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Showing posts with label Sappho. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sappho. Show all posts

Mar 18, 2023

Trump Indictment coming? Sun to Aries Point

by Jude Cowell

UPDATE March 20, 2023: Looks as if "Tuesday March 21st" for his indictment was one of Trump's pipe dreams or more likely something he touted last week for promotional purposes and for fundraising. Still, the following horoscope remains just what it is: Sun to Aries Point!

Original post begins here:

From a previous SO'Wpost in 2018, here's the natal horoscope of porn star and director Stormy Daniels with asteroid and sexy archetype Sappho rising, and her natal Sun @26Pis05 which transit Neptune now glamorizes with wispy veils.

This weekend many folks in the US are positively giddy over the idea that an indictment for Donald Trump is on the Manhattan DA's calendar, perhaps set for Tuesday March 21, 2023, and the cuffs may finally appear.

Now as you, dear reader, may know, I don't like spending a bunch of time on horoscopes for events that may or may not happen so this post isn't that. But it seems only fair to post an unmarked 'Trump Indictment?" horoscope set for Tuesday March 21, 2013 9:00 am edt Manhattan, NY - just for kicks. Do with it as you will or will not, for it's up to you; aspect grid is shown:

Obviously because of the date, we know that the Sun is conjunct Aries Point of fame, recognition, and fortune, so let's assume the Sun symbolizes the guy who always has to be the most famous person in any room, the center of attention. Plus, there's a New Moon @00Ari50 at 1:23 pm edt on Tuesday which perfects within Trump's natal 8th house of Shared Resources and Debt.

A prominent aspect in the chart for a fellow who embodies the aggression of warrior planet Mars (his Leo Mars rising at birth conjunct royal star Regulus: 'success if revenge is avoided') is an inconjunct (adjustment needed) between Mars and power planet Pluto, shown here at Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point of any horoscope.

Pluto @29Capricorn conjuncts US Secondary Progressed Pluto at a critical-crisis 29th degree, so from where I type, our nation's first-ever Pluto Return seems to be never-ending. And we know that Pluto-at-MC is a major power position on the world stage involving Career and Public Status so for now let's take this as powerful people affecting Mars in mutable, often dupicitous Gemini (in the 2nd house of Money, Possessions, and Values) with their inconjunct indicating one who can never back down, even when he's wrong. And boy is he wrong - so often that it's impossible to keep count.

Well, perhaps the Manhattan DA has been keeping count after all.

Now a significant don't-miss feature in this particular chart is radical Uranus rising at its "swords vs torches" degree, activated at the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse. Uranus rising can denote the ability to cope with issues so we'll see how well proceedings go and whether unpredictable Uranus helps or hinders. In addition, Trump is a Uranian figure with his 10th house Uranus @17Gemini as his guiding planet of chaos and disruption - here in 2nd house and first of his natal planets to rise. Something uexpected may occur.

Notably, Stormy's first natal planet to rise at 9:00 am edt in NY is her Jupiter Rx @29Cancer - opposing the chart's Pluto at Midheaven and suggesting a power play.

Meanwhile, chart-ruler Venus, strong her own sign of Taurus, makes no applying aspects so nothing may change much if Tuesday (morning at least - who knows?) turns out to be the day that Trump is finally indicted. She's leaving her recent conjunction with North Node but retains some potential for favorable contacts with the public, and financial largesse may be indicated for the lady.

Then as you see, legal eagle planet Saturn has recently entered secretive Pisces (March 7th) and here, in 11th house of Groups and Associations, the law must play a part by attempting to hold the orange blighter accountable, albatross that he is. And in Pisces, Saturn tends toward struggles with opponents which describes what America is facing as Donald Trump stands before a judge (it is hoped!). But here's the thing: Mars trines Saturn (3A29; cooperative work) but Mars is separating from a square with deceptive Neptune (admitting the truth about his actions coming into the light?).

Of course, Mars and the Moon are also squared (@28/28 degrees) so flashes of anger may add excitement to the proceedings with this planetary aspect of selfishness and jealousy, if they occur on Tuesday morning at all. It's even possible that accusatory words like "shrew" or "harpie" may be heard in the courtroom with Stormy the intended target.

So let's pretend that Tuesday is the day and have a glance at the moody, romantic Sun Aries-Moom Pisces combination of energies with its 'Image for Integration' (a la The Harveys): "A world-champion boxer and an artist in Greenwich Village meet, fall in love, marry and struggle happily ever after."

Well, the personalities sound right but a "marriage" between these two could only have been a struggle.

Apr 11, 2018

The Natal Chart of Stormy Daniels with Sappho Rising

April 11, 2018: once the New York FBI raided the home, office, and NY hotel room of Trump attorney/fixer, Michael Cohen on Monday (April 9, 2018), it seemed the time to post the natal horoscope of Trump 'amor' "Stormy Daniels" (nee Stephanie Clifford) so here's her horoscope with my typical messy notes, plus a few Trump natal planets and angles marked in red around her chart; as you see, sexy Sappho rises:

Added to the chart are two lunations--her Prenatal Solar Eclipse @7Pis29 in the 17 South Saros Series with themes of good news and success in relationship matters (Brady) and her Syzygy Moon @22Vir41 conjunct fixed star Denebola (out of the mainstream; to go against society) in 9th house and this is supported by natal Moon @4Sco56 as apex planet of her Neptune-NN midpoint (lack of community spirit; disappointment in relationships--Ebertin). Another picture, Uranus-Pluto = Moon gives her a sense of restlessness, plus, determined ambition, intuition, and emotional conviction (Tyl).

Trump, Daniels, and Cohen

One implication of the current Cohen-Trump turmoil over sex and hush money is seen via Trump's natal Jupiter conjunct Miss Clifford's natal 10th house Pluto (18Lis26 Rx), plus, natal Sun @26Pis05 conjoins asteroid Demeter (Greek goddess of nurturing which in Roman Mythology is Ceres) and asteroid of retaliation, Tisiphone. Note that in a Jupiter-Pluto hook-up, astrological Pluto, as always, holds the cards.

Three aspects to her chart-ruler Jupiter (at critical degree in 8th house of sex) are listed, lower left and she is in process of a three-fer Mercury Return with dates listed, lower right--Mercury's next exact hit occurs April 24, 2018, and as you know, Mercury rules negotiations, deals, and agreements including Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA).

Jupiter Exalts in Moon-ruled Cancer

The lady's last/current Jupiter Return (29Can07) perfected on July 12, 2014 with natal 8th house rising and transit Neptune @7Pis19 conjunct her PE, a Total eclipse which manifested on February 26, 1979. The last 17 South Eclipse occurred March 20, 2015 conjunct Scheat, a difficult star of extreme misfortune. This 17 South solar manifestation was the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse of 'sneaks, leaks, and veils' which heralded the prez-bid announcement of Donald Trump (with Stormy's hush money paid just before the 2016 Election). Also note that Stormy's essence is seen via the closest applying aspect to natal Sun and in her case, it's a Sun-Jupiter trine (3A01), an aspect of good luck and success which makes it easy for her to gain the cooperation of others.

And if we progress Miss Daniels' natal chart, we find that she symbolically entered a Balsamic Lunar Phase of endings, partings, and/or hidden activities on January 24, 2016 with SP Moon @17Pis24 conjunct SP South Node, a separative influence. Approaching for her is a new stage in life, an SP New Moon @5Tau42 which perfects on June 17, 2019. Mr. Trump, a Moon-SN kind of guy, was elected during a Balsamic phase and he remains in it until an SP New Moon @3Virgo perfects on September 16, 2019.

For now that's all I wish to type concerning Stormy Daniels' natal horoscope so please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbles. And also note that the lady's natal chart and a few biographical details are available at (RR: A) so get thee hence, if you so wish.

Stephanie Clifford natal data: March 17, 1979 1:10 am CST Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with the hour of birth tweeted by the lady herself.

Apr 28, 2010

CNN Political News Ticker and a bit of Astrology

This CNN Political News Ticker doesn't fit in the sidebar of this blog yet I felt like seeing it here on SO'W anyway, for some unknown reason.

Probably it's because there's So Much in the News of late which is precisely what happens when the Cardinal Points of the zodiac (00degr00 of Aries/Libra and Cancer/Capricorn) are being triggered, visited, or stimulated by planets traversing the heavens, while held in orbit by the tension between Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction), aka the flywheel of the universe, and which describes the yin-yang of our earthly lives.

Jupiter and Saturn are moving into opposition, the 'Full Moon' phase of their cycle which began @ conjunction on May 28, 2000 @ '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Jewels". This dance of the two societal planets began the New Millennium - brilliantly for the haves, not so good for the have-nots - and their cycle is intimately related to stock market ebbs and flows, so investors beware.

For it's Expansion vs Restriction from May 2000 to June 2010, and something begun then is at a culmination-fulfillment point now. The recent puniness of the DOW has been blamed primarily on Greece's debt load and the downgrading of the nation's credit rating. Yet public and private lack of trust in Wall Street will never improve until and unless the bankster crooks are brought to justice...assuming there's any justice to be found in America.

The Jupiter-Saturn duo is related to 'a justice system at its breaking point' according to Michael Munkasey in his Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, so we must see how things go on that accounting question, mustn't we?

Plus, the President's almost-passed Financial Reform Bill is described by the current Jupiter-Saturn opposition, and economist Simon Johnson makes a case for waking up the President concerning the game-changing overnight events in the eurozone's financial system.

This phase of the Jup-Sat cycle means that from now until their next Great Conjunction in 2020 @ 00AQ29, the degree of our Presidential Sun position, Jupiter will proceed Saturn, the 'downside' of their dance. In this condition, Jupiter first rewards, then Saturn eventually comes along to insist that undeserved gains be given back or restricted in some way.

However, those who worked hard and honestly for Jupiterian gains fare better when Saturn insists on a balancing of accounts. So usually it's better for all concerned when Saturn's serious efforts are eventually rewarded by Jupiter's magic wand following, not preceding Saturn...but that 10-year phase is now ending and Saturn will be having his due from the areas where Jupiter overreached within the last 10 years.

It's a prudent time for the US to scale back on war funding!

2010 - 2011: Yet Jupiter Dances with Uranus, Too

Right now, you know that transiting Uranus, that rebel and Awakener, is about to reach Aries Point (AP) with Jupiter on the AP track, too. Their first of three hook-ups of exactitude occurs @ AP on June 8, 2010, as previously mentioned on this blog and @ Jude's Threshold.

Uranus to AP: Good for Art, Science, Technology, Explorations, Discoveries, and New Ideas

In addition, as both readers of SO'W know, I happen to be a lifelong artist of the pencil persuasion (with a Gemini Midheaven - Art and Astrology?)

And anyone who uses asteroids and myths in Astrology knows that asteroid Sappho relates to Art and Poetry of a feminine nature. Therefore, my natal Sappho @ AP will be visited on June 8, 2010 by two callers: jolly enthusiast Jupiter and quirky, inventive Uranus.

So Why Am I Telling You This Now?

Because there's a pretty good chance that my current Art project will be published by or around June 8, if I can complete the 12 drawings in time for it: a 2011 Calendar of pin-up gals from my Boudoir Blossoms Collection of cosmic-esque Chiffonery Art portraits!

For a preview, you may wish to view a a freshly-published Boudoir Blossoms spinning Art Cube now linked in the SO'W click and view, simply scroll to my drawing 'Purple Pansies' and you will find the SlideShow listed nearby - if you're at least 17 years of age, that is.

(But don't cheat now...Sappho does get fussy when you cheat. jc)