisions including this gem: 'the State Department of Agriculture will be directed
to study the possibility of creating Georgia's own guest-worker program'. Whew! That was close. For a minute there I feared something reasonable would actually be done in a timely fashion!)
HB87 goes into effect on July 1, 2011 - the exact date of the karmic
Solar Eclipse in security-minded Cancer, sign of nurturing and food supplies - and the law is causing just what its opponents in the agricultural industry said it would: farmers are reporting that approximately
70% of Georgia's vegetable crops will go unharvested this season due to an extreme lack of workers. Many of these crops cannot be harvested by machine - only People Power can do the job.
When Deal (who resigned from the US Congress under a gathering
ethics cloud in February 2010) signed the bill, he played the typical GOP card of taking legislative action "in the absence of federal action," a thinly veiled attempt to undermine a Democratic president while upholding states' rights, a tactic which has an added 'bonus' of purposefully weakening our union of States.
And while the federal vs state battle is embedded within America's DNA, it is doubtful that GOP-neocon water-carrier Deal can lay it to rest with HB87. But he
can stir it up to help dissolve boundaries, weaken state economies, and demoralize our citizenry, thus furthering a Utopian dream of a New World Order agenda of global domination.
So Who's Gonna Do the Picking?Whether Mr. Deal and his Republican colleagues are willing to help pick tons of the soon-wasting-on-the-vine food crops in a state and nation now experiencing the immorality of millions of American adults and children going to bed hungry each night - well, such an offer has not to my knowledge been forthcoming. And I doubt it will be since politicians don't actually work, they make...deals, while lining pockets so often their own.
Now as a native Georgian, I
could give Mr. Deal a call to discuss this matter rather than grousing at you, dear reader, but somehow I don't expect he would answer though I do believe he has returned by now from his weekend jaunt to Europe (just after he signed HB87 - a lucrative trade deal his reward?) for the stated purpose of taking an "economic development trip" which, one expects, was funded at taxpayer expense.
At the bill's May 13th signing, Deal touted that the draconian legislation with its E-Verify provision "avoids many of the pitfalls" of the similar law enacted in Arizona which has since been struck down by a federal judge.
Opponents of HB87 are hopeful of gaining federal help with drafting a legal challenge to this impractical immigration bill. Meanwhile, tons of cucumbers and other crops are about to rot on the vine of Republican overreach, with our state tourism, landscaping, and restaurant industries joining the agricultural industry in opposing this shortsighted, quite daft, legislation.
Why, it's almost as if Georgia Republicans
want our food supply to be undermined! But how crazy is that?
Yet the bill's signing garnered a supportive statement from the Sheriff of Cobb County (near Atlanta, our state capital which is a major hive of Republicanism in my home state) and he may have let the GOP cat out of the draconian bag:
"HB87 is a good legislation and will provide law enforcement in Georgia with another tool to perform their jobs in an effective and efficient manner." Well, now I feel better! Protect me from those unwelcome agricultural workers, please!
Except that food prices will go up even more than they already have, grocery store veggie bins will soon be emptier than they would have been this season, the concerned industries will miss opportunities and income and lay off employees, more poverty will be created in the state, children may go to bed hungrier than the night before, Georgia's economy will be negatively affected if not hobbled, and groups such as US Human Rights will cancel their convention in Atlanta this year (they did.)
But at least the police state can legally get up in people's faces on any whim and successfully prevent them from harvesting our salad greens, thus feeding their own families with their meager wages.
So in a manner of speaking, it's Nathan Deal to the rescue, Georgia! And since he campaigned for governor in 2010 on just such an Arizona-style immigration policy, we may also wish to thank those taxpayers who voted for him in order to protect their "bottom lines"...our food supply be dam*ed.
Yes, after Deal's May 13th bill signing, President Obama was quoted calling HB87 "a mistake." Unfortunately for the common good, the president may have been referring to the old political argument over federal vs state supremacy rather than more practical and immediate considerations such as rotting harvests, empty bellies, and economic sabotage waged by a morally bankrupt political party that will do anything -
anything - to
"see Obama fail" even though the American people go down with him. The implication is that a Republican White House Forever More will magically and ideologically make things all better.
Puh!Oppression the Law of the LandAs some of the signs held by protesters of HB87 and elsewhere have read, "Immigrant Rights are Human Rights". And that slogan perfectly describes much of what plutocracy's
Pluto/Chiron duo are up to in Georgia, Arizona, Utah, and the rest of the country in 2011 and beyond: disenfranchisement, oppression, corporatism, statism, facism, racism - Republican style, but with Dem enabling.
After all, on July 4, 1776, America's
Pluto/Chiron midpoint in Mutable, unstable Pisces conjoined our national
Ceres, an archetypal asteroid of
food, grain, and milk supplies (plus, seafood - Pisces); plus,
food security and supply issues.
Now it's 235 years later, Independence Day 2011 approaches a mere 3 days after a Solar Eclipse that conjoins
US natal Jupiter and Sun, and certain factions in this country are passing laws to force America's Pluto/Chiron-Ceres issues to the top of our collective menu.
So I must declare that we're stuck with a bum deal in Georgia, my fellow Americans. The guvna' didn't finagle this deal on
my behalf, hear? And yes, you know what I mean: in Georgia, we got us a really bum deal.