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Showing posts with label What would FDR do?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What would FDR do?. Show all posts

Apr 3, 2008

US economy: what would FDR do?

Stephanie Salter has an article concerning not just Washington DC's FDR Memorial but some of Roosevelt's policies, economic and otherwise.

What Would FDR DO? contains some of the quotations which are engraved in his Memorial in red granite and apply with lasered foresight to today's financial and other societal woes.

Why, it's almost as if he knew ahead of time...

On Jan 20, 2006 I published this: 1933 calling: Hello? also citing a little FDR in quotes such as this...but not this one:

"The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, or one party, or one nation. It must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world." Mar 1, 1945

As a lifelong American, one of the Flower Power Generation, this can still evoke in me what it always has--a warm fuzzy feeling about the longed-for unity of all humankind.

Except it's 2008, and I hear his words through a different lens--or perhaps a lens that has been polished into more clarity--FDR's bon mots are code words for the one world government--the New World Order--that we should be fearing, but are kept busy wondering instead where the next house payment is coming from.

(The lens has been polished by the rag of Bush, Clinton, and their like.)

It also is apparent in FDR's words that "one party" can't do it--is a signpost to our "illusory two-party system" which is actually one party in disguise--grinding down our defenses ("con vs lib"; oft-repeated propaganda eventuallly seeps in as truthiness), while rearranging the world to suit their interests both financially and socially, and using revolution and chaos to stir pots, if that's what it takes to perfect the witches' broth.

It Takes a Village, eh Hillary?