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Showing posts with label 6 South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6 South. Show all posts

Feb 14, 2021

6 South Solar Eclipse October 2022: A House-Raising

by Jude Cowell

February 14, 2021: Yes, this is one those posts I've wished not to write. Yet here it is on Valentine's Day 2021 for your consideration. (Apologies for the synchronicity but I'll be under the weather due to dental work this next week so Sunday blogging it must be.) The following post is another of my 'forewarned is forearmed' efforts and if this can make it a Valentine Card of my devotion to the common good most ably expressed by American principles, then good. At least we can say that no other country has done it better so far.

Therefore, in consideration of Senate Republicans letting anti-democracy provocateur Trump off-the-hook again yesterday for inciting insurrection, let's look forward at what appears to be a signpost of similar troubles ahead. Not that it's the only one, not that there aren't mitigating cosmic and earthly factors galore, but the following October 2022 Eclipse happens to manifest within the 6 South Saros Series, the same family in which the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse occurred in August 1932.

Plus, on a related topic, we recently discussed how transit Pluto in Capricorn ("the dictator" - Ebertin) is Creeping Around 'Nazi Rising' Eclipse Planets, a Pluto-to-Saturn affair made weightier and more significant by the recent occurrence of the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, a harsh, compressive pair when working together for karmic reform - whether we're consciously ready for change or not. That vicious political opportunists seize such a time as this (they use Astrology, too) to make their moves seems obvious to me if not to you, dear reader. Vicious, because 'any means necessary' includes the use of physical violence as on January 6th. And all this while America is within orb of her first-ever Pluto Return - with 3 exact conjunctions to 1776 Pluto all through 2022!

And so below you see a DC Horoscope of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Sco00:06, warts and all. Hopefully you can read my study notes scribbled upon it and you'll not miss the fact that power-craving Pluto conjuncts the IC, the Foundation of the Matter and The How? Point of all horoscopes - here at the "A Mountain Pilgrimmage" degree which suggests America's Great Seal sporting an image of the "Pyramid of Power" and its 13 steps, shown above. (In symbolism, Pyramid = Mountain; the US Great Seal is based on the 1776 Illuminati Seal). Legend is, a switch from obverse to reverse of The Great Seal is intended to be a symbol of a great shift in consciousness which is now supported by the Great Conjunction (or Mutation from Earth to Air) of Jupiter and Saturn, the societal planets. Their December 2020 conjunction times 'new social, political, financial, and religious orders' in 20-year segments as part of their expansion vs restriction dynamics.

And what about the unfinished capstone with the All-Seeing Eye? Perhaps a turning will be timed by 2022's US Pluto Return/s. Or not. Either way, there's Pluto conjunct The How? Point ('IC') in the 6 South Eclipse Horoscope and the creepy karmic planet has had a long, arduous climb to the top of US Inauguration horoscopes, too. Also angular is the US Mercury-Pluto opposition of 'all-seeing' surveillance - here, Mercury conjunct 2022 Eclipse MC but at IC in our Inauguration charts with powerful Pluto at Midheaven. Yes, the American people have long been over a surveillance barrel, as you well know, made more draconian after the attacks of 9/11/01. Notice that archetypal Pluto is aka, 'The Dragon' (Draco).

Now at the top of the Eclipse Horoscope my scanner cut off these words: "MC = The Goal" which is the Sabian Symbol for "27Cancer": A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" - on one level a hint of more natural disasters to come which are also suggested by 6 South's initial eclipse (the first-ever in the series) with its Mars-Pluto opposition energies ('might makes right'; 'win at any cost'; 'violent storms') which will always be expressed within or carried by 6 South Solar Eclipses. Note that the 6 South Series began in watery Pisces in 1049, a year of Viking-Irish raids and the crowning of a new Pope. Obviously, political storms and military actions are also indicated.

Then in the 2022 eclipse chart, you see there's a Mars-Pluto inconjunct detailed, bottom right, from Gemini to Pisces (and Mars just past a US Mars Return which reiterates our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misdirected motivations, actions, and 'the fog of war'). So that's two negative aspects between two malefic planets of brutality - karmic Pluto suggesting evolutionary trends and universal forces, and Mars acting on behalf of selfish personal desires for conquest and control:

Now I reluctantly assert that difficult contacts between Mars and Pluto, the opposition and the inconjunct, suggest a continuation of criminality, thievery, and violence already in motion as on January 6, 2021 when the Executive Branch of the US Government attacked the Legislative Branch - along with the validity of the US Constitution - and all but seven senate Republicans said, okee dokee with us, we're complicit with Herr Spanky, our cult leader. However, the fact that the inconjunct of 2022 occurs after the opposition of 1049 hints that corrective actions and adjustments can be successful but only after much effort and determination as we directly face the Mars-Pluto monsters that assail us. This must and will be done!

Also in the horoscope, along with a Mercury-Neptune inconjunct (details, upper right) we note that warrior Mars @25Gem25 in 9th house of Foreign Lands is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') of the Earthly plane - off doing who-knows-what, and needing adjustment (inconjunct) with the evolutionary forces of hidden manipulator Pluto, the saboteur. Plus, we should note that the Symbol for the October 2022 Eclipse ("3Scorpio") is "A House-Raising" which to me seems applicable to the Trump Mob Attack of January 6th, a type of assault which, common sense says, will now be emboldened to continue in the future. After all, Scorpio is the sign of the fight for survival and 'Mars-Pluto' rule and co-rule the sign's brooding intensity and power, with Scorpio's Eagle a symbol of America or is it the Phoenix and/or the Scorpion?. So as we know, with Trump's second acquittal yesterday, the zealous anarchists he acts as figurehead for believe they've won the skirmish and are busy regrouping to fight another day. Plus, this also means that Trumpers believe that the White House is up for grabs! It's a Trumpian fantasy emboldened by yesterday's acquittal! But we know that Scofflaw Trump Has Multiple Lawsuits Yet to Go.

And perhaps there is at least one saving grace for our nation which may appear in the form of Republicans who are not complicit with a fascist overthrow of the US government. Those such as renowned GOP attorney Ted Olson who lays out the case very clearly for those interested in hearing his argument on behalf of the United States of America.

Now here's a Futuristic Post displaying The Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

On-topic thoughts and insights? You're invited to leave them in a comment as long as your name is attached and you leave your insults at home. Courtesy is required! jc

Feb 12, 2021

Pluto is Creeping Around 'Nazi Rising' Eclipse planets!

February 12, 2021: A Forewarning: Transit Pluto Can Help Activate Nazism

by Jude Cowell

In one of my previous posts you'll see the 6 South 'Nazis Rise' Solar Eclipse of 1932 set for Berlin, Germany. Meanwhile, the world is again threatened by the rise of such draconian movements of authoritarianism so in view of recent and ongoing events in the US and across the globe, it seems significant that transit Pluto in Capricorn is already within orb of 1932 Saturn (28Cap55 Rx, 10th house in Berlin 1932). Therefore, tr Pluto (@25Cap34 today) has been activating the aspects made by 1932 Saturn in the eclipse chart:

Tr Pluto, planet of transformation and regeneration, recently opposed 1932 Pluto (Capricorn vs Cancer, as we've seen before) and remains within orb of squaring 1932 Uranus, zealous, fanatical, and Utopian when in Aries. Transit Pluto will exactly conjunct 1932 Saturn 3 times: 1. February 9, 2023; 2. July 30, 2023; 3. December 17, 2023 - for the first time ever. So the possible manifestations of this Pluto-to-Saturn transit applies now, through 2023, and into 2024. Of course, in the background of society there are other transits occurring as well, some heavy, some mitigating. But Pluto-Saturn contacts are the weightiest and suggest transformed or altered traditions and structures, current circumstances bringing restriction and limitations, the past affecting the present, ambition that may be 'off the charts' or roguish, and issues of abuse of power which will intenstify and must be dealt with (better sooner than later but tragically, currently sitting Republican senators appear not up to the task of taking an ethical stance and voting against white supremacist Trump which means that his take-over efforts will be emboldened, even strengthened). This adds to the danger suggested by the Nazis Rising Eclipse Horoscope - because history rhymes.

Karmic Planets Saturn, Uranus, Pluto Bring Generational Conflicts

In addition, current Pluto transits to the 1932 planets in the horoscope linked, above, include potentials for assaults from powerful entities upon political and economic structures, no-compromise struggles for control (ex: of the Oval Office), and restrictions upon resources that are necessary for government to function (a longheld Republican dream).

Now if you view the 1932 Eclipse Horoscope, you'll notice a prominent, motivating T-Square of much dynamism between Mars, Saturn, and Uranus (with the Mars-Saturn midpoint as the 'death axis' pointing toward erratic, disruptive Uranus) and this, according to Reinhold Ebertin, denotes 'sudden acts of violence', and Noel Tyl adds, 'breaking loose.'

As always, your on-topic comments and observations are invited as long as your name is attached - No 'Anonymous' or 'Unknown' comments will be published. Jude

Dec 7, 2020

Even if Trump sits out 2024 there's a 'Nazi Rise to Power' Eclipse in 2022

Every time I've heard Trump fly his trial balloon (or threat!) about running for president again in 2024, I think of two upcoming Solar Eclipses in particular with themes that relate to just such a bad idea. And as many pundits have said, a variety of difficulties lie ahead with or without a Trump in Politics.

First, the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse of August 31, 1932 in the 6 South Saros Series in which a Total Eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio, then it's the Fascism Rising Eclipse of February 24, 1933 in the 7 North Saros Series in which a Total Eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, a critical 29th degree.

Now as parts of societal and historical cycles, both eclipses are worrisome for those of us who prefer democracy and the uplifting of the common good for as many people as possible! In the 1930s, America had FDR to see us through and implement social improvements. But how stymied will the White House be in 2022 and 2023 by power-lusting Republican authoritarians sporting theocratic credentials and cheered on by their wealthy backers?

So with this post I'm suggesting that 6 South and 7 North themes and degrees are worth keeping in mind in context with our present and upcoming conditions, issues, and personalities. And if you need to, dear reader, follow the links above and if you weren't already, maybe you'll consider yourself forewarned if not forearmed!

As always your Shares are encouraging and are much appreciated! But again, note that No Comments will be published if left by 'Anonymous' or 'Unknown', nor will comments containing ads or promotional links because SO'W is Not your freebie advertising space. No exceptions. jc

Sep 21, 2020

Will Donald Trump Destroy America? (w/ Sarah Kendzior) - Thom Hartmann

With deep regret as a Child of the Revolution, I must admit that the orange saboteur and his comrades are in process of destroying America as I type:
My best advice: Resist Nazism and its evils in America and #VoteBlue2020
And please keep in mind that the Nazi Rise to Power Solar Eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 6 South Saros series with themes that include: "being forcful and taking power" and "huge effort in some group activity" (Brady). May the huge effort be ours.
My thanks to Thom Hartmann for his years of excellent work.