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Showing posts with label 2008 election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2008 election. Show all posts

Apr 24, 2007

it's only 'Bush fatigue'

Got the sniffles? Feelin' achy? No worries!

Bush 41 told CNN's Larry King Monday night that "the electorate may be experiencing Bush fatigue."

More like a raging case of Epstein-Barr. Besides, an "electorate" implies that Bush 43 was actually elected and that our votes count! Well-played, H.W., well-played.

Bush 41 is not-so-subtley cluing us in that Jeb will be sitting out the 2008 election, and with the usual Bush aplomb predicts that Jeb may enter politics again in the future...a threat if there ever was one.

"I hope Jeb, who left office looking good, is not through with politics," he said, giving his other son a reach-around for the White House.

Apparently meetings have been held and their best bet is being waged...a different globalist name in between the Bush players has been decided upon and little Jeb must be patient.

Guess that means Bush 41 thinks Dubya has done such a superb job that Jeb deserves to be shoved into the White House as well. Puh.

The link below to CNN's article has become a Never Mind link--it seems to be MIA now...perhaps you can stomach the video instead at or perhaps not.

Here's the missing link...good luck:

Bush Sr.: 'Bush fatigue' may be setting in

Apr 22, 2007

a starry eye on Newt

Today Newt Gingrich was on tv spouting his usual rational sounding political maneuverings. Since his birth info is in dispute with birth time unverified, no chart for you. But some details are still possible such as his Sun/Moon personality blend.

Born June 17, 1943 in Harrisburg, PA, the Moon was in Sagittarius the whole 24-hour period so let's look at the Images for Sun Gemini/Moon Sag:

The Pied Piper leads his merry band of youths to the amphitheater on the hill for an afternoon of music lessons, philosophical teachings, and baseball...A young man goes abroad to attend university and becomes a foreign correspondent. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

The italics are mine...the Hill? It sounds like the staged patriotic songfest on the Capitol steps when they coup'd the House. Perhaps that measley performance for the cameras was Newt's idea. A bunch of singin' whiffenpoufs?

This Air-Fire Gem/Sag combo has several things to recommend it and tells of a flamboyant communicator who is an intellectual with a reverence for ancient learning (secret old manuscripts, anyone?)

There is an emotional immaturity which is, at least, spontaneous for this eternal scholar who is outspoken, loves traveling (restless), and is friendly but impatient.

He possesses a vivid imagination with huge heapings of optimism and quick wit. There is a tendency to talk too much and often indiscreetly (perhaps he isn't close-mouthed enough for White House intrigues!) and there is a need to know it all--and may seem to be a know-it-all.

Newt's (WHO would saddle an innocent infant with the name, Newt???) Sun/Moon blend is shared natally with such notables as: actor Douglas Faribanks, political activist Rennie Davis, Judy Garland, Barry Manilow, Guy Lombardo, Beverly Sills, and Prince Rainier of Monaco. It's also shared with philosopher/poet, Katherine Raine who wrote:

As a child I became a confirmed believer in the ancient gods simply because as between the reality of fact and the reality of myth, I chose myth...myth is the truth of fact, not fact the truth of myth.

Gingrich has stated that as a child he discovered books and "became big words." (I won't mention the big words I think he became if you won't.)

So if the GOP can figure out a way to make an end-run around Newt's romantic tangles and infidelities, do you think they'll run this nag in 2008?

He seems to break off relationships appr every 18-19 years which is in line with his Nodal Returns--or Half-Returns...which is not surprising to astrologers.

North Node = joining; associations, while South Node = separations; partings (if relationships are already weak, the Half-Return will usually time a break-up.)

His Prenatal Eclipse Series (PE), 17South, is one of "sudden success in group endeavors and relationships; good news" (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady.)

A Solar Eclipse last occurred in this Series on March 9, 1997 at "19Pisces."

Gingrich's natal Venus and Pluto in Leo (as has George Bush--both in Leo--ooh la la!) are connected to his PE as you might expect with all his lady loves and wives scattered about the place (I exaggerate--or do I?)

If you can take more of the Newt, you may want to read Mr.A.Cat's opinion at Lim's Limericks where you'll find a photo of a GOP kittycat pondering Newt's romantic intrigues which may albatrossedly plague him as he pushes forward--and turns up on our tvs--into 2008.

Mar 19, 2007

Gore's ores

The Tennessean has an article detailing Al Gore's ownership of zinc mineral rights to some middle Tennessee property he originally purchased Sep 22, 1973 when things were different.

Tenn. mine enriched Gore, scarred land but be sure to read it's something of a mixed report imho.

As it says, "No major pollution violations, but threat remains." Perhaps that's the best they had against him.

One reason I mention this is because when a politician is ill-thought-of in his home state--which everyone I know says Gore is (as is John Edwards in NC) it makes me wonder why...what do the natives know that I should know?

Well, this may not be it--as stated in the article, 1973 sensibilities aren't those of 2007--but you may want to check it out esp if you're rooting for Gore to run in 2008. Know your man before you stand by him!

Feb 23, 2007

Vilsack Ends '08 Bid

Former Iowa governor and Democrat, Tom Vilsack, the first offical candidate to announce his 2008 run back in November, will be announcing his un-run today.

A proponent of alternate energy sources such as biodiesel, ethanol, and wind power, Vilsack's as-if plan was to end US dependence on foreign oil but now the wind is out of his sails. He also called for Congress to cut funding to bring our troops home.

John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama were too much for his longshot campaign to weather and who couldn't have told him so last November?

Click title to read the AP article if you wish.

And read Granny Miller's interesting Comments at end of my post on George Washington's natal chart concerning an alternate birth time and chart details for him. (Tried the link I cite to his family Bible page last evening but it seems to be dead not alive. It's got to be online somewhere...anyone?)