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Showing posts with label Donald Trump 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump 2024. Show all posts

Jun 8, 2024

Campaign 2024: The Biden-Trump Debates

by Jude Cowell, D.A.R. partisan for democracy

The lack of Live audiences for both the June 27th and September 10th Biden-Trump debates will favor the quietly spoken President Biden while Trump's habitual bombastic overtalks and disruptive allegations will have not their usual usefulness for creating skewed sound bites. Lies from either debater will be called out by moderators, one hopes, making the events closer to what debates once were when policies and facts were stars of the show.

If this is accomplished, American voters will be informed on the issues prior to Election Day 2024 - what a grand idea! Plus, differences between the characters of the two men will be made obvious for the confused voter, and for those who stay busy working to pay bills and care for their families. Meanwhile, both debaters are seniors so the playing field on that score is level and therefore, moot.

Of course, this is if a certain felonious debater doesn't pull out prematurely because he and his staffers realize their mistake agreeing to such debate conditions. In his podcast episode from May, The Mop-Up's David Feldman says as much as he discusses Why Trump Will Lose Both Debates to Biden along with other topics and news of the day (#1550 audio only, shown below). David is known to be plain-spoken so beware if your feelings are easily trampled!

Now here is a previously published dual image of the June 27, 2024 Biden-Trump Debate and their September 10, 2024 event, assuming that one or both debates occur:

If held, both debates will occur under 8 North "vivid dreams and visions" influences of the Great American Eclipse conjunct Chiron (19Ari24) which manifested on April 8, 2024. (Also shown is the 8 North of 1986 which suggests a cosmic link back to Reagan's policies and/or events.) Astro-notes concerning cosmic conditions during both the 2024 Biden-Trump Debates are available for the curious.

So which "dream" for our nation's future are We the People having? A dream of democracy and the rule of law?

Or a nightmare of dystopian strong-armed paternalism in which women are slavish baby incubators and r*pe victims while misguided theocrats strut?

May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024 NYC: Hope Hicks Testifies

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Today at around 11:30 am edt in the Manhattan courtroom of Judge Marchan, a former close associate of Donald Trump was called to the stand in Trump's Election Interference/Hush Money Trial. On the stand, Hope Hicks pointed toward Trump's assistant Rhona Graff as a source of information, and testified that Trump was a great multi-tasker.

My understanding has been that not one penny ever left the Trump Organization without Donald okaying it, but maybe that's just me. Is it you?

Solar Eclipses Cycle 'Round Again

Notably, the upcoming 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Libra - the Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') that will influence Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 with themes of loss and separation - happens to be the PE Series into which Hope Hicks was born on October 21, 1988 under 8 South influences, plus, issues of dedication, perception, logic, and/or health issues when in Mercury-ruled Virgo (R. Lineman).

Significantly, the lady's natal Mercury @11Libra will be directly hit by the 8 South Eclipse this October (or influential as early as mid-September) and this will activate her natal Neptune @7Cap42 as well - because Ms. Hicks was born with a Mercury-Neptune square as was Big Liar Trump. Therefore, the square suggests a tendencies to adjust data, and to deceive and fantasize as she served in the White House and has testified today about her boss. And like agent orange, she may tend to hear only what she wants to hear with this square. Later I'll want to catch up with the evening news concerning how her testimony turned out today.

Hope Hicks: Saturn-Uranus Conjunction 1988 = Powder Keg!

Now there are differences between her and Herr T's natal planets, of course, but we're talking about Mercury the messenger and her testimony today so her Mercury-Neptune square is, shall we say, under scrutiny, as is the square of fact-challenged Trump, fantasist extraordinaire.

So meanwhile, here's the 8 South Horoscope of Hope Hicks which perfected on September 11, 1988 @18Vir40. A few of my study notes are penned on the chart but I know there are more cosmic factors worth discovering for the curious:

Now I don't know what the rest of 2024 holds for Miss Hicks, but when an individual's PE repeats (about every 19 years), the themes and aspects of its subsequent manifestations may or may not repeat through life events. Because, as with all eclipses, cyclical repetitions of eclipses are replete with unpredictable Uranian 'wild card' possibilities which may include a change of direction.

Jun 1, 2023

Let's Moon-Track RNC 2024!

Mundane Moon: Public Mood, Popular Trends, Emotions

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

Ready or not, word is that the 2024 Republican National Convention, aka, RNC 2024, will be held July 15--18, 2024 at the Fiserv Forum in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's too soon to consult a schedule of events for they're TBA, so for the sake of simplicity I've set up the following dual image of the opening day and closing day:

July 15, 2024 12:00 am CDT (lower left to symbolize the day itself and to begin tracking the Moon) and July 18, 2024 11:59 pm CDT (upper right) to capture the last dregs of the final day of whatever their sabotage agenda has in store for what I presume will be an audience of Trump fans and operatives who prefer sedition, anarchy, fascism, and Trump's promised "American carnage" rather than a peaceful democratic Republic replete with law and order and based on the US Constitution.

Of course, the question is: who will RNC 2024 nominate for 2024? Will it be Trump running openly as a vengeful fascist, or a candidate running to the right of Trump--which will have to be an out-and-out dictator because that's what their much-touted base insists upon whether most of them realize it or not. Yet by July 15, 2024, transit Pluto will be in very early Aquarius again, not back in governmental Capricorn, the sign from which Pluto symbolizes the dictator:

Moon-Tracking RNC 2024

With the mundane Moon ranging from 12Sco09 to 28Sag09 (and with a Trump Moon Return July 18, 2023 11:32:55 am CDT Milwaukee with his natal Neptune rising, and restrictive Saturn @19Pisces square his Moon as well), and the Sun from 23Can36 (conjunct Trump's natal Saturn, planet of authority) to 27Can01, we can surmise a few clues about RNC 2024's cosmic weather from the two Sun-Moon blends that form as Luna floats from a brooding Mars-Pluto sign to the Jupiter-ruled sign of the outsider:

Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio, a double Water combination of intense brooding emotions, secrecy, drama, and self-protection that dares face the darker issues of life with the instincts of a detective. This blend suggests those who cling to the past with fanatical prejudices and who exhibit an urge to reveal hidden realities.

Sun Cancer-Moon Sagittarius, a Water-Fire combination that can sterilize or scald, carries on the intense or volatile emotions through the entire conference, and loves "the good old days" as well. Moral certainty will be in evidence along with a reserved yet talkative nature, and a moody, sensitive demeanor. Careless with details, this blend suggests those with a need for privacy which keeps people guessing while making detached yet dramatic arguments to justify personal prejudices; sarcasm is used to hide vulnerability!

(For more Sun-Moon blend info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

So now that Summer 2023 is upon us, a peek at the YOD pattern in the US Solar Return 2023 Horoscope is appropriate for curious readers who prefer to face monsters in order to vanquish them! You'll note that the sextile at the base of the YOD is created by Neptune-Pluto, the underworld criminal network duo of organized crime (and/or a religious network--or both in league together) pointing toward Mars @27Leo which identifies a bi-annual Mars Return for racketeer Donald Trump, a new cycle of activity for the blighter.

As a midpoint picture, the trio is Neptune-Pluto = Mars with potentials for, "succumbing to external powers; used as a tool for other people's interests; lack of resistance and stamina; being utilized as a medium; lack of energy" (R. Ebertin).

Dec 7, 2020

Even if Trump sits out 2024 there's a 'Nazi Rise to Power' Eclipse in 2022

Every time I've heard Trump fly his trial balloon (or threat!) about running for president again in 2024, I think of two upcoming Solar Eclipses in particular with themes that relate to just such a bad idea. And as many pundits have said, a variety of difficulties lie ahead with or without a Trump in Politics.

First, the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse of August 31, 1932 in the 6 South Saros Series in which a Total Eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio, then it's the Fascism Rising Eclipse of February 24, 1933 in the 7 North Saros Series in which a Total Eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, a critical 29th degree.

Now as parts of societal and historical cycles, both eclipses are worrisome for those of us who prefer democracy and the uplifting of the common good for as many people as possible! In the 1930s, America had FDR to see us through and implement social improvements. But how stymied will the White House be in 2022 and 2023 by power-lusting Republican authoritarians sporting theocratic credentials and cheered on by their wealthy backers?

So with this post I'm suggesting that 6 South and 7 North themes and degrees are worth keeping in mind in context with our present and upcoming conditions, issues, and personalities. And if you need to, dear reader, follow the links above and if you weren't already, maybe you'll consider yourself forewarned if not forearmed!

As always your Shares are encouraging and are much appreciated! But again, note that No Comments will be published if left by 'Anonymous' or 'Unknown', nor will comments containing ads or promotional links because SO'W is Not your freebie advertising space. No exceptions. jc

Feb 5, 2017

GOP Leaders Hiding From Angry Constituents to Avoid Obamacare Questions - clip

UPDATE Dec 1, 2023: Trump's 2024 "campaign" (to stay out of prison) has suffered an unforced error from the blabbing mouth of the orange marauder who has now brought back into the public discourse his old "repeal and replace" promise against Obamacare (aka, the ACA), a health inurance program that now covers millions of Americans. Word is, some Republicans up for re-election in 2024 are 'boxed in' by Trump's rhetorical promises. What a dud he is!

Original post begins here:

Well, our in-breach-of-the-public-trust politicians were directed to arouse the American people into revolting on behalf of the GOP's outrageous sorriness and complete lack of decency. But now they're running scared from We the Masses!

But then there's This Just In: during his pre-Superbowl interview with Bill O'Reilly shown today, Mr. Trump said a roll out of the Republican replacement plan for Obamacare may take into next year. Hmm. Maybe someone whispered the necessity of a small walk-back into Trump's good ear just before the interview began. See UPDATE above!