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Feb 28, 2009

Return the Superfund! + Lobbyists Up in Arms

This week should begin the fight against the Obama administration's new budget proposals which repeal tax breaks for the super-wealthy oil and gas industry, place caps on carbon and other green house gas emissions, and give the Environmental Protection Agency a 30% budget increase, among other things.

Yes, lobbyists for monied special interests are ready to storm Capitol Hill (which they think belongs only to them) and bring it on while Pres. Obama says he's spoilin' for the fight on our behalf.

Sounds great, Mr. President - I hope things can be evened up more fairly to benefit the common good.

Personally, I'd like to see the reinstatement of the Superfund for chemical clean-up costs (a tax that was rescinded under Pres. Clinton in 1995) because America's lungs have gotten grimier ever since while polluting evil-doers get off the hook every day by sticking the taxpayer with the costs of industry crimes against nature and the health conditions that result.

Then we have the pharmaceutical, medical, and insurance industries on the other side of us denying us care.

Amazing that we still call this America! Or how about: Land of Opportunity - the chance to shaft your fellow man all you want especially if you have the moola to pay the exorbitant fees of the most weasley lobbyists in the bunch.


Anonymous said...

OMG!! I misread you and thought that you were advocating the conservative line which I just heard on the tv about the $250,000 and above being the small business people and therefore raising their taxes will strangle the baby in the crib.
I believe that Obama has explained that he is not going after small businesses.
I can't believe that we are no longer supporting the Superfund-seemed like a wonderful idea to me. Here in SFBay Area we have several and I just know that has something to do with the high cancer rate here. I have more than one friend who has been treated for cancer and sadly some who have died because of the cancer.

Jude Cowell said...

Zeeks! i'm too much of a populist for that, Clymela!

A common gooder. A do gooder. They may as well paint me with a Brother's Keeper brush while they're at it. I'm proud that I grok that we're all in this together.

The sociopaths are the ones who pride themselves on taking what they want and not caring who gets hurt in the process.

Pardon, Clymela - this may not be the time or place to type this but: we each have a true condition before God. Not what we think of ourselves, or what another person thinks, but His opinion which will ultimately be what counts.

And as Letterman might say about people who are responsible for the deaths and maiming of thousands upon thousands of people: I wouldn't give Bush-Cheney-Rummy, etc's troubles to a Monkey On A Rock.

They chose to lash themselves to a massive rocky shore. But I refuse to mimic them.


Superfund yes!