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Showing posts with label Scorpio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scorpio. Show all posts

Dec 19, 2024

The Gipper and The Nipper!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Below you see a dual chart image of two natal horoscopes for The Gipper and for a guy I'll call, The Nipper. Both charts may be off a bit in the birth timing department though the charts are the generally accepted versions for both, last I heard.

Plus, "off a bit" poses no problem for this particular post because our subject is the Jupiter in Scorpio of both men of wealth, one born in 1911, the other fellow in 1971 - and both of them are what some would call, money grubbers due to their shared focus on the materialistic acquisition of extreme wealth and possessions. This is a function of moneybags planet Jupiter in the corporate Big Business sign of Scorpio - with expansive Jupiter also being a political planet, often with guru and/or broadcasting interests, along with a huge appetite for more:

The primary aspects to their natal Jupiters are penned on and highlighted in green along with a few general traits concerning the Jupiter in Scorpio placement. Additionally, you'll note mentions that both men have quirky Mercury-Uranus contacts: conjunct in 1911 and square in 1971. Both fellows have Jupiter-Saturn indicators (expansion vs restriction issues) via The Nipper's opposition in 1971 and The Gipper's Jupiter-South Node Conjunction in 1911.

In closing, we should also note that aspects, House position, and other factors affect or mitigate the meaning of any planetary placement; therefore, the aspect information you see here obviously is influential upon Jupiter which tends to expand the energies of any planet it touches, for better or for worse.

Here's further reading involving Jupiterian proportionality: In the Realms of Jupiter: Mike Johnson, a post containing links to other such assessment$ of certain politicians and their enablers. After all, "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" describes the Washington game since America's 1776 Jupiter, does it not?

On a personal level: if you, dear reader, were born with Jupiter in Scorpio, please note that there are many factors affecting Jupiter in your chart, and that the indications within this Political Astrology offering are, as always, on a political and mundane level in order to check out the dealings and personalities of public figures. In other words, this assessment is not intended as a personal reading for anyone. Besides: their life circumstances, aims, and opportunities are quite different from ours, agreed? Jude

Sep 28, 2023

GOP's Biden Impeachment Inquiry Opens

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Chaired by Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, the GOP (maga) inquiry into impeaching President Joe Biden opened this morning at 10:00 am edt. Actually, Trump's handmaidens are on a fishing expedition to 'catch' Joe Biden by linking him to his son Hunter's activities, in hopes of making Trump look better to voters. So far, no equivalency has been found between decades-long public servant Biden and insurrectionist Trump. And you know, Joe came out of retirement to help us with this fascism thing but extremist Republicans don't like it.

Blue Saturn, karmic planet of law and order

So! Below you see a bi-wheel of the Republican Party Horoscope (inner) set for March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Ripon, WI, and (outer) today's 10:00 am EDT chart set for Septmber 28, 2023 with 10Sco06 rising ("11 Scorpio": "A Drowning Man Rescued"). Wonder who ordered this fishing expedition hoping to be rescued from his troubles? Well, Scorpio is the sign of detectives and investigations, with Mars its ruler, and Pluto its sub-ruler.

As you see, the Mars inconjunct Uranus is listed on the chart since Mars rules the inquiry itself with Plutonian influences of power, control, and manipulation in his back pocket. Meanwhile, a 4th house Pluto @27Cap55 Rx remains within orb of America's first-ever Pluto Return and had conjoined 1854 Jupiter 5 times from 2019 into 2020 during the Trump years. Here, Pluto squares North Node of public contact which suggests the revolutionary reforms now in play which challenge The Establishment (Saturn).

But my primary focus is on today's Saturn Rx @1Pis36 which conjuncts 1854 Venus while opposing 1854 Mars. In other words, transit Saturn is activating the Republican Party's quarrelsome Venus-Mars opposition (see lower right corner for details). And there's today's Venus atop the chart with her Leonine pride and her tendencies toward jealousy and greed when she's been scorned (aka, not voted for!)

As for accountability, you know that Saturn demands truth, realism, and the facts but look what was rising at 10:00 am this morning in Washington DC as the proceedings began: Trump's natal Neptune @5Libra, the first planet of his 2nd house trio that includes Chiron and his stationary Jupiter in Libra - and with the morning Sun spotlighting it! To me this implies that Donald's Dream (Jupiter-Neptune) of floating above the fray (his indictments and trials) is on today's menu as his handmaidens attempt to improve the orange oldster's tattered public image, damaged by his own criminality and vengefulness.

And yes, there are plenty of other chart factors of interest for the curious but let's close by saying that the Mars-Uranus inconjunct bodes ill for the outcome of today's political stunt and for its ultimate consequences for the Republican Party. Because maddeningly, instead of working to keep the government from shutting down this Saturday at midnight, these maga-style 'Putin pals' are performing yet another congressional clown show for the sake of sore loser Trump who made his own bed and will now have to lie in it.

Aug 20, 2023

The "Kenergy" of US Mars Retrograde!

Patriarchal Values On Display via US Mars Retrograde

by Jude Cowell

From Ken's unfailing support for Barbie to his being "fine with that," a perfect example of US Mars turned retrograde by progression - from US 1776 Mars in ready-to-go Gemini to US Progressed Mars retrograde in laid back Libra - a perfect expression of America's Mars and the males the planet represents may be found in the Barbie movie, now playing upon a very large theater screen near you.

The Aggression of Mars Turned Inward--and Sensitive

How helpful that the self-effacing "Kenergy" of Ryan Gosling's 'Ken' character is explained in the film, particularly for those macho types who have trouble moderating their patriarchal tendencies such as arrogantly taking control and always grandstanding in case anyone misses how strong they are. For a percentage of them, their sense of machismo is way overblown!

So for more Kenergy details, you may wish to check out:

Top 10 Unhinged Ryan Gosling Quotes About Playing Ken

Then how about a view of the C-rated natal chart of Canadian actor Ryan Gosling born November 12, 1980 with Sun in Scorpio and Moon in earthy Capricorn, or the A-rated natal horoscope of Barbie-personified actress Margo Robbie, born July 2, 1990 in Dalby, Australia with Sun in Cancer and Moon in early Scorpio.

You know, considering their Cancer and Scorpio Suns, we might suspect that there's quite a pink-convertible-load of watery emotions and feelings awash between them!

Sep 21, 2020

Will Donald Trump Destroy America? (w/ Sarah Kendzior) - Thom Hartmann

With deep regret as a Child of the Revolution, I must admit that the orange saboteur and his comrades are in process of destroying America as I type:
My best advice: Resist Nazism and its evils in America and #VoteBlue2020
And please keep in mind that the Nazi Rise to Power Solar Eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 6 South Saros series with themes that include: "being forcful and taking power" and "huge effort in some group activity" (Brady). May the huge effort be ours.
My thanks to Thom Hartmann for his years of excellent work.

Oct 18, 2018

November 2018 New and Full Moons

October 18, 2018: Below is a dual chart showing both the November 7th New Moon and the November 23rd Full Moon of 2018 set for Washington DC. Please enlarge to read my scribbles:

As you see, the New Moon @15Sco11 perfects the morning after the 2018 Midterm Elections and as usual, marks the beginning of a new cycle with the Moon at the Point of Regeneration (15 Scorpio), aka, the Eagle Point. Without knowing who the victors will be as I type, this chart must speak for itself with restrictive Saturn @5Cap30 rising and acting as chart-ruler (Cap ASC) which makes no applying major aspects to other planets in the chart. This emphasizes Saturn's sign and house position (12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Self-Undoing, and Karma) but at least Saturn isn't afflicted in the chart and has left his off-again-on-again trine with radical Uranus conjunct the New Moon IC (Foundation; Endings; The Drain) from the 3rd house side and at a critical 29th degree of Aries, a disruptive placement of zealots, anarchists, and radicals.

Obviously, Technology and Communications are part of this Uranian picture and of course, Mr. Trump is Uranian since natal Uranus is his guiding planet due to its oriental condition (last planet to rise before his Sun). A side note of interest may be that asteroid Eros @17Gem40 (5th house; the piercing) conjoins Trump's natal Uranus, planet of chaos, disruption, and shock. Is this a reference to the Mueller investigation or its findings?

Also prominent is rising Pluto @19Cap06 suggesting a tale of massive events coming up that are uncontrollable by mere mortals and possibly relate to surveillance and ties to the Criminal Underworld. As you've heard, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Trump, the Russians, and -other- may drop as early as November 7th ('after' the Midterms). That the separative South Node ('SN'; the 'tail of the dragon') is in 1st house is a negative indicator, plus, SN conjoins US Progressed Pluto (29 Capricorn, a critical or crisis degree) and soon will swipe across US natal Pluto (27Cap33) suggesting potentials for self-reliance but also large-scale changes that affect others who are not consulted. Adding to the complexity is the Mars-Saturn midpoint in 1st house which conjoins America's POTUS Sun (00AQ48 for Trump 2017) and forming a picture of a leader unable to meet all demands or master all circumstances.

With SN conjunct POTUS Sun, Mr. Trump's popularity may be at low ebb as well which we discussed previously (exact on October 27th). In addition, we're still under the influence of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse (18Leo41) with its theme of 'collapse of plans, lifestyles, and...edifices'. One result may be that Trump's tower of lies finally collapses into rubble but we must hope that, if so, this won't take America down too especially considering all the damage he's already caused our nation.

Mercury @8Sag19 approaches warring star Antares, one of the Royal stars of Persia, and conjoins two asteroids: Icarus, associated with flying too high and crashing and assassination which could be a reference to the October 2, 2018 heinous murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and Trump's defense of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ('MBS'), and Circe (where we rescue or seek rescue). Or, is another assassination on someone's November-into-December 2018 agenda? Perhaps but we should note that 17 Gemini+ is the position of Mr. Trump's natal 10th house Uranus ('18Gemini' = "Two Chinese Men talking Chinese in a Western Crowd").

Now in the Full Moon horoscope of November 23rd (upper right), we find Icarus Rx and still @17Gemini+ in 10th house although divine-retribution asteroid Nemesis @14Gem31 is nearer Midheaven ('MC' @11Gem25; the Goal Point)--and gold-hoarding MIDAS Rx @11Gem11 conjoins the MC (which may or may not be America's natal Descendant). A Venus-Uranus opposition across the 2/8 axis of Money, Values, Shared Resources, Credit/Debt, and Corporatism denotes potentials for 'a treasury showing unexpected rises and falls in its valuation, settings suddenly exploited for development, ruling bodies unable to cope with sudden infusions or lacks of funds, and/or unpredictable vanity shown by leaders or executives' (Munkasey). Eccentric spendthrifts, wastrels, over-indulgence, and extravagance are also suggested by the Venus-Uranus pair along with possible relationship breakups.

And of course you see that the Full Moon @00Gem52 conjoins fixed star Alcyone with key words something to cry about. (Other stars are listed on the right side of the charts.) The Full Moon chart-ruler is Mercury turned retrograde as of the evening of November 16th @13Sag29 and as Rx chart-ruler suggests delays, reviews, revisions, and re-considerations of all kinds including plans and ideas. In fact, this regressive condition is at the Foundation of the Full Moon chart (Mercury Rx conjunct IC) which suggests that whatever was seeded at the November 7th New Moon will be under revision before the Full Moon rather than culminating at the Full Moon as planned.

Chart-ruler Mercury makes two applying aspects: 1. square Mars (5A45) describing a period of frustration, incorrect information blocking goals, provoked anger, possible equipment failure, and rash actions; 2. conjunct Jupiter (7A01) showing expansive plans, an increase of international communications, news about legal affairs or decisions, and/or discussions concerning the employment of relatives.

That this Rx condition of Mercury can affect Midterms' voting outcomes goes without saying for Mercury is the planet of vote casting, ballots, and decisions but hopefully, Midterm victors will be decided well before November 23rd--or counts will be ongoing or contested.

Now there are many other chart factors of note in both charts but in line with my usual desire to keep this a post, not a book, I shall close for now and allow you to fill in the gaps and perhaps I'll see you at the voting booth November 6th!

Apr 8, 2018

Pluto Generations: Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius

Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius Generations

by Kevin Estes

This is the first set of an astrological analysis of all the world's generations. The charts are set for Washington, DC, as it is the capital of the United States, and the charts, in my analysis, describe these generations very accurately. I'm doing the Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius generations first, as these three are the first "Aquarian Age" generations for they are the first three generations in the second half of the zodiac, which is about the collective rather than the individual.

Pluto in Libra Oct 5, 1971 2:14 am edt Washington DC:

Most notable placement is the Moon's ruler, Mars, on the descendant, in the 7th house, and conjunct the North Node. This explains the generation's strong focus on relationships and pleasing others, as Libra rules the 7th house, so they have an emotional need to find the "right one". This, along with the Moon in the 9th house, perfectly describes their deep desire for social justice, as well as striving for a more inclusive society, as both Libra and Sagittarius, which rules the 9th house, are associated with justice. This is shown in the Neptune in Sagittarius that around 95% of this generation shares. Describing quite the social generation, the Sun (which is also the chart ruler), Mercury, Venus, and Uranus are in the 3rd house, with Pluto also on the 3rd house cusp! I have met very few introverts in this generation, especially compared to the generations it's sandwiched between, and Uranus in the 3rd house, along with Pluto on its cusp, is why this generation was the first to embrace text messaging, as well as social media, as this generation was the young adults when cell phones became mainstream and Myspace started up.

They were instrumental in changing, and transforming, the communication methods of the world! All of these planets are in Libra as well, meaning that the Libra influence of people in this generation is far more than just Pluto, because the Sun of the generation itself being in Libra means that everyone in the generation is a Libra to some extent.

Pluto in Scorpio Nov 5, 1983 4:06:36 pm est Washington DC:

The main thing that stands out to me is the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto all in the 7th house, in Scorpio! This is why this generation has many similarities to Pluto in Libra, as this strong stellium in the 7th house also gives them a strong desire for social justice, and they also share 9th house influence with the Pluto Libras, as Neptune is on the 9th house cusp in the 9th house, which is why they share the desire for a fairer and more inclusive society that's different than the status quo. This generation also has its Sun in Scorpio, along with its Moon, so along with Pluto being in its own sign, everybody in this generation is a Scorpio Sun/Moon to some extent, which makes for a very intense generation (which the Aries rising also indicates).

The chart ruler, Mars is conjunct Venus, which is the co-ruler of the ascendant, in the 6th house, in Virgo, which rules the 6th house, making for a very ambitious generation and why older generations see them as materialistic, which the Neptune in Capricorn that around 90% of this generation shares also indicates. Also notable are Jupiter and Uranus in the 8th house, which explains this generation's interest in the occult, as well as fascination with tattoos, piercing, and stretched earlobes as a way of expressing themselves.

Pluto in Sagittarius Jan 17, 1995 4:15:15 am est Washington DC:

While the Sun of this generation isn't in its Pluto sign, unlike the previous two, what is very notable is that the generation has Sagittarius rising, with Jupiter and Venus on the ascendant. This describes how this generation comes off as a whole: Optimistic, positive, and tolerant, yet very accident-prone as a result of recklessness. While the generation's Sun is in Capricorn in the 2nd house (which Taurus rules), which should give them a very materialistic side, it is conjunct Uranus and Neptune, countering the earthiness that Sun in 2nd house Capricorn should give and giving everyone in this generation Aquarian and Piscean energies. Mercury is also in the 2nd house, but in Aquarius. All this Aquarian energy is fitting for a generation that didn't know a world before technology expanded, and is also indicated by the Neptune in Aquarius that around 70% of this generation has, as every Sagittarius Pluto born from 1995-1997 has Neptune in Capricorn, along with most of January 1998 and late August-late November of 1998.

The generation's Moon is in Leo, which gives them an emotional need to have fun, that is also intense, as their Moon is in the 8th house. The 8th house Moon is an indicator of this generation continuing the trend of getting tattoos and piercings that the Pluto in Scorpio and Uranus in Scorpio generations set (from my experience, this is happening), and this 8th house energy is prevalent in the intensity and focus of the Stoneman Douglas High School activists in their movement to get semi-automatic rifles off the street. Another notable thing is that the ruler of the 5th house, Mars, is in the 9th house, which is an indicator for their love to travel and expand their world views, for fun! Their Pluto is also in the 12th house, which Pisces rules, giving them more Piscean energy than just Sun and Uranus conjunct Neptune and Saturn in Pisces.

The ingress charts for the generations do show their characters and their roles as a whole, similar to how people's birth charts show their individual characters and roles. More proof that astrology is legit, and not to be taken lightly. ke

Thanks, Kevin, for your millennial view of our younger generations! jc

Above charts compliments of Solar Fire Gold v9; Tropical Zodiac; Placidus House System set for the first moment transit Pluto, now traversing Capricorn, most recently entered each sign.

Note: For those who wish to read this post in its original form with astrodienst charts calculated in the Regiomontanus House System, visit Kevin's Left Wing Astrology blog.

Jun 3, 2017

America's Saturn Rx and Summer Solstice 2017

Saturn, Planet of Authority and Authenticity: from Libra to Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

With Summer Solstice 2017 about to arrive at 12:24 am edt on June 21st with Saturn now in Sagittarius highly visible at the top of the solstice chart (set for DC), we may wish to review the past and current conditions of America's Saturn.

In 1996 US Saturn Turned Rx by Progression @3Scorpio under the presidency of House-impeached Bill Clinton whose tenure of turmoil helped undermine the authority, authenticity, and dignity of the Executive Branch and muddied America's reputation on the global stage. Tragic Mars-Pluto (Scorpio) style events of power and brutality involving government authority such as the Oklahoma City Bombing, allegedly a vengeful act committed in response to the Clinton-Reno-FBI Siege at Waco, kept Mr. Clinton busy as the office of the presidency dissolved in tatters, a result cheered by his Republican opponents. (The political strategy of R vs D theatrics is primarily just that--divisive theatrics, since it's really Rulers vs The Ruled.)

Obvious correspondences from the Clinton era to Donald Trump's 'presidential' behavior in the White House circa 2017 may be noted but for those who follow Trump's haphazard presidency--and realize that The Klan now leads America from the White House--it isn't necessary to mention them in this brief post. Mr. Trump is in process of threatening to leave or actually withdrawing the US from previous alliances in which America was leader (Saturn) and our Saturn's retrograde condition is part of that picture.

As you know, Trump's natal Saturn is debilitated in Cancer (Cancer opposes Capricorn, the sign Saturn rules). His natal Saturn is in 11th house, the place of Groups and Alliances, and Trump's resentments run deep while his natal Jupiter Station Direct in Libra relates to others with frequent protestations of "that's not fair!" The retaining of large amounts of money lurks at the base of the issue for the Jupiterian Mr. Trump.

Meanwhile, America's SP Saturn in Scorpio suggests potentials for esoteric, occult, and metaphysical study (which our Founding Fathers possessed as seen in their goddess Venus and Virgo fixations--plus, you've noted Trump's constant use of Freemason hand signals), transformation (destruction, then rebuilding via Pluto), obstinacy, endurance, a more serious outlook, and the urge to delve deeply into difficult problems (Ebertin). All this is quite a change from US natal Saturn exalted in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of diplomacy, values, and the Scales of Justice. Now I know that each sign represents progress issuing from the previous sign, and, one hopes, improvement.

But in this case, America's exalted Saturn of 1776 (trine progressive radical Uranus in Gemini, its brilliance and genius successfully poured into the Saturnian forms of our 'freedom documents' a la Plato) has been degraded now that US progressed Saturn (SP) is retrograde (moving backward) in death-dealing Scorpio while on the physical plane it uses its authoritative energies against (Rx) the American people and against the entire world.

And now we see actor Donald Trump withdrawing the US from certain areas of global leadership which then opens the way for other nations to take control of the power elite's Great Plan for global governance which makes him, knowingly or unknowingly, a foreign agent in the White House.

Perhaps you disagree but there it is.


Related Posts and Horoscopes:

Summer Solstice 2017 Horoscope w/ Trump's Planets added.

The Oklahoma City Bombing Horoscope of 1995.

Dick Morris on Clinton, Reno, and Waco (video).

And speaking of The Klan (and sub-president Bannon lurking behind White House curtains), here's an excerpt from the 2010 article by Sherwood Ross which may be read in full via its link, below:

"By assigning covert action roles to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it is as if the White House and Congress had legitimized the Ku Klux Klan to operate globally. That’s because the CIA today resembles nothing so much as the “Invisible Empire” of the KKK that once spread terror across the South and Midwest. Fiery crosses aside, this is what the CIA is doing globally."

The CIA, the KKK, and the USA.

Feb 21, 2017

Rebecca Miller Spicer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

A few weeks ago I posted here a Wedding Day Astrology Report on Mr. Trump's Press Secretary, Sean Spicer and his wife Rebecca Miller Spicer. On their wedding day, the Sun (husband) was in Scorpio (Mars-Pluto) and the Moon (wife) was in Sagittarius (Jupiter), a steamy Water-Fire combination of energies.

Belatedly, I have discovered a presentation by 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know concerning Rebecca Spicer (disguised by that computer voice some presenters use) which provides some of Mrs. Spicer's career background. {Edit July 15, 2022: a previously embedded video is no longer available but you might find something on her if you search YouTube for the "5 Fast Facts" title or her name. jc}

Feb 1, 2017

Are the Republicans Giving Away the Public Trust Land to Corporations? video

Feb 1, 2017: what a lucrative part of the GOP plan, man! But who will benefit? Here's Thom Hartmann today speaking with a concerned caller:


A related post: Brief Astro-Notes and "Fun Facts" about Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) whose chart connection with starry Serpentis in Scorpio (sign of betrayal) may be worth remembering since he introduced the legislation to sell out public lands and their natural resources that belong, thanks to Republican Teddy Roosevelt, to...

Mar 7, 2016

Astro-Notes: Mar 9, 2016 Solar Eclipse in the 18 South Saros Series

Mea culpa! The title of this post contains a typo: the Solar Eclipse manifests this evening, March 8, 2016 at 8:54 pm EST but to edit the title messes with the functioning of the link! Once Moon meets Sun, Luna becomes void-of-course until Wednesday March 9. jc

Original post begins here:

Tomorrow evening a Solar Eclipse manifests @19Pisces in the 18 South Saros Series:

18 South themes include potentials for: endings, separations, and partings which can relate to travel or to endings of relationships or alliances; grief and anguish may follow yet the pain of separation can be lessened by new situations which create positive outcomes (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

As you know, the sign of an initial eclipse in a series colors the eclipse--here it's a Jupiter-Neptune Pisces eclipse through a Mars-Pluto Scorpio lens, both emotional water signs but one Mutable (changeable), the other rigid, willful energy that, if conditions are right, may easily relate to war, aggression, and conflict. The Initial Eclipse of the 18S Series occurred on August 20, 1096 OS @3Sco29 with forceful Mars-Pluto undertones; this degree conjoins the current position of US Secondary Progressed Saturn Rx showing America's compromised authority in the world.

A major factor that occurred within the 18S initial eclipse is an obsessive quindecile aspect (165 degrees between two money planets, Venus and Jupiter which on one level can provide much creative energy but also indicates an excessive drive for relationships and/or money; ideals, morals, and ethics are often based on material gain, belief systems tend to motivate action, and excess and indulgence are definite potentials. For positive expressions of 18S, education is essential. (Reeves, The Quindecile.)

Actually, Campaign 2016 has a couple of candidates who allegedly use a 'belief system' for political guidance and to represent them with the evangelical community. However, gaining the Oval Office may or may not be a positive result for the American people if theocrats are riding the Washington gravy train while misrepresenting our Founding Fathers as promoters of the Christian religion when it was Age of Reason (Uranus-Neptune) principles that America was modeled upon and not that ole time religion of a later century.

As for the 18 South Solar Eclipse that occurs tomorrow, there's an interesting list of characters and entities born or occurring under 18S such as: Sirhan Sirhan, Craig Ferguson, Rudy Giuliani, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Twain, Piet Mondrian, the city of St. Augustine, Florida, the US hostage release by Iran (staged just in time for Reagan's first Inauguration)--and the surrender of General Cornwallis to General George Washington at an hour, date, and location of Freemason George's choosing (as we're told).

In rhyming with History fashion, 18S has manifested in the years 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980 (Reagan decade beginning), 1998, (2016). It will next occur in the year 2034 though you may wish to consider events of past years and all of the US president who oversaw them in search for similar themes or events (ex: a campaign manager or staffer leaves a candidate's employ) for these may return to our Collective Mind for re-evaluation in 2016.

The above post is a reprint from a previous SO'W article with a few minor edits of no importance whatsoever. jc

Feb 21, 2016

Horoscope: US Moon Return on Election Day 2016--We the People!

Have you seen the horoscope of our national Lunar (Moon) Return for November 8, 2016 which happens to be General Election Day 2016? Here's the chart, below. Please enlarge the image to read my messy-as-usual notes for it seems America will be hatching 'an exotic moth' that day since we already acccommodate the 'hovering hawk' of NSA total surveillance:

Venus @25Sag47 in 11th house is out of bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane and acting according to her own unusual or possibly skewed perspectives yet is in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms) with Jupiter (Sag/Libra) which leads a planetary Locomotive of success (which could signify Mr. Trump with his Jupiter in Libra.) Meanwhile critical degrees grace the ASC/DESC axis of Self and Other and manipulative gold-hoarder and power-grabber Pluto has just risen into the 12th house of Karma, Secret Deals, and Politics while testy Mars at a critical-crisis 29th degree readies to rise and take control of the situation. Following activist Mars closely is asteroid Hidalgo who seeks higher status, an exotic social climber, we might say. But is Hidalgo the 'exotic moth' a majority of We the People will vote for?

Actually, Mars rising is Donald Trump's planetary signature but he expresses it with a dramatic Leonine flair! Plus, there's the 8th house 19 North Solar Eclipse @9Virgo to contend with and its realism vibes which will take precedence since late August-early September as expressed in large part by candidate Bernie Sanders. However, you see the Scorpio Sun and Mercury at the top (Mc) of the chart which suggests Scorpio Hillary Clinton (natal ASC, Mercury, Venus, Chiron, Sun) at the Aspiration/Goal Point of the Lunar Return chart and in her natal 12th house of Politics. Is the American public feeling futuristic (AQ) enough to toss out establishment candidates? Polls have said so but November 8th is what tells the conservative vs progressive tale one more time.

For more info, let's look a bit closer at the degree of a planet that often triggers action:

Warrior Mars at '30Cap': "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs," a symbol which relates to an "occult hierarchy," or, the "White Lodge" (the White House.) Also "seeing through the facts" is involved with this degree referencing EXECUTIVE POWER (Rudhyar) which resonates well with US Politics, this year's major political election, and the oppressive, exploitative corporate structure behind the US government. Plus, the Illumination Point of '30Cap' uncovers what I believe also relates to Election 2016 rhetoric and proposals and to a basic American tradition:

'30Cancer': "A Daughter of the American Revolution"...GLORIFICATION OF THE PAST." Have we learned anything from war at all?

Sabian Symbols from An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.

Jan 9, 2016

Mars in 2016 - Steve Judd video

2016: Mars in Scorpio and Sagittarius

In 2016, year of the US presidential campaign and election in November, warrior planet Mars performs a 6-month retrograde period beginning in mid-April, just as he reaches pugnacious, belligerent Antares (9Sag), and the action planet's period of inverted energies lasts way too long for anyone's comfort. Frustration, irritation, and aggression are Martian themes, as you know, and many secrets will be leaked or coughed up during the year along with lies revealed. This may be of interest to 2016 candidate Donald Trump with his Mars rising natal chart though other candidates will be affected as well. For example:

At the end of February, early March 2016, Mars crosses President Obama's natal Midheaven (MC), the Career and Public Status point, and he will be very busy with political projects and self-promotion (which includes promotion of Democratic Party concerns and candidates). it can also denote a time of danger, tension, haste, and/or anger for him in relation to such themes in the public sector. In early June MArs conjoins his MC again and at the end of June MArs stations Direct. Inaugural Moon (We the People) in 2009 is involved as well when Mars conjoins the 29 Scorpio position (30Sco = "A Halloween Jester" degree.) In Politics, this symbol always reminds me of the famous 'October Surprise' perpetrated by the Reagan campaign against Democrat Jimmy Carter in days of yore.

And when testy Mars moves within range of an opposition to President Obama's 3 Gemini Moon more irritation, anger, and potential danger will be evident at the White House (his Moon is in his 4th house of Home). Caution and moderation are advised for him, his family members, and for us, the American people as part of his political family. These Mars-to-Moon periods will occur during March and August 2016.

A hint of better news is that transit Mars will be moving direct after having left his shadow (9Sag where he stationed Rx in April) in August prior to Election Day November 8, 2016 though Mars will be at a critical 29th degree in governmental Capricorn. Rounding up we have '30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference...OPPORTUNITY...positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative (shadow/unconscious) expression: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others." Wonder if activist Mars will allow it to remain secret? And will their be explosive events when Mars meets Pluto @15Cap in October?

For more details concerning energetic Mars in 2016, check out this very informative presentation by Steve Judd:

A related video by Steve Judd is Neptune in 2016 which includes the difficult Saturn-Neptune square, a phase of their cycle which began in 1989 in the degree range of 10--12 Capricorn.

Please note that this post was prepared without reference to the 'wild card' interruptions of Solar and Lunar Eclipses which also tend to reveal secrets and lies. Here's a list of eclipses through year 2022 where you'll see the two Solar Eclipses of 2016--on March 9 @19Pisces (Total and in the 18 South Series) and September 1, 2016 @9Virgo in the 19 North Series. Obviously the 19 North eclipse acts as the Pre-Natal Eclipse of both Election Day 2016 and Inauguration Day 2017 so 19N themes will influence both events and outcomes. Plus, if you wish, type 'Eclipses' into the sidebar of SO'W for several more entries concerning these solar and lunar 'cosmic blinks' in relation to our nation's past, present, and future.

'30Sco' and '30Cap' symbols from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Marc Edmund Jones.

Nov 6, 2015

G-20 Summit November 15--16, 2015 w Sun in controlling Scorpio

Once again it's time for the 10th annual G-20 Summit which is being held in Antalya, Turkey. The event spreads before and after for various groups but the main leaders get together on November 15 and 16, 2015 with Sun (leadership) in secretive Scorpio and the Moon in ambitious Capricorn. And of course the Moon's sign clues us in on the mood of the two days--of the attendees and of the public--and with Capricorn, we think serious, ambitious, mature, and perhaps restrictive.

Naturally this combination of energies includes sign rulers Mars and Pluto (Scorpio) and Saturn (Capricorn), planet of government, law, and business. Obviously representatives from each level of management will be in attendance and the summit's Scorpionic interests include issues of control and manipulation along with Big Business, the occult, and matters of death and transformation.

And if we look closer at the Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn blend we find a practical Water-Earth condition in which a determination to do what needs to be done is uppermost. This suggests a group of tough and tenacious people, some possessing a dark, brooding intensity with a streak of self-righteous judgmentalism to their natures. Or perhaps judgment is what is expected from them along with being called to account (Saturn.)

At some point during the summit the Moon (emotions) will conjoin wealthy, powerful Pluto (13Cap+) so although few if any details may be released publicly we can glean a few potential results such as: extreme emotions being violently expressed or shouted, vanity offended, actions toward objectives compete with sentimentality, personal insults hurled, fanatics and crusaders strive toward goals without regard for other people. (Ebertin.) And of course, when the Moon reaches Pluto, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square (though waning at the moment) is triggered which is most likely a reference to protests against world leaders attending G-20 Summit 2015 and what is assumed to be draconian measures that few populations are eager to experience.

So whatever hidden agenda the G-20 Summit organizers have and plan to execute upon the world, let us close with three famous quotes from people who were born under the Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn personality blend for to me all three quotes seem to apply:

"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash." - General George Patton.

"Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others." - Marcel Ophuls.

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow." - George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans).


For more information on personality blends see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Aug 19, 2015

That Time Karl Rove Deleted 22 MILLION White House Emails and The Media Said Nothing

Some of us have never forgotten...

That Time Karl Rove Deleted 22 MILLION White House E-Mails And The Media Said Nothing.

Republicans engaging in the same public scrutiny avoidance doesn't excuse Hillary Clinton's subversive (Scorpio!) actions concerning classified emails but it does point out how corrupt, evasive, and secretive the US government as a whole has become (more than ever.) And the ruling elite certainly doesn't mind invading our privacy while criminally protecting their own.

This is one of the mishandled issues that turns the high-minded concept of 'government oversight' into a big joke and further undermines whatever shred of moral standing America has in the world. And the dissolution and ultimate collapse of the US government (1776 = new order--now considered old by transnational globalists) continues apace...
