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Oct 16, 2014

Oct 16, 2014: Stars Over Washington turns 9 years old today!

Today marks the 9th birthday of Stars Over Washington which was born at 3:30 am edt on October 16, 2005, Athens, Georgia. Yes, this blog is definitely gray around the muzzle now yet it still manages to aid somewhat in releasing my frustration concerning the mismanagement of what this populist believes is the greatest nation the world has ever known: the United States of America!

As you see by its birth date my frustration with the US government reached a boiling point under the usurping dual presidency of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the 'Bush-Cheney regime' as I've often called it, and after a few years of fussing about Politics with hints of Astrology included (in's forum The Fray) a blog simply had to be created. This is it.

Then in 2008 I added a 'tapestry blog' on WordPress which included Politics, Astrology, and Political Astrology titled Jude's Threshold, the name a reference to Saturn as guardian of the threshold, the planet's job in my natal 12th house of the Unconscious. He stays quite busy as you may imagine, helped a little by a mutual reception with natal Mercury in Capricorn.

So to celebrate this day and the rather slog it's been, I checked back to October 16, 2005 to see the Sun-Moon blend influences imprinting Stars Over Washington. They are listed below along with today's 9th birthday blend for the sake of comparison. Check them out if you wish!

October 16, 2005 3:30 am edt: Sun Libra-Moon Aries, a 'live wire' Air-Fire blend with a 23-degree Sun conjoining Fixed Stars Arcturus (the White House) and Spica ('the spike', the Washington Monument as they line up, earth to heaven, on the Masonic Federal Triangle of Washington, DC, my former city of residence.)

Sun Libra-Moon Aries is, of course, on the Self-Others axis which seemed appropriate at the time I created this blog and identifies as a 'peace-making crusader' and a 'cool-headed idealist who has spunk and courage'. it gives ability to initiate projects and needs to be actively engaged but with an 'eccentric twist'. Well, yes, over the years I have given quite a bit of space here for your consideration to 'conspiracy theories' via video and article links--not all have I endorsed but they make for interesting topics and support my inability to accept all information that any government says at face value. Who could these days?

The Sun Libra-Moon Aries blend is shared natally by a varied cast of characters such as: Dick Gregory, Luciano Pavarotti, Giuseppi Verdi, Shaun Cassidy, Cliff Richard, John Coltrane, Enrico Fermi--and also by a certain poet quoted here most aptly:

"A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man." e.e.cummings

The 'Images for Integration' for Sun Libra-Moon Aries: "A little girl and a little boy barter whilst playing on a see-saw. She wants his toy gun; he wants her cream cake. They decide to share." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

(Personally this relates to my natal horoscope with its see-saw pattern of planets which necessitates a constant weighing of polarities and alternate views. And I prefer cream cakes to any sort of gun. And curiously, as a child of the Flower Power Generation and an art school student, I didn't manage to attend a great many rallies and protests of the day but one rally I did attend featured a speaker listed above: Dick Gregory.)

Nine Years Later: October 16, 2014

At 3:30 am edt today, the Moon was in late Cancer which gives S'OW's 9th year (actually its 10th year, now entered) a Sun Libra-Moon Cancer Air-Water blend of energies, a misty mix that can break into tears quite easily. This reveals the fact that since 2005 the direction in which America has been forced to march brings me to tears and I'm certain a natal Pisces Moon aids in this. That the American people continue for the most part to allow themselves to remain divided by ace operators using the traditional 'divide and conquer' tactic makes me sad for my country and its people, most of whom I believe are decent as are populations of countries across the globe.

Does anyone believe we'd be facing World War Three if politicians and their wealthy enablers of a demonic persuasion weren't willing it to be so? For as we know, old men wage wars for young men (and women) to fight--for profit. Theirs not ours. Such dupes we can be! But remember, this blogger is of the 'what if they threw a war and no one showed up?' school of thought. Let the old men duke it out!

Okay, I'll hush on the WWIII topic for we all like to hide our noggins in the sand over that one even while we watch in horror current political machinations in the Middle East. So let's close this somber, moody birthday celebration with a few tidbits concerning today's Sun Libra-Moon Cancer combination as S'OW enters its 10th year...first the blend's 'Images for Integration': "A patriot rouses the masses to seek education, and then goes home to cook dinner for his friends."

This Image I like! Especially considering my natal MC's Sabian Symbol which I'll let you check for yourself: 16 Gemini, conjunct Rigel (to teach.)

Potentials of the Libra-Cancer combo include: concern for others with interests in art, history, mythology, music, and teaching; respect for the rights of others; artistic imagination; powers of communication; adaptability.

Well, you may not agree with such a lofty assessment of this blog or of me especially if you decry my use of Political Astrology through a common-good lens--your right, of course. But perhaps a brief list of the natives who share the Libra-Cancer blend will be of interest: Eleanor Roosevelt, Annie Besant, Paul Simon, John Kenneth Galbraith--and Graham Greene who informs us that,

"Sentimentality--that's what we call the sentiment we don't share."

For George W. Bush's natal Sun-Moon personality blend, plus some very interesting Sabian and Carelli Symnbols that describe him, visit the first-ever S'OW post here.

Oct 14, 2014

Natal Horoscope: Democratic Party February 17, 1801

Image: Democratic Party February 17, 1801 1:00 pm LMT (NS) +5:08:09 Washington DC; Hour of Jupiter (25Can57 Rx in 2nd house of Values and Earning Ability):

This horoscope is a different version for the Democratic Party than is usually found online and is posted here for future reference; please enlarge the image to read my scribbled notes if you may. Transits to and progressions of the chart will be discussed in a later post. jc

"Ebola, Cameraman Ashoka Mukpo, Obamacare and the CFR: What Exactly Is Going on Here?"

Ebola, Cameraman Ashoka Mukpo, Obamacare and the CFR: What Exactly Is Going on Here?
And what's up with Mukpo's media team led by NBC chief medical correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman — who apparently is a real doctor, she has a degree and everything — breaking her Ebola quarantine to go to a restaurant for takeout? She's obviously really worried about Ebola. After all, she was over in Liberia, witnessed the situation for herself firsthand, her cameraman becomes infected with the deadly, awful disease and she's SO concerned for herself and everyone else in this country that she...breaks quarantine for some soup?

Question: If even SHE of all people isn't taking this situation all that seriously, and she's been to the so-called hot zone and witnessed her coworker becoming infected, then how is anyone else supposed to take it seriously?

Mukpo on the other hand, who has a master's from the Fabian Socialist London School of Economics and who was previously working for the UN and the Sustainable Development Institute over in Liberia before he got the gig with NBC, is far from just a cameraman. Did you know there's a documentary about his life as a reincarnated lama? It's also notable that his dad just so happens to chair the Robert Wood Johnson ICU Peer Workgroup in End-of-Life Care board. RWJ, by the way, just so happens to be the largest healthcare-only philanthropy in the U.S. and was the most influential in the passage of Obamacare, spending millions to promote it. Obamacare, it just so happens, is exactly what the Council on Foreign Relations is currently touting as the very thing that will save us Americans from Ebola.

Obamacare, of course, follows the CDC mandates on vaccinations...a list to which a fast-tracked Ebola vaccine is likely about to be added.

Lots of coincidences, huh? It just so happens...

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Oct 13, 2014

"10 fascinating facts on the White House’s 222nd anniversary"

Here are 10 fascinating facts on the White House's 222nd anniversary:

But you'll find no mention of the Executive Mansion as the White Masonic Lodge that it is other than indirectly due to its 'missing' cornerstone ceremoniously laid in 1792 by Freemasons. And it's the one house in America where we know George Washington never slept!

An Astro-Peek at America's Nov 4, 2014 Midterms

A Few Horoscope Factors in Effect on November 4, 2014: Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

With all the deceit and illusion on display in the horoscope/s of the 2014 Midterm Elections and considering my cramped schedule these days I have hesitated to type much on the topic of November 4th Midterms other than that the Astrology looks in favor of the Democratic President's party especially with Venus, planet of attraction, in the same sign of Scorpio as the Sun (leadership.)

Yet caution must be advised since the usual dirty tricks will also be in force such as gerrymandering, ballot box tampering, voter list suppression, and voting machine shenanigans, and other political ploys, plus, campaign ad fibs which those whose policies are not in the best interests of the American people, the US government (and its continued sovereignty), and our business interests have no qualms whatsoever about implementing against democracy. This is the 'might makes right' 'win at any cost' crowd of plutocrats with which Washington DC, my former city of residence, is now infested (see my blog's description underneath its title, above. Written in 2005, I wasn't joking then and I'm not joking now.)

For my study of November 4, 2014 elections, I set up three charts for Washington DC: 12:00 am EST, 12:29 pm EST (Moon conjunct Uranus Rx @13Ari26 in 2nd house), and 11:59 pm EST, we find the Locomotive pattern with Jupiter @20Leo as lead planet: the high-powered executive, The General, the Commander-in-Chief, or, the ruthless corporate hack, shill, or CEO, marching us toward World War III. Even religious leaders are suspect in my opinion for there's a "religious leaders who crave political power" vibe to the day along with an excitable Moon-Uranus tone of anxiety as fearful Pluto @11Cap lurks near an out-of-bounds Mars (OOBs) which ranges from 6--8 Capricorn--exalted there yet off on his own doing who-knows-what: sabotage? arson? terrorist acts? Possibly for there may be foreigners entering the country for no good reason, possibly prior to November 4th as Republicans are already using fear in campaign ads to justify what they hope is a good enough reason to say, Vote Republican. Yet with testy Mars OOBs, homegrown terrorists and political operatives cannot be ruled out, nor can fugitives on the loose.

And let's remember that the shabbily botched response to the first case of ebola in the US occurred in Texas under the cost-cutting tutelage of a Republican governor, Rick Perry, and other austerity measures touted by the GOP could hardly be expected to improve public health concerns in the US as we face contagions of various kinds and hospitals close in states where Medicaid was not expanded. It's called 'public health' and supporting it helps protect everyone.

Now we must flip the political conflict coin for on the Democratic side we have an inflated Treasury as part of the picture...deceit, illusion, religious leaders hankering for power, inflated currency are described by Jupiter quindecile Neptune (R. Reeves.) Plus, America's natal Neptune @22Virgo is apex planet of a *midpoint between voting Mercury, planet of reporters, traders, and young people, and corporate Jupiter which creates an atmosphere of 'putting too much faith in poorly explained or confusing theories' and use of 'erroneous thinking', some of which has been resurrected in honor of winning elections at any price--the Machiavellian model in use for centuries now by the political class and their arrogant enablers.

(Note that the attacks of 9/11/01 and the Great Bush-Cheney Heist, aka, Financial Crash 2008, which occurred on the GOP's 8-year watch is what they wish we'd forget. I do not forget. Do you?)

The November 4th horoscope/s also show feminine influences and minority group involvement which reflect the fact that a large turn-out by each group would surely favor Democrats. Yes indeedy. However, Independent candidates now en vogue are not left out of the astrological picture for Sun inconjunct Uranus denotes a picture of an independent type of leader, rebels, and original thinkers but also those who fear compromise (or who use fear or shock to support their goals), and/or those who hide strong feelings behind mild exteriors.

Sun Scorpio-Moon Aries is a zealous, workaholic, moody, and pugnacious combination and is in effect the entire 24 hours of November 4, 2014 which imprints it upon Midterms 2014--in fact, at 11:59 pm EST, the Moon conjoins US natal Chiron with its Sabian Symbol, "A Pugilist Enters the Ring" which may on one level have to do with run-offs in certain states, my home state of Georgia included (Nunn v Perdue.)

This forceful Sun Sco-Moon Aries blend is shared natally by St. Augustine, Charles H. Dow, and Bill Gates, and has two interesting 'Images for Integration':

"A crusader fights for her vision of truth...A dedicated scientist pioneers new frontiers of knowledge." (Charles & Suzi Harvey, Sun Sign-Moon Sign.)

Now I doubt the second image could possibly refer to any Republican candidate since their "I am not a scientist' talking point of idiocy has gone gray around the muzzle with overuse!

Additionally, I again mention that an Aries Moon is the "I AM the People" indicator so my hope is that more voters turn out at polling booths on November 4th than anti-democratic politicians are expecting even with all their dirty tricks meant to sway outcomes.

Background influences include the Lunar Eclipse of October 8, 2014 (@15Ari05 conjunct unpredictable Uranus Rx) and the Solar Eclipse of October 23, 2014 @00Sco24 which are in effect for our 2014 Midterms with their strong Mars-Pluto (Scorpio) and Mars (Aries) vibes of power, conflict, war, and infection. Plus, some of their input hints at aggression being used against the populace as We the People continue in protest/activist mode. If you want to glance at the Oct 8th and Oct 23rd horoscopes set for Washington DC, why not scroll down a little and type 'Eclipses' into the Search field of this blog's sidebar?

*See Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.