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Eclipse Cycles Time Similar Historical Events
by Jude Cowell
As readers of SO'W know, a Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series - the same family as the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse of August 1932 - has already repeated and its theme of 'being forceful, taking power' brought along a partial electoral victory at the 2022 Midterms allowing maga Republicans to commandeer the US House of Representatives. We've seen what an amateurish 3-ring circus that has been as they pretend to govern while undermining the rule of law, yapping at the heels of President Joe Biden, and attempting to follow orders from their wealthy overlords. And sporting AR-15 pins on their lapels as silent threats.
My point is, We the People are in the thick of a struggle against barbaric Nazis with racism and 'Aryanism' the arrows in their hate-filled quivers as before. But unlike in WWII, the battlefields are different and the criminals are more sophisticated and organized, so that focus, not apathy, must be maintained if we are to vanquish the enslaving enemy once again. For as you know, freedom, once lost, is difficult to regain.
My suspicion is that there are enemies of America who use cosmic factors as timing agents: an obvious example is 1930s Pluto in Cancer (the magician) now opposed by Pluto in Capricorn (the dictator) for a while longer, as a 'Full Moon' culmination opportunity to fulfill little Adolf's perverted dream of global domination when democracy could be banished from the Earth, and creepy Pluto, as a symbol of death and transformation, could bring the primal violence, extremism, and exploitation needed to enforce tyrannical government against the will of the people. That our nation has now experienced her first-ever Pluto Return (27Cap33) in 2022 must have seemed like a perfect excuse for transformative activities.
Then looking ahead, we have another watershed moment in time: the third of three Great American Eclipses to 'look forward to' with its 8 North themes of visions and good ideas although as a Mars-ruled Aries Eclipse manifesting in 2024, an election year, I must wonder what disruptions, revelations, and wild cards the Cosmos has in mind for our democratic Republic.
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