Trump's Progressed Moon Plays a Role in 2023 Events
by Jude Cowell
Back in January 2023 on SO'W, we discussed the fact that the 7 South October 14, 2023 Eclipse 'hits' Trump's Progressed Moon ('SP') at its 'crisis in action' Cresent Phase degree of May 24, 2023, or in other words, the two cosmic occurrences - one in real time, the other symbolic - will conjunct @21Libra and some odd minutes when the October 2023 Eclipse perfects upon his SP Crescent Moon degree which times the beginning of a new life cycle for him. Additionally of interest with Moon in Libra, is that a suggestion of destiny is involved, and of course, all eclipses are known as karmic 'wild cards of the Universe'.
Now in this instance, I'm using his SP Luna as a timing agent via its degree. And it's possible, say TV pundits, that no significant legal action such as indictment will be taken against the orange albatross until May although this time link suggests to me that late September into October 2023 should be an important time period for Trump and his woes which will be affected by plenty of other transits and progressions mitigating or otherwise influencing the proceedings on into 2024, the year of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus (his pair in beneficial trine aspect of luck and protection) @21Taurus in Trump's 9th house of Legal Affairs and near his natal Midheaven of Public Status.
Then will "Teflon Don" manage to escape accountability once again? Perhaps, but let's not forget the caution of his royal Regulus rising with belligerent Mars, and the trouble that taking revenge can bring: a loss of all that's been gained.
As for his SP Moon/7 North Eclipse connection, this real time + symbolic cosmic time link reveals a Sun-Moon-Moon signature which suggests bringing protection on some level for self or others, and/or a need for relief, possibly supplied by a woman or other family member. And naturally, with the Sun-Moon combination denoting marriage partners, it's tempting to think of his current wife Melania although another woman or women could be involved as well. Could this indicate Stormy? Well, her natal Pluto does conjunct Trump's stationary Jupiter at the "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" degree!
Also tempting is a consideration of the themes of 7 South Solar Eclipses in relation to Trump's SP Moon with its Venusian-Libran vibes (until his SP Moon symbolically advances into Scorpio in early 2024, adding Scorpio's intense Mars-Pluto vibrations to his emotional landscape - and his SP Ascendant has also entered Scorpio). Plus, it may be significant in some way for Trump that 7 South is the Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') into which son Barron Trump was born! Then was anger Melania's midwife? Well, Trump's 'Stormy Night' did occur while Barron was only a few months old so I suppose the faithless cad of a husband's testosterone-driven Mars rising in lusty Leo is rashness personified, no matter the consequences.
Now Themes of 7 South Eclipses include the tremendous anger, power, and force of a Mars-Pluto square due to the one in effect during the initial 7 South Eclipse of June 22, 1248 with Sun-Moon @8Can03 (conjunct Trump's gossip-mongering Mercury squared by deceitful Neptune). 7 South possibilities are for huge obstacles to "suddenly clear" or, "a pending potential crisis will move through the life very rapidly" (B. Brady).
Undoubtedly, we think of the multiple lawsuits and potential indictments that this man, 'overshadowed by shadows' faces as I type. And admittedly, my personal hope is that if huge obstacles suddenly clear for this career criminal, his pathway will open toward a prison cell door. And I'm certain you've noticed that Trump's recent behavior posting a mocked-up photo of his tiny hands brandishing a baseball bat next to a photo of NY AG Alvin Bragg has obvious Mars-Pluto square implications. Yes, the image was deleted later but the deadly message was successfully sent to Herr Trump's receptive comrades.
So let's consider a paraphrasing of what Alan Oken has written about a Mars-Pluto square as it potentially affects individuals such as the cantankerous narcisist and wanna-be dictator, Donald J. Trump:
People with extremely violent tempers who let nothing stand in their way, they make devastating enemies who can act like a b*mb clearing the way by wiping out what has already been established; The Annihilator. As most anyone may agree, this is definitely the mood that he and his nazi comrades are in as they strive to take fascist control of our country.
So! Despair and giving up are never options in the cause of Justice, my dear pro-democracy reader, yet these are some of the current influences upon old man Donald Trump whose 12th house midpoint picture, Pluto = Mars-Saturn (the death axis) while apex Pluto, the underworld figure, spy, and assassin, just keeps on expressing its harmful energies against humanity in the form of: "brutality; the rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily injury or harm (death of many people)," according to Reinhold Ebertin.
And these sinister energies support, among other planetary factors in his natal chart and psyche, his Goal Point (Midheaven) with enraged demon star Algol upon it, a star quite often found twinkling prominently in the natal horoscopes and psyches of serial m*rderers.
A Closely Related Post: Spring Equinox 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power. Resonating with all the "bombshell" news stories of late, the 2023 Spring Equinox Midheaven in Washington DC, the Goal Point = "5 Gemini": "A Radical Magazine Displays a Sensational Front Page."
Also Related: America's Initial Mars-Pluto Cycle which began in the Saturn-ruled sign of governmental, legal, and business-oriented Capricorn.
Note: 'SP' = Secondary Progressed, the day-for-a-year method of progressing a horoscope to see how things will evolve. Also we should note that "21 Libra" falls within a degree range that once was termed the Via Combusta, the Burning Way, and with transit Mars now in sensitive Cancer, this vintage astrological condition may relate to Trump's arsonist tendencies which are another indication of the potential harm and acts of revenge he obsessively aims at the entire world.
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