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Showing posts with label Pres Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pres Obama. Show all posts

Sep 16, 2015

Will Republicans Force Another Govt Shutdown? - Ed Schultz (+ Mercury Rx)

With Federal Reserve officials meeting today and announcing their interest rate decision tomorrow (the day of announcing Mercury's Rx Station on US natal Saturn in mid-Libra!), here is Ed Schultz on the threat of another expensive government shutdown in the Republicans' misguided attempt to de-fund (Mercury Rx?) Planned Parenthood over the abortion/fetal tissue issue even though abortion via Planned Parenthood is by law not funded by taxpayer money:

Go Ed!

And for comparison, here from August 2013 is the Heritage Foundation's Jim Demint (former SC senator) discussing the previous Republican government shutdown over defunding Obamacare with the usual flawed logic. If anti-government Senator Ted Cruz manages to lead another shutdown in 2015 or 2016, the Republicans will say it's President Obama shutting down the government which will--again--fool few if any of the American public:

Guess Republicans feel they must use the 'the devil made me do it' strategy against the president! But will Ted Cruz treat us to another overly dramatically reading of a Dr. Seuss book? You remember the ironic thing about his choice of reading material, right? Green Eggs and Ham (he's the ham) is a tale about trying something new (like Obamacare) that you assume you don't like and finding out that you do--not quite the message Cruz's government shutdown was intended to convey.

Here's Amazon's page/s of Dr. Seuss books for Cruz to choose from though of course, he may decide to avoid some of the ridicule and skip reading a children's book this go-round. However, on the list of books is the ever appropriate for US politics One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish with its murky, up or down Piscean flavors!

Now for all you Pisces folks out there, here is my modest illustration of the Two Fish with a few astro-details concerning this Mutable sign published at Dreamyfish Art some time ago.

Pisces: Two Fish a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell (c).

May 10, 2009

White House Correspondents Association Dinner: video 5.9.09

Stop the presses: Mainstream Media congratulates itself once again while letting the public down and promoting the NWO script!

President Obama's remarks are contained within two videos captured by Huffington Post if you missed Friday night's White House Correspondents Association Dinner and photo-op media circus.

Until now I hadn't taken the speculation seriously but really: is Mrs. Obama sporting a baby bump? Check out her snazzy pink dress in the photos.

Yes, I watched the festivities in real time on C-Span and thought Wanda Sykes' jokes were hilarious (easy to say since they weren't directed at me - she had some really good zingers though.)

Huffington Post also has a slideshow of the evening's photos of celebrities and politicos - some posing, some schmoozing with one another, but I must warn you if you view the slideshow: don't let NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg's bow tie frighten you unduly (sunglasses might be appropriate if you value your eyesight. Wish I'd known.)

And the caption for the pic of Whoopi Goldberg taking a snap of the president with her crossbones-decorated cell phone seemed odd to me because there was another famous person standing next to her who went unidentified in the caption! Perhaps his name will be added upon the morrow...

May 6, 2009

Scorpio Full Moon at midnight with YOD pattern 5. 9.09

Full Moon 18Sco41, 12:01:22 am edt, White House, Washington DC, USA, the Universe.

Hour of the Moon (in Fall in Scorpio as was the Inaugural 2009 Moon, the people); Rising is 9Cap27 conjunct a difficult Fixed Star Facies, ruthlessness or the victim - and no, I don't care much for the implications in this chart and had to fuss at myself to get me to publish it.

There is a YOD pattern (Finger of God) indicating a special purpose or task for the apex or focal planet to perform - in this case the recently-turned Mercury which is still on its Rx degree 1Gem35 in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creativity, Children and Romance. YODs are also indicators of crisis or a critical point in a situation.

Can little Rx Mercury, though happy in its own sign of communicator Gemini, handle intense Pluto, planet of publishing, untold wealth, and secret manipulations? Is there any 'good news' to be had? Will it need to be retracted later when Mercury turns Direct and moves forward past its shadow degree?

5th cusp, however, is in Taurus (27:09) giving Mercury 1Gem35 more resonance with the 6th house of Work, Health, Service, Servants, and the Military - than with the 5th house because Mercury has 'no outlet' in this chart's 5th house. And 5th cusp is conj a couple of violent stars, with Mercury conj Mirfak (Alpha Perseus: young male energy; challenge-oriented ) so Mercury's puer eternus = eternal youth status is underscored by its Gemini placement and strengthened at Rx station; its message-bringing qualities are much in evidence although under tremendous pressure from controlling Pluto and career and world transformation considerations (MC.)

The Rx condition may also emphasize Mercury's 'no outlet' status because it signifies delays and re-dos or reviews of Mercurial things such as paperwork, agreements, promises and things said, speeches, contracts, plans, deals (especially involving Commerce), and vehicle issues. Naturally I think of the auto industry and trade agreements in particular; 'broken campaign promises' are being remarked upon as well - and Mercury's station trines Inaugural 2009 Mercury in Aquarius...which was also Rx (Pres Obama's second oath-taking, as you know, a re-do, just in case.)

The YOD pattern that I'm allowing involves Midheaven (MC), the Aspiration Point of any chart, so a midpoint picture is formed which I've scribbled on the chart (click to enlarge) but will type for you here...

Pluto/MC = Mercury: a person with great powers of suggestion; scientific fame or recognition; thinking big; planning.

I say 'allowed' because not everyone would use a YOD unless there were three planets at each point, but I think an Angle (or Node) tied in with the propaganda duo, Mercury and Pluto, gives them a soapbox (Mc) on which to practice their wiles and broadcast to the world.

And of course, Pluto the Publisher may be at odds with Mercury the Reporter...or they have a very special task to perform together in spite of difficulties and adjustments.

The chart also contains a T-square pattern which gives the opposition between Sun and Moon an outlet for their 'dance'; an opposition always points to relationships and/or partnerships; Sun (male) and Moon (female) may show action in the romantic department (husband/wife) but also a competition between conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) forces.

Health-conscious Saturn 14Vir58 Rx had acted as a Thales Point (to 'soften' the opposition) but the Old Man is now beyond orb. He is, however, the chart-ruler and makes only one applying aspect (how things will proceed) to a planet - an inconjunct to Mars, strong in rambunctious Aries, and in 3rd house of Communications, and Mars in 3rd also relates to vehicles.

Sun/Moon = Jupiter: success; desire for joint endeavors, wealth, and possessions.

And Jupiter is in 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, and Values, with Sun and Moon falling across the 4/10 axis of Security, Home, Career, and Public Status; financial matters are necessarily on the menu.

Let Us Mosey Back to the YOD, the Mars/Saturn inconjunct, and the midnight Full Moon in spooky Scorpio:

Inconjuncts (or quincunxes, if you prefer) show that major adjusments are needed - the same with the two inconjs forming the YOD pattern which is 'pointing' at Mercury.

This Mars is easy for Saturn to intimidate; it's difficult to determine who's responsible for what; there are problems fulfilling the desires of Mars without being destroyed in the process. (The astrological Mars represents males between the approximate ages of 25 - 35; perhaps we'll hear of more veterans' healthcare issues such as lack of payment, etc, and Arian explorers come to mind.)

There is a possibility of emotional blackmail being used with Mars inconj Saturn, and physical injury may be indicated along with scientific (Saturn) concerns.

Now as you know, Full Moon phases are the culmination of something begun 2 weeks prior at the New Moon (5Tau04 - here in 4th house, so Real Estate and/or Mining may be highlighted by this Full Moon.) The polarity of the 2/8 axis of Resources, Values, and Money is being emphasized particularly with the Sun/Moon midpoint 18AQ41 conj 8th cusp.

'18AQ' recalls the Solar 'Unmasking' Eclipse of Feb 7, 2008 for the Sabian Symbol for '18AQ' is 'A Man Being Unmasked.'

No one's true motives will stay hidden forever, no matter what shady operatives and brigands may think. Plus,'18AQ' is the degree of Ronald Reagan's natal Sun and is sometimes referred to as the 'end of progress' degree.

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives the 10 North Series as relating strongly to communications, frustrating or inhibiting events arriving bwo news, paperwork, or a young person (Mercury!); there may be tired, drained feelings that make it necessary to slow down the pace. Working quietly and carefully are the best solutions.

'18AQ' is considered a sensitive degree for the US so I think that issues from around Feb 7, 2007 may come back to haunt someone or will need further dealing with in some way. Eclipse influences do wane, of course, but this degree is always up for a good triggering...and there's Mercury Rx to bring things back to the surface more than once (Rx.)

Now what was I saying about apex Mercury?

Well, for starters, this Mercury has an overwhelming sense of duty and is determined to complete all assignments; there's great persistence and thoroughness with this rather compulsive-obsessive energy and the Rx quality is stressful. Yes, Mercury is driving itself awfully hard here which may result in a bitter 'rode hard put up wet' feeling; these can be entrapped fellows which dishonest people take advantage of.

Mercury's apex quality in a YOD denotes one who needs to gather all loose ends and disjointed concepts before it can best develop its considerable intellectual faculties; conscious preparation is a requirement, and superfluous details must be consciously ignored even though there's a compulsion to seek more information than can be comfortably handled or understood.

The need is for consistency, thoroughness, and greater efficiency, and if well-managed, apex Mercury can operate in a very urposeful way and have a greater impact on others especially in a specialized field of study or discipline.

The role of master communicator, influential teacher, and/or social enlightener describes the task of this apex Mercury.

And the base of the YOD, the Pluto/MC sextile (60 degr) is even more intriguing. Notes on Pluto sextile Mc are taken from Alan Epstein's excellent 'Understanding Aspects' series, The Sextile.

The challenge of this sextile is to delegate authority without losing control of the project, yet the tendency is to insist that all be done Pluto's way based on 'his' decisions which, once made, are seldom if ever reversed. Pluto's can-do nature and coping ability is strong along with a deep analytical capacity.

Complete control of finances combines with a need to maintain credibility and reputation at all costs; one's position and status must be defended. Pluto sextile Mc may remind you of a boss you once had - one who holds on to detailed information in order to keep the reins of power in his hands and so that his decisions won't be challenged.

A concern with the future is a driving force and he will go it alone if no one supports him in his plans. He often does not trust the information given to him and double-checks sources. This aspect may be found in certain careers in particular: publishers, entrepreneurs and business executives, financial wizards, researchers, physicians, and the field of psychology or psychiatry.

And Pluto is said to signify the 'secret hand', a select few elites who control or attempt to manipulate the world to their liking.

That there are people at the top of a power pyramid (which some say may be seen in the symbol of the all-seeing eye of Horus floating above a pyramid on back of the US dollar bill - turn one over if you have one) seems a given to me, but perhaps you disagree.

That top dogs of any stripe let knowledge of their true intentions trickle down to underlings (who then control parts of the plan) echoes this sextile between Pluto in controlling Capricorn and the obsessive Scorpio Midheaven...all pointing to Mercury Rx in Gemini, sign of the communicator.

My notes on the Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend are posted here.

And now, here's a real treat: Julie Demboski on the current YOD between Mercury sextile South Node pointing a finger at Pluto!


Other Sources: midpoint pictures from Tyl and Ebertin; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; a taped seminar by Erin Sullivan but I'm not sure which one; Alan E. Meece's Horoscope for the New Millennium ('end of progress' degree'); Brady's Book of Fixed Stars; and my natal Pluto sextile Mc.

Today's Sun Tau-Moon Lib at the White House 5.6.09

Update May 8, 2009: out of the May 6 White House meeting has come an Afghani-Pakistani agreement to share intelligence and set up a border patrol to fight the troublemakers.

Original post starts here:

Today Pres. Obama is hosting the presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan in Washington and you'll find a few astrological remarks upon the situation at my new blog which you may wish to read, I don't know.

My post concerns a White House full of presidents at Two Hours You'll Never Get Back, but not to fret - my blab is quite brief. And yes, there is an astrological signature for the big meeting.

Sun and Moon are in an uncomfortable inconjunct (aka quincunx - 150 degrees) aspect (relationship) with one another today and the above-linked post will give you details on its indications.

May 6, 2009:

The Earth-Air Sun Taurus-Moon Libra blend describes a charming lover of harmony with a sociable, persuasive air. A practical (Tau) idealist (Lib), this is an incurable romantic who holds high the principles of justice and freedom.

A gentle wit aids with diplomacy yet there may be an over-reliance on popularity - one wants to be accepted and liked. Rational answers may be over-emphasized as being the solution to every kind of problem (but I wonder what other kind would do?)

Since security is a primary goal of this blend, the White House meeting is indicated and yet may include some serious Washington socializing with perhaps an array of *watercress sandwiches on the tea tray.

There are 3 'Images for Integration' for Sun Tau-Moon Lib...

'A loaf of fresh bread in an art exhibition...A computer produces a beautiful painting...Cream tea for two.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas and Suzi Harvey.)

This blend is shared natally by Golda Meir who said quite pertinently for today's goings-on at the White House:

"A leader who doesn't hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader."

Too bad Washington forgot this noble concept more than once much to our continued detriment.


*When I lived in DC years ago, my favorite treat in Hecht's dining room was watercress-mushroom sandwiches. And of course, this is when Constant Comment Tea became my favorite tea blend. Good times!

Apr 18, 2009

Naomi Klein's new Obama lexicon: are you hopesick?

Here's Barack Obama in 2008 campaign mode.

But the 'campaign high' couldn't last and Pres. Obama has yet to pass the fabled '100 days' of his term in office which is only part of the marvel that he's already disappointed many people on multiple issues.

Of course there are several astrological factors involved in the situation for Astrology, like the life on Earth it describes, is complex and multi-layered. And I am about to mention a couple of them unless you stop reading here.

The Inauguration 2009 chart shows a very stressed out Moon (the people; the public) at a critical/crisis point of 29 degrees. (29 degr of any sign is a critical degree as the body there impatiently strains toward the next sign, and one is 'at the end of his/her rope' relating to the sign placement, which in this case is Scorpio.)

The next sign after the Inaugural Moon's 2009 position in Scorpio, sign of big business and creditors, is the happy-go-lucky Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius! Jolly, expansive Jupiter likes to dream big - and that we were anxious to do.

Yes, we-the-people were in trouble and feelin' the pain of others' past political mistakes, financial frauds, and other corruptions by Jan 20, 2009...and a new face was talking the heady language of help-on-the-way. (See photo above.)

And we could say that the people's impatience, tamped down though Mr. Obama tried to make it, is part of the problem now as supporters morph into early flip-floppers and become some of the president's bitterest critics because magic has not been created with a quick wave of a conjurer's wand. Yes, when you lose your job and your family's livelihood, it's extremely easy to succumb to bitterness.

Meanwhile the planet of magic, Neptune, 22Vir25 in America's natal chart (9th house in the oft-used Sibly chart), continues to undergo the cold water of realism with grim-faced Saturn coming to call, a Saturn-to-natal-Neptune transit not exact until late August (2009.)

Right away, most astrologers know that more hopesickness, as Ms. Klein aptly terms it, is waiting to pounce upon wary and unwary Obama supporters and opponents alike.

And with US Neptune conjunct Mr. Obama's natal Mars (to the degree: 22Vir+), we know that the Saturn-to-natal-Mars transit for him is providing a lot of hard work (Mars-Saturn) on his list of actions to take (Mars) which are inhibited by realistic considerations (Saturn.) We also know that we-the-people's ideals, dreams, and hopes (Neptune, in Virgo, sign of work, jobs, and health) have been out of proportion to what one man can reasonably (Saturn) accomplish (Mars.)

Yes, wherever Neptune is positioned in a chart there may be inspiration but also self-delusions, illusions, and deception. That's why Saturn's visit there can seem a cold bucket of grim reality's water. And no matter who had moved into the Oval Office in Jan 2009, America would be experiencing this transit and this quality of reaction.

Yet it seems harder with Pres. Obama because our hopes are set so very high for populist solutions, both practical and inspired.

'Don't get your hopes up too high' is good advice, and 'the bigger they are, they harder they fall' is a good descriptor of what's going on post-inauguration with Obama hopesickness but click above and let Naomi Klein explain her new lexicon for BHO disappointment, if you will, as some people have entered the 'buyers' remorse' phase while others are arriving there soon.

Personally I'm waiting for jobs (Virgo) to be created (Saturn = form and manifestation on the earthly plane) to ease the people's pain before I give up entirely on the mortal shoulders of this one man. Job creation would be a most welcome and positive expression of Saturn-to-Neptune-in-Virgo since Saturn can stabilize what he touches as well.

Yet the fact that Saturn-Neptune together can make for secret government, deceptive government, communism, socialism, and other such unpalatable things for America's usual menu, is even more important than pig-in-poke disappointment, for a New World Economic Order may require America to kowtow to a global boss which most probably won't be the US at the top of the power heap.

Or if it is, we won't recognize the old girl as we be pine for our Lady Liberty.

So how involved and culpable President Barack Obama is in the enabling of a one-world-government agenda - which requires the breaking down of our nation - remains to be seen in full but my sense is that that will be an even greater disappointment to the American people (assuming BHO completes his term in office. Or even if he doesn't.)

His role in such plans, if indeed they succeed, will be bitter fodder for years to come as our Neptunian campaign-promise-gullibility is once again exposed to the light of Saturnian realism. His natal Mars conjunct US natal Neptune shows that our expectations (Neptune) of what Mr. Obama can do (Mars) has clouded (Neptune) our perceptions of his actions (Mars.)

But as Naomi Klein mentions in her article, realism is a good thing.

For no one can solve problems until they're acknowledged and identified - and we need lesson-bringer Saturn's magic wand of clear assessment to help us with this tremendous task.

Apr 9, 2009

Obama urges: refinance your home!

With interest rates shrunk to 4.78% on a 30-year mortgage, Pres. Obama said today that it's time to get busy and refinance your mortgage, US homeowners.

It's in the article, but here's a direct link to Making Home Affordable where you can check out the deal and save a little dough each month if you qualify for remortgaging your digs, so a good plan might be to fill out the papers in time for Venus to turn Direct on April 17 and perhaps she will favor you as she moves forward again into pioneering Aries!

Venus Rising, a colored pencil drawing rendered for you by 'reluctant astrologer' Jude Cowell 2009+.

Apr 2, 2009

Is Obama upping war and revenge?

If you're like me and were hoping that Pres. Obama would NOT escalate the war in Afghanistan, please read Chris Floyd's article Darkness Renewed: Terror as a Tool of Empire.

Baitullah Mehsud's recent threat against Washington, DC, if carried out, would give the US government all the onboard (if scammed again) patriots it needs to keep the revenge cycle rolling and the military industrial complex in charge and flush.

Sometimes the healing concept of 'forgiving the unforgivable' - the only way to end revenge escalation personally or publicly - seems very far away, doesn't it?

Especially with "world leaders" having an anti-peace agenda not in the best interests of the innocent people the ruling class so cavalierly dismiss as 'collateral damage.'

Mar 25, 2009

Pres Obama's presser 3.24.09: full text link

Here's the full text of last evening's press conference, the second of Pres. Obama's presidency, which mostly concerned our economic issues.

Twitterers seemed to have gotten their feathers ruffled about 35 minutes in when CNN's Ed Henry asked why the president didn't express outrage over AIG bonus payments sooner than he did - why did he wait several days?

"Because I like to know what I'm talking about before I speak," says his nibs with a so-called 'icy stare.'

Sounds reasonable and mature to me, something Washington has become unaccustomed to in recent years. Yet I do think phony outrage was the order of the day relating to the AIG bonuses and that having 'who knew what when' become a huge and diverting story was Washington's main political problem with it.

No one likes to be blamed, especially when your re-election to a cushy pocket-lining job may depend upon it.

False outrage to fuel criticism of your opponent - how very tiresome (and predictable. If we-the-people get truth out of Washington, it's because it accidentally escapes at moments when someone's guard is down. Then everyone goes into 'damage control' mode....also tiresome.)

Astrologically, I see nothing unusual at 8:35 pm last evening to account for the question or the 'icy stare' although nebulous Neptune 26AQ moved from 5th house into 4th house appr one minute earlier. Neptune is one significator for mass media - and deception.

Most of the questions seemed to be set-ups to me - well-rehearsed, for the most part, so that the president could say what he wanted to say, and I'd have been just as happy, if not happier, if he'd simply spoken for the hour rather than for the 7 minutes of his opening statement.

When Pres. Obama ended the presser (8:57 pm edt), America's natal Pluto '28Cap' was at IC, the Foundation, or HOW? Point of the chart which aims directly at the transiting midpoint of Pluto-Chiron, the pair of plutocracy, now conjunct US natal Pluto - Pluto of power and vast riches fame.

And the Sabian Symbol for '28Cap'? "A Large Aviary"! Tweet tweet!!

Mar 24, 2009

Gandhi on man's greed and Sen Pettigrew on plutocracy

"There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need -- but not for man's greed." Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi was born Oct 2, 1869 (NS) in Porbandar, India with a 12th house Sun in Libra and a 10th house Moon in Leo. (Rodden Rating: A.)

Images for Integration for this Air-Fire blend:

'A performance of The Importance of Being Earnest...A political idealist is crowned leader by adoring followers.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)


"This great and powerful force - the accumulated wealth of the United States - has taken over all the functions of Government, Congress, the issue of money, and banking and the army and navy in order to have a band of mercenaries to do their bidding and protect their stolen property. Senator Richard Pettigrew - Triumphant Plutocracy
(published, January 1, 1922.)

Triumphant Plutocracy now appears in Amazon's Legacy Reprint Series and is available in hardcover or paperback. The above link is to the paperback version and has one reader review which you may find of interest.

In his 50 years of public service, Sen. Richard F. Pettigrew knew them all - politicians, bankers, ambassadors - all the wealthy and important men of his day.

His book covers the period from 1870 to 1920, and he opens with this:

"The American people should know the truth about American public life. They have been lied to so much and hoodwinked so often that it would seem only fair for them to have at least one straight-from-the-shoulder statement concerning this government 'of the people, by the people, and for the people' about whose inner workings the people know almost nothing."

The book's title, Triumphant Plutocracy, is an ironic play upon steel magnate Andrew Carnegie's earlier book, Triumphant Democracy. Pettigrew names names and busts myths including the one about Teddy Roosevelt 'charging up San Juan Hill' during the Spanish-American War.

And they're still selling us the same old tripe and pulling the same old imperialist strings to tug at our patriotic American hearts.

So is Pres. Barack Obama any different?

Well, sad to say, my intuition says that he couldn't be too different or the president-installers wouldn't have him in the White House. And if he dares stray from their plutocratic script, he can be, as Pettigrew informed us, unmade.

Mar 21, 2009

Got 'resolution authority'?

Pres. Obama and his team have an idea for stepping in with large financial institutions ahead of crises.

It's being labeled 'resolution authority' which has, we may suspect, an Orwellian flavor which might show its true colors at any moment if the increased governmental authority goes through as planned.

Seems to me it shouldn't be too difficult to intervene ahead of financial crises - especially when they're designed, manufactured, and delivered by the power elite - which will make 'resolution authority' a win-win for the rich and powerful once again.

Yet perhaps the masses will gather a few crumbs from Midas' table just to 'keep hope alive.'

Guess the plutocratic duo of wounded, disenfranchised Chiron and powerful, secretive Pluto - or more specifically their midpoint, an oppressive blending of their energies - at the Goal/Aspiration Point of the Inauguration 2009 chart (Midheaven) is working its 'magic' as more and more control is given to the Fed and to other elected and non-elected entities.

Yes, America's natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) is currently being stimulated by the transiting Chiron-Pluto midpoint which makes the timing of the much-touted economic collapse even more suspect to this reluctant astrologer.

So because US natal Pluto is retrograde, I got to wondering when America had her early Pluto Return to 27Cap33 and found that July 4, 1776 was actually the second pass Pluto made to that exact degree - the Rx pass.

The first time Pluto reached that degree was Feb 25, 1776 (*NS); July 4, 1776 makes #2; the third time qualifies in my book as a Pluto Return: Jan 1, 1777.

These additional dates may mean more to history buffs than to anyone else, but there's more Astrology to consider...

Our nation's Pluto Return of Jan 1, 1777 falls into the 13 North Solar Eclipse Series which was, in fact, the Initial Eclipse in the 13N Series at '23Leo' (conjunct Venus.) This Series will next manifest at '14Cap' opposite US natal Sun on Jan 4, 2011.

Sun opposite Sun is a time when priorities and plans should be reviewed and revamped, if necessary, to be certain that goals are being targeted correctly.

On this blog or on Jude's Threshold I have previously commented that the 13N Series seems to describe the founding of America better than the actual Series into which 'July 4, 1776' falls, the **12 South - and the Declaration of Independence was missing some signatures until August, 1776. Eclipses are 'wild cards' and may influence events for two weeks prior or after their actual date of occurrence.)

See if this sound like the birth of America to you:

13N's flavor is one of large, ambitious group enterprises that require the breaking of an existing bond; separation then joint achievement (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

'Existing bond'? England. 'Joint achievement'? America and the New World of Sir Francis Bacon's and Adam Weishaupt's illuminated dreams.

So as America looks ahead to her Pluto Return in 2021-22, we may want to look back and consider that technically it will not be our nation's first Pluto Return at all for plodding Pluto has been there, done that before - way back in 1777.


*NS = New Style which refers to the Gregorian Calendar - minus 10 days from the OS, or Julian Calendar.

**USA's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series 12South: successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; draining issues will at first seem worse then clear (Brady, as above.) Next 12S Eclipse: '19Can' on July 11, 2010.

Feb 28, 2009

Return the Superfund! + Lobbyists Up in Arms

This week should begin the fight against the Obama administration's new budget proposals which repeal tax breaks for the super-wealthy oil and gas industry, place caps on carbon and other green house gas emissions, and give the Environmental Protection Agency a 30% budget increase, among other things.

Yes, lobbyists for monied special interests are ready to storm Capitol Hill (which they think belongs only to them) and bring it on while Pres. Obama says he's spoilin' for the fight on our behalf.

Sounds great, Mr. President - I hope things can be evened up more fairly to benefit the common good.

Personally, I'd like to see the reinstatement of the Superfund for chemical clean-up costs (a tax that was rescinded under Pres. Clinton in 1995) because America's lungs have gotten grimier ever since while polluting evil-doers get off the hook every day by sticking the taxpayer with the costs of industry crimes against nature and the health conditions that result.

Then we have the pharmaceutical, medical, and insurance industries on the other side of us denying us care.

Amazing that we still call this America! Or how about: Land of Opportunity - the chance to shaft your fellow man all you want especially if you have the moola to pay the exorbitant fees of the most weasley lobbyists in the bunch.

Feb 18, 2009

Planets this week: the power of 10!

This week several planets have resided at 10th degrees: Venus in Aries, Mars and Jupiter in Aquarius - and by the pre-dawn hours of Feb 22, the Moon will join in to spark a lovely line-up of Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars in Aquarius.

'10' relates, of course, to 10th sign, Capricorn, and thus to its natural house (the 10th) which links with Career, Public Status, and World Events.

Astrologer Monica Starr, author of the excellent Astrology Mundo blog, is relating the power of the number 10 with Pres. Obama's signing of the Stimulus Bill this week; plus, Monica gives her expert advice on how we may use the power of 10 within our own lives!

As an Astrology novice with four natal planets in Capricorn, I appreciate this very much from one of my favorite astrologers and I hope you'll check out her blog whenever you fact, bookmarking Astrology Mundo would be highly efficacious for you, imo.